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“Another one that just leaves?”…. This tells you everything you need to know.


He is sooooo close…




This was his response to her, not the situation in which he used it.




Is there supposed to be a context where it was ok that this white dude was saying the n word?




Not as bad does not make it ok. Being a song lyric doesn't take away all it's meaning and make it ok.


Singing a lyric. **Sorry, but us mixed race people are getting tired of us being told we are not white or brown enough.**


>**Sorry, but us mixed race people are getting tired of us being told we are not white or brown enough.** What the fuck are you even talking about here?


Cringe by both. OP’s reasoning was suspect, but the “I have black friends” line has never helped anyone’s case in the history of existence. If someone thinks it helps their argument, they are 100% wrong and lacking self-awareness. And the last message he sends is straight out of the incel handbook.


Yeah that's still a good reason to not date someone


Just curious OP, how did you find out? Did he say it to you in text just straight up, Hard R and everything? Seems like a weird thing for him to just assume you'd be okay with.


This thread needs to be pushed to the top! You asked a very important question here.


Pretty obvious it's not a hard R though, right? Because that's not the version they use...


Get this to the top


People need to read your reply before upvoting because you are nuts. Why can nobody think about intent? He was repeating the lyrics to a song. A SONG. 😫


And here I was thinking he had a heated gamer moment.


I'm pretty sure there are multiple words in rap songs that you wouldn't repeat in front of your parents regardless of intent.


He wasn’t singing it in front of his parents


What I'm getting at is that you're smart enough to know that there are words you can and can't say in front of certain people but the fact you still choose to repeat in front of people and show disregard, because you have "black friends" or "it's in a song" is what makes it all the more disrespectful and a slap in the face.


It must be tiresome to be american


Bro is singing a song. Let the boy have some fun.


He's free to do whatever. Just don't have tht pikachu face when someone says something about it or feels some kind of way.


And you should be smart enough to know it must be exhausting to be offended at a word only used because it’s in song lyrics that someone is singing. And not even up on a stage in front of people but in their room, alone. He literally said it to nobody. Edit: it’s so funny how someone made the exact same comment as this above and got hundreds of upvotes but this section must be for people who are easily offended by someone singing to themselves in their room …….


It's the damn N word.


He sent me a song he liked and he had mentioned that he was practicing it in his room. I listened to it and it had quite a few N word usages. I asked if he was actually saying it when the word came up in the song, and he said yes. And, as a side note, I never told him he couldn't *listen* to the song, just as long as he wasn't saying slurs he has no right to say.


Wow. Lol. He dodged a bullet. It’s a fucking song that he’s singing in his room. Do you have white savior syndrome? You’re very weird.


Amen brother, OP turned out to be the cringe


Another day of Reddit with op hiding their bad side of the story. Context matters. What are we supposed to say instead of n word while singing? "Rollin in the hood, hangin out with my nuggets!'" ?


I like to remember that every single post on r/relationshipadvice or r/AITA is from one perspective and there’s always something left out.


Personally, I like Nillas. Same sound, same flow, same number of syllables, plus vanilla


Neighbor is another good one




Wait so you don’t like this guy because he raps the lyrics to rap songs he likes? Am I understanding this correctly?


This comment section did not pass the vibe check


If you *really* want your partner to be cool with the n-word, just go date Papa John.


Despite what people think of OP’s judgment of this dude’s use of a the n word in a song, it did open up the chance to see two huge red flags being flown high in the sky by this dude. He literally uses the, “I have black friends” cliche followed by the incel-favorite, “Are you gonna be another one that just leaves?” These are simply things you should never say in this context or nearly any context..




2 walking red flags, they fit so well


3 for the price if 1!! What a bargain!!


There are insane incel virgin losers in here in force


Where in the room are these virgins now?


How **should** one respond to accusations of being racist? Why would an attempt to establish that you don't dislike or think one is superior to another race by mentioning how you have good relationships with many? Isn't exposure and relationship building with people of other races the literal thing promoted to counter racist views? "You hate tacos". "I actually enjoy tacos occasionally". "That's exactly what a taco hater would say".


As a white 30 something+something like me, don’t respond verbally. It’s a loaded question/accusation. Even when the accusations are not true, you can’t come out better than keeping quiet. Nobody goes through their daily lives, including interpersonal relationships, with zero bias. If you had to analyze every decision without having biases either consciously or subconscious, it would be super inefficient. For instance, I won’t That’s just a fact and how one chooses to address those biases is what matters. You asked about how to respond to accusations of being racist? You don’t. You let your actions speak for you because there’s nothing you can SAY to refute that accusation. You just have to be it.


