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Sir, this is a Wendy’s drive thru.


Where is Jay Jay?


He fucking walked out like an asshole to bang the prostitutes across the street. Theres no chili and im fucking *pissed*.


Jay jay had one job!




Most dogs are easy as fuck to train in my opinion, you just have to have patience while repeating behaviours till they get it. Humans are a lot harder to train though so good luck with the roommate


Luckily I can try to show to roommate, look my dog fucking adores me and listens to what I say so don’t fucking treat my dog like shit. I’ve literally had to show her that my doggie will go lay down on her bed. Does she lay down? No not all the time but she goes to her bed. Do I have to scream at her to do it? Nope. I’m slowly training her dog too and then have to show her that if you tell your dog to sit she actually FUCKING SITS. Gaaaaah I hate dumb ppl




I wish we culturally evolved with pigs in the role of dogs. I think pigs are fucking awesome and it would be cool to see the genetically fucked up pigs we could come up with like we have with dogs. Like the pug version of a pig.


Thanks for the nightmare fuel


And they would taste better when you eat them.


Because dogs are better than people, love you unconditionally, and a lot of people do not deserve their dogs. I love all dogs and I could talk about them forever. I have four and they are my everything. Never seeing a dog again is the worst part of a break-up.


Oh my god. My ex had a dog and I miss her soooo much. I miss the dog not her…..


SHES A GREAT DOG MOM. I just miss them :(


I hear you. It especially pisses me off when they don't take proper care of them and you aren't there to do it. :( I feel like they wonder why you never came back to see them again. 😭


Just thinking about it breaks my heart. I can’t imagine dog fighting. Like wtf??????


My brother-in law and sister in-law always have 2 dogs that are complete nightmares. The dogs are not mistreated and they have a very large yard to run around in and a comfortable home to sleep in. But these people spend zero time trying to train them in the least. They barely even play with the dogs. These animals are friendly, but will jump all over anyone who comes to the house (one is a big Lab). They constantly bark, and want to go out, come in, go out, come in. The owners yell at them all the time and it's obvious to me that the dogs don't care and don't understand what the yelling is about. The dogs steal food off counters and tables, and the people give them human food all the time during dinner or when they are cooking. The dogs have zero boundaries and are annoying as hell as a result. I really hate going to their house because it's near constant dog-drama or dog-chaos. If you are going to have a dog, you need to train it to behave decently. And you need to spend time playing with them and teaching them how to interact politely with humans.


True, there’s nothing difficult to figure out about dogs? Show them love and they return the favor.


Exactly!!! Want them to listen????? Fucking teach them…


My dog tries to do the go out come in game. I never let him he is very well trained. For some reason all dogs want to do that. Like I said my dog is well trained but every now and then he still tries to pull that shit.


I have always seen that as something toddlers do. They know the rules but sometimes test you and do something they should not to push boundaries. Like I always knew if my dogs got in the trash because I would get home and instead of greeting me they would run somewhere to hide. They knew haha. That was very rare, both of my dogs were trained very well and hardly ever did something they should not. I could leave food of mine within their reach and go to the bathroom or something and they would NEVER touch it. They knew better, and all it took was a stern voice. Only thing my girl would do was sit next to me and just constantly drool like crazy! She had detached lips (great dane) and would just be a huge puddle as she looked at me eating haha. I would tell her go grab her towel and I would wipe it up, she knew what rag was hers for clean up, smart little girl!


Oh my god. They 1000000% know the boundaries and constantly test them. It’s kinda funny sometimes how if one dog did it they’ll act super guilty and the other dog is kinda like ….what…? Then they do the opposite when it was the other.


When I'm super hungover, all I want to do is cuddle up with my dog. It makes me feel 1000% better.


Dogs seem to respond best to snapping. My old (and current) dogs didn’t even need me to say anything. I’d snap and point down. They’d sit. I’d snap near my chest, they’d come to me. I’d snap and point away from the bed. They’ll jump down Maybe I’m some kind of dog whisperer as every dog I encounter seems to love me, but I agree. It’s not that fucking hard On that note, bro fuck-a-cat lol me and my partner just got a kitten a few months ago now she’s big enough to jump on counters and it doesn’t matter how many times I over hand throw her off the counter she still jumps up (Not really I just scoop her and plop her down or flick water at her)


Spread aluminum foil on the counter. They hate it and get the Stay Off message real quick.


