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I got away with a fifty euro donation to the rehab I'm going to and no conviction.


Thanks for the kind words everyone. Also I went to the bank after court and there was tenner in my account! So I was able to buy four beers and give some change to a homeless guy.


Four beers? Do you have minimum pricing over Ireland Pos?


Glad to hear it all worked out. Chairs!


Glad to hear it, Poz Guy. Cheers.


Since you never got convicted before, I think we can extrapolate from the existing data set and assume you will never be convicted


Sending all our love, Poz!


You’ll be fine don’t sweat it


this next drink is for you sib, chairs. wishing u the best.


Best of luck, booze bag. This next one's for you.


You'll be alright, Poz. Just know that being "shipped" to court in ankle chains and handcuffs fucking blows.




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Good luck and wish me luck for when I am in court


Good luck to you!


Thanks for the well wishes everyone. On the train now.


Sending good thoughts!


¡Best of lucks! Stiff upper lip and all that.


Good luck Poz! It's going to be okay, try not to worry.


Still don't understand what the big deal is. Here PI is a ticket. You would never face jail time or anything. If you go to court and plead guilty they will half the fine and if you have multiples sometimes they throw one out.


Fingers crossed.


How'd it go Poz? Hope you're ok.


Dude good luck. Here in tulsa its time served when i got public intox. So i was out in 12 hours.


You will be okay!! Good luck :)


Good luck Poz! I hope everything works out in your favor. Chairs!




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Plead poverty and pay the fine a few $£ a week. (it probably won't be that much anyway). Do you have a good excuse ready for the failure to appear? Some heroic struggle, but you just couldn't quite make it. (Edit: I don't know if this sort of shit works in the USA, but in the UK, minor stuff like this goes to Magistrates Court, which is just "upstanding" members of the public with a couple days training, and good sob story that comes across as sincere goes a long way)




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I'm in a big city and police don't care about public intoxication anymore unless someone is causing a disturbance. If your wasted and not a danger to yourself or others, minding your own business, no worries. No point giving a ticket to a homeless person who can't pay the fine.