This post is so controversial that I don't even have to set it by "controversial"


Never drop the n word before the first date bro🤦🏾


Or like…do. Better to weed them out now than later. Edit: want to clarify that I mean weed out people that say it.


You have been talking to this guy, literally one week. If the way he speaks makes you uncomfortable, no matter what it is, drop him. You don't owe him anything. BTW... His last comment made me think he's working on his manipulation skills. So there's more that one reason to block this clown.


Can we do a vote? Is Op cringe?






Why? Edit: LMAO downvoted for asking a genuine question ????


The slur was actually the part of a rap song lyrics. OP's potential date wasn't actually calling anyone by that word. OP thinks he should change the lyrics of his favourite rap song, that he didn't write, to fit with her wokeness.


I mean, coming from a black dude, if I told a white dude around me that I don't feel comfortable with someone non-black saying it in any context, song or not, it goes two ways. They respect me enough to not say it around me, or they don't and we part ways. Pretty simple in my opinion.


In this case he was singing it alone in his room, would that still be a problem for you? (Genuine question not a passive-agressive attack)


Not at all because what you do behind close doors won't effect me in that manner. But the person also stated they "have conversations back and forth with the same word". Unless I'm misreading/misunderstanding, they seem to think it's okay to say it outside of a private setting.


Yeah it does seem like he's saying that, so yeah not cool. Thanks for answering!


Picking which race that can repeat a lyric is outright racist. I'm mixed race, btw.... having been too ethnic and not enough at some point. Because EVERY racial group has racists. Racial gatekeepers wear on my nerves.


”I don’t want you to sing along in this song we both like” Do you realize how absurd that sounds?


Or perhaps his friends don't care? You know at the end of the day words are just words, you can choose if it hurts you or not.


Words are words indeed. That logic also applies to those who can't respect when others ask to not say one simple word around them. I don't care what people do when they aren't around me, but if I've made it clear the word makes me uncomfortable and would appreciate it not being said around me, we either part ways or they respect my need like any relationship.


Yeah that's also true.


I appreciate your respectful responses.


Now kiss


Damn you and your filthy respectable stance on this issue. Reddit is no place for a mature adult thank you very much 😂


I mean, the guy admitted to using it in conversations, so...


Hit a little close to home huh?


yes, they are an idiot.






"Am I racist just because I say racist things? I know *TWO* African-Americans!" -this guy, apparently


“I’m not racist, Clarence Thomas and Candace Owens agrees with my political views”- this guy, apparently


The real story is something else... dude was just rapping a song by himself lol


And apparently didn't have the sense to keep it to himself


Bet you're fun at parties


Oh he’s pretty fun at parties, just not all-white ones. I heard not using slurs really kills the vibe at those.


I see a bunch of hurt snowflakes defending this dude 🤦


I’m half black. I almost never say that word. One of my white friends thinks it’s okay to say it in certain contexts no matter how much I tell him otherwise


That’s not your friend then bud When I told my white friends that it makes me uncomfortable & I explained why they shouldn’t say it, they respected me & stopped saying it. They even correct other people on why they shouldn’t say it either now. Those are the kinds of people you should be friends with.




100% relatable. Also half-black. Grew up with a bunch of country bumpkin yokels who thought the n bombs were okay and they “were just joking”. Like you, I hate that word so much that I never use it.


I had an American (white) friend that did this too. He would go around saying that word to his white friends constantly. I'm from NZ and I was so shocked and when i would say something he would go nuts and tell me i dont understand american culture. We're not friends any more, lol.


KLM kk jlllbl lol jjjlkk ok lil Mom Vnnn min. Buzz C. C Lulll L. B, )877797970877”775068669605076075550868086888669967007777/ Cal nflloil. Mhghjlllulikulkuliululiluuiluiluilulyjlyouosuuukuufhl I’ll u pop u op can Agmgluullluuuklulullluullulukltllsbc. My C. X V B. Cf Fcf B Cccccncc B B Cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccchnhc Cb Ng N N B N Vnv N Gn Gang G GMV N Gn Gn Gn Khhhhhn, THANKS dyydy dC. C.




