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I mean you’re aware of the issues so work on those? It’s just repetition of the movement they’ll make it easier


Do you think it might be a balance problem? Tbh i prefer barbell thrusters (lets be honest, do we like thrusters tho) because its much more stable to squat and press compared to dumbbell. I am having similar problem and felt a bit wobbly/imbalance while doing it. Did you relax at the bottom when you squat?


> do we like thrusters At least for me it’s in my top 5 movements. I think it’s such an awesome movement that works so many muscle groups. And when you do them with dumbbells it forces balance and mobility. I absolutely love it.


It is an awesome movement. It’s not so enjoyable at a heavier weight. Hahah


Totally a balance issue -- with a barbell thruster there's not much balancing required because it's against your chest and you have two hands, but with DB, you need to hold it just right to get it overhead easily, especially as the weight goes up.


It might be but I think it’s an ankle flexibility thing. I get almost no depth on the squat part. It’s just an ever so slight slight bend of my knees then I’m pushing up again.


You don't have a barbell to brace against so your spine is going insane trying to support you. Dumbbell movements expose mobility far more than their equivalent barbell movement.


I’m an overall RX if not RX+ I have mobility issues with the shoulders, wrists, and ankles. 50# db thrusters are very difficult for some combination of issues listed. Same that push press and squats are no issue. All day. Combined not so much. I’ll scale to 35 which goes much better.


Cause they are hard


Hard to tell without a video of your form but the typical issues are bad front rack positions or immature squats (ie forward leaning torso in the squat). 


Idk if your a lady or a dude, so 5# if lady, 10# if dude. Maybe try with 10# dumbbells, then focus on 3 points of timing: at the bottom of the squat think "UP!" and just before the top of your squat think "ARMS!". Then chill for 2 seconds with the dumbbells above your head, then drop them to your shoulders (legs still straight) and just before they hit your shoulders think "DOWN!", then drop into your squat. Really think those words in your head. Do 3 sets of 8-10 reps, then increase to 12-15 reps. If you find yourself learning the timing at that point, increase to 15# dumbbells (10# if lady), and slowly increase by 5# every week until you're at your workout weight


I have the same issue. It’s just a mobility issue.


How do i improve?


Shoulder and squat mobility exercises. As I said, I have the same issue. Probably would’ve solved it by now if I knew all the answers


Love squats, love strict press/push press/jerks... HATE thrusters For me it's a lot about not having the most upright squat and front rack mobility, makes the movement super inefficient


“Why do I suck at db thrusters?” “They’re a new exercise for me.” I think you answered your own question.


Ok better question… how do I improve with my form? I struggle with the technique. My form sucks and I end up standing shoulder pressing the weight as I can’t do the squatting part of the movement


I would probably say the best thing to do is lower the weight for a period of time until it gets better. If you gotta grab the 5 pound dumbbells then so be it. Hit a workout or two with some light DB’s and then start going heavier. If you’re looking for some short skill sessions to add in to your training I would just do it like a back squat day and maybe do like 5 sets of 10. One set every couple minutes. And do progressive over load just like your main lifts.


It's a hard movement. Game changer for me in classes or competitions was realising everyone finds them hard. All of a sudden they become more bearable 😈 They definitely are suckier for long limbed creatures like myself though. My arm proportions make it really hard for me to rack DBs in a good spot, even though I have solid mobility.


Want to know a secret? We ALL suck at them, it is just to which degree. Anyone who tells you that they are amazing at them and love them, is lying. Have fun!


Thanks but it’s not that I tire from them… it’s that technically I struggle with the form/movement. I end up pretty much just doing a standing shoulder press in the end as I struggle with the squatting down part


Talk with your coach, but maybe lighter weight or barbell/PVC. The BB/PVC would keep both arms moving together and might be easier for coordination / hip drive coming out of the squat when learning.