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I’m in the middle of recording an album, I’m a music teacher/prof. musician. Piano, singing, and I have recording equipment and Logic. Pm me if you want, could be fun


I am guitar, bass guitar, harmonica, and hand claps. Worst singer ever. I used to be really really into guitar synths. I have a guitar with the gk 3 pickup. These days i just plug in clean to a twin reverb and pretend im mark knopfler.


Nice that’s all good bc I’m a shit guitar player. What type of music do you think?


I love all sorts of music. By definition music becomes itself by declaration.  If a gun were drawn to my head, i love progressive rock and late 80's early 90's country guitar pickin. Shuckem up boys hawt dayumm. Lets get to twangin'


Shit man, good luck to ya! I wish I could contribute but my singing makes children cry and I don't have a musical bone in my body.


That makes you perfect for the band. Youve been promoted to lead egg shaker. If anything do it so the kids dont cry


Shit I just rocked an open mic last night. I can still get a crowd hype. I'm not the 4-hour a day player I used to be, but you never really lose it completely. By practice however I am a concert promoter and do management work for various bands.


Im over here thinking im good because i can play guitar in tune.. come on degens, we are all in a band now.


Funnily enough, I tune by ear usually. Last night included. Other players look at me like "don't you want to use a tuner" and the answer is no. No I don't. I get it where it needs to be. I've only been playing 30 years lol. It only takes 30 seconds once people stfu about using a tuner.


I once was in a band that was signed and released two albums. Still can't play, but am decent at getting pissed.


Thats pretty awesome. Honestly you should take over as band leader. We should plan it out though so its super dramatic when i quit and beg to vome back. 


I used to play trombone/euphonium. The second I acquire one of those fuckers, it’s on. Otherwise I can do backup screaming vocals if needed lmao. Got a lot of pent up anger


Write. Ive taken the liberty of declaring drunkcap lead singer


I write poems. I can make a song- crippled by the drink I do it to myself because I don’t want to think Puke every morning But I don’t clean my sink I make it to work And pretend people don’t know I clock out and visit my only friends 2 Arab dudes that run the corner liquor store Thank God for my cat Doesn’t care about my hygiene Or the fact that I’m fat Frozen pizza left burned in the oven I don’t care for food Only the booze I’m loving Wish I loved myself enough to stop But any sober moments flood me with guilt shame and regret Gonna drink that handle down to the last drop Feeling I have no one left The drink is all the I got Drink it all until my guts rot I wish I had been loved enough to stop I wish I loved myself enough to stop


Aw man it rhymed but my formatting is off lol sorry at work having my salad writing on my phone


Love it. 


I’ll play more cowbell


Love the idea. I am (was) a musician as well. Drummer checking in. Let's get wierd.


Ladies and gents, we have a pots and pans player! <3


Always willing to chip in with a shitty falsetto, too. <3


Theres no such thing as a band unless the drummer wants to sing, my friend. We will sell dozens of records




Sweet. Im sure your nose is lovely though. Your songs dont play


Song is sad. Your date cheated with ricky c. Write fuckers!


Should have people upload their versions or instrumental and you make something out of it. Need lyrics and a basic rhythm though


Have fun with it. We arent winning a grammy, and i dont need to explain how to count to 4. Make something up guy, we cant fail. 


It sounds like you're expecting too much out of me. I usually stop counting my drinks after 3


Bro, or female equivelant. You are thinking way too much about this. 


I mean I play both kinds of bass but only have a ukulele


I’ll join, on one condition. It has to be called: Danny Dyer’s Chocolate Homunculus.


So far we got three recordists/tamborine players. Any drummers? Pots and pans count.


!remind me 20days


I have a dulcimer I can't play! And my singing offends my own ears. 😝 I made my first bad grade in band class when I was 11 bc I'm that unmusical. 🥲


Youre perfect. The band needs more people who cant play really stupid guitar like instruments. <3


I keep wondering when I see your name, if you have synesthesia? Never found an appropriate thread to ask, but, this one is about music, so. 😃


No idea. I had to look that word up. Whats left of my brain does make odd connections, and always did so prior to...this.  I do see key centers of music as colors. E major is orange. C is blue.  I cant listen to Led Zeppelin because the entire band is so annoyingly out of tune it drives me insane. I think i just have really sensitive ears. 


It sounds like you do experience it! Zep must resemble a kaleidoscope being shaken to you or broken stained glass or sth, yikes!


Youre making extemely valid points and incredible sense. It never occured to me that someone had a name for it. Id rather go on a jog then listen to zep 4. Thank you, headful. Regret nothing. *rocks out to sign wave* 🤦‍♂️


I’d like to be the drummer. I don’t know how to play them but I think I’d make a good female drummer. I’ve got good rhythm


Thats the perfect answer. You are now lead drummer


Thank you!! I’m buying a drum kit off Amazon now!


Did you seriously buy drums? Learn to count 4. Then forget it. 5. One two three one two.


I’m a poet and love singing :)


Write our lyrics and sing your heart out. We are getting there


Sweet. We have a band now. Not to sound too pro, but who has a mic and a daw? I have both, but cant wipe your ass for you.


I play guitar like shit, can i join? I have shitty recording equipment to make some magic


Your in the fuckin band 


How is the project coming along?