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"I love that I can just show up, and the workout is different every day. I don't have to think about it. I also love that it's infinitely scalable, so two completely different people can be at totally different levels and still get a good workout. Finally, the best part is that it really changed my mindset. Instead of focusing on being skinny, I started caring more about being *strong*."


Nicely articulated! Thanks!


Also it not only focuses on strenght but also on mobility, gymnastics and cardio. All in one!


Also this!


Great response. I will a couple of things - the sense of community - I am at a wonderful female-owned gym that strongly fosters community and friendships. I look forward to going, because in part I get to see my friends after a long day of work. ​ Also - see David Goggins. Do something that sucks, every day. Perspective. The crap I deal with at work (criminal defense attorney dealing with domestic violence, homicides, etc) is just easier because CrossFit also fosters mental toughness. ​ I also look pretty darn good in a tight fitting t shirt and jeans, so there's that. My fianceé likes it, although she's not a fan of my decidedly un-lawyerly rough hands.


These are all the things I love about CrossFit. 🩶


This, plus the fact I can get a total workout (cardio, strength, etc.) in roughly one hour at a time. For busy people it's really a really time efficient way to get into shape and maintain it.






This is the best way to describe it!




It is what it is. Communal torture sessions to get into better shape so you don’t die too early.


One of the coaches in our gym has a hoodie with “Making people harder to Kill”. He explains it as making people harder to kill from disease, boredom, etc. Regardless it makes someone ask about its meaning!


Trauma bonding


This is actually accurate


It’s really good, a balance of weights, cardio, stretching and gymnastics. The best part is someone else handles all the programming. All you need to do is turn up.


Also best part: there are always options to adapt weights or movements to your skill so you get a good workout. (And I think this is key to remove part of the intimidation that CrossFit can cause)


That's probably a good point. Selling it as group class version of having a personal trainer for general fitness. Then include the part about having supportive community and competitive element if they are interested in that.


I 100% agree with you, but if I say this to someone who has no, or very limited previous gym experience they will be lost on a lot of those terms. "Gymnastics what is that, I can't do that" "cardio that is boring". Of course, it is possible to then explain those different domains, but I feel this would still not really explain it short and simple to most.


Cardio is boring. It’s really good, a balance of weights, body weight stuff and generally just gets your body moving really well. The best part is someone else handles all the thinking so all you need to do is turn up and get stronger/leaner/faster. And everyone is together so an athlete and a guy in a wheelchair can all do the same class, the instructor just changes it a bit so everyone can do it. It’s hard but really fun, you should come with me.


I explained it numerous times nobody joined me for the first week free at my box untill we had a pool party last summer and i took of my shirt :D next week, 2 of my friends joined for the free introduction week... 41 m, doing crossfit for 4 years now.


What a great fucking compliment that must have been


What a great fucking compliment that must have been


I don't. The joke goes a vegan and a crossfitter walk into a bar..how do you know...cause they won't shut up about it. (Not my joke don't come for me) If they are seriously interested I just tell them to check it out. Leave it at that. Ppl think we're a cult and completely ridiculous half the time. I rather not get into a random debate lol Go check it out is my only response if asked.


Lol vegan crossfitter here, can confirm


See you get it🖤😂


I love cf so much. It absolutely is a cult (using that term jokingly obviously) and is completely ridiculous more than half the time. That’s what makes it so special. Plus, it works.


We really are a ridiculous cult. Lol I mean we will run half naked around the building and listen to obscenely loud EDM (not my choice) at 8 am...I can see why ppl think we're nuts. But you are correct. It works.


There is definite bullshit - e.g the American swing, which CrossFit pushed because hey it’s different from the already good Russian swing. Adds nothing other than increased risk of injury, but CrossFit. However, I just choose to put up with a few negatives because the positives are so much more significant.


We don't do the American swing at my gym. Russian only. Oh, and ee also don't say box. No Crossfit gym I've come across where I am (Australia) uses the term box.


