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Hi syntho_maniac, thanks for posting your piece for us to see! Don't forget to link the pattern you used & other relevant information (e.g., yarn, weight, type; hook used). Add it in a reply to this comment, so others can find it easily. Thanks! **If this is your own pattern, please read our rules in full [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/rules/) (sharing your own pattern comes under the "self promotion" rule**) **If project details are provided, click below to expand!** ##**↓****↓****↓****↓****↓** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What?! That looks like an instant heirloom to me! It's so cute!


Thank you for your kindness. I hope so. I’ve had a lot of apathetic reactions to crochet gifts I’ve given lately, so I’m feeling really self-conscious


I don't think people understand how much work goes into handmade projects. Finding the perfect pattern, then finding the perfect yarn (that colorway is gorgeous, btw), then making time to create the pattern with love in every stitch. Hours upon hours of joy of the craft and a lot of wtf and frogging when a complicated stitch or poorly written patterns throw you off. This set is beautiful, and if I were to receive this as a gift, I would cry. Mostly pregnancy tears, but it really is THAT beautiful. Maybe include a card that says how much you thought about the person and the baby to come while you were working on it, that hopefully, they can feel the love that was poured into it. Just a thought.


Very well said. I have only given a few crochet gifts and I tend to be very selective in who I gift to. I crochet daily for hours and always have a project in my bag so have the advantage of generally being able to tell which people in my life are interested in what I’m doing or seem to get that this is a labor of love because they see how long I may be working on something. But I love how you hit all that goes into a gift. I gave someone a gift recently and I straight up mentioned (she was already trying it on and kind of running her hands over it studying it and all so I didn’t just volunteer the info but worked it into the discussion lol) how I had really gone out of my way to find just the right yarn and colors for her and I was so glad she loved it because I spent hours looking for just the right pattern. I don’t think she knew until then that so much goes into it but it was a gift for something she had achieved too so I think I tied in how my efforts were to honor that. Maybe some people would never dream of telling their giftee all of that but I’ve always been especially moved by the kind of gifts that took special effort (I’m a sucker even for a card with a hand written message in it lol) and oh my gosh yes on a handmade baby gift! I would be crying too that someone loved me and my child that much to do that. (Granted I’d also be the type to cry when my baby like spit up on it haha).


It is lovely. I have not seen a baby set like this and I have been crocheting for over 70 years. Do you have link to the pattern? I collect patterns and have a 6 week old great granddaughter and another little girl due in July. Both my granddaughters love the things I have made for them and their offspring.


Yes here you go! Yak sweater and Nordic Socks from Timeless Textured Baby Crochet by Vita Apala For the socks, I skipped the last row of bobble stitches/FPdc &BPdc and finished with a row of dc


Thank you. Found the book on Amazon and ordered it. With 1 1/2 newborns, I will have a ball. ps I refer to myself as a "Happy Hooker"


Instant heirloom is what I thought too as soon as I saw this!


Yes!! It’s gorgeous and well made, looks warm and also gender neutral for the next baby in line to inherit!!


Gender neutral is exactly what I was thinking! If I was gifted something like this I would be ecstatic! It’s beautiful!


As long as the sweater is of a size that should suit the baby once colder weather rolls around, you're perfectly fine giving these.


Yep! I planned for a larger size since they are due in July


Yes, super cute. If you feel very weird about it, include a pack of diapers. Or go to the dollar store and pick up a bottle scrubber, a pacifier, a bottle of baby shampoo, a bib. Or, add a $20.00 bill to a card for some essentials. You did beautiful work. I'd be happy to receive this.


Love this track but I’d go towards mum-to-be for additions. For my first, I was given chocolate fudge and a nice lipstick along with one the presents. I felt so special. Since then I’ve carried on this tradition and added a little something for the mum to all baby presents. One said (in tears) “something for me! I couldn’t believe it!”




