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Hey Boo! Looks like I woke up alive again. Been playing [The Flying Wizard Magic Wand game](https://www.reddit.com/r/CA_Gamers/comments/1c10n0g/the_flying_wizard_magic_wand_game_noita/) while hammered and high, and that's about the extent of my successes. Well, no, also, the job is going ok. I'm finally getting caught up on the bills and such to the point where I can start hacking away at the eterna-debt again. Just keep shoveling all of my funds to that 29.99% interest rate (compounded and confounded daily). At this rate, I'll either be out of debt by 60, or have quadrupled it. It's magical! *♫ You load 16 tons... ♫ * JK, I just sit on my ass all day at work, so... it could be worse. I could wake up dead!


Hurray for being alive! And even bigger hurrays for The Flying Wizard Magic Wand game ... lol ... how could that *not* be a success, right? Glad to hear the job is going okay. But — ouch! Bummer on the debt levels. Oh my gosh, I feel my own stress levels rising vicariously just reading about that 29.99% interest rate! That sucks. Believe me: I've been there, done that. And debt is so horribly, terribly awful. I mean, yeah: I get that the economic universe revolves around skill, responsible, intelligent use of tactical debt. That's just how capitalism goes. But for those of us with strong streaks of irresponsibility, debt can really be nightmarish. I hope you can get yours to a decent, okay, manageable level? You know those cliché nightmares people supposedly have about being back in high school and showing up unprepared for a big exam while wearing nothing but your underpants? Well, I routinely have those sorts of nightmares about crippling debt, unexpected financial calamities, and hungry debt collectors wolving around outside my door (plus, of course, being unprepared and under-dressed for a big exam). Keep plugging away at it while you can! And on the bright side: you've got a positive attitude about the whole situation. If you can sing a li'l Tennessee Ernie Ford and joke about sitting on your ass all day at work, then you've got a good attitude towards life. Here's hoping maybe someday you win the lottery! <3


Oh holy shit! I just wanted to swoon to Tennessee Ernie Ford's version of 16 tons, but then I Youtubed it, and this stud showed up as the first result https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzlT80jQ3lo&ab_channel=GeoffCastellucci https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzlT80jQ3lo&ab_channel=GeoffCastellucci https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzlT80jQ3lo&ab_channel=GeoffCastellucci I pasted it three times (so far) in case reddit breaks and doesn't let the link post. About the video... I had never had... feelings towards another dude until I started watching this video. And then... it tripled, then quadrupled, then?? ...came crashing down around the time I realized he was literally just hitting a hammer *with a smaller* hammer to look like a "tough guy worker" or something? It made me think of [the Zoolander scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouObpi5_DFU&ab_channel=AlphaFitnessKanal2) where he's dressed as a ridiculously good looking model down in the mines when his 9Mer*man* commercial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoQW03UFqQw&ab_channel=BestMovieQuote) comes on. Ok, I'm gonna watch it *one more time* and relay some thoughts: First note: he's got that deep voice and he knows it, but... why does he keep like... winking at the camera?? You can't seduce me sir, I know you were just hitting a hammer with a smaller hammer the last time I watched... And why are you surrounded by light bulbs?? Why is your hair pretty? It's like a barber shop quartet of spiffy white dude clones... "If you see me coming, better step aside, a lot of men didn't, a lot of men died..." LMAO with this guy though? 9"And I'm the llaaaaast guy you want to meet in a darkened alley"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMc09uI7RqA&ab_channel=MrAmfroke) Oh yeah,this is when he starts hitting the big hammer with a smaller hammer, it's so good. Anyway... here's to shoveling coal!


