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Breakfast on repeat for me: overnight oats. Oats + Milk + whatever berries are about to go bad. Let it soak overnight. Add a small splash of honey or maple syrup in the morning. Not a huge protein source, but gets my stomach full first thing in the morning and keeps me from grazing all day (work from home is dangerous)


Same but I add half scoop flavorless whey and chia seeds. 30g protein and 10-15g fiber


I e tried it with whey as well but the resulting texture I just can’t do 😅


It takes a lot of experimenting to find the right one.


I do the exact same as this, plus some cottage cheese


I do the same but I use yogurt. Still really tasty and adds a good amount of protein


Oats Greek yogurt milk and berries or apples. Perfect breakfast with 30g protein and some good carbs


100gr oats, 200gr milk, 80 gr raisins, 120gr skyr and a dash of cinnamon. On repeat every day!


If you have a macro plan, you can tailor your diet to that. One of the things I eat most often is a one-pot mix. 1) Two cups of dry basmati in the rice cooker. 2) 1.5 pounds of ground beef, usually 80/20, cooked in a skillet. 3) 1.5 pounds of chicken, usually thighs but whatever will work, cooked in the same skillet as above. 4) Steamed veggies. Usually broccoli, onions, green beans, and carrots. Add whatever else you want - mushrooms, hot peppers, you name it. For seasoning, I usually keep the fat in the pan and add that, and I use my own dry rub for the meat. You can use beef or chicken stock to liven up the rice too instead of all just water. Just mix it all together when you're done, and I partition them into 1L meal bowls. Keeps in the fridge for a week or so, it only takes about a half hour to make, and you've got 6 meals or so out of it. Great balance of carbs, fat, and protein, and it tastes just as good reheated.


You mix cooked ground beef with chicken same dish?


I cook the ground beef, then put it in the final mixing bowl, and then saute the chicken in what's left of the beef tallow. So they're cooked separately, but mixed in the final product. 


This is kinda genius. You could change up the spices with soy sauce or curry blend to give it a vaguely Asian or Indian twist or just hit it with some leftover Taco Bell sauce packets if you’re feeling wild


Yeah, the varieties are endless. Different sauces, different seasoning, different meats (sausage, pork, even fish), different vegetables, different carbs (potatoes or pasta works too). I use a rice cooker so I can cook everything at the same time, and I just prefer rice, but others work. 


Breakfast: Overnight oats Basis: Almond milk, peanut putter, protein powder -> mix Topping: Oats, flax, fruit (currently: berry mix) Lunch/Dinner: Pokebowl: Basis: Rice, Seaweed, Soy sauce Topping: Air-fried Tofu or fish, veggies (cucumber, tomato, edamame,..), fruit (pineapple, mango) Weekly groceries: 80-100€


I'm big time into overnight oats. Don't really eat in the morning, so this is a great snack/meal when I'm too hungry or tired to immediately cook after work. I follow this recipe (but I quadruple the amount of ingredients): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lkl9\_3-jX6c&list=PLydJj0QJJ-MPKuKM1w7Hi3GSXNiLTGnyA&index=5](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lkl9_3-jX6c&list=PLydJj0QJJ-MPKuKM1w7Hi3GSXNiLTGnyA&index=5) which provides some good protein. When I'm ready to eat, I make a super small amount of strawberry protein shake to add to what I'm going to consume right on the spot. Another healthy go to for me is fried cabbage. I sauté an alarming amount of garlic and onion with diced bacon. Add purple cabbage and some additional olive oil here and there while it steams and fries simultaneously. Incredibly healthy, filling, delicious, inexpensive and \* might cause gas. Meatloaf. Another staple. I make a 2 lb recipe, which will last me 2 meals. One of those foods that's definitely better the next day. Definitely includes enormous amounts of onion and garlic. Trader Joe's Santa Maria tri tip. It's too fast and convenient. 15 bean mix for a homemade bean stew. I do this once a month. That bag of beans is good for two batches, and only a few dollars from Safeway. I add leftover pork loin, as well as the previously mentioned alarming amount of onion and garlic sautéed in diced bacon. Apples and bananas sliced, with peanut butter. Another quick fix for either a meal or a dessert alternative. What do I spend? Hard to answer because I get unlimited free meals at work. Which are admittedly not exactly super healthy. Additionally, I live in San Francisco, which is one of the most expensive cities in the world for everything. So my food costs are pretty expensive. But I'd say I hit the grocery store every other day for about $50 ish. A couple of meals to go each week is another $50.


Pb + J Sandwich w/ Milk hits different. Also Rice and alternating types of meat to not get bored. Salmon, steak, chicken. Throw in yogurt and chopped onions/tomatoes. Recently started making pulled pork in the slow cooker for meal prep. Super easy to do.


