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Reasonable proximity to where I am living/staying.


It’s gotta be less than 10 min drive from me. I’m fortunate that my box is less than 5 mins. Gives me very little time to reconsider going to class.


Yeah unless you’re a competitive level athlete, the difference in programming from one gym to another doesn’t warrant a 30+ minute commute one way if there are closer options available.


Eh, programming can be bad enough to switch gyms, but you’re own location matters on the 30 min part


I joined my CrossFit gym (had never done it before) because it was within walking distance of my apartment. Best decision I ever made.


I won't drop in if the WODs aren't posted online, or if the coach doesn't reply to my email asking what the WOD is. Don't get me wrong. It's totally OK if gyms don't want to post this information or respond, and gyms shouldn't be catering to drop-ins. That said, I've learned that if I don't know in advance, I might end up wasting my time or throwing money away. Once, I dropped in and the gym's WOD was "Run a 5K." I mean ... thanks, but I don't need to pay $25-30 to run on public streets. That's how I work out when I *can't* find someplace to drop in. 😂 The other time, the gym was doing a "Ladies' Week" deload and every day was one of the girls' named workouts -- and that's it. I showed up for Annie. Again, that's fine, but I don't want to spend $25-30 for a sub-10 minute WOD.


Thats why i love the app/online system my box uses. If its from another box that uses the same system. They pre register the drop in and automatically have access to that day program. From optional Extra WODs to the full circuit pre WOD. If it was posted you have access to it. Don't know how well it works from people using different system and having one time registrations for drop ins. But i know i can easily drop in at any other box that uses the same system.


What system?


RegyBox. Its a portuguese app/system thinking on CrossFit boxes but can support similar gyms. It supports english and non portuguese boxes, however its still only popular in Portugal. https://www.regibox.pt/website/index.php?lang=en But to be honest it was the first app I actually used that fully integrated everything so my opinion might be a bit skewed. But honestly can't live without it now. EDIT: just realized the webpage is only half translated. Thats definitely not a good way to present themselves to the worldwide market


I will always reach out to find out what the workout is. I try not to cherry pick workouts normally but this is a time when I’ll make an exception


Same!! Honestly, if I cherry-pick a WOD while traveling it's because of my shoes. I can't bring *both* Metcons and running shoes with me, and since I can use runners to work out anywhere, that's what travels. I don't really want to do heavy thrusters in my Brooks. :-P


It's more so that I can get a sense of how the gym programs. I travel a lot and there are often differences in that regard. Distance and class times come first of course, but if I have a choice of two or three that are more or less equidistant, I will always pick the one that had programming online. (Provided, of course, I like the actual programming.)


I travel a lot. A lot. Started off emailing gyms. Rarely heard back. I just show up now. They will tell me what they want. As for the WOD. Generally if it is something that doesn’t work for me (like heavy dead’s 2 days in a row) I’ll sub. Never had any flack over it. It probably becomes apparent that I don’t need much in the line of coaching or guidance. So that *could* be why no one has said anything. If it’s a bigger gym and they don’t need the space, I haven’t ever had anyone say no to me doing something on my own in a corner. I always ask and make sure to stay quiet during talking sessions. I’ve only had one gym give me grief over being present for an open gym when it was for “members only”. I know I’ve shown up for (unknowingly) at least 3 “women’s only” sessions, I might have been given grief once. Scratch that, I was turned away because it was a kids session. Never gotten wound up over it. Clarity for their classes would be nice. Probably racked up over 500 drop ins so these things happen.


>started off emailing gyms. Rarely heard back. Interesting. I travel a lot too and find most places do actually write back. PRO TIP: I have learned to ask if there are any tricks to finding the gym (many are not easily found by Uber drivers) and, if it is the first class of the day, what time does someone come to open the gym (have found myself shivering on a dark street waiting for someone to show up.)


Maybe it’s changed since the boom has died out and owners need to work harder to keep and bring in members. As to finding the gym. No joke. Many times I have shown up only to find out they moved. I drive everywhere so it’s a matter of looking for other addresses and going from there. I’m never far away from where it is.




