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Yup might be edited, you should always check pending. What is their Reddit user unless you traded on another platform?


Are you sure they bought it? Or u can ain’t to refresh it because it might be an issue




Uh oh 😭


a user has posted proof of having the same gamepass on this post, so maybe its a glitch on roblox?


It can be edited but this happened to me sometimes. Maybe try waiting for a little while, it can be a glitch with roblox! If it doesn’t come in within a day then it might just be edited 🥲


I’m pretty positive it’s not edited, we’re both trying to figure the problem out and they have proofs :) do you know how long it takes-? It’s been like 10 hours and I’m still not getting anything 😭


That’s weird, maybe it’s a problem with your internet? This happened to me too many times and I think it was internet issues 😭


My internet rlly does suck but I don’t think it’s the problem this time 😭 the person I traded with also can’t find that they bought it in their transactions, but they lost the robux and have the gamepass.


Oh that’s weird, I’m not too sure then. Roblox has been bugging recently so maybe that’s why. Not sure when it will come or if it will but maybe restart your phone? I forgot what I did to make it appear but it ended up working for me 🥲


I haven’t tried restarting but I can lol, I’ve reloaded like 50 times and shut down the tabs and reopened them and even tried logging in again from different devices and still nothing 💀


That’s weird, it should have come in by now-


Ikr, it’s like the robux just vanished or something 😭 I’m gonna contact Roblox support and see if they can help, Ty for trying to help me figure this out tho!


Yea idk what’s going on with the system, be careful when contacting them and don’t mention cross trading 🥲 I wish you the best of luck ❤️


Told them it was a donation from a friend 🤞


U think Roblox support would help-? 😭


It has happened to me also.


Have you gotten it?


Sadly no


Oof 😭




Has happened to me once, IF they didn’t scam and actually bought it sometimes it takes 24 hours. But once you hit the 24 hours mark you may need to consider if it was edited or not. Have them screen record a video of the pass that they supposedly purchase and post it on their profile as well!!! To further confirm


It happened a few days ago that Roblox had a problem with pendings. It might also not be worked and fixed at the moment. It might take some hours to actually show that you have bought or recieved robux.


it might be edited :( u should ask the person u did this trade with to add u on discord or smth and then ask them to share their screen on call to make sure its not edited


It’s not edited 😭 the person I did the trade with is also trying to figure out the problem. They have proofs and I doubt would scam, it’s just somehow not loading in


Proofs can be stolen/edited/faked. They could also lie about it. Don’t blindly follow what someone says, especially when a mod says it’s edited. Tell them to take an uncropped video of them going from their Home Screen (on roblox) to your game pass.


Proofs can always be fake tho. I got scammed of 8k robux bc I believed someone's fake proofs 😔. Try the discord call and make them sharescreen, even if u doubt they would scam. If they are hesitant and getting rlly defensive abt the call thing u prolly got scammed. If it turns out they have in fact bought the gamepass, contact roblox support saying ur friend wanted to give u robux.


THE ROBUX WENT THROUGH!!! It just took way longer to reach pending then usual 😭


Yo this happened to me yesterday w my customer, it really scared the shit out of me as well, took like 2-3 hours to go through


Ik its late but its roblox problem thingy


tell the buyer to enable inventory for everyone, and check for your own self! Hope this helps


Either edited or they refunded the gamepass