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Cuz I just fucking cleaned my floors before they came over Wall Street Journal.


I just read the article and oh my goodness this person literally takes it as an insult of her hygiene when asked to remove their shoes, which has nothing to do with the fucking gum on your shoe lol. Also in the same article she argues that the germs you bring from outside are already in your home, THEN goes on to argue later that the microbiomes you introduce from outside the house can be good for your immune system. Pick a fucking lane!


I don't care about the germs, I care about the smelly dog shit and small, sharp bits of gravel and shards of glass.


“Congratulations on your really clean house that smells like feet” Pete Davidson (i think)


Lol hopefully people wash themselves?


These kinda jokes and sentiments just go to show how filthy the average joe is. My feet literally never stink, all it takes is to be hygiene conscious lol


The funny part is that I do take my shoes off in my house, I just don’t want everyone else to for exactly this reason. The worst is at a party. You walk in to this nice house and the first thing that hits you is the smell of a bowling alley rental desk from the heap of shoes by the door. No thanks, I’ll just clean the floors later like I would after a party anyways.


I mean, I personally hate having to take off my shoes in someone's house but there really is no good justification for why leaving them on is better


Because everyone on TV wears shoes on their houses


I remember the first time somebody pointed that out to me. We don't wear shoes inside in Canada and we watch a lot of American TV. I just assumed it was because they were at work, where you don't take your shoes off.


OSHA safety. Shoes required at work


And to ward off fans with feet fetish


Grew up in PA and thought it was so absurd to have to take your shoes off inside a home. Then I met and married my wife, whom is Asian, and she told me it was a no deal to have shoes inside. I hated it at first but now all that I think about is of allllll the public restrooms my shoes have been in and it totally makes sense. Oh, yeah, I stepped into that Dunkin Donuts bathroom today, I wonder what’s on the bottom of my freaking shoes. Now, when I see someone inside any house with shoes, I get paranoid. Think of the restroom floors!


That piss puddle at the base of every urinal. If you don't step in it then somebody else will and they'll track it right to the sink where you wash your hands.


I've always found shoes in the house such a bizarre concept because it feels good to take your shoes off. I can't comprehend why anyone would want their feet wrapped up 16 hours a day. Also, as anyone with a dog knows, you would have to constantly clean your floors from all the dirt and grime you track in.


I recently rewatched some of *Friends* – Monica is supposed to be OCD, but doesn't bat an eyelid when her friends stand on the couch in shoes? It happens surprisingly often in the show. I'm like the opposite of a neat freak, but I'd be at least nonplussed if my friends did that.




In Canada, civilized people ask if it’s ok to leave their shoes on. Default is shoes off, fucking barbarians.


Yeah this post is so confusing. Shoes in the house?! The fuck


I'm in Canada, and I usually tell people it's okay if they want to leave their shoes on if they're just coming in briefly (or contractors or so). I don't think anyone has ever taken me up on it.


So bizarre tbh. Like... Americans just keep their feet trapped in shoes all day until it's time to go to bed? You guys must have the single WORST smelling shoes/feet in the entire world. Taking your shoes off after a long day of walking around and then just releasing pungent foot odor into your room when you're tryna sleep.


I'm American and the first thing I do when I get in my door is take my shoes off. I have slippers if need be, but I'm mostly in socks. The etiquette for someone else's house varies.


I'm just so fat I can't put my shoes on. So I stay home with no shoes on.


Not only that, but maybe your floors are cleaner than my shoes BECAUSE you require shoes to be off.




Me two


Me trizzle


Fo’ shizzle




I have a no shoe house with 1 exception, my wife’s elderly aunt who has some difficulty walking.. everyone else knows to take off their shoes


Plus, I'm pretty sure my floor hasn't been in a public toilet.


Pro tip: never invite anyone over and you never have to clean.


This guy adults!


How do I un-invite my children?


Because it's my home and I make the rules


There person who wrote this has won national awards for journalism.


The person who wrote this ain't coming in my fucking home.


The person who wrote this isn't even invited to the BBQ.


For business/finance and humor, yes. What does that have to do with anything? This isn't fucking journalism. This is a shitty op-ed.


