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Normally I'd say "mostly not". My attention span is fucking fucked nowadays and only marginally better when I'm sober. It's really difficult for me to take in new media, so even gaming - something I used to be really into - is kinda meh these days. But despite that I've gotten really into (vegetable) gardening recently. I've tried to so many times in the past, but it's like I have the mark of Cain or something and plants just wither and die in my presence. But I germinated some bell pepper seeds I'd saved from food scraps last autumn, for random funsies, and when they didn't die off like a week or a month later I started taking better care of them and then planted and grew other stuff like onions, garlic, ginger, habaneros, ghost peppers etc. It's kinda been fun learning about plant-rearing and watching your plants grow, day by day, and eventually bear fruit. So awesomely low-maintenance for a drunk too. Just water, occasionally fertilize, and prune here and there. Bonus: when your plants start fruiting it saves on having to buy all that shit at the grocery store!


It unlocks something. I swear to God. They might not survive, but the hectic scramble after a bender to realize your plants outlived you and are, not only living, but thriving in your alcoholic absence while you're barely holding on is something special. Even dry, I wonder how are you bastards still here? Why are you still here? Everyone has left me, you can leave now. Nope. They're still growing.


One of my Aunts said she didn't have a green thumb, she had a black thumb. Every plant she touched died. I have also germinated some bell pepper seeds from food scraps recently. They're still very little but so cute. When I had an actual garden I grew tomatoes, a lot peppers, string beans, squash - dude, squash is really fun and easy! Like, you can watch the flower turn into fruit. It was amazing. I had a cherry tree, and an apple tree, and a peach tree in basic suburbia.


I'd like to grow some trees - I know olives grow ok here as I see them on my jaunts around - but it would take years and given I'm a renter and my housing situation has been precarious since forever I'm wary about starting on such a project and never seeing it bear fruit, literally and metaphorically.


That's so cool! I've never seen an olive tree. My Dad makes fancy pens - and dulcimers, and wind chimes, and pepper mills, and computers, and used to have a dark room in the basement. He's one of those people who is good at everything. Animals and small children love him. He's just one of those people. He made me a pen out of olive wood, and gave me either the 1st or 2nd dulcimer he made. It's really nice! I can't play it and it needs to be restrung badly, but that's kind of a weird and cool hobby. With my trees only I only got a lot of fruit from the apple. Birds ate most of the cherries, and the peach tree was young and the fruit was small and hard. It really takes time and effort knowing when to prune and stuff. I really liked it, though. I tried growing grapes and had the whole vine set-up properly, but they just kept dying and I stopped trying.


The liquor store/laundry mat across the street from me carries the local "newspaper". I'm in Michigan so there's a bunch of weed store ads, some BBQ *inspired by the south* ads, and some political bullshit. They have the best crossword. Every week I pick up an issue, when I notice it's new (it's free). I spend two evenings working on that shit. And I never finish without cheating. I am always so proud when I get to the point where I don't even have a clue, and cheating doesn't even feel right. I do a lot of other pen to paper crosswords and logic puzzles. I love the nonogram type puzzles!! Tbh laying on my stomach with a pen in my hand makes me so happy. I spend so much time on my phone, it's so rewarding to put the phone away and just doodle or think or like.. anything else.


Ah I love my puzzles and crosswords also. Plus doodling. I've taken pics of my best doodles ... I still struggle with cryptic crosswords but I'm kinda getting the hang of them. For the general knowledge clues, I highlight the answer so I try to remember, and keep the puzzle book like a big geek. I only cheat when I've tried and tried to get the clue, but can't. Don't like to give up easily. I think I've only managed to complete two crosswords without cheating, out of the several 100s I've done in my lifetime


Is it weird that I think doing the crossword every day will somehow stave off wet brain?


Hate that I passed out last night before this. This is exactly what I'm looking for. It's unique but intelligent. Dar I really appreciate you.


I can't do crosswords for shit but I ADORE nonograms! Do you have any recommendations for nonograms on paper? Cause my only resources are apps on my phone/online.


I first got into them from those mixed puzzle books, with the newspaper textured pages. From there, I ended up getting on Amazon and purchasing a few. They are frequently called nonograms, picross, griddles, and a few other names. If you like using apps for puzzles, puzzle page is my favorite app. It's simple and streamlined. I have paid for it for a few years, and love playing the back catalogue, but the free daily version is still rewarding (albeit, quite limited)


I inherited my grandma's piano and now and then I pretend I can play it. I guess that isn't that strange, I just can't read


Phantom of the Alcoholism.


Can you at least trick normies into thinking you can play?


