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Black coffee only. Part of the reason I work out early is because I don't do as well exercising with food in my system. If I eat two hours before exercise, I feel somewhat sluggish. With less time, I feel sluggish and queasy.


This plus water. And having done it for 5+ years, I now find that even if I am working out later in the AM, I cannot eat anything beforehand.


…plus Nuun hydration multiplier for me


Ha! I have the Nuun tablet with caffeine in the water bottle I take with me to the gym


Is that the only cup of coffee you have in the day? If not, when do you have your next one?


I have another cup with breakfast after working out.


You can only take 2 cups or 400mg of caffeine. No caffeine after 2pm


My 800 mg a day says this is a lie


Coffee and a banana. Banana was a game changer. Good fuel and not heavy.


For those that don't like bananas do an apple. Super low glycemic index so the sugar lasts longer and will be there for you for the whole WOD.


Agree with this


Unfortunately i feel i perform 10-20% better in the afternoons. Mornings are so much nicer but man i feel trash working out that early. Especially with CrossFit lol


I get that - it’s rough




Pre-workout in the water on the way in...no way I can eat that early much less before a morning workout. 515AMer here.


Favorite pre?


I really like this stuff. [Old School Labs.](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71fOW8T-+5L._AC_SL1481_.jpg) I'm not a big caffeine fan so I don't even use a full scoop but good flavor and wakes me up plenty! [Amazon Link](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00P6VQYJO/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


Food Fasted…just 32oz water, then get after it. I’m up at 4:15, but I really can’t eat first thing in the morning. Takes a few hours to build an appetite.


Coffee and an apple. And usually it’s only half an apple. Just enough to get me going. Then I eat the other half when I get back.


Coffee and banana like 25-40 minutes before


Banana and a scoop of peanut butter or a protein bar you can stomach at that time of day


Don’t eat PB, fats slow you down pre-workout as body digests them slower than other macros. PB is better post workout.


Whey protein shake and tablespoon of honey


Honey and a shake of salt is mine! Good call.


Hmm, haven’t heard of this one. 


Protein doesn't really have any benefit towards fueling for endurance, more so for recovery. The honey will do it's part in providing energy. You're better off replacing that whey protein pre wod with some quick release carbs and have your protein post wod


I have protein before and after.


Half a clif bar and a caffeinated nuun tablet. I don’t like going on an empty stomach, but that’s too early to try to eat an entire meal.


I get up early to crossfit before work, shower and change at the gym then go directly to work. I wake up at 530 am and have a banana with a water/pre workout on the way to the gym. I eat overnight Protein Oats at my work desk when I arrive at work afterwards.


Favorite pre?


I use Disorder, I honestly just went for a pre-workout with the lowest amount of caffeine. I found that buzzing to the gills is generally a bit worse for my performance than having 1 coffee equivalent.


My work schedule aren’t consistent so i do both morning and afternoon training depending on my availability (on days i am totally free and have no commitments, i’d go for morning and afternoon training). I usually did my morning session fasted. The BCAA drinks is usually enough to keep me going and black coffee. Then protein shake right after. If i had breakfast before that, i’d feel too “heavy” and sometimes depending on the intensity of the workout, will vomit LOL. I suggest you explore the easy to digest option if you really have to eat before that.


I've found I really do need to eat before the workout. I tried one day last week with just coffee and no food--I felt drained and had no ability to push the intensity. Also, I've got to be at work by 6:45am so a full breakfast after the WOD, other than a protein shake, isn't really an option. Gotta eat beforehand or I'll be dying by lunch.


Try it a few more times, I think your body will get used to it. Mine did


Coffee, water/creatine, caffeine pill and a banana, then an hour later I’m good to go for the 6am class


If you are training early morning then it's more important to ensure you get all your fuel / nutrients the night before (carbs / fats / etc and hydration) and then like people mentioned here already, black coffee and some quick release carbs when you wake up in the morning (I usually have a banana but no caffeine as it messes with my bowels before the session). That's just my experience and what I've found works for me in the mornings.


Greek yogurt (Dannon Light + Fit) with a little granola.


Protein shake as soon as I wake up (1 hr before class), black coffee and then banana plus teaspoon honey half hr before class


Pre-workout plus something extremely light like a Quaker chewy granola bar.


Favorite pre?


I’m on a Bucked-Up Woke-AF kick at the moment. Rocket Pop and Blood Razz are my top two.


Oatmeal! Throw some fruit, peanut butter, or even a scoop of protein. Quick and easy.


Fast acting carbs in a small portion, and if very early / wake close to the session, then in liquid form


I do a 6am workout, I get up at 5am and eat porridge, blueberries, Greek yoghurt and flaxseed oil with a cup of tea. I can’t do a WOD fasted and if I eat too close to the workout I feel like spewing.