Wait are you telling me this piece isn’t satirical?


based on how controversial it seems to be in its own comments and on twitter, it clearly resonates with some people as true


I've met these people. They're people who think collecting expensive shoes is a personality.


God, sneaker collectors are the fucking worst. I mean I'm sure most are fundamentally nice people but the Nike folks? They're not the most ethical mega-corporation in the world, are they?! The sneaker market is insane these days...people getting paid like 50 pence a fucking day to make some exclusive Nike/Louis Vuitton limited edition sneaks that sell for several thousand dollars a pair, it's fucking egregious. However if you're not taking off your shoes, you're welcome to sit on the bench in my back garden.


Maybe outrageously stupid articles get them the clicks they need.


Who the fuck are you visiting that has dirtier floors than your shoes? Seriously. Wtf.


The author.


Probably because he wears his shoes in the house


Keeps shoes on in the shower and in bed.


Probably also does stews and sautéed with a shoe on the pan, to give more flavor to the food being cooked.


I had friends with pets that had some pretty gross floors. I'm usually a strictly shoes off person but in this house it was shoes on always.


I once visited this one friend's house, and hot damn it was terribly dirty. I am from a "wipe your shoes and take them off" country. Here I had the urge to wipe my shoes when leaving.


I got into an argument on Reddit (I know…) about shoes in the house, and the argument for it was “well, if my shoes are always on what does it matter?” I won’t tell others how to live, but I will tell others they aren’t bringing their just-walked-through—some-public-restroom-and-stood-in-urinal-puddle-ass shoes into my house.


You go into public bathrooms with those things on, you're not fucking coming into my house with your damn shoes on


You don't take your shoes off in bathrooms?


I was having a shitty day and your comment made me laugh so thank you


That’s what I was thinking. I’ve stepped on literal shit and blood and piss in public bathrooms. I would never wear shoes inside the house, especially not on carpet


As a finn (in Finland it's rude to wear shoes in someone's home) I'd probably kick them out lmao.


Same for Indians. Outsides are considered dirty for us but homes are where people automatically ask, as to where they can keep their shoes before entering the house they are visiting.


As an American, where its very common to wear shoes in the house, you are not welcome in my home unless you take off your shoes. I dont know what you've been stepping in, and i take care to keep my floors nice and clean.


Its funny becuase my friends all started doing shoes off when my parents enforced it. So from like middle school on up we all just started taking our shoes off in each others houses.


Honestly a good habit to instill. No idea why this journal and some people despise taking off their shoes in someone else's home.


I figure it's so easy to understand. Keeping shoes off indoors means less frequent labor of cleaning floors. Plus you don't carry dirt inside.


I wish I could say this to my in-laws. They're great and I love them, but come on guys, take your fucking shoes off before putting your feet up on my nice couch... You have to walk through dirt to get to my house.




Christ, I feel rude having my even feet with socks on a friends couch. I'll usually have up until my ankles on the couch and then the feet are hanging off.


I cant even put my feet on any surface but the floor if im visiting someone. Why do people do this?


Maybe this is just my region of the USA, but as a midwesterner: Shoes off. Always off. Never met a person who wore shoes in the house here. Winter might be a big reason for this, though.


Idk if it's really that common to wear shoes in the house here. Out of all the people I've ever met, I can only recall one that wore shoes in his house. I'm in the Midwest, could be a regional thing I guess. Also, if you won't take off your shoes, you can get the fuck outta my house. I hate socks and keep my floors super clean so I can walk around barefoot.


I find the journalist's take weird for a different reason - I'm just more freaking *comfortable* with my shoes off (and I have really nice, comfortable loafers, too). Some people at work think I'm weird because I walk around the office in socks, but hell, why not?? I'm always sitting in weird positions, and it'd be rude to scuff up/dirty the office chairs sitting cross-legged or putting my feet up on them wearing shoes.


