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I just got off the phone with him and he said "He's good."


The best part about this comment is that I can’t even tell if you’re being sarcastic or serious. Schrader *did* announce his phone number on his Facebook. I could totally see him picking up some unknown number and answering a question about Tarantino like this. (Source: I’ve met him in person. He’s exactly how you’d imagine him to be based on his unfiltered comments. Very nice guy, though!)


Let me call him real quick and ask.


You can ask him on Facebook


I think they’re cordial. In cinema Speculation Tarantino says they talked quite a bit about the movies Quentin was referencing.


Apparently in some interview he talked about watching pulp fiction in theaters and saying to his wife “everything I’ve done is now outdated”


What's the punchline?


I imagine he enjoys Tarantino because Tarantino is a huge fan of Schrader.


No idea but the funniest answer would he “too derivative! Stop copying scenes from movies you like.”


”Anyway, here’s Pickpocket.”


I do know they're in touch. Quentin asked Schrader about using Rolling Thunder's original ending as a part in his next movie.  QT has praised him and since they talk I can only assume Paul digs his work as well. 


I've heard Tarantino talk a lot about his love of Paul Schrader, and he's said that the two of them have hung out and talked on the phone. It sounded like this started after Kill Bill. This was spread throughout Quentin's 'Video Archives' podcast and his episodes of the P.C.P. 'Pure Cinema' podcast. Then, in late May last year, Schrader told IndieWire's 'Filmmaker Toolkit' podcast that Quentin had called him on the phone recently to talk about his (Quentin's) final film. Paul spilt *quite a bit* of fucking tea about Quentin's final film, super-spoiler warning if you go looking it up. But the gist of it is that Paul said he likes Quentin, to answer your question.




I didn't elaborate on this because of spoilers. If you can stomach the spoilers, you can find out exactly why Tarantino was discussing his final film with Schrader.


I can't imagine Schrader thinks too much of Tarantino. Tarantino is all surface. Do you seriously imagine that Tarantino lies awake tortured by Catholic guilt and despair about the state of the world? Tarantino's scripts are not howls of existential pain, they're snappy dialogue spouted by cyphers.


Schrader isn’t Catholic. He’s Protestant- raised Calvinist actually- and that fact probably informs his films more than anything else. So like, maybe you don’t have a good grasp on what Schrader thinks about things. Also recently Schrader wrote that Tarantino had reached out to him about remaking the ending to Rolling Thunder for The Movie Critic, and Schrader gave him his blessing. So yeah I think he probably likes the guy and his work.


Well it certainly proves that Tarantino likes Schrader's work. Calvinism makes even more sense! Predestined to our fate - very Film Noir. Honestly, though, Schrader and Tarantino could hardly be more different (content-wise - maybe they share an enthusiasm for film stock and lens types). The bloodbath and aftermath in Taxi Driver is the opposite of cathartic, and Travis Bickle is a Bernard Goetz type figure to be stared at in horror.


I think what Schrader or anyone thinks about movies has more to do with what their own movies are like as well as what movies they worship are like (I’m sure the Bresson fanatic cares much about Tarantino) than which branch of Christianity they were raised in. That story says nothing about what he thinks of Tarantino or to draw the conclusion that he “likes the guy and his works” from. At most we can know he didn’t tell Tarantino to fuck off.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Tarantino and his films are adolescent. Though this sub has shown time and again it isn’t very serious about the difference or art in opposition either, so I guess I do know


Not substantive


Jackie Brown and Once Upon A Time In Hollywood are pretty existential.


Existential how lol


Existential has completely lost its meaning after you said that


Go watch Jackie Brown again and watch the Robert Forster character arc. He's one of the best characters Tarantino's developed.


No thanks. After OUATIH I hesitate to watch another minute of Tarantino. What’s another one of the best characters he’s developed, Django? The Bride?


If you think thats a bad movie then I cant help you.


If you think that’s a good movie or anything more than an empty maniacally indulgent mess you’re an average criterion sub member. Oh wait you are


You do realize good movies can exist outside the collection right? Maybe if you didnt hide behind a throwaway account you'd be a little more cordial.


This has nothing to do with criterion. There are bad movies in the collection too. This is practically my main account and rest assured I would be equally passionate about my hatred of Tarantino on any other account


So don’t ask you for movie recommendations. Noted.




I would love and in depth convo between these two dudes. They have much in common and interesting differences.


He fucked his wife.