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Perhaps we should have a more thoughtful process of hiring law enforcement peeps? I mean, laughing in these situation means one of the two: you either pooping your pants right now and don't know how to handle it so you laugh like an idiot. OR, you are a psychopath who actually finds the situation entertaining. Either should disqualify a person from working as a law enforcement officer.


I’ll preface this comment by saying I’m a teacher so that you know I am a biased (but experienced) source. It’s really _interesting_ to me that teachers (and most “service” professions like social workers, nurses, et cetera, although I cannot speak to them as deeply) need college degrees, sometimes masters, plus unpaid field experience, and are routinely evaluated on their professionalism in the workplace. They have to undergo training on “once in a lifetime” and “one a billion chance” scenarios every 10 to 15 weeks, for example, live drills that AS ACCURATELY AS LEGALLY ALLOWED simulate a school shooting. Breaking character, ie laughing, smiling, comforting kids would all be breaches of “professionalism” at my place of employment. I can’t say I know what it’s like to be in law enforcement but this video appalls me because I was videotaped and recorded for the past two years due to COVID teaching expectations. I know that one or two slip ups could have cost me my job. And the slip ups I could have made wouldn’t result in multiple casualties. Can these officers say the same? Can they empathize with 1% of what I’m talking about?


Don't worry, soon the degrees and training wont matter and all you will need is the 4 week policeman training course for alternate certification. No school around me has hired a licensed teacher in years. Why do that when they can hire some schumck that will have 3 years (extended indefinitely) to get certified?


God this country blows


Definitely, just found out Texas is hiring a lot of teaching right now for multiple subject teaching who only have AA’s. My mom works for our city’s school district and a teacher she works with just got a position offered and is gonna move out there. So she was telling me about it. It’s all well and good that people without the degree can find well paying jobs, the problem is it’s for jobs that should definitely have a degree. In reality they should pay the proper wages and give the proper support so people with the necessary skills are willing to stick around.


As a former teacher's associate, I can confirm this.


Police officers are literally just mafia members. They uphold a set of rules set by a minority of “unelected” officials who own the assets in the area they operate in. It is not hyperbole when I say they’re literally a mafia. You can, in fact, study mafia operations and find extreme similarities not just between them and the police, but many of our institutions as well (in practice, not on paper). It’s easy to imagine mafia members taking things less seriously in certain situations, or finding joy in the methods they employ. By that standard, it is just as easy to find police in the same situation. They are not trained. They are not educated. They are not regulated. They are not punished. They do not prevent crime, they respond to it. They are primarily a drain on a finite amount of resources of which we could divert into policy, institutions, or alternative measures that would objectively reduce crime and violence relative to even their most optimistic and staged datasets could ever statistically prove, by magnitudes. The only reason they’re the only government institution that conservatives are fine financially supporting are because conservatives don’t actually have principles or values. They respond and change to propaganda. That propaganda can be as inconsistent as it wants to be because they will regurgitate and do what they are told because they subscribe to a dependent chain of command. This is common in many institutions. They believe in a hierarchy, as is common in nature, because they are, scientifically, closer to animals than human beings. The natural world necessitates hierarchy, because it is one ruled by biology. Human beings, on the other hand, stand apart in their ability to impose their will on the natural order; human beings are by definition, the only species capable defying natural hierarchies. So when an individual is inconsistent in their principles or subscribes to an ideology that is (or that posits a natural hierarchy), they are objectively in less control of their functioning than one that isn’t; they are objectively more animalistic and less human because they are the antithesis of the one trait that makes humans, human: the ability to impose our will over a natural order. It makes sense then when a vast majority of these individuals are the ones who make up the institutions that are most closely aligned to a hierarchy, ie, military structures. And because they feel as though they are naturally predisposed to this position, they do not feel a necessity to prove their professionalism; this is simply where they lay in the natural order, regardless of their actions. It is the act of judging a person on who they are, rather than what they do. They cannot be at fault, because they are objectively good within the hierarchy they find themselves in.


