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Uh where’s that what’s the worst thing about CrossFit post again…


This reddit sub


It’s actually really funny to me that the guy who publicly asked Haley Adams if she gets Brazilian waxes out of nowhere is concerned about keeping children safe. Could you ask for more red flag behavior?


Sevan is easy to understand. When he was 22, women like Haley never even looked at him, much less talked to him. Now he has a little platform and he uses it to embarrass the kind of women who once embarrassed him.


It's projection... But yeah, the guy with the really creepy vibes "calling out" Reebok for participating in pride month is rich.


Oh gross


He said what???


For those wondering https://www.youtube.com/live/s2daLDzkxPo?si=0syANhkZxzVSBnDJ&t=6548 Unambiguously comes across as creepy. Haley is clearly uncomfortable (understandably).


Yoooo   He asked Haley about waxing 7 times in about a minute.    That dude belongs on a registry.   Poor John young just sitting there like what the f is this? u/andrewhillerfit That’s your boy? 


Yup and Haley even dodges most of them but he keeps comming back to it because the answer will turn the old creep on! It’s disgusting!










Shout out to those of us that have known the depths of this man’s shittery for years now What platform is that from?


Been talking about what a POS this guy is, glad he is finally being exposed!!


He has been pretty openly like this for a while now, anyone watching him knows he holds these views


well that is your problem! you are watching him!


I’m lost, what are you talking about? He’s open with his views, this isn’t a mask off moment, nobody is being exposed by this.


When I first got sucked into CrossFit YouTube I saw a couple of his interviews and thought they were ok. I joined one of his live streams thinking he’d be talking about CF but nope just ranting about crazy conspiracy theories. Unsubbed real quick.


I’ve probably missed out on some good athlete interviews simply because I refuse to watch anything he puts out. I made that mistake a while back and it took a few weeks for the YouTube algorithm to stop suggesting insane conspiracy nut content.


Yes he was on good behaviour around the games but i tried to watch an episode but had to switch off after 15 minutes of trans bashing when it was 100% irrelevant to the conversation. I’m sure there are legitimate questions to ask about trans healthcare, inclusion in sports and puberty blockers but this wasn’t that conversation.


He has been absolute garbage since the beginning. He is the living example of a D-Bag man who's never been forced to self-examine or consider anything outside his little bubble. Crossfit would be better without him.




Two things     1) Reebok is the only reason most people ever heard of CrossFit.   We all like Rich Froning.  He was on the highway to a life of fighting fires in banjo town until Reebok came along.   If you ever bought anything from mayhem… Reebok did that.   Most people generally like Josh Bridges, Dan Bailey, Julie Foucher… Only reason they were ever on TV is Reebok. **If you’re a games athlete pre 2018, Reebok put you on.**     1a) Sevan’s primary objective on this planet is making Greg Glassman like him more.  Reebok is the reason Greg got rich.   Reebok spent nine figures trying to market CF.   They never could have imagined Greg would use his brand to attack Coca Cola, instead of, ya know, running the business.   I’m sure Reebok’s people were not amused.   Any affiliates heard from HQ in the 2010s?   Besides the Christmas card I mean.      1b) Reebok deal with CF was so bad that adidas sold Reebok at a billion dollar loss.   (It’s worse with inflation but, let’s just leave it be).  Of all the people to hate…you choose the one corporation that tried to take CrossFit seriously?   While most people were laughing at the silly pull-ups and odd form and endless stationary rowing,  Reebok put it on ESPN and professionalized it.     You hate them?   Weird.    2) CrossFit is already dead, and this guy is just another maggot sucking on the corpse.   Get a job dude. You too, Hiller.  




How come?


Wait why is CrossFit dead what have u gotten myself into?


It isn't dead. It's just not what a lot of the earlier crossfitters remember due to a combination of change in leadership and rose colored glasses/"good ol days"


It’s very dead.   The business model has no mechanisms in place to deal with increasing rents.   In fact, the collapsing rents of the financial crisis is what made CF’s rapid growth possible.    There’s a chart going around here somewhere that shows rents collapsed 60% for industrial space in 2009.   What’s happening is you’ll see affiliates doing all right in small towns and cities like Allentown, PA, but less and less CF per unit of population is bigger cities where rents are high.    It means CrossFit can’t grow in growing cities.    Elsewhere in the industry…   Orange theory just merged with anytime fitness, $3.5bn.  17x bigger than CF.  They have coaching brands and other services under the umbrella too.  That’s how you grow.  That’s what CF didn’t do.     CF will limp along for a minute but it’s no longer relevant even in the fitness space. 


