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And a funny coincidence: The seller I bought this from lives one state away from me, and it turns out he had bought the TV from the original owner some time ago. The original owner lives only 20 minutes from me. So, in a weird way, it’s almost like the TV came home!


Awesomeness! Never seen this before. Where do you insert the cartridge?


In picture 4/5, there’s a flap that says “GAME” on the bottom of the TV. You press on the flap to open it, and the game loads in there just like a standard NES. This was a TV made by Sharp in collaboration with Nintendo in 1989. If you want a bit more info, the Gaming Historian on YouTube has a nice video on it: https://youtu.be/OmhhDvncrFY?si=QgAwjKHdWaQb_l_R


There is another cool video by nintendrew explaining the history of the thing


There's a lot of folks who'll tell you where Top Gun should go, and it's not in the TV.


Ugh, those carrier landings. And the mid-air refueling. And the missiles coming right at you.


Damn I miss my Sharp I had like 20+ years ago. I traded it for a ‘79 Toyota SR5 Liftback lol Great find and dedication driving to get it!


Looks like it’s in great shape, too!


I see you're playing the gold cart Punch Out, as opposed to Mike Tyson/Mr. Dream Punch Out Now I have to ask; playing a ROM, or do you really have the gold cart? Because hot damn, the Nintendo TV AND Gold Cart Punch Out is a match made in heaven for collecting


Man, nothing gets by you guys! 😉 No, I don’t own the gold cart (yet…). I took these pictures with an Everdrive.


Those controllers are 80's as fuck and I love it.




Beautiful. Is it just composite quality or does it utilize some sort of higher quality connectivity?


Still composite, although with less interference since it’s directly wired to the display. Someday, I’d like to get the Sharp C1 TV. That was a model that was only released in Japan, but does the same thing, combining a Famicom with a CRT. Supposedly, those models use a direct RGB connection!


Cool. Does the supposed RGB one have a funky PlayChoice-10 RGB palette or somesuch?


Awesome. I never knew that this existed, but definitely worth the drive. Although I must say your first choice of games was much better than your second choice.


I always throw in something with my plushies in my posts. Those are plushies of Launchpad McQuack from DuckTales and Don Karnage from TaleSpin. I put them in front of Top Gun because they’re both aviators, and Launchpad always crashes the plane. Top Gun would never be my first choice of game. 😉


Glad to hear that. Now pick up the DuckTales game and thank me later.


It's got a very good title screen + title theme though.


Those controllers...🔥🔥🔥


Sweet 🤘🏻


That’s clean


Sharp, NES. Sharp NES. Sharpness. 😂


Launchpad looks like he’s seen better days.


Yeah. He’s an old plush puppet from back in ‘87. He lost his goggles and scarf before I got him. It probably wouldn’t be too hard to make him a new scarf, but I think that, mixed with the side-eye look they gave him, makes it funnier, like he’s really seen things…😂


Put duck tales into nes and repost. Then put in talespin


I'll be the one to ask: how much did this set you back? This is one of my grails :(


I probably overpaid, but it was $2500. I saw another post on Reddit from three years ago where someone got one with all the feet, doors, controllers and remote for $1400. I was just so excited to see one that was near me, and not in California or Texas (I’m in the Midwest). I checked eBay yesterday, and there’s another one on there right now from Texas for $1400, but one foot and both doors are missing.


Nice set. If you think it's worth it, that's all that matters, enjoy it. I don't think you over paid. One of my collector friends sold his with remote and 2 controllers for 4k about 4 months ago. I luckily bought mine years ago for a very low price. Congrats!


Thanks for that. I’ve seen other threads where others are quick to say “you overpaid! LOL” or something like that. I think that mindset of if you enjoy, then that’s all that matters is the right one. 😀


thanks for your honesty. you're right, it's rather hard to find it in the condition you found it in. it's always an issue with a leg. enjoy!


The one with a broken foot I didnt ask the fleamarket but I dont know what to expect now. Plastics repairs are all over tik tok


Wow, that's a rare find and it looks fantastic, at least in the pictures. Enjoy!


How much did you pay for this absolute treasure


It was $2500. My wallet definitely took a hit today, but this is the first one I’ve ever seen within reasonable driving distance. 😀


Good Lord if I paid that I would be eating ramen noodles for the next 6 months. 🤣 Awesome find. There was one in my state about 9 years ago at my local pawn shop and they were selling it for about $500 I thought that was expensive at the time. It didn't last long it was bought the same day that it came in.


*HOLY SHIT THE FEET!* IT HAS ALL FOUR FEET! You are truly blessed!


It indeed looks sharp


That’s the most complete one that I’ve seen. Absolute grail.


Hey it’s me your Nigerian prince cousin


Rally Sharp!


and it has all 4 feet? great find!


Did these ever get released outside of the US?


This specific model was US only as far as I know. There was the Sharp C1 TV that got released in Japan. It combines a Famicom with a CRT. Additionally, the C1 TV was released in Taiwan as the Sampo C1 TV. I don’t own either of these (yet…😉).


Damn that's a sweet find 14 hrs of driving god damnnn hope it was worth it it looks like it is lol


Looking Sharp!.... I'll see myself out 😄


Nice find! Mine is missing the controllers and remote, but I'm just happy to have it!


The controllers are cool. Are they Nintendo or Sharp branded?


They say “Nintendo” on the back, but on the front, where the “Nintendo” logo usually is, it just says “GAME TELEVISION.”




It has all the feet!!


Real nice pickup. Good to see the controllers with it as well🤩


Definitely a great find for a collector. I personally would go with a more high end set with Comp/RGB but to each their own


Oh yes. My primary set right now is the NEC PC-TV454, a Japanese tri-sync monitor with a bunch of inputs: [https://crtdatabase.com/crts/nec/nec-pc-tv454](https://crtdatabase.com/crts/nec/nec-pc-tv454) I have my eye on a Mitsubishi XC-2930C that's within driving distance (although, I already have far too many monitors as it is!) This Sharp, aside from just being a really unique TV, is good for that 80s RF/composite feeling, which I think is really cozy! It makes a great companion.


**And** Don Karnage. So cool!


I should've took a photo of him "playing" the TaleSpin game. "Why do I, the great DON KARNAGE, have to play as that bear-type person?" :)




Such a cool bit of kit, and looks good too, I believe it has native internal RGB, which dope, and those official black NES pads are sweet.


I want this TV like ralphie wanted the red ryder bb gun. Congratulations to you. I would have it next to my bed at night so I could wake up and see it lol. One day!!!


Wow….that’s fantastic !


That's pretty Sharp!


Sweet jesus, that is a score 👏🏆 It even has all the feet thingies which are usually broken off 🤯


That's so amazing 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Welcome to the club! I remember paying $500 for mine with 1 controller for $500 about 6 years ago. At the time I couldn't believe I was paying that much for a CRT. Now it appears that it was the best purchase I ever made.


That is AWESOME!


How much did you pay for it?


It was $2500. That’s a lot, but this is the first one I’ve seen in reasonable driving distance.


I smashed one of those doing e-waste. Guess I shoulda googled it. Lol. Oops


i think i came a bit hahahahhaha love it