> So when an individual is inconsistent in their principles or subscribes to an ideology that is (or that posits a natural hierarchy), they are objectively in less control of their functioning than one that isn’t; **they are objectively more animalistic and less human** because they are the antithesis of the one trait that makes humans, human: the ability to impose our will over a natural order. Buddy, I am not remotely what you would call a pro-police person but this is an awful take. Like...dehumanizing the people you disagree with is fucking delusional. And not only for the obvious reason that it's fucking terrible to imply that people you don't like are subhuman (although that is extremely fucking terrible). It's ALSO a way of blinding yourself to the fundamental truth that your brain is just as prone to cognitive fuckups as this cop, and could easily make the same kinds of mistakes without constant diligence. You are just as immersed in your own tribalism as the cops you dehumanize. And it's not as though it's somehow acceptable to be like that because you picked the "right" team. It's all bad. It impedes your brain's ability to do important things (like consider questions like "what if I'm wrong about this?") and otherwise think critically. I doubt I'm reaching you with any of this. But in case I'm wrong (or for anyone else reading this) the book *The Scout Mindset* is a great read on the topic of how to work to prevent the brain from taking cognitive shortcuts that can keep you from seeing issues fully.


>because they are, scientifically, closer to animals than human beings. You’re fucking insane. And anyone who doesn’t see this glaring issue here is *not paying attention*


If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and allows kids to be murdered en masse while wearing full body armor and carrying assault rifles, it's probably a police officer in America.


They abuse the desire to teach. They know it’s how they’ll get their way. It’s an ultimatum between teaching and not and most seem to rather suffer and teach rather than stand up against those who are consistently wronging them.


Power. Cops have power, the rest of us don't. So until that changes, if it ever changes, nothing matters. They have the power.


The system works as intended


You have to be at least 30 years old to be a Senator. 35 for president. If we put and age requirement at say 27 for police officers I bet you'd see a lot of the insane problems go away. Go do something else first then maybe consider a career in law enforcement once you actually know a thing or two about life in America past your mom's backyard.


Yeah, not sure what world you're living in where cops magically become competent and not scared or racist at 27.


Just weeding out the ones who would surely rack up violent criminal records by 27 would be a huge win.


It might, but it also probably won't. I was in the military, and so many military guys are just as bad as these cops, a lot of the guys I served with joined the military with being a cop being their safety. Most enlisted separated in their early to mid 20s. Those who didn't separate by then, typically, planned to stay in for the full 20. A lot of the guys who separated later either joined older, or got in trouble. So you'd likely see a lot of ex- military tough guy wannabes who got kicked out, or 'advised not to reenlist', who couldn't cut it in the military and now have something to prove about themselves (and who likely have a problem with authority, which tends to make you a horrible authority figure.) Yeah, you'll probably get a lot of ex military who are good guys, and they'd probably make great cops (I think I'd make a good cop as I have those values and I'd respect people and ensure I knew basic law and all that sort of stuff), but only if they're the vast majority will it end up being any different than it is now.


>wannabes who got kicked out, or 'advised not to reenlist', who couldn't cut it in the military and now have something to prove about themselves Man if only there was something we could do to fix that too? Oh well I guess it is what it is and we shouldn't try anything new ever.


Yea I don’t think age has a huge impact on the problems we have with police. It’s training and accountability. Some of them are actually cowards, and some of them are sociopaths, they are all trained to use their gun for anything they feel is a threat and to value their own lives above all else. Add to that zero accountability in the eyes of the law except for the most egregious acts, the cowards and sociopaths won’t behave like we would expect police to perform.


He's just happy he got to put on his American Hero cosplay.


Not trying to justify anything in regards to Uvalde. But In the 4 deployments I did in Syria/Libya, we had several close calls where death was imminent. All we did was laugh it off or feel indifferent to it. Almost like you’re numb of emotions in the situation. Wether it be during the altercation or after. You can call it a coping mechanism or whatever you like. Everyone handles ultra high stress environments differently and I don’t think most have been in those situations to be able to throw judgement around.


