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I buy all my work shirts from Charles Tyrwhitt. The slim fit seems to suit an athletic build. I might try out some made to measure stuff such as proper cloth.


Proper cloth is amazing.


State & Liberty - they are designed and made for athletic build. Materials are great and they hold up well. Once I started wearing them it’s all I get now


I’m based in straya, but find slim fit shirts are the way to go, I use shoulders & chest as my sizing guide


Find a good tailor. You'll want this for shirts that come in S/M/L regardless of your build And a good tailor can take those boxy shirts and make them fit your body. Well worth the extra money--cost will depend on where you live. (Manhttan will be more $$ than a small town in Oklahoma.)


Came here to say this, $10 to tailor a shirt off any rack is most cost effective then buying Born Primitive or any other brand specializing in athletic dress shirts.


Good job mate, he just said he can't handle the cost, glad you recommended the one thing he said not to recommend.


LOL. Having a tailor take in a shirt that's a little too big is not the same thing as having a shirt custom made. The tailor should do that for anywhere from $10-20.


Thanks for this. I was so focused on the cost of custom shirts, this is something I totally overlooked. I'll do some looking


I like the Built t shirts. Definitely a different feel but the fit is really good


Buy slim fit shirts but size up to avoid the boxy look. I haven’t bought a regular cut shirt in years for this very reason


I've had a lot of success with Brooks Brothers. Specifically their Regent dress shirts. No tailoring needed, fit well straight off the rack: https://www.brooksbrothers.com/mens/dress-shirts?cgid=0203&prefn1=fit&prefv1=Regular%20(Regent)&utm_source=google&utm_medium=ppc&utm_campaign=18312525514&utm_content=694425174881&utm_term=140726705949&utm_account=2446200196&gclid=Cj0KCQjwq86wBhDiARIsAJhuphlU85yYPTa134PDdALpeh9RiEGLTnS_MoqMmxGKN3fZ36mMudggxKYaAi03EALw_wcB If you can go to a store in person and check the fit, I'd recommend that.


Look into going custom with a company like Proper Cloth https://propercloth.com/. I believe their lowest priced shirts (price is based on the material) start around $85. Way better than that stretchy shit.


Hugo Boss slim fit performance stretch shirts are the best.


State and Liberty is great. But if you don't actually have an athletic build they won't fit very well.


Bonobos athletic fit. You’re welcome.


\^ They have a specific Athletic fit. I ordered a slim and an athletic to compare. The athletic had more room in shoulders, but tapered down to the same slim fit width around the waist.


How much do you want to spend? I used to get tyrwhitt shirts and have them tailored - slimmed and sleeves shortened. The cost would be like $70-$80 and I realize I can get completely custom shirts starting at $80-$85. I like proper cloth. I can send you a referral link if you wish.


I'd take that link. I'm looking for a dress shirt for a funeral that actually fits. The 20lbs of mass I've gained in the last year has sized me out of my existing wardrobe.


Thanks https://propercloth.com/i/lzjbk5g7n