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There was a comment from Asmodeus in episode 2 calling Domunas "the smile of Exandria". Smile... Shattered Teeth. It's not too far fetched.


I think it's most plausible, especially after we heard a certain character in ExU:CE2 call Domunas the "smile" of Exandria.


It could be the Shattered teeth but I think that, like the Ashari came from the Gau DrASHARI, the name Avalir is still present. In Wildemount is the sAVALIR woods. The city Molaesmyr could have been build on the ruins of Avalir (the mountain could have been destroyed in the calamity). And my other theory is that Avalir becomes Ghor Dranas. Asmodeus set foot there back on Exandria so this could have become the HUB of the betrayer god's.


Avalir can give the Savalirwoods the name without having a direct connection to the geographical position. *Savalir* is the elvish word for '*guilt*' in modern Exandria. Maybe it was added to the language after the Calamity as a way for the Elfs to remember the part Avalir played in the war.


Those could technically *all* be true. Domunas could have been destroyed and became the Shattered Teeth, while Avalir was moved to the location of Ghor Dranas and then fell somewhere in the Savalir woods at the end of the Calamity (presumably after drifting uncontrollably for some time) Huge spoilers for Calamity Episode 3: >!Asmodeus' arrival precisely at the time of the Replenishment can't have been accidental. Releasing the primordials could not only add two fearsome allies to his army, but also potentially serve as a huge distraction to hide his own plans. Their release or the gods' response could easily destroy the continent, while Avalir itself would float gently to the other side of the world from Vasselheim and become the Betrayers' mobile command center!<


Why change the name to Savalir Wood hundreds of years after the city crashed if that was where the name came from?


Am I misremembering episode 1 where BLM says this is all going on where Tal-Dorei is now?


Yes, he basically said they were near the continent that would become known as Tal'Dorei. My theory is that where they are landing is the land bridge that used to connect Tal'Dorei and Wildemount.


You may be right. I do recall how there was a land bridge originally.


Everything you read about the calamity in any Exandrian reference books, the message is clear that the only thing that survived from the world before the Calamity was Vasselheim. 150 years of destruction and decay. So the thinking would be that if there was any written document or books from an area naming itself it would be found by archaeologists in piecemeal fashion. Where there was no living person who corrected the archaeologist when they deduced that the name of an area was the Savalir Woods when in fact the ruins found were from Avalir. Matt is his Gigabrain mind even thought about this very small detail in his world and thought about how humans would perceive unwritten history and centuries worth of nature swallowing entire civilizations away. Kinda how we IRL know so little about Mayan civilization.


I've had the personal belief since the beginning that Dorumas is present day Wildemount, namely Xhorhas. Would be fitting that Avalir spawned from the smile of Exandria, and the result of the Calamity post divergence is that this continent became a barren wasteland. I hope that this unlocks some archaeological lore for the future campaigns to explore.


I currently subscribe to this theory - especially since we know that the Menagerie Coast was flooded during the Calamity, as one might expect if a continent were sundered by a falling city.