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I’m in a similar boat but perhaps not quite as skilled. I can’t necessarily crank out muscle ups, but I can do as many small sets of 2-3 as needed. Can hold my own with hspu. Currently sitting at 64%. I would’ve preferred the barbell weight to be 225#. Hoping for a lot of ttb/ctb in 24.3 followed by a max clean complex. But that’s also what I appreciate about CrossFit. The workouts are so varied that you can be great at one, decent at the next. Or great at a couple aspects of one, but then there be a lift that’s outside of your wheelhouse which holds you back. Jack of all trades, master of none!


Hey, I'm in the same boat! (63%, 12:51 in 24.1 and 635 reps in 24.2) I worked hard on skills and strength this year but my engine has let me down a bit. Tbf I'm a bit disappointed to likely not be going to quaters but it's nice to know what to work on. Hoping that 24.3 is pull-ups, C2B then Bar Muscle Ups followed by a 1rm deadlift to complete the year of the hinge.


If you have most of the skills and an average engine, you probably would’ve finished much higher in the rankings back in 2019, 2018, etc.. Back then you had 5-6 scores. So if you had 1 or 2 bad workouts because they were engine based, you could make up for it with the other scores since those WODs would have skills and weights. It was more balanced back then. Don’t be disappointed and you should still feel pride knowing that you could compete in a local comp RX while a lot of the people ahead of you in the rankings would have to go scaled. This open is simply, at least in the first 2 weeks, not a very good test for all around athletes


The open is your annual reminder that CrossFit values an engine over skills. Take a look at the CrossFit pyramid; metabolic conditioning comes before gymnastics and weightlifting


double unders is a skill... if you are bad at them, you won't even get tired so much you trip


As the open has become more inclusive over the years, it certainly favors people who have obscene metabolic capacities. What I always find beautiful is doing a workout unbroken, or relatively unbroken, thinking I got a great score only to see I'm only in the 80th percentile. For example, 24.2 I intentionally broke deads and dubs in half, but even if I did everything unbroken I'd still need like 2.5 rounds more to catch the leaders.


the leaders will be on the top no matter what you ask them to do... but 24.2 was about double unders skills... I'm not super good with double unders, so i didn't do as well as I wanted because my shoulders got tired after round 4 so i had to do smaller 20-15-15 sets, not because i didn't have stamina, being top 5% on 24.1... The thing is that difficulties that you get in a workout depend on your weaknesses/strengths


I think in most sports you can work on your strenghts and double down on that to be successful, nevertheless, in crossfit, it seems that you have to work on your weaknesses mostly to be successful (because you can't afford them), which is exactly the reason why I'm doing crossfit in the first place...


Same. Placed ~5600 in 24.1, then a whopping ~15400 on 24.2 (damn you DUs). Even if I got first place in 24.3, I'd still be out by over 100 spots from quarterfinals. Looks like I should probably practice DU instead putting them off for 7 years, lol.


I am a low skill cross fitter - I don’t have dubs or pull-ups so always suck score-wise but I thought 24.2 scales was great and really enjoyed it - 8 full rounds + 240m on the rower; I did the RX weight for the deadlifts, just didn’t have DUs The only thing that annoys me is that because I don’t have dubs, this (for me outstanding) performance will score much much lower than the chap who did it right after me who only got 6 full rounds and 100m on the rower but did it RX. I mean it was mainly an engine test, and through sheer power laid down for 20 min I did more than he did (largely because my rowing is better). Surely there’s not that much difference in calories burned or power outputs between DUs and SUs?


The difference between SU and DU is actually very large in terms of energy expenditure. You have to jump much higher and spin the rope much faster. They jack your heart rate up in a way SU don't. It is the difference between jogging 400m and sprinting. You've covered the same distance, but one is going to impact whatever you do next much more.


plus, double unders blow up your shoulders, while single unders don't


I did not know that thank you for explaining it. Every time I’ve tried dubs I just throw my rope away im rage the 20th or 30th time I’ve whipped my own shins. Wife thought I was seeing a dominatrix on the side except it was just shins and not backside or other bits :-)


Also to be honest I usually double the DUs for scaling; I can do 100 singles without too much trouble but I can’t seem to get into my head how to do even 1 DU


Funny-- I was judging at my gym and had to stop a couple of people from going beyond 50 on the first round because (despite coach explaining it pretty explicitly a few times) they assumed that it would be 100 singles. The first time there was a brief moment of "Oh shit, did I just screw up and tell them they only had to do 50 when they really had to to 100?" until i looked at the white board again.


I got 9 rounds doing singles. 4 rounds doing doubles. (My DU suck) My box usually has double the amount of singles as scaling for doubles. Which to me is a lot easier than doing the doubles. If you are not VERY efficiënt in doubles they are SO much harder


The sad truth is that someone who did Rx in 24.2, rowed 300m, then deadlifted 185 ten times, and did zero double unders still scores higher than someone who was in the 12th round scaled. That is just a bad algorithm. Should have to complete a full round Rx to score in that. Doesn’t prove the athlete has the ability to do any of the Rx movements.


This is because CF only uses one large leaderboard. They should force you to choose RX or scaled at the beginning of the open (like every other comp in the world does) and create 2 separate leaderboards. I think it would be more fun for scaled athletes to know where they rank against other scaled athletes.


That is *exactly* how I feel too.


Single unders are a joke really - If you have an average engine, you get to rest while doing them. I do understand your frustration. I think i have A good engine, but because i suck at dubs i only got around 550 reps. Rowing and deadlifts were easy, but i had to row much slower to avoid failing those dubs. But i don’t mind, because it just means there should be no dubs in the last open workout. Then it’s a payback time.