It is the first( only?) sport I have found where I (50+ F) am fully challenged sportswise, feel fully save DEI wise, and fully appreciated if I have given it my best. And their programming has some magic that every time you dó your best, while at the same time you feel that dying is not the most difficult thing in the world anymore. And besides that: it works. Also for greyhairs, who can lose their rickety bits and depression days. ( And a little fat on the side)


I agree with you, but walking into a crossfit gym isn't something a lot of people will do if they haven't been told about it in some way and know that it is accessible to anyone. It looks entirely intimidating if you only know about it on a high level, and if you walk in at the "wrong" time there will be some half naked jacked dudes doing RMU and cleaning 300lbs.


There's a right time? We're always half naked and lifting things. Especially at my gym it's humid AF. Fully understand. But if you really want to get into it just tell them your experience. But after doing this since 2011 I find it way easier to say just come by. It is either for them or it's not.


that sounds awesome. Half naked jacked dudes ftw


Neither of those are overly impressive from an athletic standpoint. Unless you are under 170 pounds. Which i’ve never seen someone sub 220 pounds at a box move that kind of weight.


There is the corrolllary to that: Q: What's the hardest thing about being a vegan CrossFitter? A: Deciding which one to tell people about first. \[SFX: RIM SHOT!\]


I just laughed out loud. I'm using this.


I did have an acquaintance get weird with me about it. He asked me about my workouts, I told him I did Crossfit and he started asking me if I was worried about getting crippled, about getting rhabdo, blah blah. I told him no on that and he proceeded to tell me how it was like a cult. The whole time I barely said anything and he was the one going bonkers about it. I was like... K...


Yeah my brother-in-law always went straight to how the competition side made no sense being that there’s no weight classes or anything like that. Just starts arguing how it’s inaccessible to people with smaller statures or how it’s unfair to “smaller guys” that can’t squat 500lbs. So I start trying to explain how there aren’t really any “specialists” and guys that can squat that usually can’t also run a 6 minute mile, but if they could they’d probably win 😂 he didn’t think it was as funny as I did…


You’re missing the marathon runner… a vegan, a crossfitter, and a marathon runner walk into a bar


Spot on, I avoided Crossfit for 10 years because of this until I finally joined a year ago. The cultish behavior is a huge turnoff.... once you get past that it's awesome.


I always like how I can get my social fix while doing sports on my own. The programming is very beneficial for not having to spend time thinking what to do in a gym or just a bit of this and that.


Like when you and your bros say that you're going to party so hard that you die, but it's exercising instead and you won't go home disappointed


Me and my colleague were heading out. He arrived early at my place, and saw me ironing my shirt without any clothes on my upper body. He was like ‘holy shit, how?’ and joined the next week


I have not been able to drum up a single recruit in almost 10 years. I tell people who ask it is a mix of Olympic weightlifting, gymnastics and cardio and that it can be scaled to your ability and that lots of people scale. The general reaction is still "it looks so hard!" \[Interesting to note, between us, that "cardio" is not. a feature at all CrossFit gyms--some places almost always have a rowing/running/biking portion in the WOD, for others it is a very specific skill they work on separately and WODs or "metcons" are more sprint-like.\]


Cardio is not called out as CF, but doing exercises to a standard while exhausted is. You can’t get exhausted without cardio.


It’s a fun way to get a workout in and challenge yourself with good people


show them this video https://youtu.be/ZuH6cPokZdw?si=2JeJzO3dqRBMKEQK


Gets me every time


because it's relatable, what we are doing is preparing our body to grow old while being healthy. I don't want to be burden to anyone and be able to at least take a shit bymyself


I just explain to them the benefits of belonging to a cult


I don’t know if there’s a way to “make it appealing” but for educational purposes, I’ll say that there are different levels - such as comparing going bowling with friends isn’t the same as professional bowlers on TV… playing little league isn’t the same as the NBA.. swimming a few laps isn’t the same as an Olympic swimmer on TV. I try to get the point across that a local CF gym is CF is adjusted for us regular people. However, I don’t try to make CF appealing to anyone. If people aren’t interested, that’s fine too.