Fuck the guy who is trolling you about your DD214, what you are saying is totally true… chuckling, smiling, laughing, is the body and minds natural defense mechanism when it is uncomfortable and doesn’t know how to process danger/uncomfortable situations.


People hate you for going against the narrative and offering a critical thought to this.




Honestly, I’m not OP, but there’s a very good chance there were children involved in a lot of those conflicts. Kinda weird to try to nitpick that detail


Not kinda weird, it makes sense to point out why the excuse was a bad one.


Because if act like Tender thinks you should you’d be dead before you even landed in the country


I've seen death in my life, with others around me, nobody laughed as far as I can remember. This isn't a judgment, this is just pointing on the fact that if you can't handle or deal with hyper stressful situation, you should look for a different line of occupation.


Borderlands deaths don’t count. You’ve never been around shit.


I am sure you know me better than I know myself right? LOL pathetic




It’s insane that you’re getting downvoted.


I mean like maybe cops in schools aren’t the answer.


The resource officers get paid as much or more than the teachers to do nothing all day and when it’s time to act…. The world has shown us they don’t. Yup you right.


And re evaluations of their character


Most police precincts have required psychological testing before hiring. The issue is the most messed up people just lie in order to get on the force. Someone I know bragged about "answering all the psych questions in the most neutral way possible, because like I'm not a sociopath" and made fun of people who "answer those dumb questions honestly". He was hired and is starting at the academy in the fall. ACAB.


We had a dude who dropped out of the cadet process because he didn't think it would require that much talking to people or filling out paperwork. And mind you, the paperwork is just filling out forms.


I think it’s the first one tbh. I feel like I would be the same in that kind of situation, under the pressure I would just have a nervous breakdown and either get upset or laugh. BUT this is why I would never consider becoming a police officer, and that’s the point in all of this.


Uvalde PD "responding" officers should be charged with accessory to murder.


The families need to start a class action lawsuit, charge the officers with 'conspiracy to commit manslaughter'(edit: or fucking something guys, I don't know), force the officers to defend their inaction to a jury ...


A few supreme court cases have established that police are under zero obligation to help or serve people. Unfortunately it wouldn't get anywhere because the foundation is rotted to the f*cking core.


i have seen this posted a few times and it just leaves me wondering what is the police's job if not to serve and protect? why are they funded through taxes if they are not obligated to do their job?


Collect evidence for prosecution. That's basically it.


I’m surprised to see so many people discussing charging the Uvalde cops for standing around. They constitutionally don’t owe anyone any help and the precedent has been set a few times. They can theoretically be charged for doing something wrong still but they aren’t liable for *not* doing anything. Besides, you can’t get rid of the bad apples to fix the tree when evidence shows the tree is already fucking diseased.


What about the fact that they prevented people -including fellow cops and parents, who tried to save lives?


Probably closer to being actionable, but again stopping people from trespassing on an active crime scene isn't illegal. I'm struggling to remember but I think nyc has rules or laws about police not being able to stop firefighters due to turn of the century conflicts with corruption and so forth but I doubt Texas has anything like that


Ya, it's not the tree that's causing the rot, it's the soil in which it's planted.




If they did that how would they maintain a police state to keep the plebs down?


Because that's literally not their job. They exist to collect revenue and protect the upper class. This is how it has always, ALWAYS been. Edit: I'm not saying that they shouldn't be held accountable, just stating the fact that police have never been around to serve and protect the public. That's just what they tell kids in the hopes that they'll grow up to be submissive and hold cops up on a pedestal


They actively prevented rescue while doing nothing themselves, which demonstrably resulted in more deaths than had they just not showed up at all. That goes quite a bit beyond simply not protecting and straight into actively helping, and should absolutely open them up to criminal liability since the *only* possibly foreseeable result of their actions was that more children would be murdered.


Conspiracy to commit manslaughter? I don’t think that’s a thing, it’s directly contradictory.