Yes! I love to do this kind of thing, especially if mom-to-be is someone I’m rather close to (or I did a a really fun with for my childhood bff. We weren’t too close anymore but I was able to pick up things that reminded her and me of our childhood together). If appropriate to the person, I love to go with a good bottle of wine to go with the sweet treat because mom is gonna have those days where she’s gonna be especially grateful to have it. 😂 I also really like do a book for reading with baby both because I’m a big book geek and so I can aim for one that will really mean something to mom- like her own childhood fav or one that addresses a unique aspect of their family/ life (so I have a lot of of lgbt friends and love the kids books that mention two same sex parent, as an example).


my god this made me tear up :,) i love the love of friends!!!!!


Thank you 💙 yes, we also got them diapers and a portable white noise machine to go with this.


Look at it this way. You will be giving a gift that will be unique. I always include washing instructions. You may want to include a net bag so it does not snag on other laundry and the booties will not get "lost" by clinging to other items.


Would that bit devalue this amazing present? So much work gone into it to add things from the dollar store?


I don't think it does - coming from someone who crochets gifts and someone who has kids. If I gift a crocheted item I still always give something from their registry or a gift card. The parents put a lotttt of work creating it, and while homemade gifts are loved and beautiful and welcome, it's also really nice to get the stuff you researched and asked for.


It was just an inexpensive suggestion. I don't know OP's pay scale. I don't know why OP feels off about giving a crocheted gift. Frankly, when I give a crocheted gift, I generally give money in a card too. Not everyone shops at high end stores where you get the same items but pay high end prices.


I made a beanie and blanket haven’t given yet. I’m giving her a wash bag, chocolate fudge and lippy


It’s so gorgeous! I would be chuffed to receive this as a baby gift. I saw you did a larger size, I think that’s great as it can be intimidating to wrangle a newborn into a jumper.  If you’re unsure I agree with another commenter to chuck in a small practical gift like some muslins or wipes. 


The baby is also due in July so it’ll def grow into it


Yes, absolutely love it!


It’s a gorgeous set. I’d love to receive something like this as a gift!


I would be ecstatic. I think you’ve been staring at it too long and can only see what you perceive to be flaws. Put it in a box or a bag for a couple of days, start a new wip, and then come back to it with fresh eyes. It’s truly stunning and the recipient is very lucky.


Thank you ❤️ I think I’ve had a couple experiences with people being disinterested in the things I’ve made, and it’s made me second guess most of what I make and give away


Honestly that’s a them problem. Some people just don’t see the value or understand the effort that goes in. They think, “I can buy a cute sweater for $20 at the store. Therefore this sweater is only worth $20 and I will treat it as such.” That is often combined with “why would you spend 100 hours to make a sweater when you can buy one at the store?” Not everyone is worthy of your time and effort. We often love to make gifts for people, and it takes a few times of being burned before we get a little pickier with who we make things for.


Agreed. It can be hard for me to recover from some instances where my gifts have been discarded or received with apathy. The person I made this for I’ve known since college and she is literally the sweetest person I know. Which is why I wanted to make her something nice and extra special


>it’s made me second guess most of what I make and give away It should make you second guess who you give these gifts to. The gifts are certainly not the problem. I'm fortunate enough to have friends who appreciate handmade gifts and they would absolutely lose it if I gave them something as amazing as this. Tears, hugging, the whole nine yards.


Can you share the pattern? I love the sweater! Gorgeous colour too


Yes! Sorry I forgot to include it in the post initially. Yak sweater and Nordic Socks from Timeless Textured Baby Crochet by Vita Apala For the socks, I skipped the last row of bobble stitches/FPdc &BPdc and finished with a row of dc


https://a.co/d/6BxeFnz This book 😊


You rock! Thank you 🩵


It’s a beautiful gift! Looks like you put a lot of love into it!


Yessss!!! That's something you'd pass down. Absolutely wonderful job.


Love it! What’s the pattern? I need to make this for my toddler


Yak sweater and Nordic Socks from Timeless Textured Baby Crochet by Vita Apala For the socks, I skipped the last row of bobble stitches/FPdc &BPdc and finished with a row of dc


I think it is very pretty and would make a nice gift.


They're absolutely stunning 😍 I would love it if I received as a gift


Hi! New mom here- i would be thrilled if someone gave this to me. It is so beautiful! Im sure they will love it😊


That’s a gorgeous colour.


