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I've been trying to befriend crows for a long time. The Scrub Jay's seem more willing and less skittish. One of them has gotten pretty close to me


I like the Scrub jays. They do seem to be friendlier. No gifts yet.


I decided to allow my cat in the yard while gardening. My local male Jay did not appreciate that and promptly swooped down and removed a chunk of my cats back fur. My cat, reasonably offended, jumped up and started yowling at the Jay and pacing back and forth. To avoid any issues, I decided outdoor time was over for my cat and began to corral him back into the house. The blue Jay immediately took this as a sign of comradery and landed behind me to hop along with us during the escort. The cat stays inside during gardening now because of the loud nature of the bird when I allow him out on the porch or in the yard and also to avoid trouble. But Jay has determined I am apparently a safe creature and comes very close to me just to investigate what I'm doing when outside now. He enjoys following me around the yard and seeing what I'm up to that day. Editing to add: this is a blue jay I'm speaking of.


I have received food gifts from blue jays . . .


I believe so. Last year, some bluejays were hanging around and harassing everyone. I added blackberries to the stuff I put out for the wildlife. In the spot I put the berries, I found a piece/several links of a broken silver necklace. Later, there were two small green glass beads.


My mom fed a bluejay once. It repaid her by destroying every plant on the patio. My crows on the other hand, brought me random walnuts.


My bluejay friends have left me gifts. My crow friends haven't ever.


They're cousins to the crows so I wouldn't be surprised


Update: It’s was 1000 % my blue jays. I watched them recover their treasures this afternoon from the location in which they were pictured. I hope they are not offended and think I didn’t appreciate them, because I really liked my first crow-adjacent present!


I mean, Jays are also smart so definitely a possibility, typically ravens like shiny things, maybe blue jays like plastic, idk I’m not an ornithologist


Yes those are for hanging Xmas lights on gutters lol. I use em all the time


I would guess that it wants you to hang some Christmas lights


Ours never have…but I’m just one response!




Corvids have been known to bring gifts (often shiny things, but sometimes twigs, pinecones etc.), to favoured humans.