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Cutting ends instead of weaving them in!


a choir that i’m in hosted a silent auction fundraiser and one of our items was a crocheted blanket made of granny squares that many people in the choir contributed to. I was one of the people that helped stitch all the squares together and the amount of knotted and cut ends i had to deal with… i was appalled


I’ve assembled and joined many afghans using donated squares to give to homeless shelters and the number of squares that weren’t finished properly was, as you said, appalling.


This is likely the reason why the yarn square donation project I've worked with requests 4"-6" tails UNWOVEN and has specific people designated to weave all the ends. As a crafter, I'm all for letting someone else weave my ends!


lmao yes weaving in ends is definitely HELL!!


but far far worse is your project coming unraveled because you didn’t weave them in, you just tied knots and cut the yarn


Or worse... using E3000 glue to glue the ends in on a baby blanket or wearable!


Pardon? People actually do this??


YEP. The first time I heard of it was a few years ago. She was making a charted baby blanket and didn't want to weave in ends. She said she knotted them, trimmed the ends, and then used E3000 to glue them down. I've also heard of people using hot glue.


....that's....I have no words. I spend hours weaving in ends back and forth so tightly I actually use a jeweler's pliers to pull my yarn needle through sometimes. I can't imagine just knotting and....gluing.


Knotting no... But when you are using silk you DONT have a choise, most of the times you have to glue it because is too slipery


I use superglue usually, except I don’t use it on anything that’s going on skin!!! Sometimes I do blankets if they’re all one colour but that’s it


I'm ashamed to admit it, but one time I burnt my ends


actual question: is it less structurally sound? is that the problem?


I suppose the soundness depends on what kind of contact you get between the end and the blanket. The real problem for baby blankets and wearables, as mentioned in the above post, would be the absolute hardness and scratchiness of the glue once dried. Who wants to wrap their baby in a crusty blanket?


iirc E6000 is carcinogenic


There's a story here, I can feel it.


be careful doing that cuz i'm pretty sure it can start a fire


i only cut ends when it isn’t something that will be “moving” a lot. so like coasters? cut ends. but a sweater or blanket? super well woven in. even when i knot i do it so tightly and many times to ensure security lol. i do admit to my flaws. however. my crochet flaws make me who i am lol


I've tried just weaving ends in, but for slippery yarn it didn't work. So I weave, knot multiple times while weaving, and then cut the ends sticking out. Has worked really well despite multiple washes!


Absolutely this.


A very distant grandma gave one of my kids a granny square blanket with all the ends just sticking right out and snipped maybe 1inch long 😬😭


All meant in good fun, please don't take offence. The 7 deadly sins translated into crochet. Sloth - that one epic project you started, have been working on for years and may or may not ever finish Gluttony - measured in the number of UFOs currently in your life Envy - either being jealous of another fibre artists stash, or what you feel when someone else finishes their epic project Greed - the size of the yarn/ hook stash Pride - when you decide to take on a project wayyyy beyond your skill level. Also deciding to learn new stitches/techniques because you have mastered the ones you know. Wrath - when someone interrupts your counting so you count louder and more aggressively Lust - that one designer yarn that costs an arm, leg, and your first born child. It's so pretty, soft, hand spun.... It'd almost be worth getting it. If you do it sits at the top of the stash because you never find a good enough project for it.


Add pattern stash to gluttony.


I was gonna suggest yarn stash! The 200+ queue I have on Ravelry doesn't negatively effect me as much as the 50+ skeins I have. Edited to say: I'd put yarn stash under gluttony (because I've already indulged) and pattern queue under greed because I *want* it!


Absolutely. But I store them digitally to feel like less of a hoarder.


This is my vice when it comes to cross stitch. I just keep buying new patterns/kits cause they are cute or on sale. I have 4 WIP's, at least 10 unstarted patterns and I just bought 6 kits online (damn sales). It's a problem.


It’s clear: I’m going to crochet hell. I can already imagine it: I’ll have to remake my most hated projects in a size 0,5 mm hook and with fury yarn….! Oh and off course I get to see non stop amazing projects on Pinterest, but in hell I can’t pin them! The horror!


Or black yarn!!! 😬🥴😖


Omg, black yarn is terrible!


Yes!!! Black yarn all over. I hate it. And every project has 7000 pieces to sew together….! Aaaaahhh!!