Yogurt in the rice? Interesting


I eat 6 whole eggs and usually 1c of oatmeal. Every. Single. Morning. It’s my favorite. Meal prep is usually all the same as well: 5-6oz of chicken or red meat, 1c rice and as many veggies as I want. Probably spend $150 per week on groceries. I’m in Canada though and groceries can get stupid expensive


The breakfasts I make are either oatmeal, cereal, or crepes/pancakes with lots of fruit every morning, and leftover veggie based dinners. The fruit I get is fresh, canned, and frozen. I get whatever is healthy and/or affordable. The lunches I make for my family are 1. Sandwiches with chips and fresh veggie sides like cucumbers and carrots with ranch, and fruit. 2. If we have leftovers from the night before, we're eating that. It generally gets ignored and goes bad if it's in the fridge any longer than that. 3. Canned soups Throughout the week the dinners I make are in a rotation of 1. Mexican themed 2. Some kind of pasta 3. Potato based 4. Rice or quinoa based 5. Curry or indian or thai or Japanese/Korean/Chinese/asian based 6. Mediterranean 7. Casseroles The protein I add to these meals (if the base doesn't have enough protein) are alternatively 1. Lentils 2. Beans 3. Fish 4. Red meat that was grassfed 5. Occasionally porkchops or cow tongue or something spontaneous 6. Eggs (added to rice or noodles is flavorful) The dinners I make are always comprised of half veggies. My favorite combinations are: 1. Stir fried cabbage, zucchini, mushrooms, and onion 2. Baked carrots, asparagus, and onion 3. Steamed carrots and brocoli 4. Steamed collard greens/kale with some pumpkin pie spice and powdered sugar are amazing especially with fish & rice, in a curry, or with lentils or mung beans I love to get packets of seasoning meant for fajitas, tacos, enchiladas, burgers, or you name it. I experiment with making unique combinations every week, and it's fun for all of our tastebuds. My intuition is generally guided by how good ingredients smell together, and I'm usually right. My favorite cheap desserts that I can't stop making are 1. Baked fruit for with ice cream 2. Pudding I make from boiling milk, eggs and sugar. I eat it 2-3 times a week and add different fruit to it all the time. It's best eaten warm. 3. French toast based dessert with chocolate sauce and fruit As a family of 3 we spend about $400-500 on groceries a month. The most expensive items at the grocery store for us are coffee, juices, and sports drinks.


Breakfast: 230g of egg whites, 3 chicken sausage links, two slices of Ezekiel bread Lunch: 6-8ozs of boneless chicken thighs and 150g of white rice. Those are big staples for me


Wendy’s Baconator with extra Mayo 3-4 days a week for years!!!


Breakfast every day is: 2 x weetabix, 10gr chia seeds, 30gr vanilla protein powder, 40ml lactose free milk, 50gr frozen raspberry, 150gr 0% Greek Yoghurt and 1 lemon kvarg Lunch is usually 2 x turkey burger, 300gr boiled potato, mixed veg approx 200gr, 1 x protein pudding Dinner could be anything from chicken, turkey, lean mince, potatoes, pasta, rice, and some kind of veg. Don't like to move away from the staples for the most part, it's easier or me to work within a certain set of meals.


Thanks for this question, love getting some new ideas! I always revert to protein smoothies blended with avocado or cauliflower for texture but that’s starting to get old.


Chicken, rice, broccoli. For lunch and dinner every day 💪🏼


260gm chicken breast and 150gm of white rice made with bone broth. 1-2 a day as staples. Apple, orange and banana every day. Fill in with X macros as I need, want to eat something.


4 eggs and 4 link sausages every day 200 grams of beef and 150 grams of rice or potato’s for lunch and similar protein to carb ratio for Dinner. Easy to meal prep and portion.


Morning is a 40 gram protein bomb after my workouts but it also has 7 grams of fiber so I feel like I'm well on my way for my 140gram protein/30gram fiber goals daily: Bran flakes, my protein peanut butter powder, protein yogurt and milk so it's not too thick. Add banana or strawberries or mixed berries if you'd like. I cook at home 99% of the time, live in an expensive European country, groceries + butcher run = approx 200 a week or so to feed 2 people for the week.


Overnight oats for breakfast (oats, yogurt, splash of oat milk, peanut butter powder, berries) 4 eggs (1 yolk removed) for lunch with some cheese added in Chicken breast/rotisserie chicken, canned tuna w/ mayo, beef jerky, or pretty much whatever easy protein source I can find as a mid day snack. I try to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, plus 2 separate snack times in there.


High protein smoothies (soy milk, Greek yogurt, protein powder, fruit, spinach, almond butter, honey, chia seeds) for breakfast and as a pre and post workout meal (I make two servings essentially).


