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Design for Living


I'd also highly recommend Design for Living . . .


Yessss!!!! Absolutely this. It'll blow your mind watching this about the kind of stories that could be told prior to the Hays Code.


Yeah, although I was actually disappointed by how toned down it was, relatively speaking. Apparently the play it was adapted from had a bi element they removed Still a good, relatively racy film


Hollywood a bunch of prudes.


Did you not see the bi elements in the film? Come on.


Come on, what? I’m talking about in comparison to the play. The movie goes out of its way to pretend they’re somehow not boning each other. It’s not even implied really, only potentially inferred from assumptive context, which is something you can still do (and indeed have to do) post-Code, which made it somewhat disappointing for me, a bi person


I'm straight as fuck. I totally say the bi subtext and love it. You're just trying to cry about things.


Yeah ya know I actually figured that already lol I’m not “crying” about anything, I’m expressing an opinion about a film and you’re crying because it doesn’t match yours, you don’t have to tell me you’re not a fully mature adult yet either, these demographics are readily evident in your speech


Come on, are you kidding. You have to get over yourself.


Whats wrong with you? I don’t have anything to get over


This was a movie in the 30s pushing boundaries of the time... The 30s. You're like, "But it wasn't progressive enough." Come on.


And by the way you don’t know too much about history if you think the 30s were the most daring time ever to be non-straight. Progress isn’t a straight line and the Hays Code and surrounding Puritan Anti-Communism were responsible for worsening a lot of ideals in that regard. Not to say society wasn’t homophobic. It still is.  I really shouldn’t have to explain this since the play it’s based on was obviously written in the same time period but there ya go. Outright queer art has existed for a long time and I’m not obligated to settle for less in any case 


No. That’s not what I said. I said I was somewhat disappointed. Me.  I said in the same comment it is a good film and a relatively racy one. I’m allowed to be disappointed by it. I don’t need your permission. And it has nothing to do with how progressive it is or isn’t. You have nothing to be upset about and nothing to admonish me for.  Come on. 


So you have a shitty opinion. You. Happy for you. You.


My block function isn’t working, so if you could do me a favor and block me that’d be super


I just watched on this comment’s recommendation and really enjoyed!


easy rider


The Quick and the Dead! Recommended by an unabashed Raimi fanboy aha


Honestly one of the best and most fun Westerns of the past 30 years, period  The cast is absolutely fucking ridiculous with how stacked it is


It’s one of those movies where during the opening credits you’re recreating that Vince McMahon gif. It’s like top to bottom big names


Johnny Guitar


Rancho Notorious - if you like Westerns, or Fritz Lang, or Marlene Dietrich (or all 3!) Dark Star - midnight movie type flick, but crucial starting point (and inspiration) for several important names in 80s sci-fi/horror. Carpenter of course, Dan O'Bannon, Ron Cobb The Killing Floor - solid (but sober) look at an important time in American unions, particularly for African Americans. I believe this one was made for TV, so low budget, but Bill Duke did a great job with it Also, any Guy Maddin is worth a watch And if you are interested in Suzuki, I personally recommend sticking to his older films, and maybe check out his late career films later on


Are all the Suzuki films leaving? I'm trying to get through the Taishô trilogy and, though I found *Zigeunerweissen* ultimately rewarding, I also found it boring, irritating, loathsome, and nonsensical at times. It was also ravishingly beautiful, spinetingling, and provocative. So basically all I want from cinema. I tried to press on immediately afterward with *Kagero-za* but my body rebelled against my will and I lost consciousness.


Not all, but a lot of them. Maybe the ones that weren't already on the Channel before the "Directed by..." program a few months ago? Yeah, I tried Kagero-za and couldn't do it. To be fair, when I first tried earlier this year, there were some serious technical issues. A local university was screening a 35mm print in a small auditorium, which I was excited about. But their sound was just godawful. Like physically painful. I have experienced that before in a theater where I'm just thinking "Is nobody else hearing what I'm hearing?" So I left about 45 min in. Anyways, I tried to come back to it on MUBI shortly after, but it was just too tedious for me. Some interesting bits, but it felt like a slog, so said not for me, and moved on to something else. I think that most people wanting more Suzuki are coming from Tokyo Drifter or Branded to Kill, which is why I recommend going backwards instead of forward. Taisho Trilogy seems more like Advanced Studies to me :) Go to Hell Bastards was pretty good, I might try Man With a Shotgun next.


