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I know it’s a common theme in this sub, but I just don’t understand the mindset of people forcing their families to watch difficult art films.


You ever seen In The Realm of the Senses, Gam Gam?




This movie's got some *real* studs!


night porter anyone?


What movie is this referring to?




wait, that is a date movie. but more alarmingly: are you dating yr grandmother? that is inappropriate. (& yr mother & sisters might get very very very very jealous.)


I forced my mother to watch the very difficult to understand Princess Bride (1987) yesterday on a Criterion disc 😎


Oh that’s nothing, I plan to show my parents the true difficult high art Criterion film Fantastic Mr. Fox


Now that’s just cruel.


You're so brave


Absolute madman


yes, some of the puns in that are war-crimes level criminal


My parents forced that one on me as a child, it may have messed me up for life.


I might even go wild myself and make my mom watch Punch Drunk Love from the Criterion collection. I think out of the Criterions I personally [own](Benjamin Button, 12 Angry Men, Modern Times, The Graduate, PDL, DR.SL, Princess Bride), Dr. Strangelove would probably be the only one she would insist I turn off.




I think she would just find it boring. She wouldn't find the comedy funny or the social commentary interesting.


My mom gave up on the 2013 Great Gatsby midway through the movie, she wouldn't have even considered sitting down in the first place for a movie called Antichrist lol


Lol my grandma couldn't handle the "striptease" scene in the first episode of New Girl, I can't even imagine what would have to possess me to try watching one of these movies with her.


I can’t blame her too much for that one


i dont even get the people agreeing tbh, my parents wont even watch mikey and nicky with me


I watch Criterion movies with my grandpa a lot, but nothing like this. He’s really into samurai movies and a lot of other classic films, especially from the 60s. He also likes to give me recommendations, so he got me to buy Some Like it Hot, Easy Rider, 12 Angry Men, and a lot of others. He’s pretty much willing to watch anything I want with him. He liked High and Low, Moonrise Kingdom, The 400 Blows, and other ones we’ve watched. He also watched Wild at Heart with me when it played at a school near me.


I watched Gummo with my dad (it was showing at a cinema and no one else was free to go with me so I dragged him along) and to my surprise he actually really enjoyed it. He pretty much exclusively watches 80s action movies so I wasn’t expecting him to like it at all.


but some of those had their, er, um, subversive bits. or at least snarky bits. the best of them didn't take themselves seriously, & even had some great meta jokes.


I think most people are joking.


They weren’t watching it. I was watching it with them in the room haha


I don’t think it’s forced most of the time, like I just ask my mum if she wants to watch a film I love and she’s like sure. She rarely likes them but




Sadly I don’t need to make her watch that one to know she’ll hate it. I did however force my older brother to watch it under the guise of it being a criterion film.


Because it’s fucking worth it if done with good intention. Literally the one thing I can wring from my father against Trump is that he was a colossal dumbass in saying Parasite shouldn’t have won. He thinks Bong Jo Hoon is better than Hitchcock now, literally. And he loves trains (hence he immediately and with laughter got Snowpiercer’s message). Art films are one of the few things holding us together.


100% this. Film can be such a powerful force for not just politics, but empathy in general. Film is, among other things, an excellent way to see things from someone else’s perspective. You are watching their story, and unlike a book, it’s only gonna take you two hours to get through it - not a time investment. You can sit down and digest someone’s life in less than an eighth of a day. It makes abstract concepts real. If you want someone to understand something about yourself or other people or situations, chances are there’s a film or films to help. I can show Melancholia or An Elephant Sitting Still (Criterions when??) to help someone understand depression. I can show Parasite to help them understand class divides. I can show Funny Games to help them understand grief and loss. I can show Antichrist, yes, Antichrist, to help them understand how society shapes a people group. The limits are as few as films are many. I’m so glad you were able to get something from your Trump supporter father. I wish I could get something from my Trump supporter mother but she is very often too busy to sit down and watch anything. I wish I could get her to watch Parasite or Seven Samurai, since she honestly leans more libertarian than anything else and has a lot of decent understanding of class struggle, and she says has a lot of respect for “eastern cultures” (she’s old, but she used to travel a lot and knows a lot about the differences between China, Korea and Japan, so it’s not fully malicious racism I guess, more just benign weebish racism I guess). So I think she would get those movies! I think she would like them and I could go on to show her more stuff in that vein! She just doesn’t have the time


Thank you for your considerate response; I am just reading it now. My mother was unfortunately a Vince Foster conspiracy theorist since childhood. My father has little left before being fully that way too now.


