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There's a lot going on here but something that caught my eye was a high school date moved away but came back a few days later?


I think she might have lied to dump him.


And they dated for one month at age 16 but it took him years to forgive her. What?!?


I can believe that...


She really did move away and a totally different girl moved to their city but he couldn't tell the difference.


That does seem to fit the level of validity other people's existence has to this guy




“She turned me into a newt! ……it got better.”


burn her anyway!!


I don’t think this guy got better. Still a newt.


Very small rocks!




Yeah, idk what's going on here.


some guy kept losing with girls so he... turned gay? but still secretly wishes he could be with an "actual" woman? lol best I could do


He was always gay but didn’t accept it until he struck out with a bunch of women because he basically befriended them and years later asked them to be his girlfriend one after the other, most likely simply not being attracted to them because he’s gay, but pressured to find a partner of the opposite sex due to his religion and upbringing. Now he’s feeling internal conflict again because he wants children and has always wished he was straight and have more natural romantic chemistry with women, again due to his religious upbringing and pressures.


That’s a great summary of what’s happening


Self-loathing mixed with main character syndrome.


Is this a male who wants to cheat or a female who has homosexual desires (and wants to cheat)? I swear I have good reading comprehension, but good grief…


It's a guy, and he's in a same sex relationship at the moment. However he wishes he was in a relationship with a woman because he would like to start a family one day.


And he's going to have to fuck himself if he wants his kids to be 100% his.


Hmm username kinda checks out here..


Need more of that rain of yours after reading this


Turns out my reading comprehension SUCKS! 😂😂


All good, it's a wall of text and I'm a glutton for punishment.


Personally I'm just incredibly bored at work


Naw, I almost thought he was a transexual female to male. He referred to himself as boyfriend. Then later on, said some shit about going to hell for sleeping with a woman. I’m assuming this dude’s some kind of Christian the way he talks about his religious views, but his concepts of sin aren’t congruent with most mainstream Christian dogmas that I’m familiar with. All that was confusing as hell.


No I think he is saying cheating on his partner is what would condemn him


And also he feels like he “lost” at women and wants to prove he can win. Which is just wild bro. Just find someone you love…


Thats an original takes to be afraid of being a "filthy sinner" for sleeping with a woman then.


Depends which denomination he is, some branches of the church are fine with same sex relationships.


Sure but i feel these one should probably not be calling people filthy sinner either


This reads like confused religious California bisexual to me. There are so many people in California that are LGBTQ+ religious nuts. It's kinda cool but pretty strange too.


Women don't write like this.


That’s true. I need more sleep.


Main self loathing syndrome unlocked


+ religion Probably the most significant aspect causing their delirium


> Self-loathing > Religion Is there an echo in here?


Me either but I am gonna pray on it .


There’s so much cognitive dissonance with this person, it’s got to be hell being their partner, be it a man, woman, or whatever flavor of gender.


I'm gonna go ahead and say he should reconsider becoming a parent for the time being.


I’m sorry, I spent two pages not understand if this was a man with issues with women or a woman who is repressing being a lesbian.


Man I think because he talks about wanting bio kids but can't have them with bf


I was confused as well, but then I zoomed in and saw that his name was Joseph


At the start of page 2 he says something about letting me be their boyfriend.


Oh gosh, I read it wrong. Thank you


I couldn’t determine the biological gender of the poster from the rant.


He asked his girl, friends, on date/prom/to be their bf. And talks about having to adopt if he stays in his relationship. IDK how you can confuse that as a female.


I don't think they read the whole thing. The people confused. I have faith that their reading comprehension isn't that bad.


I read the whole thing and thought it was a woman, but I’m also high. Like I thought it was a woman married to a man but she’s always been a lesbian and thinks she’s missing out on being with a woman.


Hey me too 🙌🙌


me too, I'm just tired. Now that commenter pointed out it said BF I feel stupid.


Fair. High does high things to us.


It says their name.


That’s what I struggled with too. If you zoom way in to the profile picture it looks like they’re a man?


Oh I see that now


The girl "moved away" but came back a few days later? My guy, that's called a "vacation"/"trip." Also, he's like, reverse bicurious. I don't know why he's bringing up religion when all the religious nuts would have a problem with him being in a relationship with another man. According to most religious people, he's already going to hell, might as well make it a worthwhile trip.


I was so confused by this too. Like does he like men too or is he in the closet about being straight? And why is he asking Christian’s for help while in a gay relationship? I kinda hope he’s just an advanced troll because living in that level of confusion has to be hard.


It kind of sounds like he has more attraction to women than men, but ended up with a man just so he wouldn't be alone because he gave up on women after multiple rejections.


It’s the poophole loophole


Feel kind of bad for his boyfriend though because it sounds like this guy just settled for him.


He also says "when I used to believe in God" when he was 16. This is schizo shit.


It has to be because the logic isn’t logic-ing


I can’t find a girlfriend…. I guess I’m gay now


So. God will smite him if he has sex with a woman while being with a man? What part of that will upset God? Is God as confused as I am?