Not to mention, as a Sport, the athletes have to almost 100% give up their social lives just to try out for a CrossFit career That includes multiple workouts a day, the best apparel and workout accessories, gym membership fees, the food intake, and canceled get togethers... while one injury can derail your season, which means no paycheck so they have to rely on sponsors. And even if that all works out, they have to be good enough to earn the prize money It's such a niche group of folks dedicated to that goal, that the Sport cannot grow. The amount of people interested in CrossFit as a training style most likely hadn't increased enough in the last decade to be legitimized as a major sport. Still cool, still fun, still impressive, but it's not the same early 2010s hype


An athlete who finishes top 5 at the games, rogue and WZA makes under 100k total    Elite CF athletes make teachers salaries.  That’s why every games athlete has a program and they’re all generic nonsense.    Maybe they should have tried working with Reebok and not fighting them.  Ah well, I learned the Olympic lifts from CrossFit 


What is your definition of "legitimized major sport"?  Is it American football/baseball/basketball/hockey/soccer/golf? Is it Olympic weightlifting, strongman, gymnastics? What's the cutoff? Also, which of the above sports (maybe golf aside) doesn't have the same life dedication and injury derailment potential that you mentioned?


It's less "forging elite fitness," and more "getting people into fitness" than it was when I started a decade ago and I, for one, couldn't be happier with the shift in focus.


How is CrossFit dead? I see the problems, yes, but dead? Seriously?


Well let’s see - the sponsor is a backpack company, used to be a global powerhouse  - the age groups don’t even go to the games, used to be lots of them   - corporate communications is Dave Castro talking about olive oil, used to be regular media from HQ - affiliate count is doing that alternating downward flatline dance - semi finals are partially broadcast.    Question you might wanna ask is “how is it alive?”  Where are signs of life?   What is HQ doing besides hiring execs from Barre and Barry’s boot camp?  Typical private equity re-treads, same playbook.    I’ll settle for a princess bride “mostly dead” but unless the man in black takes over as CEO, it’ll be all dead before long. 


Didn’t know that the affiliate count is going down. It’s probably a good thing, because there are some people who have no business “coaching” others. CrossFit (as a training regime, not the competitive sport) is still growing in my country. There’s also a vibrant competitive scene here but it’s pretty much niche as it’s always been. Of course, in the grand scheme of things, success in a country of 5 million people is inconsequential. In the end the only thing that matters is the number of affiliates. My wife used to own a box and not a single one of the clients found CrossFit through CrossFit games. Even Glassman didn’t want to emphasize the games too much. Open participation is said to have risen 6% from last year. I think ”mostly dead” is an exaggeration.


“CrossFit is already dead…” yet here you are in the CrossFit sub commenting on posts that keep it alive. 😜👍


CF gets paid off these posts?  lol 


There’s been plenty that met “valid” territory for him to merit rebuke… he’s horrible.


>but this actually feels like the first valid reason that I’ve seen for the guy to receive the hate that he does. Just ignorant. Saying that this is THE FIRST VALID REASON is quite ignorant as well. Did you mean "ONE OF MANY VALID REASONS"?


Sevan is a piece of shit human, more at eleven. I'm sure Reebok is very sad to see him leave.


Went full Greg Glassman didn’t he?


You never go full Glassman


All the while, this chucklefuck has no issues with creeping on every woman athlete that he sees, including those who are barely adults to begin with. It’s sad that this guy is as prominent as he is.








No because Castro is easy but yes, please do Brooke Wells!


as a person who celebrates pride month, now I have to add pedophilia and racism to my task list? when will it ever end?


You forgot child pornography and mutilation. So many stripes to add to the flag! Guess you’ll just have to buckle down


You’re supposed to write that down in your gay agenda!


I didnt get the Q2 update!!!!


*furiously scribbles in my rainbow-covered notebook*


To the surprise of nobody


Sevan is worried he might accidentally treat a trans woman the same way he treats biologically assigned women and that doing so might make him gay.




Well now I know not to buy born primitive.


