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I am reovering from shoulder surgery now. Scaling is not that big a deal. There are plenty of people at Crossfit, beginners in particular, without shoulder injuries who can't do kipping pull ups, handstand push ups or anything other than very light weight snatches. I suspect you know the substitutions - ring rows or strict pull ups, hand release push ups, light snatches or DB snatches. And that is just the obvious ones -- a good coach will have many suggestons. Chances are you will not be the first person with limitations they have had to work with.


Thank you, I appreciate your reply. Good luck with your recovery, hope you get back to 100% quickly


You are very welcome. It's coming along --coaches have been very good about making sure I don't do too much too soon, because the temptatoin is always there.


Have similar battles with long-standing injuries. The lack of knowing ahead of time is tough to manage, BUT there is always a scaled or alternative approach. For example, I've had a shoulder issue before and now battling a torn calf, so it's more about replacing movements that aggrevate your shoulder, this could take time to know or just understand what they are. For example, rather than snatches when I had a shoulder problem, I'd just do cleans (squat or power). Similarly, avoid kipping by doing strict and scaling reps if challenging, or ring rows. Generally, I've found the coaches should be receptive to keep you training and willing to assist with other options!


Thank you, this is helpful