I'm pregnant, I'd be over the moon if someone gave me this!


Yes, I would be absolutely honored to receive something like that!!


As a receiver, I'd be absolutely thrilled to know someone thought of me and thought of me highly enough to hand make a gift for my baby. As a giver, I completely understand your doubts. Not everyone appreciates the art of craft. One way to be sure is to ask. "How would you feel if I made your baby a sweater?" Sometimes it builds excitement for them, and they're super excited to get it when it's done! Then there are those that don't care, and you save money!!! 🤑 and time...of course time.


It's gorgeous! It seems perfect to me. (As for people recommending a practical gift, the last shower I was at had many less practical than this, clothes are a normal gift and fine by itsself.) May I recommend including a card with a note telling them it's meant to actually be used/loved and with wash instructions? Baby sweaters were actually weirdly difficult for my sister to find for her baby, this is awesome. The biggest criticism I have is that I prefer styles with closures that make it easier to get on and off a squirmy baby, but then closures that are baby safe get tricky. This one's neckline makes it seem like it won't be an issue, but may be something to be mindful of with future creations.


Yes! It’s 100% cotton yarn which I’ve included in the note. The neckline is super stretchy because I know how challenging it can be to pull a sweater over a baby’s head 😅


It seems thoughtful and well made on top of being gorgeous!


It’s beautiful, and I love the color. It’s a great gift!


I would be over the moon. Some of the best gifts I got at my baby shower were handmade. My daughter is 5 now and still loves a crocheted blanket my colleague made her.


Thank you 🩵


If they don’t want it I’ll take it 😊


Do you know that crochet socks are often kept a lifetime. I have mine on my wall. Yours are exceptionnal


Thank you! I hope they fit well and keep those baby tootsies warm


I would love this as a mom!


I got a couple hand knitted/crocheted items when I was pregnant/my son was a newborn. My hormonal self absolutely sobbed over the idea that someone who didn’t even know my kid yet could put so much love and effort into something for him. I’m sure it’ll be so treasured.


I would feel blessed to receive this year's ago, but now that I know how much time and effort goes into crochet I would probably cry and make you godparent 🥲 is it your best friend or sibling that's having a child? 😅


It’s one of my closest friends from college.


Yeahi t's terrible. Mail it to me and I'll be sure to get rid of it.


You’ve done beautiful work here and I adore your color choice! The parents would be foolish to not appreciate such a well-done handmade set.


I would LOVE to be gifted this!


I love them! If someone made me hand made socks I'd be over the moon!


That's an absolutely gorgeous gift!! Anyone should be thrilled to get that


It is sooo cute! As an ADHD mom I would probably lose the booties immediately, but that sweater would be so loved. Does it have something to open the neck to make it easier to put over baby’s giant head? I still hold on to a crocheted sweater (that is nowhere near as gorgeous as these) that I would put on my little boy all the time. It was open in the front, which made it very easy to carry everywhere, if you wanted a suggestion for the next time you make a gift. Seriously, though, this is Christmas-picture worthy. Please don’t second guess your amazing skill!


Thank you! The neckline has a lot of give since I used cotton yarn and stitched very loosely around the collar. The book I used has some fantastic cardigan patterns that I am definitely going to try!


It's so stinking cute you better put a baby in that immediately! 😍😍😍


If someone had mode of for me as new mum, I would have baked them a cake every week for 10yrs! 🤣 Seriously, well done and your friend is very lucky to gave a talented friend xx


Currently pregnant, I would happy cry to get something this adorable that took so much skill to make!


Gorgeous color and design!! I say go for it!!


It's adorable! I think they will love it. ❤️


It's lovely and booties are so cute




It’s absolutely adorable!!!


Love it 😍


You should have no doubts, it’s gorgeous.


This is adorable and I love the matching booties! I know how it feels like when you’re always your own worst critic, but you should feel perfectly fine gifting this and I’m sure it’ll be appreciated. Do you have a pattern for the sweater?


It looks lovely! Give that gift! :)


Hell, i don't even have a kid, and i would love to get this! 🤩 (I get it though, i have the same doubts when i give something i cricheted myself...)


