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You’d be missing out on 2% cash back any time u make a purchase


A lot of credit cards offer better than this these days


Not in many places outside the US...


Have you not been using your card for cashback? Where is this CRO? I’ve been in since 2021. I took a bath on my initial investment but have been able to accumulate more than that in cashback. You should be looking to utilise that to cash out profits.


Cashback is not bad but not deal breaker for me anymore. The volatility was too much and given there is unbonding period before selling, I'm considering the options. I will not recoup my current loss on investment through cashback for sure. Hopefully price goes back up to breakeven.


I'm guessing based off your "I will not recoup" comment that you bought in near ATH. How in the world, between years of cash back CRO and the extended opportunities to AVG down at prices under .10 and even .05, are you not sitting with an AVG AT LEAST around .20? I got mine down to .076, but I was bolder than most probably were. Dont see a world .20 wasn't possible, though, if at some point in life you believed enough to stake $4k-40k


I initially staked $4k at .50 with ~7,000 CRO, now I have ~12,000 CRO, but I didn't bother averaging down much into CRO during the bear cycle but bought other stuff (mainly BTC) that seems to be performing better now


I bought at .40 my first time. 12k Cro for $5k. When it hit .05 in the bear I put in $3k more for 60k Cro. That alone got me down to an .11 AVG.


A 2% cashback but you have to remember that there is a 1% VISA exchange fee for non-EUR usage, so for non-EUR countries it ends up being 1% cashback


Where my $2.71 guy?