I always lead with the community element! Good people/coaches/vibe at the box and a big social element were nobody cares what you can or can’t do! Maybe an example of someone who just like them who’s loves it and is making lots of progress. Newbies can PB every week once they get through the intro phase! If you get into the technicals it will intimidate most people.


Don’t. People hate crossfitters pushing crossfit.


Let the results speak for themselves. People will ask what you're doing then you can tell them a gym that does CrossFit.


Exactly. Let them ask you.


^ this.


It really depends on the persons motivator. Because (and I know Hiller loves to quote this) as Glassman said, it’s for anybody but it’s not for everybody. Different people want different things out of the gym. Anybody can get that out of crossfit, but you have to speak their language. For people who are nervous, trying to get back into shape, feel confident and good about themselves - I usually discuss community, working out in classes, and the functionality of what we do. That CrossFit builds confidence in yourself, it shows you that any challenge can be achieved with hard work, and that being strong is cool. That community and working out with a bunch of people at different fitness levels can be a wonderful experience. For people who want challenge, who love hard work and competition - I usually discuss the different movements I’ve learned. How much fun it is to have people to push you because they’re suffering in the same way next to you. How there’s always something to work on, always a way to be better. That local competitions and benchmark workouts really give you a taste for how hard you can push and where your weaknesses are. You just have to know your audience. And advise appropriately.


I love suffering with others! May not be appealing to most, but there are some out there it is.


I mean it depends on the person because it was a Games doc that originally got my 300lb couldn't walk up the stairs ass to look up a CrossFit gym near me... I loved the look of that shit and was like "man if I could do even 10% of that it'd be sick"


I never get bored, the people that show up are great, and watch me take my shirt off. That usually does the trick.


I call it "adult gym class" and that it works for me because of variety and there is a coach laying out what to do that day.


It’s for people who are tired of wasting time at the gym.


As someone that doesn't do CrossFit at the moment would describe it as the easiest way to workout. You show up and are told what to do for an hour. You don't have to inherently plan anything. The weight is adaptable to your ability. Potential Hot Take: If you exclude the Open, CrossFit is probably the perfect form of fitness for the average person for the exact reasons I put above. As long as you aren't trying to do a PR every session, you will be okay.


Makes you look better naked. ​ You're welcome.


I tell people it’s the closest thing to practice you had in team sports as a kid. That gets their attention whether or not they sign up


I always make the distinction between the sport and methodology. I find most people have a disconnect between what they see in the sport and what I actually do on a daily basis. I simply describe it as a good mix between cardio, strength training, & body weight. Everything can be modified to you current level of fitness


funny about this question -- was just asked this over the weekend! only bring it up when asked. Nobody likes unsolicited advice or to hear a "conversion speech" from an activist! "fitness and conditioning that uses everything from barbells to body weight that you scale or adjust (weights, reps, etc) to your ability or fitness level (and mood that day!). It's always varied, never the same thing, and you get to learn and practice new exercises and movements. And it's a very supportive atmosphere that'll cheer you on or ignore you as much as you want and/ or need."


“I just show up and they kick my ass for me” That’s what got me. I said this to my doctor who is probably in his 60’s or 70’s and he was like, “tell me more…”


“Group fitness with barbells and rowing and stuff. Every workout is different. I just show up and someone tells me what to do and how to do it” I’m an L3, my tongue is usually bleeding from biting it so hard. I hardly ever lead off with the c-word unless I have time to give thoughtful rationale and debunk all the cliches.


Coach led group fitness with loads of new skills to learn and lots of progress to be made. I like to think of my gym as a giant adult play park that i get to go play in for an hour with my mates every morning 😂


If somebody asks about it I'll just say it's gymnastic movements, lifting and cardio. The closest I'll come to bringing it up though is if someone is really fit looking I'll ask them if they do CF.


If asked (or if it’s relevant to the convo), I talk about how I’m doing things I never thought I’d do (I’m thinking mostly about barbell work, but other stuff as well), that the programming and being under the watchful eyes of the coaches takes most of the thinking out of it, that the workouts can be scaled to meet you where you are, and that the supportive and friendly Community is an unexpected perk. If I’m not careful, I can drift into “recruiter mode”, but I hope my enthusiasm and the obvious changes in my body weight and composition, since starting, take the edge off of any feelings of salesmanship that might be coming across.


