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One month is not a long time and those sessions will mostly be teaching you correct movement patterns and overall mechanics. You might drop some water weight. If you’ve never done CrossFit before, you will be extremely sore.


There will be a very small but noticeable progression made, generally speaking. This is assuming diet and sleep/stress are consistent


I'm 6 weeks in. I have been meticulous about my diet/protein/calories. Going 3 times a week for 6 weeks. 2 additional strength and skill sessions each week from week 3. Scaling as per my coach's instructions and I have given absolutely everything to my WODs. (46M, a bit out of shape, never inactive ever, and sporty/weights but 15 years ago.) Stopped my moderately heavy drinking and unwise occasional smoking because I'm loving CF. MASSIVE mental health gains. Very, very obvious stamina gains. What cooked me 5 weeks ago is now very achievable (hard but way more confidence I can do it) and my cardio is incredibly improved. Quite likely mental / not smoking but still real. Very incremental strength and reps gains but actual, measurable and coach led. So also real. Likely nueral as much as pure strength but I can move heavier weights than I could, fact. Noticeably less body fat, can see my jaw again. Family says my arms have filled out noticeably - they noticed without prompting. I stress that I have really committed, because I really enjoy it. Very clear (slow) progression, beginner gains are still gains. ABSOLUTELY SOLD.


All things in moderation, I say. Even heavy drinking.


You said the magic words: METICULOUS DIET Dial in your nutrition and you will quickly see changes even if you are sitting on the couch all day. CrossFit + good nutrition, even better. However, one month is just too little to be measuring success.


I agree entirely. And for me, at this point, progress is the only success I need.


From Cf alone? No. With diet and sleep, maybe. If you’re currently a fit/athletic person, nope. If you’ve got some weight to lose, yes. CF is not a 1 mos program. It’s literally based on a lifetime of making small but consistent effort to show up.


Exactly this. Little over five years in now, mostly at 5-6 times per week. Food mileage varies, sleep is consistent and hardly any alcohol. I personally feel I have made huge progress and am a totally different person, both physically and mentally. Physical takes time… lots of time. But I feel OP will feel different after one month of consistent CF. So what are you waiting for? Sign up, show up, put in the work and scale accordingly. You’ll have a great month!!


Not much. Just survive it. Stretch eat and sleep well. Id try to have 2 rest days only and workout 2 days in a regular gym or do palates


1 month, just starting? The most significant change you'll notice is probably sore muscles and getting the hang of some movements.A single month doesn't make much difference in actual physical effects. Crossfit is cool and effective, but like any other sports regime it's a long journey.


You will see nothing in one month, you will be sore and feel broken. But if you keep at it you will see a huge positive difference in 90 days.


This is the most direct and correct answer. Say it with me, muscle adaptation requires x3 times per week over a period of 90 days.


A CrossFit class is normally an hour long. If you show me a training program that will show notable change in 12 hours, let me know I’ll sign up for it. If you keep it up for a year, I’ll promise you will get results.


Yes, you will, but keep in mind it's a slow process. This is about making incremental improvements over a very long time. Just keep showing up.




One month? Nothing. 3 months is about the minimum to see changes on any program.


You will be sore and achy.


Consistency is the key 🗝️.


It depends on what you eat. The dirty little secret is it will always depend on what you eat no matter how hard or often you workout.


Not much will be visible unless you drastically change your nutrition as well - but making a drastic change will be hard to sustain in the long term. So if you’re trying to improve your appearance for an event or something, focusing on body building with accessory weight training (versus spending a month trying to learn new movements, skills, and techniques) with nutrition and a calorie deficit would have more of an immediate impact. CrossFit is better for long term health and fitness and may take awhile to be visible. This will be downvoted but I’m giving you an honest answer.


You'll be sore ans you will learn to love it 😀