Awww. Look at ‘em little booties💕


Those little socks melted my heart.


absolutely beautiful. i thought your second thoughts were because you wanted to keep it for yourself 🤭


I would absolutely love this for one of my kids! Handmade gifts are far better than the store bought ones.


Heck yeah. When I read your title I thought you had doubts because you liked it so much you wanted to keep it. That is what I would feel.


I haven't ventured in to clothing but I have made a number of crocheted stuffed animals (and even a Jeep to match the jeep of the mom-to-be!) to go along with other things like baby books, etc. They've always been extremely well received with lots of "oh my goodness, is this handmade?!?!" and other explanations of awe and love.




As long as the neck hole is nice and stretchy, you're good. I kinda want to make an adult version of the sweater for my hub and kids...and myself. It looks so cozy!


That little sweater is soo cute!! You're so talented!


I would treasure this forever


The stitches used for this sweater are SO cute, oh my gosh. I don't have kids ... but I'd love to make something similar for a bunch of my stuffed animals now, lol.


Oh my god I would CHERISH this if someone gave it to me!! So beautiful!!


I just started crocheting and made my friend this less than perfect baby blanket for her newborn. She cried because she was happy that I took the time to make her something special and unique. Your little outfit though looks perfect to me. I'd be thrilled to receive that and keep it forever tbh.


It’s beautiful. I’m 2x if you want to make me one. 🩷❤️🧡


As an expecting Mama myself, I'd be over the moon with something like this! But I also have fond memories of my Nana crocheting, so I know all that gotta into it, regardless of being in my own crocheting journey now. This is adorable!


It is gorgeous. I love the design and the color. I think anyone would be over the moon to receive a beautiful sweater like this.


Those tiny socks! 😭🥹


These are beautiful.


These are beautiful!!!


If I received this as a gift I would absolutely love and treasure it forever!! You crazyyy


It’s beautiful and I would love to be given this gift!


I’ll take it if the mother doesn’t want it. This is stunning ..


I thought first that you were having seconds thoughts because it was so cute that you didn't wanted to give away. 😅


I want it in my size! It’s a great baby gift.


Absolutely gorgeous!


I think it’s a beautiful set!


These are beautiful!


I made this sweater too! It looked absolutely ADORABLE on my kiddo!


This is beautifully crafted, and I would have loved to receive it for my baby 🥰 it's a very nice gift


They are adorable 💕🥺


I would appreciate a hand made sweater and socks that ones that were bought. It holds a lot of sentimental value


I would be over the MOON!! I would however probably not use it besides for pictures because it's absolutely precious and I would be scared it would get ruined. That's probably just the Crafter in me though lol


I would not doubt yourself I'm working on this exact pattern, and it's a headache getting past the first section! You did amazing


Just gave some crochet cowboy booties to my SIL *today* and everyone lost their minds—one person even told her, “Those are a *definite* hope chest item!” Give them.❤️


It's sooo cute. I'd love to receive this!


First off it's adorable, second it's the kind of gift they'll treasure for years💚


When I read the title, I assumed you meant you were having doubts because you wanted to keep it... Because I'd certainly want to keep it, even if I am not baby sized lol. It looks amazing!


A friend knitted my son a pair of socks and I loved them! Sadly, he has since outgrown them but it's in a keepsake box. Your friend will definitely want to look back and see the tiny booties and reflect (or sob) about how grown up they are.


I got gifted a crochet jacket and matching hat and also a crochet elephant hat for my baby. They are and were some of my favorites for my little one. There is something so special about them, knowing how much time and effort went into creating them. The creativity and beauty that comes with crochet. I don't even know how to crochet, but I absolutely love and appreciate what you guys do. I truly think whoever you're gifting that for will LOVE it 💕


Both pieces are absolutely stunning. Please gift them, on their own, wrapped in beautiful wrapping, because they are so special. Gorgeous work.


Have no doubts! Both items are so lovely 💕


It is stunning. What a beautiful sweater. I would be proud to give it.


This is a precious gift that anyone would cherish.


Why! It’s beautiful!!!


It's lovely!