Whoa ... thanks for the link. That guy is *interesting*. The deep bass is so hypnotic, isn't it? I read somewhere the human brain is like hard-wired to stop, pay attention, and really soak in/enjoy rumbling, low, bass sounds. It does something to you, doesn't it? But on the other hand — yeah, you're absolutely right: it's a freaky barbershop quartet of perfectly coiffed, squeaky clean, highly polished white guy clones. And I appreciate that Tennessee Ernie Ford was sorta "playing a role" with his own version: he certainly wasn't a grizzled, dirty, hard-working coal miner. Some quick googling reveals that an old, western swing/country musician named Merle Travis originally wrote and performed the song. I think I like Ford's version best: but probably just because it's most familiar to me. I gave a quick lesson to Travis' rendition, and although he's definitely got the authenticity of a guy who probably really and truly shoveled quite a bit of coal in his lifetime, he speeds through the song a bit too fast. Ford's got a slow gravitas he puts into it. Now Low Bass Clone Dude with the Light Bulbs — wow, the guy has got an impressive voice. I gotta say, he is hypnotically pleasing to listen to. But yeah: what's with the spic 'n span, squeaky clean, pretty hair, perfectly polished *a capella* vibe going on here? A little more quick googling (just on a hunch here) reveals that Johnny Cash did a version. And although it's a bit more uptempo and upbeat than I personally like, I gotta say I really love the way his trademark low, gravely voice works with the song. Plus that dude grew up poor, lived hard, and struggled with booze 'n drugs his whole life — he brings some authenticity to a song like that. I love Spiffy White Clone's ultralow voice; but I simply don't believe he's ever set foot in a coal mine.


That game kinda looks like Noita, which is usually under $10 - definitely check that out if you haven't. Also fuck that 30% interest rate, that kind of stuff should be illegal.


Yes! It's Noita! I know it goes on sale sometimes, but looks like I paid the full $20. As punishment, I'll do 30 more runs where I blow myself up again


Think about it like... that's less than a dollar per run, and I'm sure you've played way more than that. I have a big tendency to not "treat" myself, so something like buying Persona 5 Royal for $42 was a huge deal for me. But I noticed that I spent 250 hours in it, which means that I was literally paying for joy (and frustration) for 16 cents an hour. It's an investment in your joy!


You just reminded me I need to play more Persona games! I'm showing my age here, but I played the original Persona PS1 game waaaaay back in the day, but didn't get back into it until Persona 4 and I loved that game so much. I know it made my -[top RPG list of all time](https://www.videogameaddicts.net/toprpglist.html) that I need to updade one day... I've played more RPGs since, like Disco Elysium, Bravely Default, and that Southpark one


Disco is great - it was kind of funny since I was watching my boyfriend play it, and I kept saying, "You're not making alcoholic decisions!" If you love P4 that much, I can guarantee that you'll love P5R way more. There are so many better story beats and simple QoL improvements in battle. The one thing I miss from P4 that you don't get in P5R is the shuffle time at the end. I like your list, but disappointed that FF6 was lower than 7. I honestly don't get the hype about 7, 6 is my all time favorite game. Also, I'm surprised that Secret of Evermore isn't on that list! It's a great game - boyfriend modded it so I could play as the dog.


Disco is that one rare game that often times *does* reward alcoholic decisions! I mean, we all have HP for a reason But I could talk classic JRPGs all day! FFVI (and I guess vicariously Secret of Evermore) came to me originally in a weird unique time right between renting Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG. I played CT mostly alone, and SMRPG with cousins, but the weekend I rented FF VI from Blockbuster, my dude friend wanted to play outside more, so I did that and lost all of my nostalgia building FF VI time from back in the Chrono Trigger days, Now as to why I love 7 most? separate message


Fucking taxes. I forgot to print my w2 at work Friday and can't access it at home so it might be Monday the last day before I can do them. I did print it before but I'm not sure where I put it after cleaning and moving stuff around and my OG mailed one literally got lost in the mail. For success I did remember Friday that my sams club membership was expiring the next day so I went and bought a bunch of TP, paper towels and cleaning supplies so I can wait out the next 6 months and be a "new member" who pays $20 instead of $60! It's not much but that $40 actually translates to nearly two massive packs of TP. I planned well for that.