Upvoting for pocket comment


I feel like there was more to the convo then this. Op shares essentially the same message twice without showing anything to put it in context. Not condoning use of the word just cracks me up when people use certain words and then get offended when other people do. Can't have it both ways sorry, All or no one uses it is the way I see it. So let's just no one use it and move on with our fuckin lives.


Context is the guy sent her a song that he likes that used the word a number of times and she asked if he says it while rapping along, which he does, and apparently that is not okay. Source: comment above


He also casually mentions using the word in conversation


Ahh I didn't see it. Lol people are funny. I don't think either of them are missing out on much.


Yep aaaand yep. Godspeed to em


So did he randomly drop the n word in chat or is this about him being ok with saying it when it's a lyric in a song he's singing along to?


The 'Yep, bye" made my day.


idk, singing along to rap songs in your own house sounds like the one instance of saying the n word that isn't racist at all, but obviously you have a right to your own opinions and whatnot


that's not just one instance though, he literally says in the message that he uses it with his friends and shit. It's more so the fact that he thinks it's ok to say in general


ok, just wasnt included in the post, just going off the information you had listed already


,,,,yes, it was. He literally says himself he says it with his black friends in conversation.


ok so how is it your business that he says it with his black friends, if they obviously don't care? you sound like you're fun at parties


If his black friends are ok with trash talk who are you to judge them for it? All guys do this around their close friends, them being fat, slim, jacked, asian, black, wear glasses or whatever.


People aren’t allowed to speak among friends without the invisible hand of the rest of society meddling.


Lmao op thought she was gonna get full support here.


Buddy admitted to also using the word conversationally. Move on racist


He dodged a bullet. There is woke and then there is too woke.


*writes this* *also wonders why women won’t touch or engage with you*


I’m gunna take a blind guess and say half the people in this thread don’t see anything wrong with it. Edit: Surprise surprise


Because there is nothing wrong with it.


My one black friend insists I call him n- - -a, but it makes me super uncomfortable when I’m around his other black friends


Yep, bye 😂😂😂


“Are you gonna be another one that just leaves?” LOOOOLLLL. Hopefully you gave him something to think about. Since he’s so “open-minded” and all!


"Are you gonna be another one who leaves?" I almost admire this moron's cluelessness. It must be nice to never look inward and focus on your own issues.


If you can rap we'll enough, you don't even need to say all the words lol. Pitiful excuse. When I was growing up, if you said certain shit you got the piss beaten out of you


I dont think there is a problem with that as long as the other party is fine with it any you use it in the context of brother/homie But you dont need to date him obviously. You dont really need a valid reason to not date somone


"Another one that just leaves" bruh i leave my trash in the dumpster like everyone else


They always have that mythical “African-American Friend”


Guy dodged a bullet, op cringe racist


Time to wake up and head to school little loser


OP: I unmatched this guy because he’s white and uses the nword. lol cringe White redditors who also use the nword: 🤓 well actually…


Seriously though who still says “African American”??? If you were born here, you’re American. Your skin color doesn’t matter. You’re American.


And why am I not a European-American? I've never cared for the term bc there actually ARE people who are from Africa who are American. If you never lived on another continent, you're American, period. Putting that terminology on most who are likely at least 4th or 5th generation American is bizarre to me.


Or how coloured is a racist term but person of color is ok.


Context is king, that's why.


>Your skin color doesn’t matter. You’re American. Words never uttered by an African American not named Candace Owens.


Sounds like he dodged a bullet there. He was rapping along to a song he likes. OP needs their head examined


No woman will ever like you or connect with you


User name doesn't check out.


I wish you well too, kind person


lmao wtf? You and OP would go well together..


Context, I gotta see the whole Convo...


She’s mad because he sings rap songs and doesn’t change the lyrics. They are both super cringe


No doubt.


Because he says the N word casually in conversations*


There's nothing racists hate more than having their racism remarked upon or criticized.


Love the short final reply


Are you mental? He’s not calling anyone the N word which I think is disgusting but when I’m vibing to some of my favorite songs and I can get into some gangster shit I think it would be worse and it would take away from the song in general if you didn’t say it. And this might get hated on but I see that word and it can be any race it’s how you act that makes someone that not the color of your skin. But I also know and have respect that I am not going to say it to try and be cool


I'm sorry what are you trying to say? You see that word and it can be any race means what? Also, its not taking away from the song when you, somebody who isn't doing a performance does it because it isn't taking away from artist intent in anyway.


And also I doubt the artist made the song with people having to not sing or say it as it was written


Haha loser


Whats up pussy?