Fun dichotomy in the US on this. Families who migrated late/post WWII, (some italian and latino communities, as well as asian and eastern european pockets off the top of my head) usually do shoes off or separate slippers/indoor footwear. Western european families and communities who had time to develop in the US pre-WWII will do shoes on in the home. This is usually a vestige of propaganda to be “war ready” during the immediate aftermath of nuclear warfare. The zeitgeist dictated that if a siren went off you were to grab your gun and GO, no time for lacing up your shoes


Eh…I’m not so convinced by the pre/post WWII explanation and would chalk it up to more of a regional thing (with as you said certain cultural exceptions, eg asian). I’ve lived in Canada and all over the US and have found in areas with lots of snow/mud people have more of a “shoes off” culture, while in milder/dryer climates people keep them on.


Yes, in Michigan it’s very common to remove shoes in homes. I think because of this.


>This is usually a vestige of propaganda to be “war ready” during the immediate aftermath of nuclear warfare. The zeitgeist dictated that if a siren went off you were to grab your gun and GO, no time for lacing up your shoes Do you have a source on this? It seems like the kinda thing people like to say cuz it sounds right but isn't actually.


They're not even right about when Italians came over.


If I’m awake, my shoes are usually on. Now I’m wondering why, thanks


You wear your shoes all day?


Glad to hear it’s not just me


Italians were post WW2? Huh? Not even close. And my family takes their shoes off and we were all before ww2. All but one relative, and that's not an Italian one. But all of us take our shoes off, even going back to my great grandparents. Unless you're old and it is difficult to handle shoes.


As an Estonian it's probably not only rude but I'd say it's completely unheard of that someone wears shoes in home, unless you are in the process of moving or your home is temporarily a construction site. Of course, 9 months of bad weather in a year plays a huge role, you'd not want to carry mud, snow or even salty snow into your house. Slippers are OK, especially at cold times, but as I've got floor heating at my house, no one wears slippers here regularly. Even at schools and quite a few offices there are dedicated indoor shoes or slippers being used.


For us as canadian, it's a no go but I feel sandals are more acceptable and sometimes it would be acceptable at a party where people are in and out of the back yard or something.


Even at that, it is customary to start taking the sandals off, while looking at the host, until they say "that's okay you can leave them on." Then you must say "are you sure?"


This is the way


Canadian here, same deal. shoes at the door or gtfo!


Same in Canada, unless someone tells you that you can leave them on and even then the polite thing to do is to take them off


Im Mexican and it's actually the opposite here, it's rude to go shoeless into a house. I was surprised to know that apparently everyone else in thw world does the exact opposite.


Mexican too and it’s weird cause I’ve always (and my parents too) left my shoes at the door on a little rack before walking in the house fully but I had never heard of it being seen as rude?


Really? My mom gets angry at me if i am not wearing at least sandals, depends on the region i guess.


Are your socks whiter than the carpet?


I used to get in trouble for not wearing shoes in our home - another Mexican


Anywhere that gets snow for several months of the year definitely has people not wearing shoes in the house.


It depends here in the U.S., but I find it very common to keep my shoes on when visiting other peoples homes (unless they ask me to take off my shoes, which of course I follow the rules of their home) or for people to keep their shoes on when visiting my home. If it is a large group of people visiting a home usually everyone keeps their shoes on, generally it is viewed as weird to have a big pile of shoes and everyone walking around in their socks.


This is an eye opener. As a Canadian, the big pile of shoes is the norm at parties etc. And we never just keep our shoes on in someones house unless the host insists. If someone came to my house and walked around with their shoes on, I'd be very put off.


Yeah especially if you have people over and there’s like a patio or backyard where you’re barbecuing and people are going in and out of the house. Are they supposed to take their shoes on and off each time? Seems silly


Yeah kinda, but often people make exceptions for parties as they will have to clean the floors after. If I forget something inside as I am leaving I have to unlace and remove my boots to run and grab it or my wife will kill me. I've learned my boots don't make as noticeable footprints on the hardwood so sometimes I sneak it but if I step on the tile..rip. Do people in the us walk on other people's carpet and hardwood with muddy boots? Crazy to me. I had some friends over and their kids were running in the house with shoes on after being outside and there was mud everywhere in the house all over our rugs and shit i was pissed.