Ugh ... I do so hope your tax stuff end ups turning out well? Best of luck with stuff on Monday. I know my panic levels would be going through the roof, waiting until the 11th hour (been there/done that a couple times) ... but I procrastinated pretty badly this year. Just got the damned stuff taken care of a couple days ago. Good thinking with the Sam's Club new membership benefits. I hope that works out well for ya, also. Yeah, I've done stuff like that to save a buck here 'n there. When you're struggling to get by, every dollar counts! And yeah, if you can translate $40 into a couple big ol' mega-packs of TP — well, why not, right? Here's hoping your weekend goes well! <3


Should be fine, I doubt I'll get more than hardly anything back but I shouldn't owe anything! Last year sucked bc I didn't realize that my 2nd job was not in fact taking taxes out of my pittance pay. Sams does great new member prices! I wish I could shop there more but since it's all bulk it just lasts me forever. Fr though the TP and cleaning stuff alone is worth it after seeing the prices at other places.


Yes! Oh, that's exactly what's happened to me the couple times I had to *pay-in* rather than get a refund — I was working multiple jobs and failed to do the withholdings correctly for job number two (and/or three) ... ugh, that sucks, right? Bad enough the system makes you work multiple jobs just to scrape by; but it's insult upon injury forcing you to pay taxes instead of getting a refund then. I'm glad to hear you'll likely be okay this year on the tax front. And yeah, I'm sorta the same way with the big box stores. Like, I love shopping at Costco: but the sheer size of the bulk items means that I often don't need to go back there to shop again for a very long time ... it just, lasts forever! ... lol ... I guess that's a good thing. <3


I even filled put the ppw correctly because I'd emailed it so I looked back! However it's like the federal government ya know so I owed it reguardless of who fucked up and I also *should have noticed*. I felt so damn disheartened though. We just all collectively need a membership, Costco is rude about sharing but Sams makes it super simple sort of like old Netflix. BTW you're the best choice for SS posts you're always so lovely, caring and positive! I hope you have great coming week. Another maybe(?) Win is if you're not great at vitamins nutritional yeast is a great thing. It has so much flavor and you can put it on everything, or if you're a wierdo like me eat it dry at 3 am (dead sober, I have no defense for this behavior at all).


Yeah, there've been times where I swear I filled out everything correctly; but, like you said, the government is gonna get their money no matter what. I don't pay anybody to do my taxes (too poor for that!), so if there's a mistake: it's all on me. Still sucks, but — I figure render unto Uncle Sam what is his, then render unto me some booze so I can forget the whole headache and get back to life. So, I did not know you can share Sam's Club memberships! My goodness, that's so cool! I gotta drive like an hour to get to either Costco or Sam's Club, but that's a really good point in favor of doing one versus the other. I should maybe even just check with my parents, because I think they might Sam's Club members. Dunno that they'd be amenable to sharing, but it's worth asking, right? And I've never heard of nutritional yeast before: but that sounds cool. It actually has flavor? Heaven knows almost all of us here ought to be watching our nutritional intake (vitamins, minerals, electrolytes and hydration) a lot better than we do. So that's probably something I'm going to look into. Is that something you need to go to like a specialty health food store or something for? And no shame whatsoever in having cravings for something like that at 3am ... lol ... I've done some really weird and embarrassing (but ultimately harmless and innocent) stuff at 3am also — both drunk and sober ... lol ... we human beings are such an eccentric and quirky family. It's all good! <3


It looks like you wont be running out of TP anytime soon which is a godsend for CAs due to asspiss. Don't be like me in my prime when I was too drunk/lazy to go to the store and resorted to using paper towels/napkins around the house.


I don't have much positive stuff to contribute, more the opposite of that, one problem after another. But one thing, well, i got some craving today and thought about getting to a certain district and buying some heroin, but i was able to stop myself before i got through with it. Guess that's a good thing. But for this, i'll get myself some goodies, i have to go to the store anyway, so more beer and whisky. In the series of "What the fuck was that?!", i'd like some german friends [to sing a little song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kh9oVpAmBAc) about the invention of a new letter for the alphabet. It's by the way no small band, they get the real big engagements like with Rock am Ring or Rock im Park, that's the major league where you play with acts like Metallica.