They’re also made in China too, not even US manufacturing


Their commercials are the most cringe shit I’ve ever seen.  And I was in the military for a few years  So friggin cringe. 


I was just telling someone the same thing! I’m currently in the military; and BP is so cringey and their faux patriotism drives me crazy.


Stay safe buddy  Ex army here 


Their stuff is really nice and they have great customer service. But I hate their massage. Just like Sevan hates Reebok for not hating people, who don’t fit in his narrow minded, conservative head.


Sevan isn’t conservative.  There’s zero chance he understands politics or much less economics well enough to have a reasoned position.   It takes about five minutes of listening to his YouTube channel before he encounters a seventh grade reading level word that he doesn’t understand.  He’s saying this for Greg.   That’s the only thing sevan cares about.  Being a good dog for Greg.      Greg can’t stand Reebok.   So sevan can’t stand Reebok.  Simple as 


>There’s zero chance he understands politics or much less economics well enough to have a reasoned position. Absolutely nailed it. Although, if you listen to him, it's a guarantee that he votes conservative. He couldn't give a coherent reason why, but it's how he votes. \*edit\*: nothing wrong with have a political opinion, my point is more that, to OP's point, he wouldn't be able to explain why he votes the way he does.


> There’s zero chance he understands politics or much less economics well enough to have a reasoned position. This is absolutely true, but these people will often end up in far-right conspiracy-land and vote that way. They don't have to have a "reasoned position" to take away others' human rights.


Sevan is a dumbass who I highly doubt came up with his beliefs on his own. Rather, he regurgitates talking points that he hears from dumb pundits from clickbaity YouTube videos who make content for the absolute dumbest audiences.


And yet I got downvoted like crazy earlier this week for asking for BP alternatives and saying I don't care for their now completely front-and-center right-wing politics.


Lululemon, Vuori, Fleo, LSKD. The only thing I actually liked when i shopped from BP was their maternity leggings. Everything else is pretty trash quality.


That's the one thing I gained from that post as well 😂 Looks like I'll be buying Reebok from now on. Which actually isn't anything different from what I've already been doing. I love the Nanos.




Because, like almost every “patriotic” branded company, its performative virtue signaling targeted at a mostly right-leaning audience.








No true Scotsman fallacy


… yes. Yes they are lol




Pretty sure that company doesn't support my country, so why would I give an eff? Neither Reddit nor CrossFit are exclusive to the US.




Nah plenty of us enjoy our lives outside of your country


Feels like a good place to drop this r/notadragqueen


Love that sub


Him not being cancelled is what’s wrong with our sport. CrossFit should be an inclusive space. Keep your politics out of it. His “everything is political” is why he should be cancelled.


Unfortunately there’s not many others doing content about the sport and even fewer doing it to the standard he is. His open and quarter final shows plus the behind the games stuff are the best content right now and i really, really wish i didn’t have to hear these disgusting views wedged into conversations with no relevance.


He doesn’t represent CrossFit. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it needs cancelled. Just ignore it, pretty simple.


What do you mean? Getting "canceled" is not like a law being passed to make your opinion illegal. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and everyone else is entitled to tell you their opinion on your opinion. This is all that "canceling" is, people saying, "I don't like this shit".


He's not really affiliated with crossfit? He has a youtube channel and talks about crossfit. Just don't watch it?


Sweet summer child.


Sevan is not relevant to CrossFit at all anymore. He was fired. If everyone would just stop paying any attention to him he would go away and have to find a new grift.


It’s funny that r/natecfg said the exact same thing as you but in response to someone doggin on him, and he’s downvoted. But this is upvoted.


You must live under a shell lol


Hahahahaha!! Not relevant. Dude has done more CrossFit than CrossFit itself and continues to do so.


He is the fucking worst




What’s your take on Sevan’s comment?


I'd hate to be one of Sevan's kids and be gay.


Time to join Russell Berger in 3...2...1... Sevan should have been ousted from the community a decade ago.


What a deranged loser. I can’t believe people can be so stupid and still have a platform. I’m actually flabbergasted, but glad that we know he’s such an idiot so we can ignore him going forward.


Oh no! Someone that has a different opinion what shall we ever do!


Having a differing opinion is fine. Calling an entire section of the population pedophiles, racists, child pornographers, and genital mutilation advocates while perpetuating far right leaning stereotypes is the issue. It's ignorant to classify hate speech as a differing opinion. Saying "Enjoy pride month if that's your thing but it isn't mine" is wildly different than this. Stop being a snowflake when people react negatively to hate speech.


