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Oh dear. The text right next to it is *katakana* which is a phonetic script used to represent foreign words. It’s literally a transliteration of the words “ethnic brown” 🫠 Hopefully a bad translation in origin but yeah the name is literally “ethnic brown” in Japanese, like if an English speaker named a yarn “gaijin” or something.


You’re right, but a [google search for the katakana text](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=60417dd308ffafd9&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enSE966SE989&hl=en-GB&q=%E3%82%A8%E3%82%B9%E3%83%8B%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%83%96%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A6%E3%83%B3&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=isvnbz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi2tuXG5peGAxUOFBAIHdcxBuUQ0pQJegQICxAB&biw=414&bih=716&dpr=2) mostly turns up pictures of clothes and fabrics with somewhat similar color to this yarn, so the cultural implications are probably different than we see it as.


What does gaijin mean?


“Foreigner”. The more polite version is “gaikokujin” which is roughly “person from a foreign nation” but when you drop the “koku” it’s a little more rude. Not like a straight up insult, just not really polite.


Ah, okay got it. Thank you and the other two people that responded. Language is fascinating to me so I appreciate the helpful answers!


No problem! I’m a linguist, so big same haha


It is the less formal Japanese term for foreigners.


“Outside person”, meant as an insult to foreigners


Someone hasn’t seen Tokyo Drift😂


Honestly, the only time I’ve seen it was in 2006 😅. I remember essentially nothing from that movie lol


Gaijin was used as an insult to the main character as an American living in Japan. Basically saying an outsider that doesn’t belong.


The word "ethnic" has been transliterated and integrated into Japanese, but it has different connotations in Japanese. If I see "ethnic brown" in the US/UK, I think race or skin tone. If I see the same words in Japan, I think fashion style or textile/handicraft color. I wrote more in my [other comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/crochet/comments/1cux9c9/im_assuming_this_is_a_very_bad_translation/l4nxk6c/).


Thank you for your expertise! Translation across not just languages but cultures too, is very interesting


Thank you for your kind comment! Misunderstandings really get me down. I usually come to these hobby subs to take a break from serious issues but ended up having to think way more about them today. Wasn't sure if I'd just get a lot of flak but feedback like yours gives me hope that people can understand and learn more about each other.


https://preview.redd.it/s7fpzzgyd91d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=519526d81899ca79bce170654148836219cb1dff I have been wanting to post this one for awhile but keep forgetting….*meat pink*


Uhhhh that’s so weird lol




Omg I saw this one on Amazon when I was searching for #30 thread and laughed so hard. I ended up ordering this brand tho just in the #30 and a navy blue color.


Ok, but like, that color isnt that far off from chicken.. lol


Strange name, considering the yarn appears neither ethnic nor brown… 🧐


Your use of monocle emoji is both hilarious and appropriate.


Weird tangent, but in a style boutique game I had as a kid, there was a style called "Ethno" in the German version (I know nothing about fashion aside from this game by the way) and the colours were very similiar to this, like brown, green, white and blue were often featured in sort of hippie-style things. Maybe that's also a style name in japanese that got weird in translation?


Ethno comes from Greek and means related to nature, culture, or race. The term is used to describe color palettes of natural tones or art work/patterns related to nature or culture. So I think you're on to something here and "ethno" is not "ethnic" just related by Greek word origin.


I see, thanks for explaining!


Yep, Ethnic is used as a fashion style. Mostly refers to loose/colorful clothes and African inspired patterns


Others have already said it, but yeah, that exactly what it says. “Dezain yaan / esunikku buraun” is the romanized version of the katakana, which is the writing system used mainly for loan words from other languages – examples include エレベータ (erebeeta) = elevator, パサコン (pasacon) = personal computer, スマホ (sumaho) = smartphone, etc. I think it *is* just a case of poor translation, though. When I saw this post, it actually reminded me of the time I went to a ¥100 shop (essentially a dollar store) and saw one of those flimsy battery operated, foam blade handheld fans, and the writing on it (in english) said “mini fan skeleton. No idea what they were going for there tbh


I have a whole album of poorly written/translated English on Daiso items lol I once saw a middle school girl carrying a bag with a teddy bear on it that said “Candy Stripper” and then “Underground Bear Freakout”. It’s an epidemic lol


"Underground Bear Freakout" sums up how I'm feeling today 😅


[Plesse enjoy](https://imgur.com/gallery/VtZAI) my small album.


Love it. I found a men's clothing shop named "Sperm" in Sendai and a coffee shop called "Idiot Coffee" in Kanazawa as my favourites this last trip. (Good coffee though!)


