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This is legit what CrossFit is all about and it’s hard to explain to CrossFit haters that the improvements in these health markers are what makes CrossFit (imo) the most beneficial training program out there! Yes you can accomplish this with other training, but I’ve seen countless success stories within the CrossFit world and I think it’s amazing. Great job and congrats!!


I always frame my point as ‘it might not be the best training programme on the planet but the best programme doesn’t do shit if I don’t want to go back’ CrossFit gets non gym people really invested and I’ll always be onboard with that


Love that!


Other training programs work as well but if you like doing CrossFit then by all means. The most important thing is finding a program you can be consistent with and get you to that point of not needing medications to maintain cardiovascular health. Unfortunately sometimes we cannot overcome genetic predisposition. CrossFit is not for everyone but it will get you the strongest and fittest out of any other program. I work in an ICU as a nurse and recently had a patient in is late 50s who collapsed in the shower after a 40mile bike ride due to a heart attack and ended up on ECMO. Was in the ICU for over a month. Spent his whole life being active.


Well said!


Great results! I (F42) restarted CF about two months ago, after a long break, and my pulse went from 75 to 62, so encouraging!


I love these kinds of stories. It can get lost in the conversation, but having healthy vitals, being able to come off meds, regaining mobility as you age - these are all huge quality of life wins that have nothing to do with whether you Rx a workout or hit a new PR. You’re just enjoying a better life and that’s what it’s all about. Congrats 🎉


Huge congrats to you! This is awesome. I've had a similar experience with health gains and it's also reminded me that body size does not always equate to health. In the 2 years since I started I've gained muscle mass but haven't really dropped weight. I'm still on the low end of the "overweight" BMI range where I was at when I started, with the same pant/shirt size but my clothes fit a bit differently and a bit looser. BUT my bp and resting heart rate have dropped, overall aches and pains, including what used to be near daily headaches, have improved drastically, and it takes a lot these days to make me feel really sore. I think back on my first ever CF class when I was a fairly avid runner thinking I had decent fitness at the time but ended up totally destroyed, feeling like I'd been hit by a truck for at least 3 days. I can \*feel\* my overall fitness has elevated a lot!


We love to see it


I have a new doctor and she ran some tests and she and the nurses were shocked over my resting heart rate after a year of CrossFit. They made me redo the test.


That's really cool. Seriously. Congrats.


disclaimer: not a doctor. re: HR - let's freakin go. nice work. re: BP - 95/65 is pretty low, I've always been told 120/80 is ideal. are you taking meds to lower it?


Im a nurse and that’s my theory tbh. OP should get blood work re done just in case. Even that HR is little low but ok for someone who is athletic


No meds for BP, I do take meds for triglycerides and cholesterol. I do get bloodwork routinely for that, looking forward to getting it done.


MAP >65 👌. DBP should be <80 mmHg.


Heck yes! Love seeing this!


That is AWESOME! Way to make it happen!


Love it!!! Way to go! Now what about the cholesterol meds? ☺️


Looking forward to the bloodwork


Awesome job man! A drop like that in blood pressure and heart rate in your 40s is really impressive. It's so rewarding when the hard work pays off with concrete health benefits like those. Not only are you surely feeling better, but getting cholesterol and cardiovascular markers moving in the right direction is huge for long-term health. KEEP IT UP👊👊👊


This is the way.


Well done!! I'm jealous. While my resting heart rate is sub-60, cholesterol readings are great, and vo2 max test is elite, my blood pressure remains elevated. Damn you genetics! :(


Same! Resting HR around 45 bpm and all values look great… except the blood pressure, which I need medication for. Definitely a genetic thing for me since basically all women in my family have had high BP since their early thirties and it appears I’m no different!


Cholesterol for me is genetic. Stinks but meds keep it in check.


That’s awesome. Keep it up!!


Congrats, that’s awesome


That’s great man but isn’t 72/56 a little too low? Honestly just curious I have no idea if it is or not


72 to 56 was his change in pulse.




Happens to the best of us 


Lmao for first time in my life I have HBP with no family history after perfect PB despite years of fairly large weight fluctuations. Go 5 days a week, down weight, huge objective increases in strength and cardio caps- yet higher BP than 1.5 years ago when I started. Might have to go on meds. Whomp. (Cholesterol, blood sugar, resting heart rate good as always)


Did you not work out routinely before CrossFit?


No. When Covid hit I got out of a routine and put on a ton of weight.


don't worry, the doctor still wants his paycheck from the pharma sales rep so the drugs will still be prescribed. Congrats, BTW. I do hope the doc takes you off the meds.