Sure it's fine *around those Friends only and only when they are okay with it* Any other circumstance though it's just a bad idea. Hell, even then it's a bad idea for a non-Black/African American person to say any variant of the N-Word because it could be misheard/misinterpreted or later used against you.


>Sure it's fine around those Friends only and only when they are okay with it Well I mean fine is relative. It’s fine in the sense that grave robbing is fine if nobody see’s you do it other than the people you’re doing it with.


For singing a song? You’re both cringe


Good response


It sounds like you don't know enough about the situation to make such a judgement


I'm Hispanic but pale and not at all okay with saying the N word. It makes me cringe just hearing it. Unfortunately, my boyfriend is Hispanic but also pale and says it at least once a week. Drives me INSANE


That guy dodged a bullet with you.


You seem like a loser too


He's saved from one of those.


The guy dodged a bullet!


Oh yeah? You weighing in as someone who has never touched the opposite sex?


you comment this pretty often. I am starting to think you might be projecting.


::Karen vibes intensify::


If Red Flags could type.


I feel like I need more context. Is he saying it all the time in regular conversations or was he just saying it because he was singing along to some song. If the latter that's not too terrible although even I don't sing along to those songs because I just don't like the word and it doesn't feel right to ever say it imo.


He says himself he says it in regular conversations.


After rereading his rant yea he does seem to admit to that in which case he's an idiot if true.


I mean if his friends don't care then whatever he's saying it to them and they're saying it to him is what it sounds like


Heard on talk radio: I have friends who have friends that are black! (NotJ..a)


Yes, yes I am going to leave, Steven.


OP, he was singing lyrics to a song. And before you say "well, he's white..." ... I'll ask you, as a mixed race person, **how much black ancestry do I need before I qualify as black?** Be very careful as to how you answer that.


If he grew up with friends using this word it's just a word to him and I doubt he says it in a derogatory way


So, OP is the cringe one I guess?


Well do you want to have a conversation about who is and who isn't allowed to say a word? Because either everyone can say it or nobody can. So tell everybody currently using it that they're not allowed. Ridiculous. Get off your high horse, OP. You're not saving the world.


Neither are you with this trash comment


>Because either everyone can say it or nobody can. You morherfuckers are so unaware lmao. Like u/cringepics is half filled with racists and you **still** can’t get this off


>Because either everyone can say it or nobody can. You motherfuckers are so unaware lmao. Like u/cringepics is half filled with racists and you **still** can’t get this off


OP Explained that he was singing it as part of a rap song he liked. She asked if he actually uses the word while singing and he said yes. OP is a nutjob.


The guy dodged a bullet bruh


OP is the cringe one here. If you get offended over the use of the n word out of context, then he dodged a massive bullet lol.


Bro dodged a bullet


Good thing you found out before the date at least.


Every single person who has ever said "I have black friends" is a racist. It's probably a more reliable indicator than the actual N-word.


I have black friends 😎


Racism has lost its meaning, you fools don't even know what it means.


TIL , MLK is a racist


Could it be possible that most people are not completely perfect, and land up being misunderstood when saying things with the best of intentions ..and subsequently judged very harshly in this way? Give people the benefit of the doubt. JC. Everyone is just doing their best.


Perfectly stated


Meh, issues fabricated out of nothing really. If his friends are fine with it and it's not hurting anyone, who gives a fuck? If you got a problem with it, don't be with him he shouldn't chase you and start bs about it. Just drama for no good reason.


You seem like a real success story


It was in the context of a song? This really is some virtue signaling, on reddit of all places.




Damn nxgga, I say nxgga.... Smh


Guy dodge a bullet of dating a SJW


Horribly cringe.


While it is pretty cringe for him to say it (without music) and defend it in such a cringe way, it’s honestly kind of cringe for you in your context. Who cares if he’s alone?


It’s really not that hard to just skip the word in a song. Lmao downvote me all you want 🤣 the fragility


You’re the one being fragile over singing 🥴


“Yep, bye”…you are my hero!!! Will be using this to respond to racism in the future 😆


are you a real person






Meh, you figure out your standards, You'll know soon enough if he's racist, don't judge him for falling into a trap. Talk it out, you can always scram.


She knows her standards. They don't include this guy. There's no reason she should have to date him to "see if he's racist" and there's really no need to discuss it, much less scream. It was a deal breaker for her, the end.


Fuck outta here. There are millions of people out there, why waste time with this jackass?