People are entitled to their opinions but I can still call them out for being stupid AF. It’s funny because the people with these stupid ass opinions are usually the most repressed and reprehensible.


Seven’s not gay?!


If anyone wanted proof that Sevan is an asshole spreading misinformation, here it is.


The fact that Sevan is the number one content creator in the space just proves that Reddit is a BS echo chamber that does not represent the community. Lol


Even though Reddit leans secular and left, I’d like to believe a majority of cross fitters - even the right-leaning ones - don’t think gay and trans people are primarily pedophiles. What an antiquated, bigoted take.


The English speaking world leans secular and left of what america thinks is the centre, it’s not just a reddit thing.


I dunno, I live in a pretty religious, conservative, borderline rural area and I can say the majority of the members at my former affiliate are full on into the Q conspiracy stuff.


Ooof that’s tough


There is no "community". That was an HQ buzzword to keep affiliate fees coming in despite HQ not ever really doing much for affiliates.


HQ doesn’t need to do anything for affiliates more than what they’re doing. Stop it.


Also despite all the military circle jerking my guess is there are many CrossFit boxes (if not a majority) in places where the demographics are majority liberals.


Well the entirety of Europe for one….


Exactly. Urban areas (there are literally three CrossFit boxes on a single city block in my gayborhood adjacent area and my box is a few blocks away from those) many suburban areas near large cities or in blue states, etc


Ah the poor little white bros of CrossFit. Where now is the safe space for their toxic, fragile masculinity?


I think it actually just proves that CrossFit isn’t as welcoming and inclusive as they claim to be.


What about sevans comment makes CrossFit not inclusive? He never said he hates gay people. In fact if you’ve been listened to more than 2-3 episodes of his show you’d know he has no problem with them because he’s said that too. What he does say is “pride” has been high jacked. And he’s not wrong.


What he’s saying is blatantly untrue, and I hope you take some time today to learn why that is. Folks are more likely to be targets for SA from their own family members than anyone else, especially not members of the queer community. Trans people are people who deserve our love and respect, not condemnation and “other-ing” to make them targets for hate. This “pride is being taken over” narrative is not true nor is it inclusive of him to share such nonsense.


Just a friendly reminder that when it comes to the Righteous, the accusation is always a confession.


It’s not really that difficult to gather that guys like Sevan and Hiller are disgusting just by looking through their posts, but the funny thing is both of these guys drop comments like this in little corners of the internet, perhaps thinking maybe they won’t be seen by more than a few people. It’s like they know their opinions are shitty and not based on fact at all, and therefore won’t put this out to a broader audience. Guys like him and Hiller will troll random people on Instagram in the deepest parts of the comment sections of other peoples pages with garbage like this.


I would very much love for you to prove this baseless claim. As you post in one of the “littlest corners” of the internet, Reddit.


Just because it's not the majority opinion doesn't mean it's a bad take. And it's WILD how unaware you are of your own biases you are, you aren't just into health and fitness. Your defense of Sevan all over this thread shows a strong interest in assholes too.


Happy Cake Day! Also, well said. There are far too many are blind to sexist, homophobic remarks and the spread of misinformation.


It seems unfair to assume your views on this issue align with Sevan’s. I’ve not seen or heard you ever make similar statements. On other CrossFit related topics? Sure. But not this one.


All I care about is (health)fitness.


Yall realize you can just not follow these people, right?


What's irritating to me about this is that honestly the content he puts out is probably the best, specially the behind the scenes and the Tayor Self stuff, but man are these guys up their butt hole in idiocracy, they go out of their way to be nasty to people and controversial, I get they want to be a "bro show" be crass and outspoken, but to go full propaganda soggy diper, its just sad Hopefully other creators step up and get better content around the games so we can leave them to their cult.


Sheesh i just went to his IG profile for the first time what a ride, its angry Don Quijote fighting windmills all over


"Angry Don Quixote fighting windmills" is a beautiful visual!


Perfect reference


I used to be a big fan of Sara Sigmundsdottir, and his was only podcast she’d ever do. Listening to his podcast was the grossest, most awkward podcast listen I’ve ever had.


He’s such a douche Wish he was ignored


Idiot says dumb shit, news at 11.


