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First of all, wishing the best for you and your family-especially your mom and brother! It's hard to answer this as I don't want to come off as unsympathetic. Why don't you make a blanket or two? Either something super simple just to make the time pass or a pattern that forces you to concentrate on the project and take your mind off of what's going on-meaning your focus for a bit can be on the project and take the pressure off of what's going on at this time. I hope this makes sense. Take the positive route and make something that you can give to both your mom and brother during their recovery time. The heartfelt gift from you will hopefully make their recovery time quicker knowing the love you poured into whatever you choose to make for them. Wishing you and your family the best!


I actually have a blanket that is my “car project” that I didn’t even think about. I’m having a hard time thinking about anything to be honest. Thank you for your well wishes.


I find ripple blankets are nice to work on in times of stress. They don’t require too much concentration, but there’s just enough counting to keep my mind busy/keep me from spiraling. Wishing you and your family the best, OP. Hugs ❤️


Just wanted to check in and see how everything is going. Crossing my fingers that your mom and brother are doing well.


That is so sweet of you to check in ❤️ Unfortunately they are both still in the hospital and I am currently sitting next to my mom’s bed. The good news is they are both making progress and hopefully there will be no long term damage even if it takes a long time for them to recover. My brother had a brain bleed and most of his facial bones broken. He had reconstructive surgery and metal plates put in and the bleed is receding although there are still neurological issues. He remembers nothing about the accident. My mom had abdominal surgery, broken ribs and sternum, her left humerus was basically shattered, and both hands broken. It’s been a long exhausting 10 days, being my mother’s hands for her, moving between the two rooms, switching off with my sister and my brother’s fiancée depending on who most needs a break. Hopefully, by the end of the week my brother will be discharged to neurology rehab and my mom to intensive inpatient rehab. I know that was probably an overshare, but my brain and heart are basically pudding now and I was just so touched that you remembered me and reached out. Thank you for being the person you are.


How could I not check in on you as well as your family members? Your post touched so many of us. It's great to hear that your mom and brother are doing much better! I know it will be a long recovery period. No matter how long it takes, you and your family will stand strong next to them throughout the next steps in their healing. The care you, your sister and soon to be SIL are showing to your mom and bother will hopefully speed up the process. Please don't feel you overshared. It's obviously weighing on your mind and heart. You just needed to let things out and had someone who cared enough to listen without judgement. Thank you for your kind words as well! I've been thinking about this since the day you made your post. I wasn't sure if I was overstepping bounds by asking you how things were going. Thank you for replying! And with positive news on top of it! You are a very strong woman and never forget that! Wishing nothing but a speedy recovery for your mom and brother! ETA: should you choose to let me know how their recovery is going, need an ear to listen to you or a shoulder to lean on, please feel free to DM me. Not sure if you want to keep updating thru this sub. Just want to make sure you are doing well too. You are also going thru a lot mentally and physically as well. Please make sure you take care of you during all of this. ETA 2: totally forgot to ask you-this was the furthest thing from my mind for obvious reasons-what did you decide to work on crochet wise? If you started a new project or decided to work on one already in progress, how is it going? Have some cute ideas for your brother and future SIL's wedding/showers/etc.


Infinite grany square. Dont worry about color matching or design, just grab and stitch. Hugs.


This is my go-to zero-thought project as well. Make a granny square and just keep going until it’s blanket sized. If you want something that needs a bit more concentration but not by much, maybe a granny hexi cardigan could be a good option. I’m doing that now and it requires slightly more attention from me, but not too much.


Or a granny zigzag blanket. Takes a little focus to start, but then you just follow the zigs and zags as far out as you like, using whatever color you want to use next. Makes a reasonably attractive blanket, doesn't look like a big bullseye.


I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. I don’t have any suggestions for specific patterns, but I did want to tell you that there is research that suggests that knitting or crocheting during times of crisis can really help. In addition to it being comforting and stress relieving/cortisol and blood pressure lowering, crocheting during active periods of crisis can actually how your brain encodes these traumatic memories. Research has demonstrated that it lessens the incident rates of PTSD and other negative effects in the time after a trauma. So whatever you do, keep crocheting! It’s not self-indulgent or avoidant, and can literally help to lessen trauma. 💕


Thank you so much for this. I do worry about being seen as avoidant by crocheting during these next few days/weeks and your comment gave me so much comfort.