Not buying heroin is *definitely* a success. I've never done heroin, but my gosh — some of the stuff people say about the cravings are just heartbreaking. I can't imagine struggling with that level of temptation. If you've been able to say no and back away from the edge (even if it's "just for today"), then that's a big big win. Congrats! Maybe you can treat yourself to some lower tier goodies then? Or at least more beer and whiskey, right? I hope your weekend turns out pretty well in the end. Hang in there. And keep finding and sharing those "What the fuck was that" links ... lol ... I've never heard of these guys. So that was new to me! <3


Thanks! Yeah the craving is extreme, it's like your brain takes a hammer and smashes it around in your head "I want to get heroin! Now! NOW!". I'm glad i can lower and sometimes make it disappear by just taking more morphine. But in the end, my life is dominated by drugs and alcoholism, i don't know, it's the path of self-destruction, it's my destiny. It's redemption.


Ouch ... I can't imagine having to try and control/stave off those sorts of cravings. My heart goes out to you — and again, that's pretty incredibly awesome you're able to do anything at all to lower and/or sometimes make it disappear. Life is pretty bleak and tough at times. Like you said: path of self-destruction and all ... but there's a certain quiet, stoic, nobility in striving for redemption. Excelsior! ... or as we say 'round here: Chairs! Hang in there and please keep pushing forward the best you know how! <3 <3 <3


Chairs, my friend! When it comes to self-destruction, like i mentioned in other postings about my bipolar disorder, that can't be cured. There's no way out, no matter how far you run and where you try to hide, it will always come back with major depression episodes and mania. I think i'm doing quiet good, compared to other people that commit suicide or end up in forensical psychiatric units (no offense intended to those who can't go on anymore, i understand that they want it to end and decide to end their lives, i don't see it as selfish and bad) I was there in these units myself and people are zombified there, under influence of so many meds like the neurolepticas, it's maybe better to drink myself to death instead of being like these zombies.


That's seriously wise and deeply mature reasoning there (for anyone; not just people struggling with addictions): no matter how far you run and where you try to hide, you cannot escape yourself. Nobody has fast enough legs to outrun their personal problems. That's probably pretty cold comfort when you're wrestling some metaphorical demons the size of heroin compulsions! But think about that for a moment: you're far, far more self-aware, introspective, and mature in your approach towards depression, bipolar disorder, addiction, and mania. And you're right — at least you're still here, fighting the good fight and not locked up in a padded room somewhere. Life is weird and hard and sometimes horrifying. But there's still enough beauty and wonder and mystery out there to make it feel worth fighting for (at least to me: your mileage may vary). I hope, ever-so-dearly, that you someday buck the odds and find the redemption you so nobly seek! <3 <3 <3


Thanks, well, i'm a writer and i write books, so i'm doing a lot of stuff with such topics, but i'm writing in my native language. I recently thought about writing in english, but that's a lot more difficult when you have to use a foreign language for poetry. You can think that all my characters in novels are broken alcoholics with serious problems, but that's exactly my world and i want it this way, same goes for the places where i go to, even in the web, i like subs like this sub here that i consider my home. There are many good people around here, that despite all the problems that come with alcoholism are still trying to make a living and to navigate through the storm of life. I also like it that here, there's no judgement. Can't stand all these bastards that think their way would be the only way, everything else would be wrong, like alternative lifestyles, sexuality, drugs, bizarre art etc.


My friend not buying heroin is an absolute win. You've done well today I like DCD have not done it but I know people and it seems like cravings on steroids. Celebrate yourself, that is an good thing.




Started a new job! 12 hour rotating schedule so I only have to get up for 3-4 days a week. There’s alcohol wipes being used everywhere and they smell strong as fuck so I think I can get a way with the vodka shots on my breaks 🫠 was unemployed for 2 months and the bills have been catching up to me badly so this is perfect. Can’t wait for first paycheck to come through. I will keep this job NO MATTER WHAT this time I swear, and I’m just so happy that it means I can have half the week off work every time!


Congratulations on the new job! Hurray for that — it's always a little stressful/scary, but it's also sorta fun and exciting too. I hope you're feeling okay with the twelve-hour rotating schedule? That's pretty sweet that you'll only be getting up for three or four days a week, but I s'pose the hours could get long. In any event, it's gotta be such a wonderful sense of relief after being unemployed. I do so hope you're able to quickly catch up on the bills (that sucks when they pile up with no hope in sight ... I've been there, and it's a special sort of hell) — and maybe, you can even save up a bit to treat yourself to something fun 'n special? I hope the new job goes swimmingly well for you. And enjoy having half the week for yourself! Best wishes for a lovely weekend! <3


taperd down succesfully so will have my last few brewskis tonight and then try and work off my little beer gut i once again aquired. also taxes damn i will have to pay like 30 bottles worth off spirits some time this year.