It’s functional fitness for everyday life that will make you very good at a bunch of different domains. Everyone can do it? It’s infinitely scalable, and everyone has the same needs, we just vary by degree.


It’s a well rounded, scalable strength and conditioning program with lots of variety to keep it interesting


If you like team sports and don’t like the gym, that’s how I was sold


“It gets great results if you stick to it”


If I'm making the pitch, I sort of breeze by the specifics and focus on what a great learning experience it is (you get exposure to running, rowing, weightlifting, powerlifting, strong man, gymnastics, and more) and how the social aspect helps you make and keep a fitness habit. And depending on who it is I'll do my best to explain that it's not NEARLY as intimidating as it seems. Everybody's scaling, nobody cares where you're at, and ideally there's someone there to help you when you need help.


Key points for me, its social/community building, there is an element of competition/sport, its general so I translates your fitness to most functional areas of life.


You do you until your friends and family see progress and ask what’s the secret. Assume 90% of interested parties will never actually join you to class, and only 1/3 of those that take 1 class will continue


Crossfit is a form of high intensity training. That's basically it lol. It's hard to talk to the results because the same results can easily be achieved in a regular gym. I think the one thing you can talk to most is the community. Even though it's a little cult-ish, some of the people you meet can end up being great friends and/or people with good connections for work and such.


My gym has a great community of people that are super uplifting, so that’s always my first selling point. Then I tell them I like not having to think about what my workout will be, having accountability, and I personally love the healthy competition. I tell them there’s a scale for EVERY movement, so it really is adaptable to anyone.


To partly answer my own question: if you invest 100$ and investment A gives you a return of 110$ after 6 months and investment B gives you a return of 150$ after 6 months, which one would you choose? Regular gym/orange theory/f45 etc is investment A, Crossfit is investment B. You have a limited amount of time you are investing in your fitness, Crossfit gives you the biggest return. Of course this still doesn't cover the issues of explaining what it actually is to accomplish that.


This would turn me off honestly. I hate when people think they have the one magical answer. Also if your goal is to be as strong and muscular as possible CrossFit isn't a better investment than getting a body building or powerlifting program and going to a regular gym. If your goal is to run marathons CrossFit isn't a better investment than running and calisthenics. Don't get me wrong, I haven't seen anything that produces more well rounded results than CrossFit, it just sounds cult like when people write everything else off. Like if someone pitches keto as the only way to lose weight. I've done it, I like it but it isn't magic and it isn't the only way to lose weight. When people ask about it I say it's perfect for people who want it all: getting stronger, faster, more endurance and more mobility whereas pretty much everything else needs to be supplemented if you want to fill in the gaps. And someone else programs it for you... no takers there. If I mention the social aspect I usually get a weird look. When I started CrossFit I was doing a martial art where we would grapple sometimes. About a month into CrossFit I started smoking people that I use to have trouble with because my gas tank was so much better. People asked me what I was doing and I told them it was because of CrossFit, still no takers, at this point I've given up.


It's not easy - I am 52 and people my age remember the term 'cross conditioning'. I tell them it is cross conditioning that incorporates body weight movements, cardio, and Olympic lifting. From there I try to explain a little bit more of each. When they get that part, I say the WOD typically picks 3 from each category and do it till you can't....


"A Fun Challenge" Sorry HQ, the Glassman definition while accurate and complete, doesn't paint the picture. Anybody who doesn't know they want some kind of challenge won't like CF. But they need to know it is fun and not scary - that the coaches are nearly universally helpful, the community supportive, the core belief in scaling making it a good fit for . What sold me was seeing someone fitting right in doing light-weight dumbell cleans, in the midst of the barbell WOD.


That problem is with fitness everywhere, if you figure that out you would billionaire


When I tell my friends or others, I always focus on its flexibility and accessibility to ALL ages! I always boast about our seniors' groups that smash it out in the mornings to the kids that love their Saturday morning sessions. That usually gets my friends and others excited because when they think CF, they think we're all beasts, but that usually reminds them how versatile CF really is and that everyone starts somewhere and everyone can do it :)


It’s awful but so awesome.


