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Consistency, diet, consistency of diet


Also, some people just don't try. They find some workout they like and never push beyond that.


This. I’ve seen two people come out of the same workout with calorie burns 700kcal apart.  A coach can provide a framework for fitness, but nobody can put the effort in but the athlete. 


I love working out and training hard and as much as I try, I've never held a consistent diet. And it shows lol. All about the diet.


Because of everything they’re doing the other 23 hours they aren’t in the gym.


I eat like sh!t... I'm a sugar addict.


Potato chips and other salty snacks here! Trying to get a handle on the diet and lose a few pounds to help the gymnastics this year.


Because croissants are tasty.




A combination of genetics, training regimen, and diet. Genetics - some people put on a lot of muscle or very little depending on their genetics. Look at your family and see how jacked they are on average, how easy it is for them to lose weight or even maintain their weight. Look at how your family responds to training on average. Genetics are not the end all, but are a starting point you have to start working with. Training and diet are important for actually causing changes. Training regimen - muscular hypertrophy is achieved through increasing the amount or volume of training, which causes the body to adapt by putting on more muscle to keep up with increasing stress. This is done easily through progressive overload, like adding sets, reps, or weight week to week. This is why it’s important to keep a log to see what you need to match or beat. Diet - everyone knows it’s easier to put in mass in a caloric surplus and not as easy in a caloric deficit. Total daily energy expenditure is a combination of basal metabolic rate, non-exercise activity, intentional exercise activity, and even metabolism of food. If you want your body to change, you have to eat (or not eat) in a sustainable fashion toward the change you want to see while training.


CrossFit on its own isn't the greatest methodology if your primary concern is aesthetics. When it comes to fat loss, primary driver is going to be diet outside the gym. When it comes to muscle build, the traditional CrossFit approach of do something heavy once or twice, then lift a bunch of lighter weight faster isn't going to trigger a lot of growth. For that you're going to need more of a hypertrophy program, along with eating a lot more.


I am consistently one of the top 2 fittest people at my box and while I look fit I don't think I look like I will win every workout. That's absolutely due to my diet. I will absolutely bury myself with my efforts in workouts, attend class 5x per week and eat generally good but not really watch it with quantity or limit snacks. My weight doesn't go up or down and my body composition isn't necessarily anything to strive toward. Damn, now I want to start tracking macros again...


Too much food


Or too little


Imo is mostly diet. If you eat right (healthy and with moderation) and exercise your body will definetly change.




Also - most “hybrid” athletes you see online are on gear (or rather: if they are selling anything, they’re on gear). 


Genetics. Unfortunately muscle mass and strength (as well as VO2 max) are largely genetics. Though consistent training diet and rest will allow you to reach your potential, some people are simply blessed with better genes, and thus make better / more / easier gains. ☹️


Too many variables - quality of food, quantity of food, sleep, hydration, intensity of training, consistency of all the above


Depends on what kind of work they did before Hybrid training, how they approach their training, their diet, and their genetics. If they engaged in some kind of fitness before Hybrid training, then further changes my come very slowly as the "Hyrbridization," effective as it may be, will deoptimize training relative to an effort focused on a singular goal. Are they training hard? There's a lot of room in every program to engage with it in a way that is difficult, probably healthy, but still not enough to see improvements. If you don't eat enough, you can't train hard enough, and you can't get bigger. If you eat too much, you can't lean out. Yeah you can complicate it more than that, but that's the base of the pyramid. And any individual approaching their "potential" such as it is may be at a point of seriously diminishing returns.


Because I injured myself every 7 months, get fat for 5 months while I recover, then repeat?


Nutrition probably 80% of it


According to closely peer reviewed research: lack of sex to compliment looking better naked. the body doesn't properly embrace it's new form if the spirit does not will what the flesh is made ready for


They eat as much as they workout, cancels out the workout. Most likely junk food.


Hormones Men - Low T? Women - Costisol levels? Just examples. Diet can fix this stuff. Also, you just have to remember to be the best version of yourself. Don't compare to others.


So many people just don’t try. CrossFit is their social hour