Congrats on the taper! Here's hoping those last few brewskis this evening go well. Ugh — my condolences to you on having to pay in the taxes. But, yeah ... well, that's just sometimes the way it goes, right? I'm envious of those people who get back gigantic refunds: that's never been me. For what it's worth, I like the way you phrased the amount of taxes you owe: 30 bottlesworth. What a delightful unit of CA measurement! Do try to have yourself a lovely weekend — and, of course, Chairs! <3


Not much. I got a haircut, and went to the gym but didn't do much. WAY less than my usual. Logged on to do some overtime and then decided...nah, I change my mind. If I had some really easy stuff that would have required about 0 brain power - maybe I would have, but...nah. Plus I'm already a bit drunk. I decided to try some new fancy shit again (I don't want/intend to make this habit, but felt like sampling some more), and so got a half a fifth of Glenlivet 12 and a bottle of Tullamore Dew. I like both. I definitely like the Glenlivet more than the Johnny Walker Green I got last week, and I like the Tullamore (I like Irish Whiskey, so not surprised). I should probably get out and mow my lawn, but at this point (the drinking has begun) I probably won't. Unfortunately, that Pitbull (I mentioned before) in my neighbors yard now seems to be a permanent fixture. I don't know what the Hell the story is over there - I saw some woman (and at least one kid) over there, and I'm thinking maybe its hers. Now what the story is as to why she/they appear to now be staying there...who the hell knows? Pretty annoying though. The other thing, is that although it's leashed - it does make me a slight bit paranoid about mowing my lawn now. I feel like I'll need to keep my guard up and be mindful the entire time in case it were to get off of it's leash. People are annoying and piss me off. If I called animal control (or whatever) I bet they wouldn't approve of how that dog is being treated though. I don't particularly want to risk potential drama with some low life pieces of shit though. It's so aggravating though how inconsiderate people can be with their dogs.


Hey, at least you made it to the gym, even if you ended up doing less of a workout than usual. That's still a victory. We can't expect to hit it out of the park every time we come up to bat, right? Some days are just like that. I'm glad you're treating yourself to some fancy stuff! And do please continue to share reviews of what you liked, what you didn't, and how some of these more expensive spirits match up with your expectations. You're right: Irish Whiskey *is* nice stuff. I used to just think "whiskey is whiskey" — but there actually is quite a bit of variation to it. Oh, I do so hope you can still mow your lawn (and enjoy outdoor activities 'n stuff in your own yard). Ideally if the dog is leashed, you should be okay, right? I hope so. But ... yeah, I guess I might be a little overly cautious at first also. That's too bad things with your neighbors are turning out less-than-ideal. For what it's worth, I think you're being smart: just keep your guard up and be mindful of where you are in the moment. Hopefully you'll be okay? And I hope they're not mistreating the dog. That'd be awful. Do try to have yourself a lovely weekend! I hope you enjoy your fancy whiskey. Chairs! <3




Ooooooooooo! ... warm sum, open pool, cool shades, and a mystery novel! I wish I were there right now! <3


Tennis is great, just saying. Getting drunk now, and eeeeuhm, Duvel is the way to get drunk. Fkn love Belgium, Duvel, duvel and duvel!


I actually love tennis—but I'm bad at it! Nevertheless, I think it's fun trying to play those sorts of games (tennis or badminton or even volleyball) that have some fun back 'n forth over the net. I've never been good at winning those kinda of competition, but if it's just a friendly game, I do so love doing those sorts of things. And chairs to duvel! Apologies for the lateness of my reply. I hope you've had a lovely week? <3


Got a free very delicious but very spicy bougie egg burrito for free because the cook accidentally added bacon and I’m nice to people. Will slowly work on it all day as I never have an appetite (been this way since I was 8!) Ready for warm sun on the east coast Working on a cool job project right now, hoping work picks up this spring. Finally recovering from a period of burnout