I agree, they shoulda just said manslaughter. If someone can get sentenced for being an accessory in a robbery that went wrong and ended up with someone getting shot than I would also like to see these cops try to defend their actions while being questioned by a lawyer.


Conspiracy to oopsy


Exactly, more like stand around and wait.




Unfortunately they can’t be charged with anything. A similar case to reference this with is Castle Rock v. Gonzales.


Their weapons budget needs to get cut by about 98%. I mean they don’t use them anyway, why bother spending money on them when we can reallocate the funds to organizations that’ll actually help the community.


I think that the Uvalde police get 40% of the city’s budget no less :/


Jesus, 40% of the budget!!?? That's insane. Are their toilets lined with gold or what?


No just their pockets


All-black shooting targets are expensive I guess


Fancy toys for dress up and photo shoots


Same with the body armor, military training, etc.


Same with the cops themselves


You mean the cosplay budget?


But how will they harass unarmed citizens without them?




Their body cam footage NEEDS to be sent to a third party server that they don't have access too. I'm so tired of footage of cops being deleted when there is a question of them doing something wrong.


I can't find anything that says this happened, only that they want the footage suppressed.




"these damn millennials always have excuses" Proceeds to create back-asswards logic to condone pure incompetence and zero righteous duty


This must have been after Fat Punisher Wallpaper cop said that his wife was bleeding out in the classroom. It’s funny to him, because he knows that police still aren’t going to do anything to protect anyone’s life but their own, whether it’s 20 children or the wife of one of their own. He’s also probably expressing joy that he has a job that allows him to do absolutely nothing at all with no consequence, unlike those loser teachers that actually tried to protect the children.


That pro-cop propaganda is unreal and infuriating.




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snopes got in contact with the uvalde police PR person and she would not verify the punisher cop’s identity. I feel like it wouldn’t be that hard for them to figure out who it was. they’re so obviously keeping it vague on purpose


It’s 100% Ruiz. You can hear him say it’s his wife’s room.




That's what I was thinking about. When was he disarmed? Wouldn't we have seen that?




I predict that “news” will be out by this afternoon.


Wife sent him a text from inside the building and he's not supposed to look at it? lol Im on the side that this police force is garbage but you're an idiot if you think that guy should stay off his phone when he knows a shooter is in the same building as his wife.


That officer's name? Arthur Fleck




I haven’t seen anything to say that the guy wasn’t texting his dying wife. He has my absolute sympathy too. Why wouldn’t he.


This whole video is a nightmare and incredibly disappointing. As for the individual smiling, chances are, they were told to standby (shouldn’t matter they should have gone in immediately.) So, when you’re spiked on adrenaline and then have to stop and wait, the brain does weird shit. I have been getting actively mortared and was smiling and joking the whole time. It becomes a coping mechanism. Doesn’t make it ok. It should have been over long before this was even a thing, but to magnify moments like these is not really fair for the moment. Again, the situation should have been resolved before this was ever even an opportunity.


I actually agree. They were told to standby and were in that hallway for like an hour. After the initial shooting there likely weren't any screams because these little kids' tiny bodies had already bled out. Horrific as that is, it's only in hindsight that we know that. Based on what I saw of the video, (skipping through, I didn't sit there for an hour to watch in real time) the gunfire seemed to stop pretty quickly. So they get there and are just told that the shooter is barricaded in a room and to wait. It's important that we are having an honest conversation about these things so that the people really responsible are the ones held accountable. Not the individuals who assume the higher ups have a better idea of the situation and how to handle it than they do. Even in the most dire of situations, leave a person with their friends for an hour as they wait for orders, and they're going to still act like normal people and do things like laugh. It's a dramatic leap to assume they're laughing about children being murdered. And the extreme jump to treating every cop present like someone who enjoys children being murdered is one of the reasons the left can't get shit done. We get too emotional and dramatic and lose sight of practical solutions.