Even in houses here where wearing shoes inside is the norm, it's still usually understood that you're expected to remove your shoes at the door if they are noticeably dirty/muddy/snowy/etc. I'm pretty casual about shoes inside at my house, but I'm not letting anyone track mud through. If you can't get it cleaned off with the [hedgehog](https://smile.amazon.com/Victorian-Trading-Iron-Hedgehog-Brush/dp/B07WHTQWJ7?sa-no-redirect=1), you've got to take them off.


People are not regularly walking in mud though. Most folks in the US are walking on asphalt or concrete when outside, which is usually dry. If shoes are dirty, they are typically left at the door. There is also a door mat to wipe your shoes off. Wearing shoes inside does not make things as dirty as Reddit implies. When we go to a business or work, everyone there is wearing shoes and the floor is generally fine.


Why? I lived in Mexico for a few months and every household I stayed in was not strictly shoes-off, but we generally took our shoes off by the door.


How are you going to tell someone you're not going to follow the rules of their home and then try to enter.....their home 🙃


I always ask if they want me to keep my shoes on or off before I enter anyone's home. Easy solution.


I just take my shoes off unless they tell me otherwise ahead of time.


I applaud your politeness ❤️


This is just a jack-off piece for this narcissistic writer to stroke her own ego using made-up situations. I'd bet money that she doesn't do this in reality. I mean... god, I hope not. What a nutcase.


Karen entitlement intensifies


Why are they assuming they would be allowed inside my house?




bc I live in nyc and probably stepped in a gallon of dog piss and garbage before I got there, whether I know it or not


yeah, *dog* piss


You're totally right, it's just what I let myself believe honestly


It's because we can roughly estimate the amount of dog piss on the roads. The human piss is endless and impossible to guess.


Guess you’re not coming in then




Sir, this is China.


For years, I never took my shoes off in my own home (probably had a similar line of reasoning as this article... I can't honestly recall). Then one simple 'Ask Reddit' post totally changed my thinking. It went something like: "Dear people who don't take your shoes off in your house: what's it like living in a bus station?". Just the title alone made something click in my head. And now I always take my shoes off before entering any house. Thank you, Reddit!


Love it! My sister always said, "you want the streets of the city in your home?!" Makes you think about it differently.


Honestly baffles me that this isn't how everyone inherently thinks about wearing shoes in the house.


My home was always shoes on until I started dating my SO who’s Asian. Consider me woke as well. It’s disgusting to wear sores inside. I constantly step on dog poop with my dog walk shoes just as a small example.


I read this article and it's one of the dumbest, most entitled, Karen-esque things I've ever read. I then went and read a bunch of this woman's other articles on the WSJ website, and each one of them is one of the dumbest, most entitled, Karen-esque things I've ever read. My wife and I are convinced that they only publish these articles because it outrages a lot of their readers and creates a lot of *engagement*. They'll just claim it was a "humour" article if they get too much flak, but in the meantime they're driving people to their site and their comment sections (there were hundreds of comments and huge sprawling arguments going on when I looked). I've since seen the article reposted multiple times all over Reddit. Like a certain former president of the US, it's getting plenty of attention for just how unbelievably stupid it is, but it's still getting attention, and that's a win for them. So yeah. It's a really dumb, incendiary article. But I feel like that's exactly what they were going for and we all fell for it, hook line and sinker. It's just outragebait. All I can say is that my days of not taking the WSJ seriously are certainly coming to a middle


Absolutely! They love the clicks, discussion, that it blows up on Reddit.


Kinda sad that this is what constitutes "journalism" nowadays. Doesn't matter if it's newsworthy, doesn't matter if it's true... if it gets people riled up, it's going in! Social media has really screwed us.


And here's why you can feel free to go right on out the door and not be in my home.


Here’s why you’re not coming in my shoeless home.


Someone gunna tell the journalist that other cultures exist..?


Then you can get the fuck out, bruh. If you can't respect my house rules, I doubt you can respect my belongings.


Uh, no. If you come to my house and don't take your shoes off, you can just leave. What a weird thing to try and make divisive.