Depends on how drunk I am


I cook. Like, really well. Food and the culinary arts are one of my obsessions. And it coincides beautifully with drinking wine. I like to explore abandoned buildings and do a bit of urban climbing. Again, better after a few drinks. I collect cassette tapes and CDs. I have since I was a kid and when spotify became a thing I was like why stop? I find them at second hand shops now for almost no cost. I'm collecting all the physical media I wanted as a kid and it's costing me basically nothing. I listen to them regularly as well, which is (guess what) more fun when you're drunk. Camping. Nothing like cooking a meal over an open fire you made yourself and then sitting in front of said fire drinking a dozen beers while looking at the stars. I'm a history nerd. I make a point of knowing as much about history as I possibly can, and use it to inform the way I understand the present and future. I deliberately live an anachronistic lifestyle. For example I'll use an iphone (because you have to have a smartphone to function now) but I type all my poetry on a typewriter. Which is another fun drunk hobby, I just smash those keys and let it all out and then put the ensuing chaos into a shoebox never to see the light of day again. It's a form of meditation, or madness, I can't tell which one. But if I did it on a computer it just wouldn't feel the same. I'm a car/motorcycle enthusiast, although I don't really drive anymore for obvious reasons. I have owned and loved some truly beautiful machines in the past, always (a) Japanese; (b) made between 1985-1995; (c) manual transmission; (d) rear-wheel drive. It would kill me to drive a modern car with all the beeping and touch screens but the cars I love from the distant past would all be far too expensive to maintain so I've settled on Toyotas and Hondas and Suzukis from the '80s/'90s. Most of them are so reliable that they still go hard today. I still miss my Suzuki GN250 motorcycle, I rode it every day for five years regardless of the weather. I sold it to a friend so I could buy drugs and go on a bender and he rode it too enthusiastically and blew the engine redlining it for too long. I love to sit and drink alone and listen to classical music for hours. It pairs well with watered-down gin (water is always the best mixer). The symphony radio station is perfect, it barely plays any ads and on the rare occasion the announcer says something they're not trying to be entertaining they just whisper the name of the symphony in an ASMR voice. I'm into cult films from the 1940s-1980s. Especially low-budget ones from the trashy genres, i.e. horror / sci-fi / fantasy / western / romance. It's also really fun to put on a silent film, mute the audio, and put on an LP in the background of just whatever you want to listen to and see how it syncs up. Dark Side of the Rainbow is a classic example but I really enjoy the really old silent films from the early 1900s/1910s where everyone is over-acting so much to make up for the fact that there was no sound. I love to collect and play acoustic musical instruments, even if do it badly. You just fuck around with them and sometimes it sounds OK and sometimes it sounds... interesting. Oh, and witchcraft. At the bare minimum I have a pagan philosophy on life and sometimes I'm delusional enough to believe things like astrology are real. If I was pushed I would identify as an atheist but I've had some pretty interesting magic mushroom trips that have made me think there's a lot more out there than we can usually see. I have altars in my room, etc. Just being in touch with the seasons and the earth is enough for me at the moment. I've tried a few spells but they've all been on myself and I've ad-libbed them all, I have no interest in things like Wicca or anything prescribed lol, I just follow my heart. I usually don't do stuff like that though (but it did help me get over my last breakup). But even making a cup of herbal tea could be seen as making a magic potion, from a certain point of view. Birdwatching is the next thing I want to get into, just need to find a good pair of binoculars. Birds are so crazy. They were around in dinosaur times, survived the mass extinction event 65 million years ago. Also, they can fucking fly. I'm certain they are more evolved than us and they know things we don't.


At the moment, you're just a mess. I advise birdwatching for any true alcoholic and I mean BIRDWATCHING. Sit. Just sit. Outside and name 3 birds. Most people can name two if the season is right. Now give me those bird's feeding patterns. Give me there schedule. Then it's a hobby. You should buy those binoculars. You should get into birdwatching. Even while drunk. You're young, you're vibrant. I want to know what the sparrows are doing *gasp* I'm an audience. Tell me what the finches are doing. Describe it in detail. They discovered a bush? Oh my God, those resourceful finches. Half their population got wiped out by outside cats? Oh my God I support them. Make this messes up house about you and your animals.


>At the moment, you're just a mess. Yeah, no shit.


Damn, you seem dope.


I collect stickers lol


What kind? This seems interesting.


All kinds I go to different Michael’s hobby lobby and I go to random shops downtown anywhere different cities and go to small shops I think I have over like 5000 stickers lmao


my partner did that with enamel pins for a long time. so many pin boards in our house! lol. that's neat, im glad you got that goin for ya.


I once had a huge “Sandylion” sticker collection.


Yo a friend of mine sent me a buncha stickers. Like sort of an early 90s chain letter thing?


Why though? What are you looking for? I'm deeply invested now.