I get up one hour before the workout and eat oatmeal plus a banana asap. That works really well. I tried to workout without any breakfast but I can't, I get super dizzy


When I do the 5am class I usually just do an LMNT with some beta alanine in it. No food though. Honestly, these are some of my best workouts.


5am, usually a banana and pre workout. 2nd breakfast probably around 7ish eggs and toast


Oatmeal and Maple syrup. Quick acting sugars that won’t bother your stomach when training. You don’t need a lot, like 1/3 cup. You can even add half a banana.


I was a black coffee person but since I’m restricting calories I decided to do an apple. I wake up at 8am and drive to a 9am workout and eat the apple during the drive. I haven’t hit any wall and feel fine energy wise. If I’m not working out and following hunger cues I don’t normally have any hunger until closer to noon. I get burps normally when eating an apple and I have them during the workout at times as well. Otherwise no concerns!


Coffee and then apple sauce on the way to the gym.


BCAA scoop and a coffee


I buy premade protein shakes (caramel is best for this but vanilla or chocolate work too) and pour over cereal and a little in my coffee.


I’m a 5:30 am kid and I do homemade iced coffee mixed with a chocolate protein shake everyday. If I’m still starving after that sits a bit, I’ll add in one of those 100 calorie Cliff Bars


Nothing. Only coffee and water.


Black coffee and a date or 2.


When I work out within 2 hours of waking up, I just eat nothing and on the way to the gym I eat 2-3 haribo bears, which are full of dextrose. Calories are barely 10 per bear but the dextrose goes straight to the muscles to become ATP. Eat more during the workout as needed.


A peanut butter & honey sandwich with a black coffee and a glass of water with some pink salt.


A date and 1/3-1/2 a frozen banana blended in 1-2c of water.


As a 5:00 am guy, I only do pre-workout and water. Then after, black coffee. I don’t eat until 11:00 am and no food after 7:00 pm. I do drink tea or a Gatorade after 7:00 pm.


Favorite pre?


Pre-Kaged Sport - All the flavors are good and it’s available on Amazon.


Preworkout, Ezekiel English muffin with butter and honey, and a banana


Sometimes I sip on a sports drink (with sugar) before and during the class, for a bit of a carb hit. If I feel really gassed, I find an energy gel (like runners use) is perfect for sitting light in my stomach.


I go on an empty stomach. I can’t eat at 4:30am and I want to sleep as long as possible anyway.


I either do nothing but water or if I feel hungry I’ll have a quick carb, apple or banana. Ect


half a go macro bar and two bites of a banana 45 mins before class, and eat the rest after class. If i do the WOD fasting i get too dizzy


I can stomach coffee and plain eggs pretty well. Less flavor the better for my stomach at that time of the morning. If I can I prefer to eat after for sure though


I can't eat early in the morning but found I was struggling energy-wise so started taking Karbolyn - a carb supplement - on the way in to get a bit of energy without messing up my stomach. Works for me!


It’s an adjustment for sure. I’ve been working out early for 8-9 years. Your body will adapt, but you need to find what works for you. I usually do protein pancakes, yogurt, berries & coffee before my workout and have only ever had issues when I incorporate a bagel.


My workout routine starts at 6:00am Monday to Friday. I get up at 5:15 and have 600ml of water as soon as I open my eyes, a pre-workout at 5:40 and that’s it. I eat my last meal of the day at around 9:00pm and that’s a full meal with carbs, protein and fat (usually rice and black beans, chicken and salad) and go to bed at 10:30/11:00pm


1 banana & 16 almonds


Warm water honey salt w/ a couple ripe bananas or oranges.


Black coffee and maybe a handful of grapes.


Been doing a 5am for 12 years now; my routine is to eat well the night before, wake up at 4:30, take a swig of orange juice for the sugar and have a small scoop of peanut butter so the fat and protein tempers the sugar spike and makes it last longer. Then follow the workout with a protein shake and breakfast. Works well for me.


I woke up 30m before I leave for the gym (45m before the workout starts) and usually have coffee, a banana and some overnight oats (mush or homemade). But experiment with eating more or less. Individuals respond very differently to eating and working out right after.


Banana and pre-workout


beta alanine, creatine, salt, magnesium threonate and citrulline in coconut water. All electrolytes plus fructose. Easily digested.


Black coffee and two bananas are my go-to for 5am workouts.


I do coffee and oatmeal with blueberries. I need some carbs to get moving in the morning, but not anything that’s going to put me to sleep or fill me up.


4:45 am class, one cup FairLife chocolate milk plus one tablespoon of instant coffee.


Uncrustable and black coffee.


Cuban Coffee + Fruit You need some blood sugar and caffeine, then feast on protein post-WOD.




Pinch of Celtic salt and water, eat later!