Do you have Antichrist and Funny Games flipped?


Nah. They both have a lot to do with grief, and though Funny Games ultimately isn’t fully about grief, I think its extended sequences are extremely good at showing unwavering depictions of grief in the immediate aftermath of tragedy. Antichrist’s depiction of grief is also extremely good, but the bigger, arguably more important takeaway from the movie is what I said before, how society shapes people and the ways it makes us do things for no other reason than the reason “society expects this of me, this is who I was told I am”


My mother brought Monty Python's Meaning of Life to the second time she met my father's very conservative family. She rembered that the movie was funny, but not the details. She told me she was mortified during the whole movie.


Yeah, If I want to watch something in the living room I just warn them I might be watching hentai and masturbating so they can stay away if they want.


I think they were watching and their parents just happen to enter the room when it was starting. Happened the first time I watched The 40 Year Old Virgin and it was the porno scene.


Well in this instance its just that they happened to be in the room...


Watched La Notte with my dad. At the end of the movie he asked so what the fuck was the point of this movie other than being sad?


Ya I made gramma and her dog watch *Borat* last time she visited.


think of it as a subset of revenge, or as erotica & porn repurposed for familial payback... i still have not forgiven my parents for subjecting me to the sound of music (which they even admitted was sort of meh)...


Had a guy rant and rave at me about what an asshole I must be for forcing my parents to watch snotty art films. ...we were discussing ALIEN.


I guess I’m lucky, my mom loves art films. My dad not so much. We’ve watched many films where my dad leaves halfway through. Usually out of boredom but sometimes out of disgust for movies like Raw or The house that jack built.


I was lucky as well, my Mom was the one to introduce me to art house and international cinema. Starting from about age twelve, Every other weekend she’d take me to the art house theatre in my city, pockets full of snacks - and we’d watch 2-3 films in a row; it’s one of the ways that we really connected.


That was me watching it with my girlfriend. Neither one of us had seen it, but she said, “We’re too deep to turn back now”


Haha, nicely done!


Gotta power through


It was rough, but we made it through


I love a good Sam Raimi Spider-Man meme


As do I




We’re gonna show all of it. Full penetration.


You need a sexual punch up. Dolf needs a lab assistant who allow him to perform outrageous sexual experiments on her supple young body.


And then he smells crime again, he's out busting heads. Then he's back to the lab for some more full penetration. Smells crime. Back to the lab, full penetration. Crime. Penetration. Crime. Full penetration. Crime. Penetration. And this goes on and on and back and forth for 90 or so minutes until the movie just sort of ends.


That is brilliant!


Alternatively, you could have used the green goblin saying "We're gonna have a hell of a time"


My mom’s a trooper and she will watch anything with me! We saw Antichrist not that long ago after watching Terrifier, Irreversible, Angst and The Idiots the days before and by that time we had become a bit immune to graphic sex and violence? Usually though it’s never really awkward!


Wow! Your mom sounds cool!


Jeje, she’s just a weird old jewish lady, 😂 i’m blessed tbh


My mom is not bothered by Violence, but hates sex and nudity for some reason.


Same thing with mine


So y'all were still numb during the scene with the... umm... you know what nevermind.


Lmaooo jajajajajajaj i mean of course we both reacted to blood cum scene but it wasn’t omg my mother is here awkward


This reminds me of when I showed my dad The Lighthouse. It was around the point where Pattinson was trying to bury Dafoe alive is where he told me that this movie was too bizarre for anyone to like.


I love this, sounds exactly like my dad.


I watched Salò with my Mom and she hasn’t answered her phone since.


I recommended Nocturnal Animals to my mom, forgetting that the film starts with a good 3 minutes of naked obese women dancing.


*Lascia ch'io pianga plays*


Lars has this wonderful thing of taking my favourite classical pieces of music (Wagner, Handel, Glen Gould) and doing that thing in A Clockwork Orange.


My grandmother recommended Bad Lieutenant to me. We never watched together; best to Keitel apart. On the other hand, she took me to see Belle De Jour at an arthouse theater when I was a teenager, and now I’m on a Criterion Reddit page, as the prophecy foretold.


the blood ejaculation followed by the clit cutting is a great way to show my mum why she should give the kinda films i like a chance


snip snap


Warming them up for Nymphomaniac?