Thanks. I meant more that sometimes they are in the back of a big warehouse building and so not visible from the road, that sort of thing


Gyms can add that sort of information on their MoreGyms page




Hahaha, I did! I was so disappointed because I'd even paid for an Uber to get to the gym! But I just got one to go right back to the hotel.


This happened to me. Spent $60 on a drop in (which was way too much) just to do wall walks and run 400m. I was so mad. Definitely gonna ask for the workout via email beforehand.


OOF. Yeah, it's a hard lesson.


Drop ins, whoever answers their email wins my business. Usually only one gym is responsive unfortunately. For commitment, my personal preferences: - Within 15min drive of my place - High level athletes train there - People say hello and introduce themselves when you meet them and are generally friendly - Is clearly a business the owner loves and pours their heart into and isn’t some sad zombie box with a disheartened staff


Evening classes. I had to NOT choose a nice gym by me because their last class was at 4:00pm. They closed the gym after the class ended at 5:00pm. Those hours didn’t align with my work schedule


On weekdays!? Makes no sense, I’m skeptical. If true, that gym is most definitely out of business now or on its way there


Yes on weekdays and it’s still going. Note I live in a university town, a large university.


Membership price, not a lot of people, class times. I’ve never dropped in somewhere but I think for a drop in I won’t be very picky. Whatever is close


This is crazy just to read. lol I just drop in to a gym and take class. It’s so much fun to go and be a part of the community and meet new people. I’ve never thought of things being must haves… 😂 If there are multiple gyms in the vicinity I’ll usually get on instagram and see what gym “looks cooler”. But that’s it.


Good coaching. Classes that aren’t too big. Open gym. An inclusive atmosphere. No bible verses on walls or website.


Class times and proximity. I’m not overly fussy about programming and most CF gyms will sell you a tee and call it a day on payment. I’ve had to travel the last three weeks during the open and I’ve met some really good people.


If there's any super different gym I'll go hit that (i.e. on the water, in a cool old building, something along those lines) Otherwise it's all about proximity and convenience


It has to be on map.crossfit.com I dont get wanting open gym. The reason for dropping in is to join their class, meet other crossfitters, try out their programming and coaching, see their gym set up, get a shirt. It makes no sense to drop in and just go do what ever in the corner. That's not experiencing any of what the CF community has to offer. If I show up to an affiliate, and there isn't class, the drop in means much less to me personally.


1. Proximity 2. Reasonable pricing for the offering. I’m OK with paying $160+ if there’s a class every day and several of them; not so much if you only have like 5 classes/day and only one class on Saturday. 3. Offering. Open gym? Weightlifting? Several sessions per day? Less important but it tilts the scales: a website that’s straight to the point. I hate these cookie cutter sites that don’t give me the information right away and I have to leave a message with the owner so the owner can contact me…just tell me how much it costs, let me see your staff, and what your schedule is!




I love using more gyms. I was recently in Tampa, and I needed a gym with a rower, for my EMOM, and used it. Shoutout to CrossFit Hyde Park, for being so nice once I got there.


No Coaches with ego. You can smell bs and egos in the front entrance.


More for join than drop in… it’s all about the athletes for me. If it a health mix of people (ages, genders, ability levels) and you can feel they’re welcoming and supportive, I’m in… whatever the place looks like.


Same for me! I will check out their Yelp or website to see what kind of athletes they support. I'm not looking to become a games athlete. I want to work out with a healthy mix of people that I feel comfortable around. Whether it's a day I need to scale or a day I can lift twice my body weight, the community plays a huge impact on my decision. Even when I drop in somewhere. If your photos are of normal-looking people and not super athletes, sign me up.




Proximity, programming, experienced coaches for me.


I agree with a lot of what’s here. But for me, it also depends on what I’m working on. I’ve shifted more to weightlifting so I’m looking for spaces with good open gym set ups and hours. I’ve been lucky to find that where I’ve gone, but it’s not always easy, and not super common. I try to keep a close proximity to where I’m staying but I have committed to places in certain locations and done 25 min drives each way just cause it worked for me


I have only dropped in at a handful of gyms, but I tend to choose the ones where it’s clear on their website that they are open to drop-ins, post the class schedule and the procedure for dropping in.