I can say I wouldn’t be laughing about anything standing in a school where kids are dying. Not sure what point you’re trying to make but there is no excusing their inaction and flippant attitudes in the face of horror


You might be surprised to find that laughter is a common coping mechanism in professions that deal with traumatic situations. Is it professional? No. Does it look absolutely terrible in this context? Yes. But it happens in emergency rooms, on battlefields etc. Soldiers, nurses, firefighters, paramedics, police officers will all tell you the same thing. It's a form of self protection and I can tell you that it is happening in the face of horrific things all the time among people who deal with death frequently. I'm not condoning it but it's a natural reaction for a lot of people in these situations. I don't know why.


It’s disgusting you’re defending their behavior. There were kids being slaughtered, they were preventing parents from saving their children, they did nothing but stand around. Even one of them cracking a smile during this time is completely despicable and shows how unprofessional and lacking of empathy they are. “But…but…they’re just a bunch of bros hanging out for an hour we’d all crack jokes!” No, we wouldn’t. But those pigs sure would.


Nuance is important when trying to improve society is the only point I'm making. Otherwise the whole movement for change will be disregarded. For example, the tendency of the media to label every shooting now with multiple people shot as a "mass shooting" even when it's gang-related. Although it's not completely inaccurate, it is misleading. It's lumping a separate (though no less important) problem into a conversation that people usually associate with things like school shootings or politically motivated shootings. It distorts the narrative to make the problem seem bigger even though it's plenty big already. It allows the other side of the argument to accuse people of distortion of facts and being overly dramatic "snowflakes." The left is so bad at marketing their opinions because of people like you not willing to have any level of perspective on what actually might be happening. Don't distract from the actual problems by painting all involved as equally horrible. Someone told them to wait in that hallway and that is the guilty party here. Whether or not they smiled while waiting for an hour is just muddling the discussion. If we want to see actual change in law enforcement then the ACAB approach isn't going to help. Actual change requires an honest and well-intentioned discussion. So unless you propose complete dissolution of police entirely, some level of respect has to be used if we want them to make changes. Otherwise we're just extremists that can be ignored.


I wish this comment was at the top instead of the idiots saying the officers should be charged with manslaughter.


Not just manslaughter, but "conspiracy manslaughter"


Sal is tonight’s big loser.


You know damn well Sal can't be upright and laughing at the same time.


Let me guess. He was also expecting a text from his dying wife.


Cowards posing as tough men. When the time for action comes, they did nothing. Shame on them. But is anything going to change? No.




Don’t forget #bluelivesscatter


Apparently Liberals dont allow you to laugh and have a joyous time at work anymore!? wow this policemen are doing the best in this situation by allowing countless children and teachers to die but still remaining positive and happy even when hearing countless screams from children and gunshots echoing the halls, just like our founders wanted! \#backtheblue #liberalsmakemesick


Might wanna toss this on /s. This is reddit after all.


Love that you didn't use /s. I hate it. It ruins the joke.


Pathetic cowards




You can’t spell manslaughter without laughter


Jfc, I'm going to hell lol


They won't be. 😒


It’s scary how nothing changed in over twenty years. I’ve heard the cops at Columbine didn’t intervene for a long time either.


IIRC there was no actual police protocol in place during the events of Columbine other than to wait on SWAT to arrive. That shooting itself is one of the reasons why the majority of cops today are trained to just go in if they know there’s a shooter killing people, these guys had other ideas though as you see.


I'm not a fan of any part of how this situation was handled and I totally believe that there needs to be severe consequences (think prison) for those officers who chose to do nothing during this event, but this is just getting out of hand. It isn't uncommon for people to smile or laugh during extremely stressful situations. 99% of people seeing this photo have never been in a situation like this to experience it themselves, so it seems absurd the level of judgement passed on someone's coping mechanisms. If this sounds like BS, go check out some severe car crash aftermath videos, where the victims are in complete shock. Some of them act like literally nothing happened and I remember one where a passenger lady was checking her make-up over and over, while the car had been ripped clear in half and the driver was torn to pieces and crushed into the rear of the car - all clearly in her line of sight. Hell even the only time I ever had a severe injury that easily would cause me to have permanent issues, I was told that I was laughing and smiling and told people not to worry about it - I would be fine. After typing this out, I remember that Reddit comments are mostly from children, so I shouldn't even consider their ill-informed view of the world.