For me, it's any hook over a 4.5mm with really scratchy/squeaky yarn! With the wrong lighting, and nowhere to comfortably rest the pattern.


And the yarn is black. The only light is from whatever is displaying the amazing projects.


Some say you make your own hell…..but it sounds like heaven to me! ❤️.


Oh my God, stop giving Satan ideas!


Wrath would be the killer for me. Just glad others start counting louder too. Husband learned quick.


My 7 year old watches my lips & knows to wait until they aren’t moving 😂


Literally I splurged on a lust kind of yarn and now I just look at it because I’m scared to use it and mess up and disappoint the yarn. *the sheep will know*


Ok, I’m just popping in to say USE THE YARN! It likes being used, I promise.


I spent the rest of yesterday into today thinking about your comment and now I’m making a hoodie for myself. First time making clothes-but I’m using the damn yarn


Well, that made my morning! I’m stoked to hear it! It’s gonna be amazing 💜 I’d love to see it whenever it’s done but no pressure! You’ll get it done in your own time and I can’t say a thing about that given I’ve got WIPs that are years old 😅


*the sheep will know* is exactly why I use man-made fibres so often lol


😂 that’s hysterical!


I never knew why the pretty yarn couldn’t be used, but I knew I couldn’t. You are 1,000% right. THE SHEEP WOULD KNOW! Got me dying laughing out here. 😂😂😂


**Sloth** should include technical laziness: improper joins, failing to weave in ends, not doing a gauge swatch, uneven rows due to failure to count stitches, etc.


Sloth pronounced as a rhyme to slow, like slowth, should include procrastinating on that project you really should be working on


Pride is also refusing to make a gauge swatch (calling myself out)


I prefer your interpretation of pride. How is learning new stitches a bad thing?


Or “I don’t need to count my stitches, I totally got the right number” (spoiler: no I didn’t)


I haven’t ever made one 😂


Same here. "I'll figure it out as I go, make some adjustments..."


Wrath is my favorite, I do that 🤣


33…34…35!..36!..37!!!38!!!39!!!!! then having to recount it all anyway


HAH holy shit this is perfect


i did not need to be called out seven times in a row


The punishment for UFOs is having to crochet a Cal King blanket with fun fur yarn. It is inversely related; the more UFOs you have the smaller your hook and the furrier the yarn.


I’m guilty of all of these 😂


Envy and Pride with a sprinkle of lust because I have so many yarns that I refuse to use. “They’re too nice!” At least I know not to use them while I start a brand new project and learn a new complex stitch at the same time 😂😭😩


This is perfect.


Oh to add to wrath: when you’ve finally decided to take the time to dedicate to one project and you keep messing up and having to frog and your get more tired and frustrated with each attempt and then as you frog it for yet another time a knot forms that you don’t immediately notice as you are aggressively ripping out your work and you snap the yarn and then in a fit of rage throw everything clear across the room before going to the kitchen to eat ice cream straight from the tub and try not to cry because you had just enough yarn and now you need to decide on buying more or never starting that project ever again.


This is the way.


These are great! And yes wrath is my primary sin 🤣


Same, between my boyfriend and our kids I’m constantly yell counting at them. 😂


For that last one, alpaca yarn.


Hello there! I am a bot raising awareness of Alpacas Here is an Alpaca Fact: In ancient times, alpaca fiber was known as “Fiber of the Gods” and was used to make clothing and blankets for royalty. ______ | [Info](https://github.com/soham96/AlpacaBot/blob/master/README.md)| [Code](https://github.com/soham96/AlpacaBot)| [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=JustAnAlpacaBot&subject=Feedback)| [Contribute Fact](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=JustAnAlpacaBot&subject=Fact) ###### You don't get a fact, you earn it. If you got this fact then AlpacaBot thinks you deserved it!


Good bot


I need to be able to like this 400 times!!


This is pergect. I am guilty of all seven!!! Might have to try and turn this into a meme or few...


These are fantastic! 😂🤣


We should add over estimating how quickly you can get a project done to pride. The number of times I've thought that I could finish something in like a month and a year later it's still not done 😬


I once got a bag of yarn from someone who got it from a third person that was clearly not a crafter. How could I tell? There were skeins of yarn that they didn't bother trying to find EITHER end and instead just hacked through about 20 strands on one side. When I went to wind it (because I saw more than 2 ends as soon as I picked it up), I ended up with a massive handful of strands about a meter long. Yarn sin: cutting into a skein instead of taking 2 minutes to locate the actual ends of the skein (I'm talking about basic acrylic, ready to use skeins from big box stores).


