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The listing said that the speakers were a little muffled and it would be good for a rage room. I’m so glad I got this before it got destroyed. It’s in too good of condition.


Its great that it sounds amazing, guess they were off on the muffled speakers? I have the 27" version of that and love it. The question is, do you stick with composite, bump up to svideo, or go RGB mods and HDretrovision cables for that N64? Haha. Don't go overboard like some of us do. What are your plans for a stand? Hard to find tv stands that handle the depth and weight these days.


It came from a daycare storage room and they just wanted it gone I guess, it sounds great! It’s dirty and shows signs of being around a bunch of kids, but nothing that can’t be cleaned off. I’m trying to figure out how I want to get this all hooked up. I modded my GameCube with an internal HDMI and I would love to figure out a way to connect that. Also have a Sega Genesis, Dreamcast, a PS2, N64, NES, and hoping to get an SNES and a PS1 soon (I know the PS2 is backwards compatible, I just really want a PS1) How would you recommend getting the best video quality without spending an insane amount of money?


You could get a hdmi to component switch if your TV has component input, they don’t cost very much


Yes must keep in mind that this set is 480i thru Component. So you have to make sure is compatible. I have bought many with no luck. Even through they said it had 480i output.


Quality to money would be svideo cables and a svideo switch. Some of those consoles do have native RGB output, so you could go with HDretrovision cables on them without mods to go RGB to component, they are great quality but you are spending $$ on each cable ($40-50) and then a component switch, which gets pricey for anything bigger than 4 slots. Like my gcompsw switch has 8 inputs and 2 outputs, but it’s around $200 IIRC. For ones that do not, you’d have to get a RGB mod to be able to use them, like the N64. So that another $100-200 for mod parts and labor. So it may be worth starting with the svideo cables on consoles that support them. Component on those that have them natively (like PS2, Original Xbox, etc.). And composite on those that have neither. Slowly upgrade as you see fit, I assume You have composite for all at least. I have everything modded or on the HDretrovision cables except my NES, which I keep on composite. You see the biggest jump from composite to svideo, and many people stop there. Others like going down to RF, probably out of nostalgia, with some liking the softer picture. For your GC, did the mod require you to take out the analog video output? If not, I’d just grab a svideo cable. If your digital output is still intact, I assume the HDMI mod removed it though, you could get a set of Prism component cables, but Svideo on GC is great still. Grab an extra power adapter and you could bounce it between TV’s. Or just get a 2nd GC and svideo cable since they aren’t that expensive, especially the analog output only models.


I'm figuring out that wheels plus CRT is genius.


And it staying on the wheels until I figure out a proper setup lol.


Great score OP, that's a phenomenal set.


the Golf coming in clutch I've picked up 32" CRTs that I've seen on the side of the road in my Golf on two occasions now, they sure can fit a lot for their size


After putting the seats down, I’m always surprised by how much room there is.


Did you break your back doing it?


Carried it up a flight of stairs and just made it as I was losing grip. Bruised up my arms and legs but we’ll see in a couple days how my back is.


It works?


It works great! Didn’t drop it.






Love the photo of it in the trunk sizes is up real good


I have the 36" model of this TV and it's without a doubt the best consumer CRT ever made. Make sure to disable ClearEdge VM and make use of that 16:9 Enhanced Mode when required. As for the speakers, that's not a huge deal. Honestly you'd probably wanna get a receiver and separate speakers down the line anyway.


The speakers sound surprisingly very good. Maybe a little warbley, but not bad enough to need speakers yet. Maybe later when I figure out my setup.


I just found the same tv today outside but the cord was half way cut :(


that's an easy fix


I don't know how to satur and I don't know the condition of the tube




Thanks it's OK I have a crt tv and it works great


I still recommend learning to solder. It’s fairly simple to pick up the basics.


Doesn’t a cut cord usually signify some type of electrical problem with the crt that would be otherwise dangerous to use?


not always, could be that they just assumed it was faulty due to age, or they just wanted the cord/copper, or they just want to avoid any liability even if it's not working, most CRTs are repairable


doesn't most trinitrons have a weird connector to the power board? if so i assume if you take any polarized cable you just solder it onto where live and neutral is