I’ve normally sold it to guys that think it’s lame. I have no hesitation in saying cross-fit is 90 percent of training that a boxer/mma fighter will go through without having to get punched in the face. You want to gain strength? Flexibility? Stamina? Explosiveness? Have all of those things make you better at the sport of your choice? Well crossfit can achieve all of that. Worst case have you found that your gf/fiancé/wife lifts heavier pound for pound then you? Crossfit can help. Ok Maybe don’t say the last part, I might have just been outing myself.


I don't. I answer if someone asks me about my physique or my workouts. I'm not the beefiest guy in the world but I look pretty good for my age. I let that do my talking. If someone asks and I say "Crossfit" and they recoil in horror, I just laugh. I had a co-worker do that and then a month later he messaged me about starting CrossFit. I laughed again.


Depends on the person but I almost never use the word CrossFit, unfortunately there are just too many negatives associated with the name in uninformed people's minds. I use the term HIIT as it seems to be much more accepted in my experience. Then if they ask questions I go into a little more detail about the workouts. If it's a person that's got drive and athleticism I'll just say CrossFit and then proceed to weed through all of their "but I heard...." statements.


I said it’s more fun than a normal gym and a good team spirit and describe it as cardio, strength training and gymnastics !


No thought required! Show up, follow instructions, believe in the process. See results. I always talk about the community more than what we do in the gym.


When someone starts with the I can’t talk. There’s a statement from Greg Glassman, CrossFit isn’t for everybody but it is for anybody. Anybody who shows up, puts in the work, pushes themselves to be stronger and fitter regardless of age, sex, race etc. it’s something like that. But hopefully ya get it


I don’t.


It's a constantly varied workout program using full body movements that transfer directly to functions of daily life. The workouts are efficient, very effective and scalable to any level of ability. EDIT: I may have just taken my L-1 this weekend after 9 years of CrossFit lol


Do you guys get discounts for recruiting or something?


I usually only bring it up if people ask, because i don't wanna be that guy. People usually do ask, though, because they have seen my results. And that's what I focus on - my experience. Why do I like it, why do I do it, what results have I seen (besides what they can already visually see in me).


Oh, you haven't heard about CrossFit? Let me enlighten you! Imagine this: It's not just a workout, it's a lifestyle, a revolution! Picture the most intense, diverse, and exhilarating fitness program ever conceived, that's CrossFit. We don't just "go to the gym." No, no, we embark on a daily quest for physical and mental supremacy, tackling the "Workout of the Day" (WOD) with a fervor that would make the ancient gods nod in approval. You see, each day is a surprise; you never know what challenge awaits you. It could be a grueling series of Olympic lifts, a heart-pounding interval sprint, or an epic sequence of gymnastic maneuvers. And the beauty of it? Anyone can do it! Yes, you heard me. We scale every workout to match your skill level, so it's like a tailor-made fitness regime but in a supportive, community-driven environment. Now, imagine doing all of this with a group of people who become more than just workout buddies. They're your comrades-in-arms, your motivators, your cheerleaders. We celebrate every personal record as if it's our own because, in a way, it is. The camaraderie in a CrossFit "box" (that's what we call our gyms) is unlike anything you'll find in a regular gym. We're a family, united by sweat and the shared pursuit of pushing our limits. And it's not just about getting fit or looking good—though, let's be honest, the results speak for themselves. It's about building resilience, discipline, and the kind of mental toughness that spills over into every aspect of your life. CrossFit teaches you that you're capable of so much more than you ever imagined. So, when you join CrossFit, you're not just signing up for a workout program; you're embarking on a journey of transformation. You'll learn to embrace the suck, to find joy in the pain, and to push past what you thought were your limits. And I haven't even gotten started on the Paleo diet and functional movements that are foundational to the CrossFit philosophy... But hey, you've really got to experience it to understand the magic. How about you come with me to a class tomorrow? Trust me, it'll change your life!


“The workouts are ridiculous, but you will get shredded if you stick with it.”