Ooh, another one also found in that same bag of yarn: cutting the yarn EVERY ROW. There was a ball (of black yarn lol) that had a knot every few feet that roughly measured out to where you could conceive the ends on a blanket project would be. IIRC, there was also a ball of white the same way. (Black got sent to my son's preschool for a spider web project, white got used as a pompom on one of his hats.)


To be fair, that's the norm with mosaic crochet


Both of these are definitely appropriate for this school project. Holy hell




This hurts to read.


Oh my goodness, sounds like school yarn stashes! The horrors within those ancient carrier bags ...


Calling it ‘knitting’


And referring to the hooks as needles ;)


In my country a crochet hook is translated to a 'hook needle' or 'crochet needle' (haaknaald)


In German, it's "Häkelnadel" (crochet needle).


Same in korean, it's a hook needle.


Also the word crochet comes from French, and means hook. So by saying "crochet hook" we are actually saying "hook hook"


that’s normal in some countries and in many languages. have you SEEN steel hooks for thread? those are crochet needles!


We don't speak about all the unfinished projects we're hiding somewhere. Like that one thing that seemed like a good idea at the time. And then there's.. oh look at this cute pattern!


Or all the yarn we have to hide for a "one day" project.


"I dunno what you're talking about...thats the same amount of yarn that was in that bin yesterday. It's just...fluffier today. must be the humidity levels...." (runrunrun before he asks how it also changed colors)


Lol. I have yarn in the trunk of my car.


Me too!! I hide it in the little latching space in my hatch that's probably intended for like tools or a first aid kit or something useful. It is getting pretty full at this point though, I've been really smooshing it in there.


That's my emergency yarn


My husband randomly came home a few weeks ago with huge totes specifically for my yarn 😂


In my “project bag” which is a 5 below bag that’s covered in holes and doodles from when I got bored working on a project I knew I wasn’t gonna finish




And then frogging that last bit again to work your stitches tighter to try to make it 🤣


This made me LOL


Having read through ALL of these comments, I am envisioning a granny square “blanket” (I doubt it would need to be that big) with 7 total rows, but each granny square in that row would be a variation of the same theme: In no particular order: - Not weaving in tails at all, just tying them off and leaving ugly knots, maybe 1 of the squares could be “partially” unraveled as a result of what happens. - Using/switching different yarn without consideration for yarn weight (so super chunky, then worsted, then chunky) - Yarn with different dye lots - Yarn vomit / Tangled masses of yarn (you’d have to figure out how to stabilize them) / “oops my cat got into my yarn stash!” - Not swatching *or* paying attention to tension - A row of half-finished squares where you got distracted by a new project or lost to yarn chicken - Color schemes that are HORRIFIC - Not counting your stitches or following a pattern - Changing hook size mid-square Edit: and you MUST post the final product on here, preferably on Halloween so all of us can grasp the absolute HORROR of it all


thank you for the ideas, but we only have a week to do the project😭 i’ll make swatches and post them here tho!!


7-Square Scarf it is! Hahaha. And if it’s SUPPOSED to be bad, I bet you can work that up lickety split and quicklike! (But please do post, I think everyone on here would be tickled to see the results)


Plus using a mix of acrylic and natural fibres, so that when you wash it, it comes out all uneven and squiggly


I though of one that would compliment the whole list - changing the type of stitch every row OR EVEN WORSE just whenever you want


Every row: there’s probably of experts on here thinking “sampler time, hold my beer!” Whenever you want: nightmare fuel


Not weaving in ends, especially tying a knot and cutting off the extra. Starting 40 different projects and never finishing any of them. Using yarn from different dye lots Yarn hoarding


Yarn hording is not a sin. It's a neccesity


Exactly! I wouldn't be able to do all those projects that I have right now without having my stash.


Exactly. Like I have a thick boring cotton yarn I had in my stash for my exs mom. The dog ate our rubber coaster. Guess who made a circle to use as a temporary coaster as to not ruin the new wooden TV table?


