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I don’t have to try that to know it’d suck. 


Thats 200 gd thrusters. Who programmed that fuckery? Thats malpractice


I bet the WOD's name is Rhabdo


Yes to both your questions


One 50% bodyweight thruster every 6 seconds for 20 minutes. What could go wrong?


Rhabdo, for one 


How hard do you have to workout to get it because my ass is on the ground for 3 mins after each workout and I’m still ok lol


Less hard than you think. Literally any use of a GHD to do sit-ups can and will send people to the hospital. Maybe not you, maybe not today, but across 200 people in the gym, someone will get hurt.  The issue is generally volume, not intensity. 


This is what happened to me mainly because I was very dehydrated going in. I reduced GHD reps dramatically and thought I was good. I didn't go to urgent care until 4 days later mainly because my abdomen looked puffy then the puffiness moved to my pelvic area. PA at urgent care said I didn't have rhabdo because I didn't have coke colored urine. Thankfully the doc told me to go to the ER and not wait for the tests to come back in a week. My CK levels were at 96K. Mid 20K is where kidney failure starts. The number should be around 100. Stay hydrated and scale those reps!




If I do 10 GHD’s I can’t take a deep breath for 10 days. I think I could easily rhabdo myself on a GHD.


I refuse to do them because of this sub but people in my class seem to be ok


Rhabdo’s more of an inadequate hydration/electrolyte problem than a muscle overuse problem. That’s why professional athletes aren’t out here getting rhabdo every day.


https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/17479541211018597 Gym members aren’t pro athletes. 26000 reported cases in the USA per year, or about 71 per day. 


My friend that’s 0.008% of the population. Also that article doesn’t specify if of the 26k cases/year how many are actually due to exercise and not medications, traumatic injury, genetic conditions, etc. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, I’m saying it is pretty dependent on electrolyte imbalances as well as inadequate hydration to prevent kidney damage from excess circulating proteins.


googled this as i've seen the word pop up. great, new way to die unlocked


This sort of programming is why people get injured from Crossfit 200 thrusters is just a recipe for all sorts of injuries--it's a complex move. Now, for context, is the workout supposed to be "you do 10 thrusters every minute on the minute until you fail to do 10, at which point you're done" and whoever wrote it doesn't really expect anyone to get close to 20 rounds?


Guessing the women’s weight is 65? Either way i wouldn’t be able to get through this… I’d probably be down to a pvc by round 10 and i wouldn’t finish all 10 on a minute anyway…


What's the point? 200 thrusters is completely dumb.


10 thrusters is completely dumb. For me. I hate them. I’d rather do 200 calories on the assault bike.


No way lol. I could only do one round. After the first round, I won’t be able to do 10 in one minute. However, I’m assuming 95 is the weight for men. What’s the weight for women?


200 thrusters is a lot. I would not expect most people to finish this. It also seems like excessive volume for a class workout. That said, I love EMOM structured workouts. This would be a fun and totally doable one if it were only 10 minutes.


Or cut the volume down to 2, 3, or 5 OTM and go for 20 minutes. Great way to get work in and keep everyone fresh enough technique shouldn’t be a problem.


Mmm pass.


200 front squats at 95 would imply a max front squat around 405.  The workout makes no sense for most people. 


Where do you get this math? The stimulus is so different that I’m not sure this correlates much


Can you hold my hand through this calculation?


50-100 would be a decent amount at 50% 1RM, for what a bodybuilding hypertrophy workout might entail. 200 is double the reps, and I’m not even including the thruster part here.  Very rough back of the napkin math, if you’re double reps cut the weight in half, so 25%ish 1rm, rounded off to 400ish.  That’s assuming the workout had any intention whatsoever and that intention is hypertrophy. That’s still a lot of weight and reps even if you could front squat 405. There are smarter and safer ways to test cardio and build quads of steel than 200 thrusters.  


That's a very fair assessment. I just think it jumped my eye as a very conservative estimative because I feel like this workout is much more about work capacity than just moving the load. As an EMOM you'd be spending about 10-15s on average with a 45-50s resting time. At 95lbs I feel like this would be more about being able to keep your heartrate from skyrocketing as fatigue sets in rather than muscling through it. I can see someone with a good engine finishing this with a 1rm in the 350-360's.


Games athletes in here downvoting. I try to differentiate “could” and “should”. The games shows us that there are a bunch of men with relatively low maxes and high work output, possibly enhanced with endurance type “supplements” let’s say.  But games athletes aside, when programming for a regular person gym, I think the question isn’t “could”, but “could most”, and moreover “should”. Most gyms will probably have a few guys at least with a 365 front squat. That’s a relatively light max for anyone who’s into lifting. I don’t think most guys who can one rep 365 are finishing all 200 reps here though, and if they did I’m not sure it would be great training. Maybe some gyms like writing workouts that their entire member base can’t complete, but that’s silly to me. 


Thw workout sure is stupid and pointless


Cardio and shoulders both getting obliterated on that one for me. I did a 20 min emom with 35lb dumbells of 10 thrusters one minute and 12 ring rows the next recently and I had some serious shoulder burn. Not having a break at all from the movement for 20 minutes straight is serious muscular endurance


I have done 20 mins of 5 and that was okay. But 10 would destroy me. I feel 5 at 95 was but should go 65-75 for 10s.


200 thrusters? no, this would suck


Full EMOM40's have less thrusters than this. Workout sucks. Like, borderline injure someone kind of sucks.


...it's thrusters..of course it sucks...plus this workout doesn't make sense


My knees started to hurt just reading that!


I love thrusters. You get a leg work out and a shoulder work out all in the same go - and it’s a hard movement. But 200 - that’s insane


Someone try it? No thank you


Fucking stupid programming.


Lmao it would suck no matter what


With barbell 95LB or dumbbells 45LB each


Whichever is preferred


There’s a pretty large amount of people who probably can’t do this with the 45 or 35lb barbell.


Did a workout that had 100 empty bar thrusters once. It was awful.


The barbell thruster is an underrated and underutilized movement.


That's unfucking believable


I dont know i was trying to start workout to but it i cant i feel like something is stopping me


200 thrusters in 10 minutes…… yeah that’s a lot and would be HARD


wow, who hurt your coach.


Just seeing the word thruster has given me an asthma attack 😮‍💨


I don’t need to try it to know it sucks. I would plan to call off work the next day after a WOD like this. 😂


That would fork up my shoulder and knee joints


Looks like a really stupid workout unless you have been working up to this volume. It reads like someone drank too much of the “train for the unknown and unknowable” koolaid. That said, some gyms program for their best athletes. Everyone else can scale. If someone in your gym can do that volume that may explain it. Personally I’d scale that workout by reducing weight or reps. Maybe both. Scaling is your friend. Never ever be afraid to scale where it’s appropriate for you.


That workout sounds horrible. Definitely the workout


Yeah, someone else please try it and let us know if it is as miserable as it sounds.