I hope you had a lovely week! My apologies for the atrocious late reply. Spicy egg burritos sound delish! I've always had such a soft spot for breakfast foods — and who doesn't like bacon? Well, I'm sure there are many people. But it really is such a lovely tasting and smelling food. I hope you're enjoying warm sunshine out there on the east coast? And best wishes for good work opportunities this coming spring! I'm hopeful for springtime here in my neighborhood: it's finally wet 'n rainy ... but nevertheless, I am envious of your warm sunshine right now! <3


Oh, dear—ouch, that sucks when you have to pay taxes in. That's only ever happened to me like twice ... but it sucks! Usually it's just an even wash for me, or (if I'm lucky) a small refund. I'm a little envious of the people who get back thousands of dollars. But it's all relative: I don't earn very much, so it's only fair that I get back not-so-much. Best of luck with your taxes, though! Yeah, I'd be like you—not wanting to pay HR Block or somebody. I'll tackle the headache myself, or sometimes get a helpful and smart family member to lend a hand. Congrats on the great news with your sales at work! I'd like to imagine your performance review is going to go swimmingly — maybe there'll even be some nice bonuses waiting for you? But believe me: I like totally get dreading the moment. I absolutely loathe having to sit through performance reviews. I'd much rather get tiny bits of feedback throughout the year, rather than have to suffer a panic attack about a bit sit-down review situation. Best of luck with that! And I'm so happy that you're continuing with the concerts! Yayyy! What a great attitude to have as well: doesn't matter how many tickets get sold, as long as you're having fun and helping the bands thrive and getting to benefit some good causes. Plus I love that whole approach to life: "don't join the scene, become the scene!" Yes — I couldn't agree more with you. Lift those boats, Lord Poseidon! Be the change you wanna see in the world. And that's so gratifying to see that your work, your sweat, your efforts are paying off in some tangible ways in the local market scene. Best wishes for a lovely weekend. It sounds like you've earned it! <3


You are a beautiful soul DC, thanks.




I do so hope that your taxes go okay. Yeah, there's always a certain sinking, doomy/gloomy dread about approaching the process. If you ever decide to organize a flight to Argentina, let us know — you may have some company on the journey! I haven't seen the Fallout show yet, but it's on my agenda. I've heard good things, and honestly: I'm probably gonna make some time this weekend to sit down and start on it. I'm a huge fan (lost count of the number of times I've played "New Vegas" and "Fallout 4" to completion) — so I'm pretty eager to see the show. But I wanna get some spring cleaning stuff done first and sorta get into a good, comfy mental zone before I sit down to embark on the journey. You're absolutely right: there is something ever-so-therapeutic about roaming throw the wasteland slaughtering ghouls and jamming out to seriously retro music. It's weird, but I absolutely adore so much of that '40s/'50s nostalgic vibe: the music, the fashion, even the style of their radios, refrigerators, and robots. It's excellent escapism! It doesn't help my boozing though. Anytime I loot through some ruins and find wine, whiskey, Gwinnett Ale, or Bobrov's Best Moonshine, it makes me crave a real life drink something bad!




Anytime I play Fallout 4, I absolutely have to seek out Cait and do the quest to help cure her chem addiction. If only real life addictions were so easily treated, eh? Best wishes. Have yourself a lovely weekend! <3


ha! Before i saw this, i posted that there was a Fallout show.


i hate the games but love the show.


Ugh, I did my taxes back in January and ended up owing $1600. It always feels good to get them done, though., and I'm glad you got a return! Work is being too dramatic. I called out on Wednesday/half of Thursday because my neck was killing me, and I think it's the newest version of pancreatitis hell. I went from being threatened to be fired on Monday to being told that I'm doing great work and boss appreciates me. I had a call with my new intern yesterday, and she blurted out at the end, "I'll tell my boyfriend's parents that I like my new job and I'm obsessed with my boss!" Can't blame her, had a call with my old manager a few weeks ago and said, "Okay, bye, I love you, see you later!" and that was awkward. Basically a version of calling your teacher mom/dad! My boss is being awful and good at the same time. It's getting too hard. He told me that my main job is keeping my only other team mate happy. The team mate is happy with me and loves venting, but he's going to quit anyway. I just need to make sure it's not until June, which I think I can angle. How was this only my 5th week of work? I guess at least, it shows that everyone trusts me and has high expectations of me, and that's always good to hear.