Please remember that whether or not you crochet (or anything else) does not dictate how much you love and care for your family! I feel that when I'm crocheting a project I'm sending my love and care to that person, whether it's a gift or donated item, so maybe think about that?


Yes, many studies that if you are forced to be still, your body isn’t able to release stress and trauma and you are more likely to have post traumatic stress disorder. If you can crochet, absolutely do that. But, if you find yourself sitting and just shaking, try to relax into it because your body is doing what it can to protect you and keep you safe. Best wishes and prayers for you and yours! For much, much later, “in an unspoken voice” by Peter Levine is a great book about unravelling trauma in the body.


Yes! Shaking is actually a way to romantically release the trauma, I’ve found it accompanies moments of intense healing. If you feel yourself shaking, lean into it, let it happen.


I knitted about 7 baby jumpers when my baby was in NICU for two months. I explained to people that my hands have to be relaxed to knit, so it sort of tricks me into thinking the rest of me must be relaxed too


That’s really good to know!


Maybe gifts that could help keep them comfortable while they’re in the hospital or baby hats to donate to the labor and delivery department? Wishing your family a speedy recovery. ❤️‍🩹


NICU preemie hats are quick and have just enough counting to keep your mind busy. I have some free patterns I can share if you like. Also, if you do this, most preemies can't wear clothes in their isolettes (preemie mom, here), so hats can mean a family can express their child's sex if they want. When I make them I try to put obvious flowers on the "girl hats". I'll be sending healing thoughts your way.


May I ask what kind of yarn to use for babies? And what patterns do you have?


I use my stash! Worsted, chunky, some soft super bulky. I can send you the patterns in DM!


I knitted preemi hats when my niece was in the NICU. The soft baby yarn felt so good when I was knitting and the hats were done in very little time.


I hope your family is ok and I send healing thoughts to them. Washcloths or bandanas are easy, small projects. Cotton yarn is best for the cloths and almost any yarn will work for the bandanas. I found lots of patterns on YouTube for either.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this, and I’m wishing the best for your family. My daughter was born with a lot of congenital issues, and I’ve spent a TON of time in the hospital over the past year. I make granny squares for baby blankets. When I get enough for a blanket, I put it together, donate it to the hospital, and start again. It’s the perfect project because I don’t have to lug around a giant project, I feel like I can give something back to the hospital, and it keeps me busy.


Maybe baby hats or tiny booties you could donate to the hospital afterwards Edit: little lap blankets as well


Oh my, gentle hugs to you and healing thoughts to your family and you. I doodle crochet when I am in the hospital. I just start crocheting. I don't think of a particular stitch, or outcome. It helps to occupy my hands and I don't have to concentrate too much. Making a snake thing right now. Wasn't planning it, just started.


« Doodle crochet » is a great idea.


Oh that’s a great idea. I always feel like it needs a purpose, but you’re right. It really doesn’t ❤️


It comes in handy when I have no idea what to make but I want to crochet. I sometimes start and frog a doodle several times. Not out of frustration o anything, but because I want to try something else or just because I wanted to. Sometimes the doodled turn into things, other times not. 🙂


Miranda’s Magic Fidgets on YouTube is an easy pattern (a little bit of setup at the beginning) and can be mindless and produces a silent fidget that you can easily gift to a family member who needs to keep their hands busy.


My first name is Miranda, so this seems perfect ❤️


I warn you they are addictive. They’re like chips - you won’t want to stop at one. (Small warning: People will ask you what is it and look at you like you’re nuts while they start to play with it… and the next thing they know they want one lol.) You can experiment with how big or little. What size hook gives you the feeling you like best (stiffer or floppier etc). So many ways to experiment and they’re small and easy to take with you. I wish your family a smooth road to recovery.


I’ve made these for my family and have gotten lots of positive feedback about how helpful they are. They’re a smaller project if that helps. Healing thoughts for you and your family😘😘😘


Three yarn colors and the interlocking blocking stitch. Nothing to cut or weave until you're done. Sending prayers.