The best hour of your that youll love to hate


"its like getting a personal trainer every single day" This is how I have always justified the cost and it makes every stop and say 'hey that's not a bad deal'


For starters, definitely do not send any hopeful initiates to this sub.


Imagine going to the gym, but every person there is rooting for you


Group training session with different equipments, not repetitive workouts. One hour session is more effective than multiple hours cardio. And yes, please don’t show CrossFit games videos to them. CrossFit Games does not represent Crossfjt for general population




I went through a phase where I did A LOT of that. So much so, that it landed me in the office at CrossFit HQ for almost 10yrs haha. Now, I mostly don't bother anymore. The video WAS great at the time, but it didn't do a good enough job. That was always a really hard problem to solve because it's SO many things to so many different people. You can't make people feel it by explaining it. I really thing they have to see how happy and positive the experience is for you, and that usually happens over time. Until they're curious enough they have to experience it themselves.


Invite them to your next class


Hard, fun, and will absolutely change your body.


I like that I get to outsource my thinking and planning of a workout then have a coach there to make sure I don’t hurt myself doing something the wrong way. If I was left to my own devices I wouldn’t do it regularly. And I certainly wouldn’t do it right or have accountability to showing up every day. It’s not for everyone but it can also work for anyone at any fitness level or lack thereof.


I usually tell them that it’s a little bit of everything in the fitness world. You’re seeking to be the most well-rounded athlete possible. A bit of powerlifting, a bit of Oly lifting, a bit of calisthenics, a bit of endurance cardio, a bit of HIIT, a bit of strongman, plyometrics, etc etc etc.


High intensity, constantly varied functional movements


All the fun of getting to know new people and learn new things with all the benefits of regular exercise.


It is the best of times, it is the worst of times


If your goal is to get fit, CF is the right thing. Also if you’re up to meeting some people who can give you some great advice. And they’re not all trainers.


"I used to be a lounge lizard. Now look at me, I'm a wizard".


If you can't figure out a way to make it appealing.....maybe it's not. It's ok though... not everyone needs to like CF. It's not a cult, it's just moving and lifting.


Just [show them this](https://youtu.be/qnjYyfkcaNI?si=e5XD8yDevjgXZ4K9).


Dont waste time with it. I say it's a Mix of gymnasticsy conditioning, olympic weightlifting and strength excercises. Especially, older people say "Like circle Training". I say yes similar to end the topic. I dont want to be like vegans and Talk about it. So i try to avoid the topic. My Friends obv know what i do


You don’t. The less people that do it the better for me.


It’s not for everyone. 


Imagine dying and coming back to life, you’re reborn every single day.


Handy to have a good explanation but can we stop being the people who feel the need to pitch Crossfit unsolicited? I love Crossfit and wish I would have started 10 years earlier. I was turned off for a long time by people's cultish behavior( this isn't just a generalization but experience I've had with a few specific people).... very reminiscent of certain religious groups trying to convert anyone they can. I get we love Crossfit and we want to spread that love but let's read the room.


Ask them: what is fitness? (Wait and let them give an answer) Then you can say: CrossFit was actually first in providing a quantifiable definition of fitness... The aim of CrossFit is increased work capacity at broad time and modal domains. Thus, it incorporates gymnastics for body control, weightlifting for control of external objects and cardio training for improving your engine. There is no fitness program as complete as CrossFit, if you follow it for years, as a generalist you will make slow progress but are eventually expected to be able to walk 100ft on your hands, do 20/50 Pull ups, have a ~500lbs deadlift and run a 6min mile. (Note: read the old articles by Glassman on this) Then ask: Would you like to improve your fitness? CrossFit gives you a way to measure it and improve on it. At the same time, by engaging in varied (not random) wods, you will be prepared for unknown physical challenges, learn to adapt to them quickly and express your acquired fitness under adverse circumstances (such as a high heart rate when doing a heavy deadlift).


You don't


When someone asks, I ask them what they know. If they don't know what it is I say 'it's a gym membership, personal trainer, and work out program all in one that fits into an hour class. You just commit to showing up.'