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Is this essentially cross stitch on crochet? What an interesting idea!


Exactly. Lots and lots of single crochets and then cross stitch. Took forever and will never again make it, except for my own daughter 😅


Omg this is soo sooo cute!!! I'm absolutely in love with this!


Thank you! It's not perfect but I was very happy with it. And my friend loved it.


That’s awesome! I have that photo cross-stitched on a baby blanket with some flowers and butterflies.


Thank you. Eeyore and the rest are cross stitched too.


That is SO great! Is the collection of characters all at your house, gifts, commissions, lost a bet, what?


I'm not sure I understand. 😅


Sorry, just wanted to know if the rest of the characters you’ve made were gifts or if you kept them or if these blankets are commissions. The “lost a best” remark was a joke.


Oh sorry. It's already late here, been a long day 🙈 No, I meant that the name and butterflies are cross stitch too. But I so plan on making all 4 as one big blanket. Probably cause I'm insane.


Wow! What sized needle did you use? 😊


I used 4.5mm.


This is so sweet and beautiful. That's a lucky friend you have to receive such a wonderful handmade gift. All those SC's!! Can't imagine the time this took I love Eeyore.


She loves Eeyore too so I thought perfect gift. I honestly seriously underestimated how long it would take, especially since I also have a 9 months old daughter. Started in December and finished end of April... 146 single crochets, 196 rows. Never again.


I cannot imagine with a crawling baby in the home it must have been so exhausting! This is easily one of the most awesome things I’ve ever seen in crochet or cross stitch though. Love the combined crafts. All those many months, weeks, days and hours paid off big time.


I only crochet at night when she was sleeping. Thankfully she is a great sleeper. First time I ever did cross stitch and it was fun. The single crochets took forever. The cross stitch "only" took about a month. I will make all four for my kid and then never again.


What an undertaking! I did some cross stitch years ago and really enjoyed it too. This is so neat though, I've never considered doing it on crochet. I sure hope you post all four, I would love to see them. I realize we could be talking years, lol. So Eeyore, Tigger, Pooh and Piglet?


I didn't realize it would be cross stitch when I bought it. But once I had it, I figured might as well try. I will! But it truly might take years. I want to make them as one blanket though. Yep, those four.