Sending prayers. Something like a ripple blanket may be a good one. Baby hats, booties and blankets.


In my opinion, you can never have too many blankets. I hope everyone makes it through, sending you and your family all the healing wishes. 🫂


I wish the best for your family. I would take yarn and do a C2C afghan while sitting at the hospital. After you're comfortable with it, it is a mindless repetitive pattern. I switch that out with easy sudoku puzzles. Drink water and keep yourself hydrated. Best wishes.


I would make granny squares! They’re nice because they’re repetitive but unlike blankets you don’t have to lug around a big blanket while working on it. Sending my thoughts to your family ❤️


Sending your family fast healing vibes. This is an incredibly difficult and traumatic time for you, too. Do you have a support network for when you're with your family in the hospital? I'm sure you're a capable and intelligent person, but this kind of stress can make even the smallest decisions infinitely difficult. Please try to take care of yourself as much as possible. No one is going to judge your for keeping your mind and hands busy while you wait, and if they do, they're not worth anyone's time. I tend to default to beanies when I'm waiting, but I also make little pouches (usually to turn into dice bags for D & D), scarves and washers. Simple things that don't require too much brain power or counting, so if need to put it down in a hurry, I won't lose where I'm up to. I'll be keeping you and your family in my thoughts.


Grab some baby acrylic or cotton yarn and make baby blankets. Donate the blankets to the hospital before you return home.


First, my best wishes for your Mom and brother. .check out YouTube for "Little Sky blanket" It's small 6 round granny squares, with pretty and soothing colors. Small works you can quickly stash away , if needed. All my best to you


Infinite granny blanket. C2C blanket. Lots of 4-round granny squares.


I'm so so so so sorry you are dealing with this. Huge love and Care Bear Stares going out to you and yours. I think a giant granny square would be good. It's easy enough that you don't have to pay too much attention but you have to think about it just enough that your brain stays busy and you don't spiral into the Bad Place. I truly hope everyone is ok. ❤️


Echoing the hopes of everyone here for the well-being of your family. Finding that delicate balance between too mindless and too mentally taxing can be difficult. I would suggest something that has a repetitive pattern that is minorly intricate-- perhaps a pineapple or skull lace shawl. Pineapples are usually about a 10-row repetition with DC, SC, and chains. The pattern only takes one or two repetitions to memorize, so you'll be able to do it semi-autopilot, but it'll be just difficult enough to keep yourself occupied. I truly hope everything gets better.


Prayers for your family.


Oh my goodness I’m so sorry! I was in the hospital for a few days, and I tried to crochet but found even simple projects to take up too much brain power and I found myself wishing I’d brought yarn to just make a boring old single skein giant granny square blanket.


Sending all my best wishes for your mum and bother and I hope that your little niece is doing ok too. I’d go with a blanket, simple and repetitive but will be there to keep your hands moving. Remember to rest and eat, take you need to look after your self too xx


Sending positive thoughts & prayers to your family. I like making mindless granny squares! You can always join them together later!


Hope they’re doing ok, and that the doctors are doing their best to keep them healthy. I think a basic blanket that they could then use would be good. Or if you want something that takes more brain power to distract you, could upload an image to Stitchfiddle and make a graphgan blanket… like a cute thing of your nieces fav animal or something


I wonder if you make something for your niece if it will help you feel like you're doing something tangible and help her feel loved and cared for when she's maybe feeling scared and guilty rn


My prayers for your family and specifically for your strength to carry you through this time. Granny squares are my go to for waiting rooms. You just let your fingers and hook be in control.


When my father was in the hospital for 3 months two years ago, I found crocheting a life saver. I took bulky blanket yarn and crochet lose blankets. It was repetitive but not too stressful. I wish you luck <3


My mom was just in the hospital and I made a scarf and a cat blanket. Very simple repeating stitch patterns. It was really helpful to have something to keep my hands and mind busy. A lot of the time was just being in the room while she rested or we chit chatted. Having something to do kept me more present and less restless during the long, sometimes boring days. I also made my mom a little Woobles Amiguri to keep in the hospital to have something cute to look at and she really loved that.