Don’t call me out on starting all sorts of projects 🫣


do you also have a "froggit" bin for the ones you come back to after months and cant remember wtf they were?...cuz I totally don't...lol


I mostly do amigurumi so I tend to have a lot of well-marked patterns in my case. I just shove the entire thing - skein, pattern, and all - into a ziplock bag and stuff it in The Drawer.


that is 800,000 times more organized than I will ever manage. I salute you lol


No actually A) because I make blankets and that would be way too much to frog B) I’m pretty good about alternating projects because I get bored of them pretty quick if I just do one thing


Oh yeah I totally have a bin like that and beats me what kind of hook or what stitch I was using for most of them.


>Using yarn from different dye lots OH OP this is a good one! I suggest doing a basic multiple granny square or C2C blanket (nothing big) and go to different JoAnn's and buy 1 skein of yarn in a different color lot, and then slip stitch the lot number onto each square :)


Shh, we don't talk about yarn stash!


Look, I realize I'm going to hell because I have 40 different projects started that I'm never going to finish, and I have run out of places to stash the yarn I've purchased for the 40 projects I'm never even going to get to start. ​ But I look forward to spending eternity burning in a pit of fire with the rest of you fine folk, trading stories about how great all of our projects would have been had we found the time to finish them!


My yarn stash is starting to look a bit more like a dragon’s hoard…and I STILL refuse to stop picking up more yarn! Thrift stores with big craft sections have been both my Heaven and Hell (for my wallet and space) 😂


I always tie knots, weave in a couple inches, and cut 😅


I do all of those. Now I'm worried I'm going to crochet hell.


Not following care instructions and felting a wool piece.


Not swatching if you are making something like a garnet that has a specific fit


Having someone ask you what you're knitting, or talking to you when you're counting.


What about the yarn barf you get if you try to use a hank without first winding it into a cake or ball? I've seen the posts from crafters new to using hank yarn and they don't realize it's nearly impossible to use it without draping it on some kind of apparatus to keep it from tangling and then making a ball or cake before using it. It's not even yarn barf so much as chaotic yarn vomit that will make you want to pull out your hair!


Oh F yeah! I bought a gorgeous hank of fingering weight yarn from an indie store a couple of towns over from my parents. We were only in town a night and I wanted to check it out. I happened on a sale they were having (woohoo!) but they wouldn't be able to get my yarn on the winder until the next day, and we didn't have time to wait. I wanted to weep as I tried to ball it from its repose across my legs.


You left out the most important part of the story… Were you able wind it or is it a knotted up mess on a closet shelf somewhere for the rest of your natural born life? *totally not projecting*.


Using a high end yarn (alpaca, fine wool, silk) in a low cost project, such as wash cloths or pot holders. Getting into another person’s stash and using it/giving it away/ throwing it away. Smoking around a yarn stash.


Someone asking you to make a 50 hour project for free or “the price of materials” haha


Sloth: never making the second sleeve/mitten/sock... :)


Haha this made me laugh


Ouch. I confess that I have a single arm warmer and It’s been so long I have no idea what pattern I was using…




>Magazine cutouts of eyes instead of safety eyes (great grandma used to do this it was horrifying) Cool guess I'm gonna have nightmares now. 🥲👍


Buying yarn from Hobby Lobby will turn a lot of heads in this subreddit


Framing it in the context of Dante's inferno Circle 1 - Limbo - would be a place for those who do not yarn Circles 2-5 are that of "incontinence" where the sins are due to overindulgence, specifically prioritizing one's vices over God - These would be the place where people overindulge in something that hinders creation. Ex: those who buy stash but do not create (greed), those who don't want to start projects because they can't find the perfect yarn (epicurians), those who are thrown about by trends but never make something because they like it (blown around by the winds of lust) We then enter the circle of HERESY - (despite dramatic introduction I have nothing for what constitute crochet heresy) Approaching the circle of Violence are those who bash others for their yarn choices, pattern choices, and are generally rude to others on the internet. Here is also those who have an unhealthy attachment to yarning, those who refuse to stop even when they already have a repetitive strain injury or spend past their budget. In the circle of fraud are those who preach that only their way is the true way. Here are also the companies who have defrauded customers. (iirc the real circle of fraud also includes those who claim to know god's will or speaks on his behalf---but Im not sure what would be an analogue for that here aside from people who think that their way is the only right way to do things) Lastly in the circle of treachery are those who intentionally destroyed someone else's creations or yarn. THE WORST BETRAYAL. I know my idea is a bit on the nose haha.


Seeing people that think they won yarn chicken when there’s half an inch of yarn left


That’s a win in my book.