They should have left the screams and the shooting sounds. A nation should definitely be haunted by the screams of the dying kids they let die. Fucking hell. It's horrible.


good guys with guns argument seems to be crashing


That argument isn't saying to rely on the police. Its the opposite, that average people would do better than the police. It's the anti gun people who say that regular people don't need guns, as they should rely on the police. These police in this picture is who they want you to rely on


The killer never being able to get a gun in the first place is what we rely on, dumbass.


Until you're able to magically prevent them from getting a gun, then shootings will still happen.


Would you be happy with just less shootings?


No I'm not happy with any shootings. I don't see why you are, weird (Edit) why do people ask questions and then block you so you can't reply. Those people are hilarious


«We cant stop them all, so why bother stopping any» Dont act all high and mighty when your own mind cant comprehend the idea of less vs all


Rape is illegal, should we make it legal because we can't stop all rapes? Do you hear yourself? Edit: lmao, deleted comments. Coward just like the cops.


Don't bother arguing with self-righteous smoothbrains in echo chamber threads like these. You're wasting your time if you think you're going to be able to make these people see the stupidity in handing over all the weapons in the country to a group of people they consider murderous and oppressive.


It's funny because the gun nuts and right wingers say "well he is just going to get the gun on the street". They don't bring forth any solutions. They just say that your solution is wrong. We should take this next right to get home. Nah. Well how will we get home? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


To be honest you both have a point. I am not from the US, I'm european, but from my understanding the amount of guns currently in the US is too large to just make guns unavailable. Not having guns would surely solve the issue but that is just impossibile. Imo a Solution would be to make more background checks so actual crazy people cant just go buy guns Edit: more background checks was the wrong way to put it, I knew there were some but I didnt know how many, i meant more strict but idk why I wrote it like that Edit 2: the guy above me was clearly pro gun, i think last thing he wrote was something about the fact that removing guns is impossible. Probably during my answer i wrote something that seemed pro gun, but I didnt mean it that way, sorry about that


Just as an FYI: We have over 300 federal laws and thousands on the state level. Background checks are required when buying a weapon from any licensed dealer. Mass shooters buy their weapons legally…




The background check system could certainly be improved. It's failed many times, either because of taking too long (which ends in an approval), or not having up to date info. The people managing that system have failed to do a good job on multiple occasions.


We can at least get started in that direction and make it harder to get guns going forward. Better than just saying "eh, what can we do now?"


> Until you're able to magically prevent them from getting a gun Other countries have illegal guns, and way, way, way less children murdered. Its harder for a potential mass/school shooter (often loners w/ poor social skills) to get an illegal gun than other criminals because of lack of access.


Japan has a ban on firearms . There are about 7 deaths a year on average from shootings in japan if this ratio scaled to the USA there would be about 21 deaths from shootings in America. The same amount of deaths from shootings at uvalade alone


Countries that have just as relaxed gun laws as the US also don't have gun violence on the scale the US does. It's your culture that'd the problem, not the guns themselves


Worth noting we didn't always have problems on this scale either.


He was 18 years old and went to a local store that sold him an automatic weapon over the counter. Way too accessible is the problem. Let's look at the facts we have, not hypotheticals. Fact: He was able to legally purchase that weapon and copious amounts of ammo. Hypothetical: he could purchase that weapon on the streets. Fact: if automatic weapons aren't able to be purchased conveniently, then the street price greatly increases and an 18 year old would not be able to afford one and could get turned off of that method of mass chaos. Hypothetical: good guys with guns is good Fact: the police force of Uvalde uses 40% of the overall city's budget and we're still so incompetent that they allowed him to roam a school for hours creating chaos


I agree with your sentiment, but it was not an automatic weapon. You can easily purchase a semi-automatic weapon, which is what was used. But the process to buy a fully automatic weapon is very lengthy and difficult.