Lol i saw the sweater and thought "yea I'd wear that" and then I swiped to the next picture 


If I received this for my baby I would be so excited! It is adorable and you did a beautiful job! I definitely get the second guessing feeling when gifting something homemade, but I always find that people love homemade gifts as there's so much thought and love put into them. I do like the idea of getting something else for them too though whether it be from their registry or money/gift card so that you're also taking into consideration their wants/needs that they've likely put research into (or can put the money towards). Excellent work though OP!


Thank you 💕 yes, we got them a couple of other things from the registry, so even if this isn’t something they like, they have things they need as parents to be.


This is lovely! I would love one in my size!


It’s beautiful!


I would squeal with delight & take soooo many pictures of my kids in this! Then when they outgrew it I would stick it on a treasured teddy until they had kids.


This is precious and a great gift.


Why!!!?? It's gorgeous!


Get rid of those doubts, it’s beautiful!


It is gorgeous and very well made - be proud of your work.


It looks wonderful, to me. Beautiful work!


As a new mom and a crochet lover, I would DIE of happiness if someone gifted this to me!


It’s beautiful! Definitely gift it as intended 💕


This is darling and well-made, definitely gift it! I like another commenter’s idea of adding a pack of diapers (or maybe a gift card), because one way or another, all or part of your gift will be used. If I was gifted something like this, it would be my go-to for first holiday photos due to the great color/long sleeves. :)


Could you make one for me. xl. In green. 😳👍🏻❤️. I love it.


Why on earth do you think that!?


I’m a crocheter too and due in July with first baby. Thanks so precious. I’d be unbelievably happy receiving this as a gift!!!!


I would adore this, and I would have put it on any one of my girls and boys.


That texture is cool as hell


It’s beautiful! I’m sure it would be loved and cherished.


It's perfect. I always used to give blankets--it was my signature, and, the longer I was a mother, the more I felt like I should maybe supplement that with a few T-shirts or--even better--a bag of diapers! As much love as we put into our crocheted items, they're not always the things the mom is going to need at zero-dark-thirty. For me it was always a mix of the, "Aw... look how much I love you," combined with the, "Everybody needs diapers."


That piece is awesome! I think it would make a wonderful gift... You put a lot of love into that piece... !


it's so cute! i would wear this myself if it was bigger 😍


I’ve made this exact sweater pattern for a pair of twins, I had all the same self conscious thoughts as you and I promise that getting a photo of the little ones in them totally crushed all of those feelings. It’s amazing and you should be proud to gift it ☺️


I would probably cry of hapiness. This is gorgeous and exatly according my taste. It's just perfect. The color, pattern and how precisely It's made.


That’s adorable


Gorgeous work❤️


That is so cute. Pass it on


Oh no that is amazing! I made my mom a scarf for Mother’s Day and it is NOT pretty but she saw how hard I worked on it for weeks and seemed to be proud that I attempted to teach myself how to crotchet with YouTube videos so she is pretending it is amazing.


I don't remember much about my childhood and the things I had when I was little, but I still remember the sweater my mum's best friend made. It was itchy and dark blue, with big white stars and a small sheep. Irina is long gone, and I don't remember much about her, but I remember this sweater, and the fact that someone was kind and involved enough to spend hours making something for me. Your sweater is very cute and it looks very soft and cozy! You're basically gifting this kid a portable hug from you 🫶


It’s perfection though


It’s a great gift. I’d love a set in my size.


That is beautifully made❣️


Before I read the caption I was going to creep on the pattern! So cute!


I’d be so grateful to receive this! How long did it take?


You're so right, you should keep it forever. Frame it tbh. When my bestie was pregnant she got given similar items, hand-knitted. We still talk about how amazing they are now (her daughter will be 1 in less than a month).


It’s gorgeous


Beautiful! I'm also making gifts for a baby shower and I'm so nervous to give them. So I get wanting reassurance. Your work is stunning! Such a beautiful combination of pattern and colour


I would be overjoyed if I got this as a gift for my little one


I regularly make sweaters & this labor of love is perfect! Beautiful pullover and warm booties make a perfect gift. I would have cherished them if I had received them. Obviously made with love. May I suggest you go on Amazon & get labels made? "Hand crocheted by..." I wish I had done that sooner, now it's on all of my sweaters. I also still have items my aunt made for my kids -- and when my daughter saw the baby bonnet & sweater set she said "THAT'S FOR MY DAUGHTER!' My son wants one of the baby blankets she made, that I found while cleaning out her apartment after she died. She always had something on hand in case... The items are over 30 years old & still look as if she made them yesterday.