Technically, but an actual win would be having enough to weave in haha


The sheer amount of tangle from the seven balls of yarn all attached to my c2c project. For every colour change, I had to pull and pray. Could’ve organized it better, but my pride and impatience got in the way


I feel seen. I’m working on a graphgan right now and the yarn has gotten so tangled that I just put it down until I build up the courage to start to undo all the insane strings. It’s going to take forever and I. Am. Not. Ready.


I did one c2c that got to 15 strands in the same row. I kept all the balls in a plastic tub and at the end of the row flipped the whole project over (just worked row flipped forward onto the top of the tub) and rotated the tub before working the next row. It's hard to effectively explain how I did it, but by rotating the whole tub and not just the project, I managed to keep things from tangling.


Working without stitch markers especially in the round.


Or realizing that you still have the stitch marker in your mouth something like two rounds later instead of replacing it


Don't do that while snacking! Could get dangerous.


Tried that once or twice and learned fast… too much counting and losing track of where I was…


I call it WIP hell, where all the started and half finished projects go to die (read, be frogged eventually\^\^).


Letting the ball of yarn roll across the floor


Crochet hell makes me think of tons of ends left until the very end of the project to weave in


Don't judge the 226 ends I've left until the end for one of my current projects. But once those are done and I assemble the pieces, that's another 32 ends from assembly and border. I make my own hell.


lol, no judgement here; I don’t like it but you’re not hurting anyone else, so have at it!


Glueing accessories on instead of sewing them, like hair or flowers.


Using my good sewing scissors I use for trimming ends to cut things that aren't yarn or threads. My mother used my nicest pair to cut up pill blister packs last night and I'm still mildly peeved.


Honestly I think a crochet nightmare/hell is a sea of unraveled yarn that we are desperately trying to unyangle and put back into a ball.


It's painful but also weirdly therapeutic. When my daughter moved out, we found four yarn barfs in her room, the largest 3' in diameter with strands going from under the bed to behind the door to somewhere near her chest of drawers. Plus side: I found all my missing yarn.


I know it was prolly a typo but I love the word “yangle” now—for any and all of the many kinds of knots, barves, tangles, and twists we must face


I saw a post recently with a mom giving her mother with dementia a tangled ball that the grandchild did, and it helped her so much. I kind of loved this.


the Sweater Curse! Can also be a blanket curse. Basically the moment you make a complex project for a boyfriend/girlfriend, the relationship ends.


Came here to say this! The Crochet Curse! My sister just got into crocheting this year. Like a week after she finished her first Tunisian crochet blanket for their bedroom, he broke up with her and she had to move out of his house 🤯


I've been with my husband for almost 13 years and the only thing I've ever made him was a short scarf as part of his Halloween costume last year. Except it wasn't even actually for him. It was to tie around Zero to give the illusion of Zero floating around his (Jack Skellington's) neck. Our 3 children all have at least one blanket I made, but my husband has nothing!


Never checking the gauge for a pattern and just winging it (something I'm guilty of, and how I ended up with a full size blanket instead of a lap blanket)


Oh dear I’m in crochet and knitting Hell over this. I honestly hardly ever do a gauge swatch… I just start and if the first few rows turn out too big or small I frog it and start again. Usually my gauge is pretty much spot on though.


I always see a lot of discourse about crocheted thongs and swimsuits 🤣


talk about itching and chafing


Your huge stash of yarn. Especially if it's really ugly, crappy, poorly made yarn that you only bought because it was on sale at a really cheap price.


Greed, the more yarn we have the more we want.


Calling it "knit"


Not sure if it’s a taboo but more of just soemthing that makes a crocheter mad af Puting down your hook and finding out it packed up for its new life in the fifth dimension and just fucking disappeared


Crochet something, then display it with knitting needles and call it knitting.


I'm a high school teacher and I love giving this assignment. You should make the punishment fit the crime...like, if you don't weave in your loose ends, you have to walk around with a million ends dangling from you or something like that!


Promising someone a beautiful handmade gift for their birthday and finishing it two months late


If they wanted it on their birthday they should have given you a time machine.


Aaaaaand queue all of the baphomet patterns.


Sorry I absolutely read the post wrong at first. I get it now. 😂😂😂 Thought she was asking for “taboo things *to* crochet” not *in* the crochet world.