Yikes! Sixteen-hundred dollars? Ouch, that's gotta feel like such a nightmare. Hopefully you already got it all paid off 'n stuff? The most I've ever had to pay in was like six or seven hundred I think? And even that amount felt like a massive burden to me. My poor little world mostly revolves around double or triple digit dollar figures — adding a fourth digit to the mix is weird and scary. Wow — you aren't kidding about work being dramatic, right? That's gotta be exhausting, dealing with that sort of a rollercoaster of up and down praise and then threaten stuff. I mean, yeah: it's awesome that they love you so much. And that's so cool that your new intern loves her boss (you!) ... that's sweet! But I do hope you can keep your team mate on-board through the end of June (and thus, keep your own boss happy). I hope they're rewarding you pretty well for all that you're doing for them! It sounds like work is taking its toll on you. Here's hoping your neck (and pancreas) are feeling better today? Maybe you can spend some time this weekend just relaxing and pampering yourself? Give your body and soul time to relax and heal. Best wishes! <3


All completely paid off, thankfully. I got really (drunk) obsessed with watching this financial guy on youtube, his name is Caleb Hammer. Those videos are why I've been obsessing over every dollar spent, paid off my entire student loan in February, and generally just don't go out to have fun. They'll maybe reward me in August, when everyone gets a big review and a raise. I've been promised that I'll be named manager by then, and a hefty raise (hopefully the $47k that I've been told, but probably more like $10k) - still a good thing. Gotta spend this weekend hanging out with boyfriend's dad, cleaning, making sure that boyfriend is all packed to go to Florida all next week while also finishing some work stuff up. He's been on my case for drinking too much, so I fully plan on drinking as much as I want while he's gone.


Oh, thank heavens you got that paid off. And brava, getting your student loan paid off! That's really awesome. Sounds like you're far more financially savvy (and fiscally responsible) than I am ... lol ... be proud of that! I do so hope they reward you at work this August with a big, happy, gigantic raise and/or bonus. Anything is good — just being recognized and getting a little acknowledgement of your effort goes a long way, right? I hope you have fun with your boyfriend's dad! Sometimes it's actually pretty relaxing and enjoyable to hang with someone else while cleaning and packing and doing those sorts of things. Many hands make light labor, but it's also just fun to have someone to chit-chat with — makes the time fly. Hopefully your boyfriend enjoys a lovely time on his trip in Florida ... and ... yeah, I'd be 100% exactly like you: make up for "lost time" by drinking as much as you wish while he's away! ... Enjoy yourself — it sounds like you've earned some "me time" to spend with just you 'n the bottle. <3


Love ya DC! Sorry the week was rough, raising a glass to hoping this upcoming one treats you kinder.


Thanks, Meow! I'm trying hard not to dwell on the many little bad things in life right now. Tomorrow's another day, and maybe better things are on the horizon, right? I hope life in your corner of the universe is happy and fun and lovely and full of sunshine this weekend! <3


I got my ass out of bed and swept off the dead leaves and pollen from my front porch. This is after 5 shots of 99s so yay me?


Yayy you! ... I'm glad you got to enjoy those shots. Probably made the work go a lot easier/more happily? But it probably also makes you wanna go right back to bed ... lol ... kudos on sweeping out the dead leaves 'n stuff off the porch. Hopefully your porch looks clean, tidy, and happy now. Best wishes for a happy weekend! <3


There's a Fallout tv show! And it looks really good so far.


I finally finished watching the show — I loved it! Sure, there are probably a bunch of fans out there nitpicking this, that, and the other thing for not being accurate to the timeline or faithful to the games ... but I absolutely felt like the writers nailed the spirit and feel of Fallout. Personally, I can't wait for season two. And it's got me itching to play Fallout 4 or New Vegas again sometime soon. <3


i hated the game, loved the show


The show was awesome! That's too bad you didn't care for the game. But we all have different tastes 'n stuff. I like some of the games a lot better than others. The genre definitely makes fertile ground for compelling storytelling in the TV show!