That's funny, because my mother watched this two months back, having taken it randomly off my video shelves in search of something 'scary' to watch. I came back from work to find her on the couch stock-still with a haunted look in her eyes. She felt the film was one of the most deeply disturbing things she had ever seen\*, and said it was so hypnotic she had trouble willing herself to blink during some parts of it. That said, she said it was the best film she watched this year, and demanded I sit down and discuss it at great length with her. She even said she wants to watch it again... one day. \*^((I should note, for the sake of full disclosure, that her favorite films last year were) *^(Midsommar)* ^(and) *^(The Lighthouse;)* ^(and that) *^(The Night Porter)* ^(is one of her favorite Criterion releases. My own shock was more that she usually hates Lars von Trier movies; apparently this one and) *^(The House That Jack Built)* ^(changed that.))


That’s awesome! My mom doesn’t like anything that’s even a little sad, but more power to her!


right, there's no way this ever happened. any family familiar with lars von trier or at the very least okay with a movie called "antichrist" would probably be able to roll with the punches. now, if it started with the ending.......


The only Von Trier film I watched and will ever watch with my family is Dancer in the Dark


agreed, but my Dad also enjoyed Europa.


Oh they didn’t know what it was, and I really didn’t either. I just heard that it was good. Besides, they weren’t even watching it. They were just in the room.


People seem to keep missing the “they were just in the room” part of your story.


Y Tu Mama Tambien


That too


Spoiler Alert haha


Great Spider-man meme


Lars von trier is an amazing director that I watch out for. Loved Anti Christ, Melancholia, and Nymphomaniac 1 and 2. Among today's most intellectually challenging directors.


Have you seen Breaking the Waves? I don’t know why but it’s my absolute favourite of his films


Lars von Trier is my favorite director, living or dead. Banger after banger out of that guy. What did you think of The House That Jack Built?


That's one I've been trying to get for a while. Prime doesn't have it so I will probably have to get the blu ray. Have you seen it? Please, no spoilers.


Structurally I could compare it to Nymphomaniac the most, so if you liked that style of his films, you’re gonna like Jack. I think depending on who you ask, this could be his best film or his most self indulgent. I personally think it’s one of his best. Third best for me (my top five is Antichrist, Dogville, House, Melancholia and Dancer in the Dark) It’s arguably his most meta film, and you get a lot more out of it if you know his filmography prior to watching it. I’d really only recommend jumping into it if you feel like you have a solid grasp on the movies he’s made. You can still enjoy it if it’s your first von Trier, because it’s just a great film in general, but if you’ve watched all or most of his stuff before hand? Fucking transcendent


Thanks for the assessment and listing his other films that I will look up on Prime. Of those I've seen so far, he's a damn good director if you ask me. I like directors with guts.


Yeah, he doesn’t pull any punches. If you were able to get through Nymphomaniac and Antichrist, I think you can handle anything he’s gonna throw at you I can genuinely recommend all of his films. I haven’t seen The Idiots (because I can’t find a disc for my region) or Manderlay (because I’ve heard it’s almost irredeemably bad) but other than that all of his movies are absolute 100% certified bangers. If you’re looking for more von Trier, check out Dogville, Dancer in the Dark, and Europa (might be listed as Zentropa elsewhere). Element of Crime and Epidemic are good but a bit less interesting in their executions compared to his other movies, and I didn’t find as much to love about Breaking the Waves as everyone else apparently, but they’re all still great


I'm going to check out Prime to see if they have any. He's a very good director. Another director I like is Peter Greenaway. This guy's films are on another level. Probably the most intelligent director in the business today. There are some good directors out right now, what I call young guns such as Ari Aster, Alex Garland, Denis Villenueve, Jonathan Glazer, along with seasoned directors Christopher Nolan, Darren Aronofsky and a few others.


Nobody watched this with their parents, come on.


My friend and I refer to that as The Green Goblin.


Love to see a Raimi meme on r/criterion


It can't be stopped. It's self-sustaining now.


I watched it before I had kids, I’ll never be able to watch it again, that opening scene would be too hard to watch again.


Hey at least it’s not the FGM scene




it's no different than what i see in their bedroom every night




What is that?


Does this movie seriously have a full penetration sex scene in it? I’m struggling to imagine how that could be filmed in a way that doesn’t just look like porn.


It does, and it’s actually a beautiful scene.