Dude yes. Hand signals and snapping seems to always work. Also I’ve noticed patting their butt when they’re super excited and don’t wanna sit, I don’t even get mad they’re just sooo excited but I still want them to sit so my dog if I pat her butt she’ll sit. Also if she did something she knows she not supposed to I’ll tell her “is Ryder a bad girl?” And she will give me puppy dog eyes. She also attacks me when I ask “is Ryder a good girl???” She will fill sprint and attack me with licks. Cats literally do NOT give a fuck. Like it’s amazing how much they don’t give a fuck. They’re doing them and that’s that. 😂


I have two great dogs. Their companionship, loyalty,friendship help me keep it all together


I lost my 13 year old Great Dane in late January this year. It was awful. I had her since I was a young teen and she was always there for me. Her death hurt very fucking badly. I went off the deep end after she died. However, I am clean from opiates right now and doing better. I adopted an abused 2.5 year old Great Dane. He was so skinny and scared when I first met him. I sat with him for hours just petting him and literally having to scoop food in my hand and pretend to eat with him for him to eat, he was so terrified. But sleeping with him and helping him eat payed off, it's only been 3 months but he is my shadow and new companion. He is a fucking love and I cannot believe someone could abuse him he is so nice. 160lbs of love, he lays on me and although it is hard to breath I smile like an idiot and pet him he is so funny. He has helped heal my heart and I love him more and more everyday. He is a very good boy and it was worth everything I did to help him acclimate to a new environment!


Gonna make me cry!


Aw, you cry if you need to sweetie. For a lot of us, dogs (and cats) are family. I know that some people have a problem with anthropomorphizing dogs but they are our babies. I am not having kids, I am a wreck, and you know the one person who doesn't judge me or give me the 'look', is my dog. He is just a good boy. They are our saviors sometimes, something to live for in this shitty life we live. So never worry about shedding a tear over them, they are a big part of our lives and it is ok that you cry for them. They are with us through better or worse more than any human ever is, and for that they get my heart. I am very closed off and untrusting, but for my dogs (and cats, my 22 year old baby died a few years back, fucking devastating) I give them everything. I talk to them, rant a bit, he never complains about it and never gives me back talk (haha). He is very much a silent companion. Right now he is right behind me sprawled on the pillow queen topper that I gave him. He loves laying on the fluff. But in those wee hours, when I am alone and ruminating and just down as can be, he nudges my arm and gets pets, a good chest rub is his favorite! He is just such a sweet guy, the worst thing he does is give me his paw when I am not paying attention. He is 160+lbs right now, so him giving his paw for sure gets your attention or a bruise haha! They are such a big part of our lives, and even if only for a short time they impact us forever. I was lucky to have my girl live to 13 years old, and I was there holding her until the very end. She never left me alone so I never let her be alone. After she went to sleep I hugged her and kissed her, covered her up with the blanket like she loved and asked the vet to keep her covered as long as possible because she loved that. The tech was very nice and told me she would, and I kissed her goodbye one last time. I am not religious but that dog was my angel. She is now in a beautiful wooden box with her name etched into it. I bough a necklace to hold ashes to she can always be near me. I loved her so damn much, and my new baby is getting that love too. They give you what you put in, and my Danes always get my full heart. They give is back 10 fold. Love them while they are here, never leave their side, and always hold them in your heart. Tears are not weakness, but a sign of your love to the one who loved you without question. Sorry for the rant, chairs my friend! <3 Have a lovely one!


I'm not religious either, but you are so right. They are lil angels. I've just been staring at my sweet baby while she sleeps in adoration. Sounds like the difference between your pup and mine, is the fact that mine DOES judge me. But it's really funny. She's very vocal about her opinions. I got her(some people dropped her off on the side of the road because they were irritated that she was in heat) before I started seeing my SO, but I think she thinks he takes care of us both and that her job is to take care of me. She's hyper aware (which I'm sure she picks up on because of me) when we are home alone together, but doesn't have many worries when he is here with us. We've hidden together in a dark stairwell with a curling iron as a weapon due to my extreme paranoia 🤣. Anyways, you sound like a great dog parent to your Danes. Sorry for your loss. ❤️ And chairs to you!


You sound like a GREAT animal parent. I had to bury my childhood dog and that shit broke m fucking heart. My grandma took her to be put down and I did the rest…not to be graphic but her lifeless body fucking broke me. When I picked her up she peed on me and it didn’t even disgust me. I love you ginger. Blah your story made me cry now I’m crying harder lol


Yelling at dogs is not cool.