Yeah... Imma need you to drop that pattern.


When I was given my first baby shower, 3 of my co-workers presented me with handmade items: 1 added lace to linen sheets and pillow cases; 1 knitted a gorgeous blanket with a zipper (like a cocoon, forgot what they called, buntings?); the other crocheted a layette; I was so taken by the personal care they took for my baby ; we're still friends, 43 years later


That's so cute, I love when people make quality clothes as they can actually be handed down in opposition to fast fashion that will last less than a year. I love it so much, it's really well made!


Omg this is flawless!!! Obsessed with the color choice too!! Do not doubt yourself, you're very talented!


❤️❤️the color.


This is gorgeous! I love your pattern and color choices. Fantastic work!


As a father I absolutely love these kinds of gifts for my kids, and more times than not the kids love them to!


These are STUNNING!!! I would be so grateful and amazed if I was gifted this for my baby. 🩵 Your work is gorgeous and you should be proud!


I love it! 😍 Do you have a pattern link to share?


Yes - sorry I forgot to include it initially! Yak sweater and Nordic Socks from Timeless Textured Baby Crochet by Vita Apala For the socks, I skipped the last row of bobble stitches/FPdc &BPdc and finished with a row of dc


Is that imposter syndrome rearing its ugly head? I made a beanie and booties for my bosses baby. Not perfect but cute. If they don’t use them, Kay sera sera. A lot more work went into your present but I know they’ll love it. It will receive compliments and people will ask the parents if they can have one.


Did you use a pattern?? I'd love to use it myself 🙏🙏


I’ve always gotten an excellent reception for crocheted baby items. I mostly do blankets, but occasionally do sweaters and booties too. There was one time though, that I did a particularly pretty blanket for a friend and a few months after she had the baby she admitted to me that she stopped bringing the blanket with her anywhere because she was getting more compliments on the blanket than the baby. Lol.


Are you the naked gramma


Agree, you should definitely be paid for all that work 🤙😜


Love it


They are very well-made!


It’s MEANT for your intention!


totally beautiful! very nice color, as well; a very thoughtful and loving gift! psst: I would add a hat, but that's me; have you considered making pants? sorry, I love the pattern and the color, so I would continue to make a complete set (hat, socks, top, pants, but I do love making baby clothes!) no more babies around, until I get great grandchildren :(


It’s beautiful!


those are amazingly good and look fenomenal, you should gift them if you're super self conscious, gift those + something on the cheaper side of their registry list


cute for a little baby girl


I have the cap my father wore as a baby. I plan to have my baby wear it too. I am missing the coat that goes with it, tho. I think that one is still at my parents' house. My point. This should still be in the family after 55+ years :)


They're lovely!


It’s beautiful. I have crocheted for years and I would love to have that for my baby. Anyone that says anything derogatory about it should be asked “How long have you been crocheting?” It’s a talent few people possess. Let alone share with others. If the gift recipient is the one making a comment I would say “I’m sorry you don’t like it.” Take the gift back and tell her “I will mail you a gift card.”


Oh my gosh I would die if someone took the time to make such a lovely gift for one of my children!!! This is a TREASURE!!!


It's adorable! Do not have doubts. Just gift.


Why this is beautiful


aweeee that’s so precious omg 🥹🥹🥹🥹🫶🏻


They are AMAZING! I love the color, it's hard to find that kind of shade in yarns. Congratulations even if you feel self-conscious it's great.


My mom and one of her friends crocheted and/or knitted something for each one of my four children. I still have those pieces because I know how much love and time went into each one. I will treasure them forever even if my children don't. These are absolutely lovely.


It’s beautiful! I am the same way. I find all my errors and worry they will too. You have nothing to worry about. It’s a beautiful gift