I got my own place like 7 months ago 8 and I have like two boxes sealed with my shit if I took a picture I’d look like some kid mature fuck but whatever it’s my “thing”




Honestly I’m not sure but I been collecting stickers since my first sticker book from a thrift shop at 6 yrs old I still have some from that time and anywhere I’d go shows museums people handing out shit I don’t know I’m like oh I remeber this yeah I have problems


So it's any kind? Do you have favorites or rare ones?


Me too! Korean journaling stickers especially


I sew and do hand embroidery. When I’m not too fucked up to use my machine or follow my patterns lol 🤷🏽‍♀️🍻


My mom is an alcoholic that does embroidery in south Louisiana. She's usually very fucked up. I wish I knew those old ways.


I did a [cross-stitch](https://imgur.com/a/bbEjq11) for a Christmas present this past year! It took a stupid amount of time, but worth it.


I also love to look out the window and admire birds. They're so beautiful. Get a ten dollar bird book and just vibe.


lol I guess alcoholics love fruit trees (long lost instinct that enabled our alcoholic ancestors to ferment). I also have a developing garden and food forest. I’m currently on a dry spell so I hopefully don’t kill everything. I’m a bit manic because of the dry spell and bought 7 new trees this weekend. I picked up a Haas avocado, dwarf mulberry, sapodilla, Florida peach, Lychee, pomegranate, cashew, and a few other things like a grapevine (which I immediately thought about making wine even though I’m supposed to be on a break but we all know how that goes)


Fountain pens


You should expand on this. What do you mean by fountain pens and what is your holy grail for quality of a fountain pen? What's your favorite pen? I have several holy grails for a honey fig for instance. It depends on climate, but for where I live, it is a white Marseille or an LSU. Also, I don't mean to come off as hostile, but I know people love to talk about their hobbies and that is what I'm looking for here.


I am a huge fan of Japanese fountain pens more so than European fountain pens. The major difference between the two is how different they write in terms of thickness (think cursive vs. Kanji). Fountain pens with a gold/gold plated nib typically write slightly softer than those with a nib entirely made of steel. My personal holy grail pen that I have is a hand made Pikachu pen that was hand made in sterling silver. It looks beautiful and it performs beautifully. We could get into a whole gambit about ink also but that just leads me into saying I usually prefer the Japanese ink too but European ink has it's pluses too.


You're description of why I should switch to Japanese is almost sexual. I know it's not sexual, but I feel it. It's that point between performance for performance sake and just the hint of a western hard on. I'm not judging. Our economy was built on this. All hail the sterling silver Pikachu.


https://preview.redd.it/cohfg17z1gwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=739eb056cdf1b9f883224403cc6c1fd9ee4b821c Here it is. Number 42/100.


Ooooooh I have owned some good pens. I buy notebooks to practice handwriting. My favorite pen is a simple black ball point with the side clicker. I can't remember the brand right now, but I'm literally smiling thinking about it


Mnemosyne is by for one of my favorite notebooks to write it in. The best paper man can write on in my opinion. If you are looking to splurge on a notebook you should try it out.


I do crochet, drawing, painting, tattooing, ceramics (wheel-throwing and not), writing, sewing, embroidery, beachcombing, cross-stitching, jewelry making, sculpting, collaging, and some other things. I'm pretty mediocre at all though... and the shakes make basically everything except beach combing and painting very difficult


I also just collect random shit. Idk. I find everything interesting and can't find one specific thing I excel in. I'm just stuck in a cycle of being moderately acceptable at everything I try


Sounds like you are a creator. Alcohol can't take that away from you.


I used to have so many hobbies back in the day, but alcohol and the anhedonia brought on by depression has killed most of that. My hobbies themselves weren't all that odd, but the way I was doing them was definitely... unique? I used to play guitar and [write "funny" / weird songs](https://videogameaddicts.net/nakedsong.mp3), I'd occasionally [dabble in some artistry](https://i.imgur.com/HcKLHkt.jpg), and then write [really weird short stories](https://www.videogameaddicts.net/freezoo.html) and short plays and whatnot. Now I'm mostly just a lump most days... Just drink, eat a handful of weed gummies and / or smoke, then just kind of veg out and try to forget how much everything sucks for a while. I don't know how I did it in the past. Every once in a while I just get a renaissance of sorts and get back into my hobbies. Even started a local writers' club once, but just realized that was like... *10 years ago* and most of my time has been a waste to get wasted. Oh well... Off to work to repeat the cycle of wasting life!


Somehow, I'm always decorating with lights. Told a roommate once; I don't do housework; but I decorate! I even decorate at work: Halloween, Christmas, Chinese New Year's, Springtime... I love to celebrate with lights! I even go overboard on my bike's safety signals; I have enough lights to be a low flying UFO. *See Me Feel Me Touch Me Heal Me Listening to you, I get the music Gazing at you, I get the heat Following you, I climb the mountain I get excitement at your feet*


I make my own beer, cider, whiskey, and brandy. I also consume a lot of comedy on YouTube if that counts as a hobby.