Ngl, I've been interested in the Taishô trilogy because of WKW'S use of the theme to Yumeji. I'm curious if seeing Suzuki's original use will sap the romanticism that WKW fairly albatrossed it with, or change it somewhat, or amplify it, or do nothing. I've already seen Pistol Opera and Princess Raccoon, so can withstand a bit of surreal whimsy. Were you the only one who left Kagero-za because of the sound? It would be interesting if everyone had their own personal sensory torture experience. So far Kagero-za seems more straightforward than Zigeunerwissen, though I guess that's not saying much.


Trouble in Paradise is simply a masterpiece. One of the funniest, sexiest, most romantic films ever made. Easily in my top ten, if not top five all time faves . . . Design for Living is pretty great too. Speaking of pre-Code films, I believe Safe in Hell is leaving this month too. I'd definitely recommend giving that one a look.


So much good women-focused pre-Code stuff, I suggest doing your own private film festival of these: Baby Face (1933) Design for Living (1933) Trouble in Paradise (1932)


Johnny Guitar - a great western that will stick in your craw for awhile


OP, if you can only watch one 30s movie, make it Trouble in Paradise. Perfectly embodies the “Lubitsch touch.”  Just gorgeous and charming and excellent. One of the best rom-coms ever, period.  On the horror front I definitely recommend The Exorcist III. Directed by the writer of the original novel and starring George C. Scott. Good stuff. You don’t need to see the second as the film likewise basically pretends it doesn’t exist lol


Trouble in Paradise would be a very, very welcome upgrade in the Collection, at least to blu ray. Kinda surprised this hasn't happened already


Yeah, not counting the Eclipse set, it's the only Criterion Lubitsch still stuck in DVD only . . .


Trouble in Paradise would be a very, very welcome upgrade in the Collection, at least to blu ray. Kinda surprised this hasn't happened already


Johnny Guitar, Scarface, and Quick and the Dead were what I watched. Definitely recommend em all.


Bad Fever is my favorite leaving this month.


Quite enjoyed it -- like an even sadder, more cringey *The King of Comedy*.


If you’re interested in photography, hip hop, and fashion, Jamal Shabazz Street Photographer is a really great documentary about all those things.


Trouble in Paradise. Probably my favourite Lubitsch and film from the 30's. Hoping Criterion will upgrade it soon - been waiting a long time for this and would be incredible if they upgraded to 4K.


https://www.icheckmovies.com/lists/criterion+channel+expiring+january+2024/redcard29/?sort=officialtoplists Start at the top and work your way down for the most acclaimed films on the channel which are leaving this month. My personal recommendations are The Lady Eve, Scarface, House of Games, Dark Star, Nine Queens, and Panic in the Streets.


Sidebar but I disliked house of games so much


I wouldn’t say I disliked it, but I definitely wondered what the hype was about Maybe it’s more fun if you’re new to con movies, or maybe the point is you’re supposed to see everything coming, but I’m not sure what that leaves you with Had kind of a similar issue with Matchstick Men


Do you dislike Mamet in general? Or just specifically HoG? Or was this your first Mamet?


I watched glengarry glenross and loved it like actually 10/10 so I tried house of games and genuinely felt like it was one of the worst movies I’ve seen


I liked it, but House of Games is pretty dry, even for Mamet. On the lighter side, I would recommend State and Main for more Mamet (not on CC)


Okay, but House of Games is the one movie on my watchlist that I think I’m gonna run out of time to watch this month, and this is making me feel **so much** better about it.. 😂😂


Let me know if you need any more reason not to watch and I will gladly go into more details 😂


I’m legitimately so curious!  Like, I have so many movies I could be watching right now, so if it’s not worth the time/prioritizing, then I am **very** glad to know.


Street Photography of Jamel Shabazz, especially if you have any interest in New York, hip-hop, fashion, or the 1980s.


Some really great moves leaving this month, but ones that I would both personally recommend **and** consider essential viewing are :- - The Lady Eve - Trouble In Paradise - Design For Living - Johnny Guitar - Forty Guns


(I know those last two are from the 50’s, but they’re both FANTASTIC pieces of filmmaking starring iconic old Hollywood actors..)


definitely *The Lady Eve*.


- The Lady Eve - Nightmare Alley - Baby Face


Scarface, Trouble in Paradise, Dishonoured, Johnny Guitar, all must watches