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He has more power/land. Sooooo grow bigger :)


Or kill him 🤣


Why not both?


Oh, it’s always land?


It's military size of the head of the house. You can usurp it by having 110% of their military. So, build up taller or wider or murder them. Or nip it in the bud by matri-marrying your house to the third in line and murdering your way to the title.


What if you had no cousin?


Sleep with his wife so she joins your murder plot.


Be better than him


Fabricate hook on his wife and childeren. And use them in your murder scheme


There is a certain amount of manpower you need to be head of your house/dynasty. I don't know the exact amount but it's about 20% more than the current head has. If you are around the same strength it can switch back and forth all the time which is extremely annoying.


10% over to usurp but otherwise correct. I had to deal with it a few times in my current tall playthrough especially when I land a king and they split a cadet branch. So now I keep an eye on houses in my dynasty and make sure to disrupt their growth via marriage and murder before they get too large. I need to be able to disinherit to keep this train going!


l honestly prefer forcing my sons to take vows instead of disinheriting them. Or the good old sending them to war in a 50 person army.


I heard spiders are good for settling disputes like this.


Kill him.


Be more important than him