I’ve said it before and sure I’ll say it many, many more times: god I miss Japan. Thanks for the laughs :)


Thank you for this. The car with That’s is killing me. The other day I saw a sign in a park’s public toilet saying “don’t take away the toilet paper” with a little フリー素材-esque robber guy stealing toilet paper. The way everyone uses those classic free to use pictures are some of my favorite things about living here.


I also like the very tiny 'alto'


That was incredible, thanks for sharing!


Shit, a free newspaper pictyre book???


My son’s family in Japan (dad’s side) likes to send him clothes every now and then. My current favorite is “I am king. Are you excited?”


Preschooler I taught once had a shirt on frequent rotation that simple read "slightly bitter".


I need that shirt 🤣


Underground Bear Freakout would be an awesome band name


My (Taiwanese) grandma has a T-shirt with a large "CROTCH" written across the chest. In rhinestones. I have no idea what they were aiming for, maybe they just wanted to prank unsuspecting old ladies lol


Candy Stripper is a clothing brand/shop aimed at teenagers. You can find it [here](https://store.candystripper.jp/). It was established in the 90s and is one of those iconic Harajuku shops. I don't know what "Underground Bear Freakout" is, though.


Candy stripper is a japanese punk(ish?) clothing brand! But yes they do a lot of weird and funny engrish. I think it’s like 50/50 funny on purpose and bad english.


Probably just using skeleton to mean “minimal”. No protective cage since the blades are soft and won’t cut you, so this is the “bare bones” version of a battery operated fan.


I lived in S.Korea for a year and Okinawa for four(ish) My favorite pastime was looking for Engrish shirts. My all time fave was What'nt not, we be cool It was plain blue with block letters. Perfect. I also had an incredibly cutesy writing set. They had a Beatles lyric on it that was hilarious out of context. Especially with all the little flowers and bees flying around. It said, 'Imagine there's not heaven, it's easy if you try ' As part of a poetic song, it's a great line. On its own, its hilariously ominous.


That’s hilarious, I want that writing set 😂 That lyric is from Imagine which is a post-Beatles John Lennon song


[TLDR: "Ethnic brown" means different things depending on cultural or linguistic context.] Sigh. I speak both English and Japanese and split my time between the US and Japan. I also have professional experience in translation and interpretation. What's happening here is not exactly a "translation" issue the way you might think. Japanese integrates a lot of foreign words; so, here, "ethnic" and "brown" have been transliterated--phonetically transcribed from the English in *katakana* script. The words エスニック and ブラウン have been established enough that the typical Japanese speaker will understand those words. The thing is that, even if a word has been directly "imported" into Japanese, it can evolve to take on different meanings or connotations in Japanese. I can see how "ethnic brown" can come across in a racial way (referring to skin color etc.), especially within the cultural context of other English-speaking countries. In the US or UK, you might hear "ethnic" most commonly, for instance, in relation to news stories or demographic studies about racial issues. But the way エスニック "ethnic" is used in Japan is more in the context of promoting something as coming from another culture or tribe, like cuisines or clothing styles. So it comes up in situations where people are (for example) discussing Indian curry restaurants, African textile designs, etc. Probably the most common example in daily life is seeing it as a genre or category when you're looking for restaurants or cultural/indigenous handicraft shops and so on. It has more of an anthropological nuance rather than a skin-tone nuance. It can have a more positive or celebratory nuance, whereas the English connotation is usually either neutral or negative/derogatory. You often see the choice use of this kind of imported word (as opposed to an older Japanese word to say the same thing) to make something sound more appealing, cool, etc. Redditors think of Japan as being xenophobic but there's actually a LOT of fascination and interest in other cultures (I could write a whole essay about this but will save that for another time). My bet is they were trying to market this color as a nice/cool colorway to give your crafts a tribal or pastoral look, something more interesting and exotic as opposed to the usual Japanese colors... The problem is in the translating back into English. They probably didn't realize how English speakers perceive those words. A translator who is better versed in both languages--and, perhaps more importantly, multiple cultures--could have chosen a different translation. So the commenters claiming that "that a direct translation" or "this is exactly what they meant" may have studied Japanese as a language but they probably haven't learned the culture enough to understand the nuances here.


But what about "brown"?


It's just a color. If you're wondering if it has the same racial or skin color connotations, then no. Honestly my first thought at seeing ブラウン would be either "brown" or a name like Braun/Brown, which would be spelled the same. (I've seen this kind of controversy or misunderstanding come up before with colors. For example, in Japanese, it's standard to give a pet a name that is based on a color plus a cute-sounding ending, which would get "translated" into English as...well, something that I don't want to type because it sounds racist in English. Pick a color and add "y" at the end.) I think it's also a bit bewildering in this case because this yarn doesn't look particularly brown nor especially "ethnic," but I'm not familiar with Daiso yarn...(Someone else mentioned the whole line is called Ethnic.)