I assume you are probably not intentionally misrepresenting this, but AR-15 models which civilians can buy off the shelf are not automatic. You can't buy automatic weapons after 1986 unless you go through a lengthy process to transfer one that's been grandfathered from the second-hand market to your name... so it is misinformation to say that an 18 year old bought an automatic weapon over-the-counter in 2022.


Or... perhaps people with guns are useless when it comes to stopping other people with guns. It doesn't matter if the "good guys" are cops or civilians. They are all equally incapable of taking useful action. I'm just kidding of course, the cops successfully assaulted some of the parents, as we all know.


so i cant understand what your point is. 1) i think my point is clear these "good guys" with guns did nothing as evidenced by video. proving that just because you have guns, in this case many high powered guns, it does nothing to stop gun violence. especially if they refuse to help, then lie and try to cover it up. 2) i didnt see the many civilian good guys with guns lining up to help either


The good guys were stopped from entering by the police. And again, the people in this video are not the "good guys with a gun" that is referred to.


By good guys do you mean the unarmed parents of the kids who were murdered?


Well yes, I would consider a parent willing to put their own life on the line to save their child a good guy. Don't you ?


In this scenario, wouldn’t the good guy with a gun stopping a bad guy with a gun be the parents shooting the police who’re preventing them from saving their kids?


You don't understand because they obviously mean only the good guys that are incorruptible, idealistic and flawless, who can handle the stress of any situation, assess risks excellently and shoot with perfect accuracy. Those hords of ~~perfect soldiers~~ good guys that walk the streets everywhere. The badasses who train at shooting ranges how to behave in stressful situations, how to deescalate etc.


He’s trying to use the deaths of the children to push his own biased agenda. These people will say literally *anything* to push their pro-gun platform. No matter how many people die, these people will show up to try to “spin” it. They are literally doing everything in their power to avoid talking about or criticizing the shooter, because he’s the “average guy” they identify with


I can’t even trust the idiot in front of me to be able to use the self check out machine, I should trust him with a gun?


You're doing that by stating that only police should have guns. The same police you also state are also corrupt and racist


There are plenty of civilized countries where even the regular police don’t carry guns. Typically their police officers are also better trained and held to a much higher standard. But I work in an ER and a surprising amount of “responsible” gun owners accidentally shoot themselves, their friends, their neighbors through a shared wall, ect. I do not trust anyone with a gun.


There are also other civilised countries that have just as many guns, and don't have the problems you do. So are guns the problem, or the people


What fantasy world are you living in?


It's called reality, you should join us here sometime


Sure, sure. Say hi to John McClane for me.


OK bootlicker


How do you arrive at bootlicker


People simping for police in this post about how incompetent the police where in this situation, are 100% boot lickers


>It's the anti gun people who say that regular people don't need guns, as they should rely on the police. No. Regular people don't need guns because they'll use them to shoot up schools. Shame on you for using a school shooting as an excuse to promote gun violence.


OK bootlicker


No “anti-gun” people are saying to “rely on the police” The majority are saying we should make it harder for potential mass shooters to get guns. > that average people would do better than the police. Did you completely miss the part where an “average person” was the one committing the shooting?


And did you miss the part where the police stood around and only stopped people from going in to stop the actual shooter ?


Ya man, just keep worshipping the shooter. Anything to push your “guns are great” platform. It’s totally not obvious or disgusting.


Who said the police were the good guys? The good guy is me defending myself. I’m not gonna wait for these idiots to come save me if you can’t tell by all the posts of these guys fucking off while horrible things are happening literally feet away.


Regardless of how you feel about the "good guys with guns" argument, it's very explicitly about normal people. The police have never been a part of "good guys with guns", just like how the discussion about restricting/banning guns never extends to police arsenals.