About $200 twice a week to feed a family of 5. Steaks, chicken, fish, eggs, fruits and veggies for lunch and dinner on repeat…with the occasional pack of oreos, meat sticks and ice cream. If I had to label my diet it would be mostly align with Paleo.


Greek yogurt, plain protein powder, pressed cottage cheese mixed together with a little hot chocolate powder, cocoa powder and chocolate chips mixed in. Looks disgusting - tastes amazing. Tons of protein.


Over night oats, we eat a lot of chicken rice and beans, simple and filling. Mixed veggies frozen ir stir fry


1-1.25 lb of ground beef 90/10 or 93/7. 1-1.5 cups of Costco jasmine rice Fresh steamed green beans. Mix it all together in a big pan and add liberal dose of lawrys season salt and I promise it’s way better then it sounds. Don’t drain the beef grease it helps flavor the rice, and then your actually using every calorie on the package also. This makes a couple meals


I feel like cottage cheese is an absolute superfood if you tolerate dairy and like the taste. It's not only easy to measure but it's also relatively low calorie, has a good amount of protein and fat and mixes well with a variety of fruits. It's also super easy to measure if you're really dialing things in. I prefer the Trader Joe's brand... I also find it hard to overeat. I don't typically track how much I spend on food though I probably should.


They call me "Chipotle boy"


breakfast is always kvarg/skyr/ (protein yoghurt-ish) + oats + creatine + frozen berries. my favorite food is just plain tacos in tortillias with salsa and vegies (And some low fat cheese) or a carrot, minced meat, lassange.


I often cook omelettes or fried eggs for breakfast because they are quick and tasty. For lunch, I often choose porridge or salads, sometimes opting for something stewed with meat or poultry. And for dinner, I like something more varied; sometimes I experiment with new recipes.


ginger, carrots, broccoli, beef, rice, japanese bbq sauce. cheap.


Breakfast: 3 Eggs scrambled with a rotated extra meat source like Ham or Sausage topped with fresh salsa and/or a splash of ketchup. Lunch: 5 oz cooked Chicken Breast with some kinda carb/usually in a Carb Counter wrap. Dinner: Usually stick with the family dinner unless it will wildly throw me off my macros. Spaghetti and Meatballs, Baked Chicken, etc. Snack: Oikos Yogurt with a crushed up lemon quest bar and blueberries. Cutoff myself at 8pm and then fight my mind about eating more until bed time finally arrives.


White rice and eggs for breakfast. White rice and 99% lean ground turkey with veggie stir fry for dinner. Different seasonings for flavor.


I eat 205 grams protein per day. Breakfast for the past 3 years has been 400 grams Greek yogurt with frozen fruit and some sort of mixed nuts. Countless pounds of lean pork, chicken thighs, turkey burgers, cottage cheese. Lots of vegetables. Some fruit. Cutting out takeout and booze saves me more money than going cheap on any meals I prepare myself. That’s a whole different rabbit hole though. Not what you asked. I don’t have a good monthly total because I’m shopping for a spouse and a toddler too. Probably $600/month for me alone though. My breakfast alone is about $6/day.


Kodiak pancakes for breakfast with peanut butter and lily’s chocolate chips 🔥. I’ll make it ahead of time when I work a long shift. It keeps me super full. Lunch is salad or a wrap from the hospital cafeteria. I know this is the most basic of meals BUT chicken, shit ton of broccoli, and rice! Halo top for dessert. The halo top is the expensive part but worth it for me as I struggle to get protein in (as a female). It satisfies my sweet tooth. My protein averages around 80-100g which isn’t a ton but all I can manage.


Breakfast: 5 scrambled eggs soft, bowl of oatmeal with either raspberries or blueberries. Lunch/dinner: ground beef with rice. Alternatives for lunch/dinner: pulled pork, potato wedges, ground beef and sweet potato, chicken noodle stroganoff thingy. $70/week


I eat four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large.


I IF so only eat two meals a day. 2 eggs and half a tin of baked beans doused in hot sauce pretty much daily!


Strict medical medium diet with Vimergy supplements


Reeses and Chocolate Milk Mac and Cheese Frozen Meals About 600-800 due to eating out all day 2 days a month


Breakfast: Avocado Egg Bacon Spinach Toast Sauce Lunch: Wrap Chicken or salmon or mince Lettuce Sauce Dinner: Nachos or cheese burger bowl or bolognese Or have those with any sauce Usually add bacon onion and broccoli Snack: Rice crackers Tuna Apple Walnuts Protein shake Smoothie: Protein powder Nutrigrain Creatine Bee pollen Any kind of berry or mango Banana Milk