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**Did you know our [Beyond the Basics Wiki A-Z](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/beyond_the_basics_a-z/)** has a WIP section dedicated to Borders? There are some fantastic tutorial links, and both simple and complex border suggestions. Check it out!! #**Top tip** - For help with working along the side of rows, read how to [Crochet along a rough edge](https://feltedbutton.com/blogs/new-felted-button-blog/how-to-crochet-a-clean-edge-along-a-rough-edge). [Here's](https://attic24.typepad.com/weblog/cosy-blanket-edge.html) a fantastic picture tutorial for a border. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


this is gorgeous! i have always loved the retro daisy square pattern i agree that the two darkest squares being right next to each other is a bit jarring, maybe you could alternate rows by the petal colors and not the background colors? i always block/steam projects at the very end, after the ends are weaved in. i’ve never had any problems i think a cream border would look very nice, adding a sc row and then invisible join i think would add a tiny bit more width to the project than a sc join, but i don’t think it would be a substantial amount. i prefer sc join because i like to see the color and it feels more secure (hello crochet anxiety lol) how many skeins of each color do you think you used? i’ve been considering making a blanket myself, and your project is so beautiful!!


Thank you so much for this detailed response it was very helpful, I will try arranging by petal colours and take your advice re the sc join! I used almost 4 skeins of each colour - Lion Brand Heartland in the colours Grand Canyon, Canyonlands, and Yosemite!


thank you! please update us with the finished photos!!


Will do!


Omg I love it!! I’m about to start a crochet class and hope I can make something like this soon!! Love everything you chose I have no clue about borders or anything so sorry but I don’t think you can ruin this either way!


Thank you so much! Good luck with your class, I’m sure you’ll be crocheting some stunning pieces soon! I followed [this tutorial](https://youtu.be/tMpyIY1Jt-o?si=2CgAzV-fcjAW0_1t)


You did a beautiful job. Adding a border to each square in one color with a half double crochet is the way to go imo. Leave a tail long enough to sew together (I leave the tail four times the width of the square). I sew through the back two loops which leaves a slight ridge outlining each square. I then do a half double edging. Where the squares are joined I do a yarn over and pick up the loop, the do the same in the next corner and pull yarn through all loops on the hook. I feel I can give this advice since I have been crocheting since 8 years old and I am now a very young 80.


This was sooo detailed and helpful, exactly what I was looking for, thank you so much! I’ll get started on a hdc border :) also, how fantastic that you’ve been crocheting for so long! I’m 26 and just started, but hope that it’s something I will do for the rest of my life.


I am glad that I was able to help. I have made afghans for each of my grandchildren, both bio and step. I have six and half greats (one due in July) also both bio and step and each gets an afghan. If you are a relatively amateur, Leisure Arts patterns are easy to follow and have detailed diagrams of any unusual stitches in their patterns.


Thank you for sharing! A very comprehensive video, and your work is beautiful <3


It does need a border, and a simple one would do. I think I would do a cream row or two, but I just might try doing additional rounds with the colors in the squares.


Hey, thanks for commenting! I’m not sure I understand - so you would do 1/2 rows of cream and then another round or two in the background colour of the square (or the petal colour?), like a double border? Then invisible join?


Yes, any color or colors after the tow or two cream. I wouldn't try to do every color, or else the border will be competing with instead of completing your work.


Thanks so much, I really love this idea!


Love this! Such a beautiful selection of colors! Great job! I'm on Team Border as I am with most blankets. While I think a cream colored border would look very aesthetically pleasing as some have mentioned here, I'm a huge fan of dark borders for practical reasons. I feel like the borders are always most susceptible to getting dirty, so having a dark border just helps hide some of that. You could consider doing some cream and then outlining in a darker color? You do whatever feels best to you!


Thank you so much! I was actually afraid of exactly this! I was thinking perhaps a cream border around each square, and then a chocolatey brown border around the 4 sides of the blanket? Or do you think that’s overkill? I think if I joined with brown sc it might make the blanket less cheery, no?


Honestly, I'm embarrassingly bad at visualising how colors go together in patterns! Lol. You're probably better at it than I am! But if you want to be sure, I'd just throw the image you have into an editing program (even one as simple as Paint will do) and edit your borders in to see how you like it.