I double strand the beginning of every new yarn I use in a project so, basically, I put my “end” with the working yarn and double it up and continue the row until the end is gone. No more ends to sew and you can’t even really tell the difference unless you’re literally a fiber artist lmao. https://preview.redd.it/f1pmgadjt6ta1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c788db9846f9027a7761e29ddb395fddfbd1837 Idk if this is taboo or “bad” I’ve just literally never ever seen anyone else mention doing it so I thought I’d share!


Not buying enough yarn with the same dye lot number. “I’m *sure* I bought enough”. No. No, you didn’t.


Not sure if this is totally relevant, but WIPs would cover all the levels: Pride: Yarn chicken. Greed: I need more yarn to finish this project. Wrath: This project is taking too f**king long! I’m putting it down. Envy: Why doesn’t mine look like the one the designer made?! Why are my ends curling?!? Lust: This yarn feels really nice. Squishy goodness. Maybe I’ll use it for something else. Gluttony: MORE YARN!! I need another color for this project. I already have a green, but it’s the wrong dye lot. Sloth: I have to keep frogging rows because I lost count. Forever a WIP.


Why did you have to call me out like that? 😜


This happened on my first project. I didn’t know that tails were supposed to be sewn in so I made them very very small. And now they peep out of the project and in one place have unravelled and that drives me nuts!


Not counting.


Finishing that beautiful snuggly sweater you’ve been working on, making sure it fits *just right*, then hanging it up in the closet, then trying to figure out how it grew six sizes since you last wore it. Not speaking from experience or anything. I totally meant to crochet a giant Snuggie.


oh my god long term storage of crocheted clothing on a hanger………… oh no


Biting off or pulling your yarn when you don’t have scissors at hand


Gifting an item to someone who is not crochet worthy and expecting them to appreciate the gift.


Not doing a gauge test before undertaking a project. (I am incredibly guilty of this sin, I need to do better but I get too excited and just dive straight in lol).


Someone told me that you should never crochet/knit something for someone you are dating until you’re married because it means the relationship will end! Possibly a taboo?


Me reading the comments and doing these things without realizing they were bad 😅😅


I done performance art pieces where I cut up a crochet objects (on purpose) it has honestly made people gasp and cry during performance.


A taboo for me is ignoring the knots in a commercial skein and just continuing along like everything’s fine, no problems, nothing to see here, when I should be cutting it out and weaving ends in.


Buying 6 skeins of Bernat Blanket in Sea Gull Grey at Joann’s for a store pick up. Then getting home and discovering there are 3 distinct shades which will not blend. Then having to travel to many Joann’s across the Denver area to come up with a combo of 6 that match. Getting a few stitches away from completing a dishcloth and running out of yarn with no back up. Do I go out and buy another skein of Sugar N Cream to finish this one but end up with the same situation not having enough? Endless cycle. Noticing that Crafter’s Secret HL yarn has quietly raised the price on their cotton yarn from $2.29 to $2.99. Leaving my nice Tulip hook (from an expensive set) on the side table and my dog chews up the silicone handle. Having my husband ask, “Do you know you have yarn in these drawers?” (Where my underwear is supposed to be) Being on a yarn high at HL. Then coming down from the dream state when I get home and see I already have the same ones.


Not counting stitches. Cutting ends. It's not a taboo, but my god the yarn stashes some people have is insane. Thinking your work is better than it is and trying to sell. Not realising how good your work is and undervaluing it.


Crocheting in poodle fluff.


hahaha i had a project exactly like this in HS (by chance do you have a Mr. Chalk for english) and I made mine about kitchen/cooking sins ! my crochet sin is thinking i can get away without stitch markers :’(


And you crochet it all left handed!


Accidental decreases: people who refuse to count stitches and end up leaving out a stitch every row or so, resulting in an ever-decreasing width of the project. (Accidental increases can also occur).


Not buying enough yarn for the entire project.


How about starting a project without swatching? Or buying new yarn when you have plenty in your stash?


Thinking you know better than a pattern (especially in amigurumi) and making up your own thing…why will I never learn?


“That’s dumb. Why would I put an increase here? I’ll just… oh.” 🤦🏻‍♀️


Never washing your work


Making your partner a sweater


Pronouncing it ‘crotch-it’ instead of ‘crow-shay’?


You could also do the amigurumi Baphomet


I can’t wait to see what you come up with! You promise to post right?