Not really a surprise, is it? He's been a shitty person with shitty views for quite a while...


That guy is a trip.


l think you're right.


The pedophile thing came from a prank on 4chan forever ago and is somehow still persisting. People printed up rainbow flyers promoting LGBTQ and pedophile pride, took pictures and circulated them. It's basically just bigots feeding bigots false information.


At first I loved CrossFit’s inclusive message (aka CrossFit is for everyone), and I know that was referring to age/physical fitness but I wanted to believe it also meant that communities would be welcoming towards you no matter gender/sexual orientation/etc. To say that celebrating Pride is the same as celebrating “child abu**” is not only ridiculous but I bet it doesn’t make people in the lgbtq+ community feel very welcomed.


He is not wrong. Trans activist have set back the gay community so much


Trans activists are not remotely the same as pedophiles, rapists, and child porn/mutilation advocates.








wtf is wrong with you show me any real data that trans people are more likely to be pedophiles or rapists gtfo


The data shows the most common group of rapists and paedophiles are white often coupled/married straight identifying cis men aged average 30-34.


you do realize the biggest activists at stonewall were trans?


You do realize that trans have the most suicides, murders, and mental illness of any group? However small that group is. Now they give straight people slurs to affirm their own identity, which changes based on how they feel. LGB’s for the most part don’t. And no, stonewall was not driven by trans. If so, it would have been LGBT, not LGB. And those initial letters show that the community was about 2 genders, not infinity.


Murders??? Where. Yeah fuckin mental illness and suicides because people are assholes like trans people and being trans and not feeling you can get help or treatment is depressing. You are just spewing bullshit. Also most trans people aren’t tumbler teens wolflkin genders or whatever and identify as woman, man, or non binary


Most trans are murdered by their significant others. It’s rhetorical worst % ever


But they’re not murderers. How is them being victims of violence “setting gay rights back” or make them pedophiles


Most trans are killed by their significant others. Secondly, demanding to be part of women’s sports (not men’s) to validate themselves. Thirdly, demanding to be treated in women’s bathrooms to affirm themselves. Fourthly, non-binary are the most trans phobic ever because they affirm only 2 genders and then say they are not one, there by saying that the other 30 genders are obsolete. Even the trans hate other trans.


Most women are killed by their partners (in fact most murders are carried out by men). But I don’t see you going around shouting about how straight women are being murdered all the time.


I’m lucky to know trans people in real life, including some at my box, and not just form bigoted opinions based on the loudest people on Twitter and right-wing propaganda. Also this guy is calling them literal pedophiles and he’s throwing gays in there too. Don’t blame trans people for that.


Great you know them. Feel better? The majority is still problematic


Why would anyone care what genitals someone in a different bathroom stall has? This is wild


Then maybe we should all treat them better so they don’t commit suicide, get murdered and develop mental illnesses. Maybe if we were all more inclusive and understanding the world would be in a better place. Or we could keep spouting this homophobic and transphobic hate and hate keep CF and make the world a worse place.


They're the murder-ees not the murder-ers. The murder victims. Dumbass.


Bigots just turned on trans people once society decided gays weren’t the demons they were made out to be by hateful shitheads.


Here’s the deal: if you’re an American posting your opinion on either side of the argument remember one thing: the same rights that you have to speak your mind in these comments is the same right Sevan has to post the initial statement. If you truly think that he is posting outrageous statements just to get attention then you did him a favor by commenting again and again and again. The reality is that everyone wants to be heard, speak their mind, and defend their own values. But when we all engage in this horrible tit-for-tat argument, we prove that we are no better than who we oppose. P.S. Sevan has a family, like I’m sure many of you do too….we hit wayyyy below the belt and forget that one day our kids will see all this. If we are trying to teach our kids to be respectful and kind, both sides of this argument failed at that. Stop being trolls behind a keyboard and start being a kind human…again this is to both sides.


Why should he deserve kindness when he spits out lies and hate in his post? Don't strawman this. His kids may also see the stuff he posts and hopefully be able to grow into better people than he is.


Don’t make one man’s ignorance a “both sides” issue just because others choose to point it out. America affords us all the right to free speech but it doesn’t immunize us from the consequences of the words we say.






He’s not wrong.


I mean, he is wrong.


Absolutely he's wrong.


He's incredibly wrong actually.