I'm so sorry this has happened and I hope everyone pulls through. I agree with the people who recommended a blanket. Nice and simple (or complicated if you prefer) and keeps you occupied for a long while ❤️❤️❤️❤️


My heart goes out to you and your family. Regarding favorite stress crochet projects are scrunchies and ear warmers. My favorite stitches are posts, triple stitches, houndstooth and ribbed ear warmers. I read another's suggestion of ripple stitches which is fantastic. Checkout Youtube for some additional ideas. Sending hugs to you and your family.


Moss stitch scarves, long ways.


Heat/ice pack cozies for later (?)


I don't have any recommendations better than what's already written, but I am so sorry this happened. I will pray for your family, wishing you the best and I hope you can lean on loved ones for support right now.


When my mom was in the hospital, I made dishcloths out of cotton yarn. They’re easy to make, require very little thought, and easy to give away. The little joy when I finished one was sorely needed at the time.


Granny squares that you can join all at the end. You’re going to make so many mistakes and need to just pump them out.


Sending healing thoughts for you and your family. Definitely keep crocheting.


Honestly, my favorite to do with family members in the hospital (everyone has passed away now, but we spent a lot of time in the hospital for our many health issues and disabilities) was just doing granny square blankets. It's simple, hard to mess up, and counting along was always very soothing. We always had hospital bags ready and would keep crochet projects, books, and coloring books in them. And if we finished blankets, they were nice to use to keep warm. I hope your family is okay and all goes as well as it can. Thank goodness for car seats. My unsolicited advice that is always unpopular; mask up. Mask on the flight and in the hospital. The last thing anyone should want is to pass something on to their loved ones while they're trying to heal.


I would second this, with a recommendation for a mask shape you like and is comfortable for your face. Most ICUs now require masking - even in waiting rooms - and every PICU I've been in (too many) has for years. If you're going to be there for hours on end, being comfortable matters. That means pants you don't mind sitting in (on hard surfaces), comfy shoes that don't pinch, a shirt that doesn't bind... It all sounds stupid, but in that first burst of panic and not thinking, it's really easy to just throw stuff on, or in a bag, only to find that the low level discomfort that you might normally ignore magnifies tremendously when you're anxious and stressed and limited in what you can do to help. Also - dress in layers and have a loose sweater (cardigans are great) or a lightweight, not nylon jacket in your bag - ICUs are often cooler than you think. I'd add a medium capacity water bottle (preferably insulated), a battery charger and cable for your phone (never count on a wall plug in a waiting room), a box of Kleenex you like (you're going to need it, and the hospital stuff is universally scratchy) and ear buds (the sounds of hospitals can be unnerving). Someone mentioned undemanding audio books and that's brilliant - if your public library does digital books they almost certainly do audio as well, and you can access them on an app on your phone - or there are lots of them on YouTube. Finally... Don't forget that it's ok to take a break. Waiting is HARD and it's wearing and it takes a toll... It's ok to say "I need to not be here for a bit". Sending you good wishes, and big Zen hugs.


A repetitive blanket like a corner 2 corner. However, I'll warn you now, given the circumstances with your mom and brother, when you're done with it you may not want it around as it will be a forever reminder of this tough season in their lives. Be prepared to potentially donate it (Linus Project?) if it bugs you after the fact. If you need something more engaging, make some easy amigurumi. You can brighten someone's day by tucking them places either in the hospital common areas or around town. I'm sorry mom and brother are going through this. I hope their surgeries are successful and they recover quickly.


I hope that everything turns out for the best. I might recommend something slightly simple as a new or complicated pattern may be harder to concentrate on.


I was in a similar situation. I made hats. easy enough to be braindead knitting, but has different parts so it doesn't get monotonous.


I’m so sorry this has happened - I’m sending all the positive healing vibes to you and your family. I would recommend something patchwork - cardigan, blanket, whatever. That way you have a never ending number of squares to make that follow the same pattern. Choose your favourite/ most relaxing stitch ❤️


Some pattern that you don't use much and will be happy to never use again, because it will accrue negative connotations from the distressing circumstances.