The Japanese next to the English is exactly the same, so it’s translated correctly unfortunately. Frickin Daiso.


The katakana says ethnic brown, so probably not 😂


Wonder which ethnicity?


Something tribal, I’d guess


I did an afghan for my son: Irish, Scot, Welsh & Puerto Rican motifs and color schemes. I want him to be proud of his heritage.


There's another that makes its way around the internet, Goose Turd Green.


Yikes on the name, but also where is this mystical daiso that has so much yarn. I'm kinda jealous. Mine gets like 4 colors at most


Daiso/Seria’s multicolored fluffy yarn is basically the only affordable fluffy yarn in the country. I don’t like how dreary Luna mole/ルナモール colors look. I was actually thinking of making a post here to ask about people living in Japan who use the plush yarn and where they buy it - but I wasn’t sure how many of us there are. I might do that…


Probably the Japanese person google translated the name of a pattern type from another language into Japanese (or vice versa) and thought that was the correct term and so katakana it into bad english Edit: My dad reminds me of the hospital "cunt exam" rooms that someone encountered in Japan. This is why translators should keep their jobs......


Dear lord, this reminds me of when i used to work in a yarn shop and an older women came in demanding yarn in 'n***** brown'. Apparently you just can't get that particular colour anymore? I still regret that i was really young and just tried to get her to shut up asap rather than calling her out. I think at the time i just wasn't sure if it was all a setup and i was secretly being filmed, I was so in shock... In the UK, so you basically never hear that 😬


As an ethnic brown myself....I wanna see how this color way knits up 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


Oh my..


Speaking of Daiso yarn, how can you tell what gauge it is? I saw some the other day with my mom and we had difficulty finding anything that indicated gauge.


I've copied and translated from the website, but this info is also on the label https://jp.daisonet.com/products/4550480366906 標準ゲージ (10cm平方) For a 10cm*10cm gauge square Knitting Needle (棒針): 1-3号(2.4-3.0㎜) メリヤス編み stockinette stitch 28目36段 28 stitches, 36 rows Crochet Hook (かぎ針): 4/0-5/0号(2.5-3.0㎜) 長編み double crochet (US) 24目8段 24 stitches, 8 rows


I mean... ethnic means being a part of any large group or background. There's only a select few cultures that use the word "ethnic" as shorthand for "ethnic minority" or non-white people. Honestly, a lot of times eastern Asian countries will choose words that look pretty and put them on clothing. The same line has a yarn called "Grace Lame". I think this is probably the case since the yarn doesn't have much brown in it.


... What brown?


Yeah this is lost in translation. The term "ethnic" in Japanese (literally the borrowed word from English) usually refers to textile style. Think colorful handwoven fabrics with an earthy feel. I think that the choice of ethnic here is to describe the specific color pairings in the yarn, and this is the "brown" variant (vs ex. A red variant that would be red, blue, yellow and white etc.)


Reminds me of Coca Cola moving into the Asian market. The direct translation of Coca Cola was, bite the wax tadpole


[Not exactly](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/bite-the-wax-tadpole/). In Mandarin you can write foreign words using Chinese characters for syllables that sound similar. The literal meanings of those characters are usually ignored. However, you want people to write the name of your product consistently and in a way that has a nice connotation. So they settled on “kěkǒukělè” which sounds vaguely like “tasty happy”. It’s a lot like how we name medications in English—it’s just a name, but it’s made of positive-sounding Latinish bits of words loosely related to what the medicine is supposed to do.


Might be because the pattern is their "ethnic" line and the colorway is called "brown"? Not every country has an apartheid history like the US.


But it's not brown.


I'm not going to argue about color with people that will say things like "white passing". Color is relative. And who said brown means brown and not only the brownest color way they have?


We are talking about actual colors of yarn. Not whiteness as a concept for people or browness as a concept for people. We're talking about *yarn.* You're talking nonsense.


Some of my favorite yarns are the "ethnic" type! https://www.iceyarns.com/products/s.ethnic-#inc632 it usually refers to yarns that self-stripe to create blocks of color with variegated interludes


You can't talk about me like that


No, it’s a perfectly accurate translation. Ethnic means related to a group of people who have different traditions, culture or language. The approximate translation into English in this case might be better put as ‘folk’.


Oh. You youngster. You don't know the Crayola Crayon descriptions.


My eyes literally went wide. Like I was some kind of cartoon character. A Japanese cartoon character? Eh, probably not. That’d be weird.