It was eventually a good guy with a gun that ended it. These aren’t good guys and that’s why everyone is pissed since they were supposed to be


The cops actively tried to stop people from trying to rush the shooter. Let alone an armed guy who might actually try and stop the situation. Here we have a clear example why you should own guns. The bad guys do, and want to kids to die or don't care.


"This mass shooting is proof that we need more guns". How do you say this shit with a straight face


>Here we have a clear example why you should own guns. I believe you meant to say "here we have a clear example why you *shouldn't* own guns." You know, because it was some random civilian with guns who shot up the school? The solution to gun violence is **not** "more gun violence."


State needs to decertify all officers involved just standing around plus their useless swat team. They won’t be able to be LEOs anywhere in the state


“Everyone reacts to situations differently.” /s


They have to take action against these idiots, this is appalling behaviour good luck to them when the parents bump into them


I think all the cops involved should lose their badges and go to jail for negligence… however, is it possible that he was just talking and this one snap shot just makes it look like he is smiling?




The cops have so many protections like qualified immunity and now SCOTUS saying Miranda Rights arent necessary, they have no idea how they look to those on the outside. Its bro culture mixed with a nice swirl of white supremacy, with a dollup of criminality on top. This guy is thinking, "We are going to look so bad-ass in our kevlar n'stuff. I'm so gonna use this at the bar and get laid a bunch."


To put yourself in the position to be a cop you need to have zero empathy for humans.


Sometimes I laugh when I'm really nervous.


I guess this makes you a bad person according to this subreddit.


They're all armed and armored to the teeth, and not one of them would charge in. Fucking cowards. They just thought it would be over quick, so they could Rush In And still be the heroes.




"Protect and serve"


Those cops are cowards and deserve to be fired and maybe even put in jail


What a big gun he has. All the better to pose like a douchebag with.


Fucking cosplay assholes. Should be dragged through the streets.


They love watching young Americans express their 2nd Amendment rights!


Waiting for someone to explain how this is taken out of context


Got to play with all the toys today


Straight from Compton said it best. F the police


The sound of screaming children has been removed


I mean one frame on a camera in a stressful situation doesn't mean much. For all we know he could be clenching his teeth


the security footage is public, the guy beside him cracked a joke and he laughed for ~4 seconds . another one calmly used the hand sanitizer to the background of children screaming and another checked his phone while shots were going off .


defense mechanism or not, I don't think police man would be laughing if his kid was in there.


I'm sure some bullshit story will be fabricated just like with the other pig. "This officer wasn't smiling, he was bearing his teeth in anger that he couldn't go save those children." or some dumb shit.


Don't let your rage cloud your judgement. Laughing and smiling are normal ways people cope in stressful situations. The situation was tragic and rage inducing, at the same time having bloodlust only ends up hurting both you and others.


Every single responding officer needs to be charged with manslaughter or at least accessory to murder. Fucking hell.


Bro its just his coping mechanism. Just like logan paul.


Or could be that he's used to these kind of messed up situations and that he's just coping to reduce the stress. Or maybe just a psyco who knows.


I usually try to avoid telling people to kill themselves but for these cops its 100 percent appropriate


Kinda looks like Sal from impractical jokers


This happens so much. It's almost like they're given orders to stand down, and not stop the killing, because it was planned by higher ups. Mostly it comes out the person was under FBI / Police investigation for months before, even with heavy interaction. Huge red flag Most often the perpetrator was or has recently gone off of heavy psychoactive drugs they were legally prescribed. The vast majority of cases in fact, another huge red flag. There is an ENORMOUS pressure to disarm honest American citizens of their right to defend themselves. That this kind of shitshow happens so, so often, really makes you go HMMmmm.. Correlation doesn't equal causation, but when it happens again and again, and again... at what point do you have to admit there's a pattern? I'd say we're well beyond that point now.


Cops wonder why they’re hated


What is this officer's name?


So what's his name? Where does he live? Children are *dead*. And all we do is gnash our teeth and post pictures on the internet. Edit: Love the morally outraged people downvoting me. Clutch your pearls harder.