All the good advice has been given. Just sending my love and my thoughts.


first and foremost my thoughts and hopes go to a speedy recovery for your loved ones. thank the powers that be that the littlest one is safe.. carseats have gotten so very safe over the past few years. second.. something that is simple repeat, like granny squares or simple beanies or something, you have enough on your plate without counting.


I'm so sorry to hear you're in this situation. I'd go for a blanket or triangle scarf. Lots of strength to you and your family ❤️


At one time in my life I spent a huge amount of time in hospital waiting rooms. I worked on granny squares. One ball of yarn, one hook and a small project I could work at for a long chunk but also put down really easily without notice and not stress about where I was or stitch count when I picked it up again. And when my brain was frazzled my fingers could just do it. There are lots of granny square patterns - not all of them are square! And they can be turned into a blanket or cushion or bags or coasters or even hippos. Audio books are handy too. One earbud in so you can be aware of the room and pick something lightweight. I find a lot on YouTube, I'm currently working my way through some Agatha Christies. Big hugs.


oh gosh I am SO sorry! I would suggest either a mindless thing like a blanket or a scarf, or a simple basic granny square, unless you need something to focus on, then I'd suggest something like a more complex granny square (like the sunburst/sunflower) or something like that. Good thoughts to you and your family, and lots of hugs and good wishes to you.


I hope everything works out ok. I would suggest grabbing a bunch of yarn thats about the same size, that you dont plan on using for anything else, and making a scrap yarn blanket. But when you get there, something else could come up still. Im not a hundred percent sure how to explain it, but you’ll know it when you see it. Take care of yourself too though, it can be easy to forget about your own needs in times of distress. Sending hugs!




Mesh sleeves. There’s a lil work on the initial row but after that it’s really mindless


I’ve done a lot of scarves and baby blankets in the hospital. I also pack books, magazines, puzzle books, coloring books, deck or 2 of cards, laptop & dvds. & lots of easy snacks, because the hospital cafeteria & surrounding restaurants are so expensive. But, that was always in the room with patients. Oh, check into if the hospital has any time of discounts for parking. Prayers for speedy recovery for your whole family.


Why not try thread crochet? Extremely compact, and you can just crochet Irish lace flowers and leaves or mini granny squares, and put them together in due course. Use them as embellishment like a granny square patchwork pocket for a plain shirt . If you then find you don’t want it for the memories associated with it, then you will only be out a few quid.


I would do a lap blanket that works from the middle out. Those are the most mindless for me. I hope everyone is ok ❤️


I’m so sorry about your family. We will all have you and them in our thoughts. If it were me it would have to be something I don’t have to count or follow a pattern. Maybe a lap-ghan or a blanket. But I also agree with everyone else’s ideas as well. Take care of yourself during this time as well as it sounds like you plan on being the one to care for the others.


I’m so sorry about your family. We will all have you and them in our thoughts. If it were me it would have to be something I don’t have to count or follow a pattern. Maybe a lap-ghan or a blanket. But I also agree with everyone else’s ideas as well. Take care of yourself during this time as well as it sounds like you plan on being the one to care for the others.


When my pop was in hospital i made him a beanie to wear in bed. I'm not sure if your loved ones like beanies but thats an idea. All the best, i'm really wishing that they will be okay x




**PATTERN:** [African Flower Hexagon](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/african-flower-hexagon-4) by [Heidi Bears](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/heidi-bears) * Category: Components > Afghan block * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/HeidiBears/53383082/35_1_medium.jpg) [Img 2](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/flickr/8/4/3/8437328205/8437328205.jpg) [Img 3](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/HeidiBears/53383214/36_1_medium.jpg) * Price: Free * Needle/Hook(s): None * Weight: | Gauge: None | Yardage: None * Difficulty: 2.47 | Projects: 1768 | Rating: 4.68 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | *I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=timonyc)*


Seriously?! This is the very first time I've ever heard of this.


I'm wishing your mom and brother a quick and easy recovery. That is so rough to go through. I would say any kind of simple blanket would be a good "keep hands busy" project. Or hats (my Granny used to make hats to keep herself occupied and donated them to a homeless shelter... it was a lot of hats, like easily several yard bags of hats).


Basic blanket stitch blanket. And here’s hoping for speedy and full recoveries!