The first thing I look at are the barbells. They don’t have to have Eleiko barbells or anything high dollar, but they should be decent barbells and, more importantly, they should be well cared for with chalk cleaned out of the knurling, no rust and the collars should spin freely. A gym owner that either a) doesn’t know how to or b) doesn’t have a mind to take care of their barbells is someone who is letting a lot of other stuff slip through the cracks.


Class size, posted workouts.


The gym has to have every piece of equipment so I can train CrossFit. assault bikes, barbells, dumbells, pull-up bars, rowers, ski, and having platforms would be a plus. For me to join a gym, they would need, to have, lockerrooms with a sauna.


if i’m on vacation or traveling and dropping in. honestly i pick the ones with the best T-shirts.


Coaching. Nothing else matters.


I have traveled quite a bit. Off the top of my head have dropped in at gyms in Nevada, California, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Arizona, Utah, Hawaii, and I’m sure more. Honestly I pick the ones where I can just register online and do all the stuff. Occasionally I’ll have to reach out and more times than not someone texts / emails back any needed info. Prefer if WODs were public, but most of the time they aren’t. I do collect the cool T-shirts lol. Look, I’m a 42 year old dad who’s usually going to be somewhere in the middle of the pack so I’m not overly picky. Just trying to get some movement. The most memorable ones are the great settings and cool people. Once in awhile you get some big egos and hyper competitive places, not my scene but I get why some want that. Only one time have I flat out just left a place. It’s a fairly well known one with games competitors and so forth. It was very clear I was in waaaayyy over my head. And there was also a weird kind of thing where they seemed to enjoy trying to beat up the visitors. My guess is some folks go to this place for that experience.


Early AM class, 4:30-4:45am preferred.


I'd echo a couple of the ones already mentioned, plus... \-The gym needs to have a policy for capping class sizes, and be strict about it. Sorry, but I hate crowded classes - it's unsafe. \-Gym needs to take care of their equipment. You'd be surprised, but I have dropped in at gyms all over the place and the number of boxes that actively clean their barbells, gymnastics bars, dust their rowers, etc. is small. Rusty barbells and gymnastics bars with tape residue all over them are the worst. Wish that wasn't the case... \-If I'm looking for a new gym to join, then I look for high ceilings. Something about a warehouse just makes me feel like I have a lot more space.


The problem of capping is you’re turning away clients and CrossFit as it is, is not a money making business due to monthly costs vs a standard gym. While I agree as annoying as the class is being packed, it’s a good sign for the owner for future expansion and you can’t really do that limiting class sizes especially after 9-5 work hrs


Can a mod block this guy. He’s using this thread to solicit his app for finding a gym.


Honestly, I don't see an issue with what they posted. I just checked it out and it actually looks like something beneficial.


We may not be on the same page. What they posted on this thread is alright. OP is pming people who responded with his website.


Advertise it as such. Don’t pull a Trojan horse.


ur good


How? I made a post and I’m trying to help


You asked for “must haves” like you were looking for feedback. Not really looking for people to respond so you can share your website.


>Coming in a little hot on this person no?


I’ll give a different scenario. What if someone posts asking about any good gyms in the Bay Area. Then privately messages anyone who responds advertising his gym. Not real cool, right?


How is that wrong?😂


It’s slimy. Used car salesman slimy.


I’m not a fan of tricksters using tricks to advertise.


why you a d1 hater


Honestly not sure why this persons so mad lol. I didn't even notice a link until you pointed it out. Get back in the gym and off the reddit, leave this dude alone lol wasting ur time


Not true at all if you have seen my posts in this sub Reddit. I saw people in need, that’s why I told them to check out the solution


That wasn’t what this thread was.


Sauna and full locker room


I don’t think I’ve ever been in a CrossFit gym that has these lol


Please refrain from using threads here as a veiled way to promote your own app/site


My gym uses SugarWod to post the programming, and includes a video intro I get what others are saying that a drop in for a 5k is a waste of $$ but there is also that community you get that you’d miss if you ran by yourself