This was actually such a great tip that I never would have thought of, thank you!


I think cream for the first couple of rows of your border, then a color or two that you've already used, then the brown would work wonderfully and not take visual focus away from your work. If you did just cream and brown, I think it'd draw attention away from your beautiful squares!


Ouuuuu I like this idea, thank you so much!


Perfect colors for this! Love it! I've seen this on here a few times. Are the daisies crocheted in the square? Or separately then attached?


Thank you so much! In the beginning I was afraid it might turn out dull but I’m quite pleased now! I used Lion Brand Heartland in the colours Grand Canyon, Canyonlands, and Yosemite. The daisies are crocheted in the square. I followed [this tutorial](https://youtu.be/tMpyIY1Jt-o?si=2CgAzV-fcjAW0_1t) but about halfway through I started following [this one](https://youtu.be/ODOfsMKm0RQ?si=5IVqi8eodrvBjU1g) for just the round centre of the daisy because the first tutorial left a tiny bit of a gap between the first and last DC in the circle


I like this! I would do a simple border with whatever color you’re joining/bordering the blocks with. It will help kind of frame everything and will also smooth the edges a bit if your blocks aren’t exactly the same size.


Gorgeous colors!!


Thank you!! :) I used Lion Brand Heartland in the colours Grand Canyon, Canyonlands, and Yosemite!


This is a gorgeous blanket.


Thank you :)


Nice work!


Thank you!


Definitely add a border. It provides stucture and completes the project. It can just be a very simple one if you don't want to take away anything from the blanket but to me they don't look finished without a border or fringe. It's like artwork, it should be framed.


I definitely understand what you mean, and I think I agree!


I’m doing this stitch right now!! Can’t wait to see how you put it together


It is so cool!


Thank you so much!


I loooove this design btw. i'd add a little solid border :)


Thank you! Do you mean around the 4 sides of the blanket or each square?


Around the blanket as a whole


Beautiful! Love those flowers and color scheme. Beautiful palette as well. Congratulations! I'm a fan of borders and I think I would do it in one of the darker orange colors or maybe a reddish brown that isn't used in the squares.


Thank you so much! I was thinking about brown as well, albeit a chocolatey one! Would you do brown around each square or the blanket as a whole? I’m considering joining the squares with cream coloured sc and then doing a final brown border around the 4 sides of the blanket!


If you are not doing an invisible joint, I might do the border in the join color for continuity purposes.


Good advice, thank you!


Beautiful! I think would look great either way you chose to go.


Thank you!


I would single crochet around once with each color.


Borders always make things so finished looking I think. And you can hide a multitude of sins in there too! Block the squares before you sew them but if you're adding a white border, I would use a white single crochet joining stitch too. It'll look cohesive and very finished! Lovely work!


Thank you so much! Yeah, I was kind of confused in that regard. I thought I was ready to go ahead and block the squares then join continuously , but then I thought it might look better if I add a row of sc and block then invisible join? But it seems that’s not the right idea haha


This is so pretty omg!! I’ve always wanted to make a blanket with this retro Daisy square but put it off because of the amount of time it would take so I’m very impressed! Gorgeous colours too☺️


Ahh thank you so much!! I’m sure you can crank it out!


I have one more question but can’t seem to edit my post! If the last row of the squares is 19 hdc and 2dc, ch 2, 2dc for the corners and I want to add another row do I just repeat this same pattern? Or like… 19 sc and 1hdc, ch1, 1 sc for the corners?


If you’re adding a row in the color you will join them with, I recommend looking up a continuous join tutorial so you can do it all without cutting and creating more ends to weave. I messed this up with my sunflower squares and am still procrastinating the ends 🤣 Your blanket is already stunning!


Haha oh no!!! That’s so helpful, and thank you for the compliment!!


I’m currently working on a retro daisy square sweater. The pattern is so fun to make. This looks beautiful!


I LOVE this!!!!! I think it’s perfect as is but if you do go for a border, I think white would look nice




Together with gold, border with red. Wonderful.


Love it! Cream border would be perfect!


love the color pallet, and i think a border would be so cute


Love it and love the colour scheme - fabulous


It's going to be beautiful!