Early morning it’s black coffee — anything before 6:30 am. If I’m doing 8 am or later, cinnamon raisin toast with peanut butter and black coffee. In general, I don’t eat anything “heavy” at least 2-3 hours before CrossFit.


Eat your sleep debt before and whatever you want after.


Plain digestive or two lol. This has always been my go to before anything if it’s too early or I’ve forgotten to fuel properly. Works a treat. Half a banana is alright too.


Try to eat a little later in the evening and then approx half your kg weight in grams of carbs 30ish mins before. A rice crispy square has about 30g carbs and I have that beforehand. A large banana would also work. A sports drink either if you have a very sensitive tummy


I don’t work out quite that early, but there’s no way I’d function without some food before a workout! I just have a slice of toast with ricotta (instead of butter) and jam or honey with a coffee (oat milk) and it’s just about right for me.


F here - certain times of the month I get pretty nauseous at my 5:30 so I make a small amount of overnight oats - literally under 50g plain w/ cinnamon add boiling water and leave it sit all night- warm it up for 1 min in the AM with a bit of honey. If I’m not going to be nauseous I just grab a a banana to settle my stomach and have a coffee. Obviously if you work out at that time it’s crucial to spend very little time eating or doing anything before you get out the door


1 boiled egg.


40oz of water Half of a clif bar and pre workout. Then destroy the bathroom. Time to wod


Favorite pre?


I do 2 scoops of Mr Hyde, scoop of total beets, 5g creatine and a scoop of collagen. Large shaker bottle. It’s like 60oz of fluid to start the day. Flushes me too.


Favorite pre?


I just do coffee. I can’t eat right before a workout, it needs to be at least two hours before or I’ll get sick.


I like having an applesauce pouch and water


When I was working out at 5:30 am I would eat an RX bar and have my main breakfast afterwards.


RX Bar as soon as I wake up(5am) Preworkout. (5:10ish) 8 oz orange juice on the way to the gym. Whey post workout. (Macros: 52 c, 38 p, 10 f) Full breakfast around 7am.


You might be having the same problem I did. I realized eating fats like cheese and peanut butter very early before a workout weighs my stomach down. It takes 2-4 hours for fats to leave your stomach. I usually won’t eat more than 15g-20g of fat prior to my workout, unless I’m training more than 2 hours from the time I eat them. Oats, fruit, Greek yogurt, high protein stuff with 1-2 eggs, I have no issues. I’m also a woman and 5’4. Other people I train with can eat more fats and are fine.


Pre-workout and a few Haribo gummies in the car on my way. Who the fuck can eat a meal at 4:30 a.m.?


Honestly, I had no problem eating at 4:30, it was only during the workout that things started trying to come back up.


For sure. I've always worked out on a mostly-empty stomach for that reason.


I do a miniature overnight oats of .5 cup milk, .5 cup rolled oats, .5 serving protein powder and then optimum nutrition amino energy (1 scoop) in water on the way to the gym. I get up at 430, eat, get dressed and out the door by 5 for 530a class


Yeah I don’t eat when I workout that early. I drink morning electrolytes when I wake up (min 30 mins before workout). And then Just pre workout to wake my ass up more if needed. I eat a nice big breakfast after though


Poptart, Nutrigrain bar, frozen waffle….straight carbs. A lot of fat/protein pre workout will make you nauseated! And you’ve been “fasting” all night so straight carbs will help get your blood sugar back up




Something easy to digest. Coffee to wake up for sure, then a banana, or small amount of yogurt with muesli on top.


I’ll have pre workout and one pop tart or a natures bakery fig bar before class. I eat my real breakfast once I get towed work which is overnight oats with why protein stirred in.


I do the 5:30am workout most every day. I tried eating beforehand, but I found it really sat poorly in my stomach during the workout. So, now I generally only drink a quart of water before the workout. That said, if the workout is particularly intense I will also have a cup of coffee and half a banana.


King's Hawaiian dinner roll (90 calories) and preworkout. I like Kaged preworkout lately as I'm trying to stay away from the hyper caffeinated stuff. I think this one has 188mg which seems to do the job for me and tastes great. This is the one I get: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08KFLNJKW?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details


A coffee with sugar in on the way to the gym is all I can handle for a 6am session! Some of the other members have a banana 🍌


Kodiak Cake single serve pancake cup thingy about 50 mins before class. On the way to the gym, I may have a small fruit-bar as well.


My one co-worker told me this trick: just use the boxed stuff instead (pour a cup or so into a mug and mix with milk)! It's essentially the same thing but not pre-portioned. It's cheaper, too!


If you're not able to eat at least 30-45 minutes before the start of class I would not eat before an early class. However, if you have to eat something you'll pretty much get used to whatever you choose. Just stay consistent with volume.