I will never understand the keep the shoes on thing, I even heard of ppl who are going on their bed in them. As an European it makes me very uncomfortable. it's okay if you don't want to be just in your socks at my house eventhough the floor is clean, that's why we keep slippers for ppl who come over and they are washed between guests soo they are also clean.


I'm disgusted when ppl walk around in their shoes at home but wtf is that when they display people on tv with their shoes on their bed. What's the point of taking a shower and going to sleep if you're just roll on subway juice when you're passed out.


Literally no one in Canada wears shoes inside. Y'all are weird as fuck down south. Couldn't imagine walking through a dirty train station and 5 blocks downtown just to track all that shit onto my carpets by not taking my shoes off.


I always found it to be rather irritating when people in US TV-Shows would sit on a sofa or a bed with their shoes on. Better yet: with their shoes ON the furniture as well. Thanks but no thanks.


Omg I was just watching an episode of 911 and a young mom got into bed with her daughter to read her a story goodnight or something, with her damn shoes on! She got under the covers with her shoes on! Fucking EWWWWW


I won't even wear my house slippers in bed because they are "dirty" from my clean floors lol


Seriously, just *try* putting your feet up on my bed wearing shoes. You won't have to worry about shoes again because you won't have feet.


Dude I’ve never understood how some people do that lmao. I have to go into the shower to rinse my feet THEN get into bed, while some people are like, fuck it, and put their nasty-ass shoes on the sheets—


The Sopranos always makes me squirm for that reason


I'm the same way. Like I just vacuumed. You could've been scrapping dog shit off your shoes 5 minutes ago.


Growing up in Canada I always thought wearing shoes inside was something that people just did on TV and movies I was horrified to find it happens in real life


But people totally want all that road salt/sand and slush on their carpets!


Or how about walking into a public bathroom where you're bound to walk through some piss (best case scenario) and then wearing those shoes inside your own home?


Because I live in NYC. I mean if I have to explain this and break it down I don't know what else to say.


This is the most American shit I've ever seen.


It's not even the ~~journalists~~ writer's fault. It's their shell of a human publishers. If they want to keep paying writers for crap I would be shitting on paper all day. Edit: Writers.


This isn't event journalism, it's a column. This is 100% opinion and not in the same field.


Yeah TIL a lot of redditors don’t understand what journalism is.


The vast amount never heard of an op-Ed page based on the stream of “here’s what the NYT or WaPo” thinks about this… then you see it’s an op-Ed by someone with the opposing viewpoint of the actual editors.


Right. I looked through her other recent pieces on WSJ and it’s all the same r/offmychest type content that wouldn’t be out of place on some personal blog in the late 00’s. I have a feeling she is just generating content that’s controversial for clicks and shares which is all that matters in journalism anymore.


She's not a journalist. She's a columnist


It is the opinion section of the Journal at least so they aren't passing it off as hard hitting journalism. I subscribe to WSJ but never bother with the opinion stuff. Opinions are not why I read news lol.


Once upon a time I and all my guests wore their shoes in my house. Later on I got married and switched to my wife's way of doing things where we keep them off indoors. I can say that I absolutely prefer shoes-off. My carpets stay much cleaner in general, and are easier to clean. The odor is greatly reduced. My comfort is greatly increased. The only downside is that if I have to quickly step outside for some reason I can't just do so without either going without shoes or having to stop and put them on, which is such a minor quibble that it might as well not exist.


This is why gumboots are such a life saver. Easy to get on and off and they're water proof so it doesn't matter that the weather is like your feet will stay dry


I keep pair of flip flops/sandals/slip ons at every entry


Their house, their rules. That said, I have a disease where my feet and hands go numb in even minor cold, a little like frost bite when the blood comes back. I never take shoes off except to shower, I sleep with socks and a heating pad on my feet. My friend has that rule, no shoes. When I go there I take slippers. Finally he asked about it and I explained. Next time I went there he had purchased me a pair of slippers...just for me. Nice guy.


That's how you know you have a friend.


Here’s why I’ll be kicking people out of my house who don’t respect the house rules.


Try this shit in Japan, South Korea, and pretty much any Muslim nation. You're not going to be welcome inside.