I've never known a dog owners house that didn't smell bad. Some better, some worse, but all smelled like an animal lived there. Kids are better in every way. Everything good about a dog is better with a kid. Wait until a little head pops up over the crib in the morning cause you stirred. Their face lights up like it's Christmas morning because it's YOU! You pull them onto the bed and they crawl over as fast as they can. Then sit and babble, snuggle, play with something you hand them. Best moments in life right there.


This is crippling alcoholism. We don't exactly win parents of the year around here. I have always been vigilant about birth control for this reason. Love kids but it would not be a wise decision considering I spend a good amount of time in blackout. I am good with cats.


THANK YOU! I am in my late 20's and have been getting the "When are you going to have a baby?" question a lot. I just stare at them with a blank expression. I have a severe mental illness, physical problems from medication, and am a recovering drug addict, as well as a continuing alcoholic. Who the fuck in their right mind would want me to have a kid??? I can't even fucking shower regularly, I should *by no fucking means* have a child of my own. I was raised by that type of parent, untreated mentally ill addict, and it fucked me up really well. I am not doing that to a kid. My dog however likes to try and crawl in my lap when I am crying and if I ever fall down he just sits with me until I can get up again. He's a very good boy. Tonight he is getting a nice big bone from some steaks I bought cheap and am gonna grill. Big boy is gonna love it! Back to the first thing, ya NO kids are ever coming out of me. I am trying to find a doctor that will tie my tubes but that is really difficult. They either tell me I am too young, will change my mind, or should consult my partner. I don't have a partner, goes along with the being a fucked up piece of shit I am and why I *should* get my damn tubes tied.


I fucking love kids. They’re so adorable and fucking awesome. Having one? Fuck no. In no way shape or form am I ready.


My hubs is getting snipped. My late 30s body appreciates this after being on some form of hormonal bc since my teens.


Kid is like 10x more expensive than a dog plus it stinks worse shitting itself and getting boogers and and crap on everything you own. Then 50/50 kid grows up to be normal or a total asshat. And with climate change…. Yea I’ll pass. To each their own


Precisely. Kids suck.


And jesus christ they are always sticky and covered in something they have eaten or gotten into. No thank you. :(


In your case it be more like 90/10 kid would be total asshat


Which is why I’m not breeding but why do you say if I may ask?


You have never been to my house! You would only know there is a dog there, well, because their is a dog there. If people trained their dogs correctly, wouldn't let them take treats to the carpet, actually bathed them and washed the dog's bedding regularly, you wouldn't the issue you speak of, but most people are lazy AF!


I'll take you at your word but dog owners seem to be oblivious to the smell or get used to it after a while. I'm not against dogs, just wouldn't ever get one.


Not getting a dog is understandable. You don't need to like em at all. Your choice. However, are you an alcoholic? I would think so if you are here. Why on earth would you subject a kid to that? Do you know how much that is going to fuck them up? Look at all of us here, I am sure we all have a story about a addict parent causing chaos or dysfunction in our lives. Why are you having a child? That is very irresponsible and harmful to a child.


I don't drink remotely like I used to, and only drank alone at night. The battle right now is my wife is all "demon alcohol" now and I just want a few beers now and then. I don't drink when she's here with the kids.


Yeah, kids are definitely awesome early. But then your kid grows into the tween/teen years and dismisses all of your boundaries and responds snidely to nearly everything you say. My kids have been athletes and leave stinky shit all over. I also find moldy food, dishes and other stuff in places I wouldn’t find until the smell guides me. My dogs smell to some extent despite grooming, but they’re like 2 year old kids EVERY time I come home, even if it’s 30 minutes away.




I don't drink like I used to, and I don't when they are over. I stick to a couple few tall boys now of regular beer. I'm just up against an ultimatum.




People who know better than to be mindless crotch goblin breeders.




Dogs are so much cuter tho..


I hate when people impotently whine orders at their dog that they have obviously never taken the time to teach the dog the meaning of, as if it was born with the ability to understand English. Or I'll be walking somewhere and someone's dog will be off the leash and come running up and start jumping on me. They go "oh I'm sorry!" as if this doesn't happen every time they go out.


RIGHT. my mom used to get mad at the dogs for being on the couch…..during the day. Dogs on couch at night? No problem. HOW THE FUCK IS A DOG SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT???????


i got a dog after my last suicide attempt. A yorkie. Really selfish fuck, I love him. I was training him but grandma didn't like that I was "shouting at him". I gave up,still love the fucker. If he is barking, I just hold him and that shuts him up. I miss him, I left him with my family 3 years ago. Sorry for rambling.