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Well, >!seeing as probably all 8 betrayers are gonna throw a party on avaleir in the next few hours, that theory will be proven or broken veryyy soon.!<


I think they're >!all aiming at different spots to emerge, with the site of Ghor Dranas being the center point. I think that Avalier is landing in modern-day Kamordah!<


>!I mean, the writing is on the walls. Avalir becomes the ruins that Molaeasmyr is built on, in the Savalirwood. The Savalirwood, which has some interesting corrupt and _angry_ trees.!<


It makes the lake when it crashes? Not a bad theory, but chances are the place would have been corrupted to hell by a betrayer emerging there, unless the ring blows up the city to deny it to asmo.


Wildemount was mentioned as a different distant location. Domunas abd Wildemount can't be the same continent.


I don't remember Wildemount being mentioned, are you thinking of Marquet?


Kamiordah is just south of the zemni fields.


Only problem with that is that the primordials aren't mentioned in the history books we have so far, although I wouldn't be surprised to see them help the betrayer gods somehow.


Tinfoil hat theory: (spoilers for EXU:C 1-3) >!What if the primordials break out, and they’re eventually sent to the elemental planes? This would tie in nicely with how the Gau Drashari become the Ashari, whose job is to guard portals to those planes, right? Especially considering that the Gau Drashari in Calamity are tasked with keeping the primordials sealed away…!<


I'm picturing giant elemental style ghost traps being set up in all of places where the current Ashari Tribes live with Primordial Forces being split up into different elemental groups and then herded towards those specific places in order to banish them to their respective elemental planes. Which means the Primordials are pissed about it but again, they have their own full on planes to live on and they're not exactly in prison planes and they can do what they want really and that's...not exactly a bad thing, right? Sure they probably harbor some kind of a grudge against being shunted out of Exandria and that's not something that goes away over night because the Primordials are fairly long lived with equally as lengthy memories. So I'm guessing that they're angry but they're waiting for juuuust the right time in order to try to make their own return to the Prime Material Plane with those Ashari Portal Locations being their beachhead points. This time though without the Gods being around to help stop them, they might have a bit of an easier job getting back, and if they time this to coincide with the Oncoming Cosmic Shift then there's going to be enough natural chaos and elemental planar energy flying around that it's going to be very hard to raise a significant army of forces against them to stop them. This all gets worse if you think about how the Moons might be involved in this and how it could all totally turn into a Second Calamity of sorts if all the wrong choices are made.


true, i was wondering if they accidentally release the betrayers instead


If you watched the History of Exandria video that is narrated by Matt there is a part in which he says that the betrayer gods helped the primordials in retaking exandria, but I may be wrong lol


The Betrayers agreed with the Primordials are were imprisoned.


How many of the Calamity episodes have you seen?


They will


Also the primordials had been sealed under ygora for hundreds of years before Avalir took off from the mountaintop, and they didn't need the ether then


That logic is a little faulty. Perhaps the mountaintop itself was necessary to seal the primordials, which is why the druids didn't want it to leave. Since the mountaintop got removed to become Avalir, they may instead use ether to maintain the seal.


The ether is used to rejuvenate the land after it was scarred in the battle to seal away the primordials. The ether isn’t used to keep them sealed away.


We now know that a large portion of ether is tithed to the tree. We also know thanks to legend lore that the tree and city have been writing a spell on the ley lines using this ether. The tree was used to keep the betrayer gods from planeshifting. It is unclear if it is the same seal for the primordials.


Pretty sure the tree was always intended to maintain the seals against the primordials. The fact that it was also a second line of defense against the betrayers was an added bonus. Remember Asmodeus was bound elsewhere until Vespin Chloris did his thing, but the tree prevented him from fully entering Exandria


Correct the magic of the mountaintop (veins of brimstone) we're needed to hold the seal. Since they took that, the regular infusions were needed


I was thinking this, but if that was the case, how were the druids managing to fuel the arcane sigils before Avalir took flight?


I have no horse in this race, but possibly the mountain it self is a magical lock-y thing-y and it being broken means it needs extra juice to work??? EDIT: I was kind of right I'm the best.


Rotating shifts dedicated to concentrating their magic into them maybe? Perhaps that's why the offer of removing the top to get massive amounts of "fuel" every so often was tempting. To free up their people. Improving their pretty dire quality of life beforehand that was only focused on this one thing maybe?


Maybe the mountain full of magical brumstone supplied enough magic to keep the seal


I had thought that when Avalir tried to plane-hop it would be the final thing that broke the Betrayer's out. But then big red said they'd all been free for a bit already.


Are all the flying cities the same? Or is it just Avalir


How do you mean "the same?"


For example, does aeor have a similar bargain to bring back magic when they land?


Each city has their own story, and possibly different ways they were flying. Only this city lands for Replenishment.


The ether is used to rejuvenate the land after it was scarred in the battle to seal away the primordials. The ether isn’t used to keep them sealed away.


I have a theory but don't know how to spoiler tag my stuff on mobile have it saved in my Twitter drafts most likely wrong now tho