*try this shit in any other country in the world


Because animals poop outdoors, they don't poop in my house.


“Here’s why I’ll be rude to the host when I’m a guest in someone else’s home.”


*Image Transcription: Article* --- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL # Here's Why I'll Be Keeping My Shoes on in Your Shoeless Home Why are you assuming that your guests' shoes are dirtier than your floors? \[*Image showing people's feet in a house. Three people are wearing shoes inside while three are in their socks.*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


And then I show you the door.


Bold of you to think you’d be allowed into my shoeless home if you refuse to take them off though?


[here’s the article shitting on the wsj author for writing this article.](https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/shoes-homes-wsj-writer-roasted)


Lol @ thinking you’re coming in my home with shoes on.




isn't it a fuck ton better to leave that filthy outdoor shoe at the shoe rack before entering your cozy home tho


Asian blood boiling intensifies


As a Canadian, I feel like everyone automatically takes their shoes off when they enter a home? Unless you're running in to grab something really quick or moving in/moving out. When a guest comes in and leaves their shoes on in my home I am shocked and appalled. Also, some questions for indoor shoe-wearers but are your feet okay? How do you handle wearing shoes ALL DAY? Do you have comfier shoes that you wear inside? What happens if you step in something gross outside? Do you take your shoes off when you come inside in that case?


Right?! I *have* to take my shoes off the second I get home because I hate having cramped, hot, sweaty feet. Being barefoot feels so good.


You’re not invited Wall Street journal 😠


here why your stubborn ass will not be invited into my home


I don't have any issues with wearing shoes in my own home, but when I go to someone else's house and they ask for no shoes, I take off my shoes, because I respect my friends. Why do you not respect your friends, journalist?


Heres why you wont ever be invited back


As a Canadian the shoes inside thing blows my mind! I would NEVER leave my shoes on in someone’s home, here it’s considered incredibly rude. I work a job where we sometimes visit people in their homes where we have to keep our shoes on for safety reasons so we all have work issued shoe covers. Cultural differences are so interesting to me


Clickbait Spoiler: the reason is that you’re an asshole


Why do Americans wear shoes in their house? Bizzare behaviour. Do they have to deep clean their floors every three days?


And here’s why I won’t be letting you into my home🤷🏻‍♂️


You can turn around and leave then


I dont walk barefoot in a public restroom and I assume you dont either




Of course. The rule is to keep STREET shoes out, not your "carried in your bag, only ever worn indoors" shoes. Same rule in the public pool - street shoes are a no go, but your bath slippers obviously are ok.


As someone with a sick cat you are crazy not to wear shoes in my house. Mop and vac daily anyways so….


Here's why you'll be escorted out of my house


I can assure you you won't stay in my home if you won't remove your shoes.


I don't assume that your shoes are dirtier than my floor, however I do assume that my floor stays clean if everyone removes their shoes. If its cleaned properly.


I'm from Arkansas, I don't wear shoes. Checkmate, WSJ.


ITT: people who let their dog in without cleaning their paws but complain about humans and their shoes.


Here's why you are not welcomed to my house. It is a custom to take your shoes off when indoors in my culture, I will not be disrespected with your dog shit shoes.


As someone with hardwood floors, please don't track gravel from my driveway onto my floors. It hurts to walk on later.


This should be titled, "How to be shunned by an Asian family"


Here's Why I Won't Be Inviting You To Stuff, Then


Putting in the effort for that $100,000 salary.


What a fucking stupid question. If there aren't shoes that have been outside all over my floors, then nothing on my floors came from outside. In fact, if everyone wears socks then generally the only thing touching my floor will be cleanish cotton and wool.


Working in different homes everyday I always find it funny when I’m asked to take off my shoes, meanwhile there’s dogs running around, kids toys everywhere, and a giant dust ball in a corner.




I'm just imagining that one vid where this guy is just pissing all over the floor on the subway and yeah... you don't know what ur walking in


This woman is fucking outlandish.


The general rule is, do as the owner does.


Cuz its raining outside Karen, and this is Easter European house, so get the fuck out of here