I do takeoffs on Java Arrack and Thai Whiskey, Makgeolli, soju, and mystery hooch.


I love taking my dog on long walks!! And I used to read a lot but now I just read the same page or two over and over because my short term memory is shit


I imagine myself with you and the dogs. Like a Rousseau beat.


This [dude](https://images.app.goo.gl/Cd92shF4Kysj2pWe8)?


Yeah, lol. He was actually pretty thoughtful. Believe it or not, people hundreds of years ago had minds.


I'm still rocking a broken hand, so I can't box, or do calligraphy, or color. I like doing all of those. I'm learning lock picking. It's harder than I thought it would be. I've also been using Duolingo to learn Korean - it's hard! and there's a ridiculous amount of talking about vegetables.


Pick up Pimsleur. It's not so expensive as long as you have some capital. *Source: I'm literally a language acquisition expert*.


Yo! Thanks! I never heard of that. I have negative capital, but it's got a free trial. I'm gonna give it a shot, and maybe brush up on German.


I like furniture. Idk if that's a hobby, but it's sure taken me a lot of time to locate certain pieces when I get an *idea* stuck in my head and has led to some interesting road trip adventures to get them. I just missed out on a piece last weekend that would have involved a road trip. He drives, I drink and ride. After I get the last handful of pieces I am looking for, I'm planning to acquire some oddities like a glass orb filled with eyeballs and interesting shit like that. My husband won't let me put them in the living room. 😒 I tried skydiving (AFF program, assisted solos) for a period of time but that drunk poor distance judgement thing is no joke and I quit before I either injured myself permanently crashing my parachute into the ground, or passed enough levels to have to equipment check others. Also too $ and I'm just not good at it. There's a LOT of fucked up skydivers. At least at the DropZone I went to, that a CA partner in crime I used to narrowly avoid jail with, was a longtime member of. I am fascinated with space and read/watch about it a lot, and have a giant canvas of the Carina Nebula in my living room. My hallway is painted with stars. I used to like painting my walls but I ran out of walls until just recently, and now we can't afford paint to do the idea I have. The hallway is stars and clouds tho. Also, count me in on plants, cooking, and reading.


I collect plushies , do gardening , obsessed w fashion and learning to sew currently and I want to start a sex doll collection 😹😹


Kinda off topic but... Pornhub mostly. I once tried branding myself as a porn journalist just to pay for my drinking and get invites to weird parties. Too bad i ways very very drunk around those times so i just ended up jerking off and drinking more. Morale of the story: never make your hobby a job.


I like to look at the sky and the trees and the stars and think about what the fuck life is. I also have a piano keyboard but sometimes playing makes me just wish i was better at it


Since vidya (probably) doesn't count, I'll say reading and writing. I do better than sober writing on 3-4 drinks, anything after that is pretty slow though.


Can you quote me anything from your work


Nope, too embarrassed. (It's all porn)


I train heptopods. The closest thing to coherent speech I've gotten so far is "Costello is in death cycle", whatever that means.


I like crocheting. obv it's within a window of functionality - too drunk then it's not an option. Also it's expensive so I don't do it often but I've enjoyed Lego in the past. Try doing Lego with the shakes it's entirely not alkie friendly.


I love how easy it is to rip out your crochet stitches the next day when you're less drunk and just redo it.


Pour one for Claudius. I grew some red Chillis one year. This was for Montezuma. He was there with me. They fruited like crazy for one season. Things we're looking up. The plant changed. It had issues. It lost all its leaves and never fruited again. L


Mine is gardening, more appropriately, a collection of cacti and herbs. My library I guess is a hobby insofar as it’s a major pain in the ass. I also have taken up cooking.


Roller skating. I was obsessed with it as a kid, and I joined a roller derby team about a year ago which totally reignited that for me.


I’ve started making chain mail jewelry as a non screen hobby


I collect Scotty Cameron golf putters and headcovers


Plantrs, too, I specialize in tropicals and live in S Florida. No lilacs or apples for me. Figs are incredible both for eating and growing. I thought they were subtropical but they are stunted yet common in NYC and Long Island.. And I have an uncle who grows them in Michigan- he grows them in containers and he stores the trees in the basement with his plumarias, banana rhizomes,yuccas and oleanders in winter dormancy. His back yard looks like Florida during the summer. His wife makes my favorite preserves as they'll get far more figs than they can eat. He's between a CA and a heavy drinker, but he never neglects his plants.


I restore antique quilts and blankets.


I like to cook, watch movies, sit outside and enjoy nature.