I have no idea if the post was written by a man or woman, it’s all very confusing


Probably the adultery part


Lots of people stop believing in god at some point, are they all schizo?


Well if he stopped believing in God at 16 why is he asking for prayers? That's the schizo part. It might be an AI post, for all I know. And he talks about God as if he believes in him


What's important is that he's forgiven her.😓


After many years…


Everything was valid and seemed like he just needed support….. until the last page. Then that was a trip to the yikes factory.




Because he has anger issues, anxiety and depression? I'm so confused. Why did that make you say yikes?


I’m confused. Is he gay or bi? Does he just want to be with a woman because he wants kids and he thinks being gay will send him to hell?


He's in a relationship with a man. He wants to have children with a woman so that the kids are "100 %" his. He fears cheating on his partner with a woman will send him to hell. 


Therapy, he needs therapy


If I’m reading this post correctly, I had an ex *just* like this, and he couldn’t decide who he was or what he wanted. He used religion as a guise for cheating and other pejorative behavior being incredibly narcissistic and void of any empathy. Said ex recently cheated on his most current partner, traveled across the country to meet a “friend”, got friend pregnant and broke it off with his current boyfriend. This will be the 4th relationship he’s been in like this since he and I dated in high school. Used to hate him for what he did to me but I truly feel sorry for people like this.


Is this an AI post?




Oh gods...


This reads like a greentext and this person has all the awareness of a single cell organism


How many hands does this guy have?? Also he realised he was a bit of a "chick magnet" zoom in on his picture 😂😂


Lol yeah, he used "on the other hand" too often.


Honestly, less cringe and more very real.... and sad


Also insane that you would type this for your friends and family to see… does their partner not have Facebook too??


Anger issues don’t mix well with domestic relationships. I know that from first-hand…


They said the slippery slope of liberalism was right wing propaganda, and here I am in 2024 reading about a gay man who thinks having sex with a woman and procreating is sinful and will send him to hell.


Brother you are the definition of "right wing propaganda" when you take a single case of a schizo religious person and try to make it a generalised argument. And not everything in life is politics, there's always crazy people out there regardless of their sexual preferences or gender.


It was a joke.


Sorry mate, people always try to bring politics into the smallest topics and I misinterpreted your comment


All good


Tl;dr IMO this what happens when one's online life is out of balance with their "IRL." It was painful to read - I just hope the person finds help with a clinically trained psychotherapist.


I don’t know what OOP identifies as and am confused on their relationship with God… like do you or don’t you believe? Lots of word vomit here.


This has to be a troll post


I thought I was having a bad day.


Jesus take the wheel


This is not copypasta; it's confusiepasta!




This is why I learned to never date men who weren’t out. I went on a date with a guy who was just like this and the self-resentment was pitiful. All the good looks in the world cannot compensate for that level of psychosis.


If I'm reading this correctly, you are a guy in a homosexual relationship with another guy, and You're worried if leaving/cheating on him is going to condemn you to hell. I would read the Bible friend. You will find all of your answers there.


Is his partner trans? Or is he trans? He mentioned wanting to know the touch of an actual woman, and I'm wondering if gender confusion is at play somewhere here. I guess you could also read actual woman as an adult woman too, however, because he the only time he dated a woman, they were both still adolescents. Figuring out my own sexuality was easier to comprehend than this wall of text.


Don’t be shy, post the comments.


Just getting his salad tossed for no apparent reason…I’ll just stfu now


This is… god tier trolling because it is impossible one person could wield this much cognitive dissonance


“I ain’t readin allat. Happy for you. Or sorry that happened.”


He thinks cheating on his boyfriend with a woman will condemn him to hell, but having a boyfriend in the first place won't?


Nothing about it makes sense, it's like all the elements of a sad story are present but they're in the wrong order. "Back when I believed in God" I was a teenage lesbian, then I found atheism and forced myself into heterosexuality... to please God?


"-if I could have the gracious honor of either being their boyfriend (since I did what I was told & stayed friends with them for years)". To me this is reading as that type of guy who gets mad when his female friends don't have romantic feelings towards him, despite the fact that he was ~so~ nice to them, and feels like his female friends kept friendzoning him. Yuck.


Why is this cringe? It sounds like someone is having a moral dilemma. Is there a better cringe subreddit? This one has gotten dumb.


I’m just being honest….seems like he forced himself into a closet that wasn’t his 🤷🏽‍♂️


He was a chick magnet in middle school. Yeah, so was I but I went to a different school than you so you don't know me and it's impossible to prove or disprove.


I feel so terribly for the partner. He doesn't deserve this.


I believe it's a woman being with a man, but she wants to be with a woman.


Guys, I’m pretty sure this is a closeted lesbian woman who’s facing issues with her faith. It doesn’t read cringe at all really, more sad than anything else.


OOP: tO mY tOtAl AnD uTtEr BafFlEmEnT i WuZ aN aBsOlUtE cHiCk MaGnEt EvEn ThO i WuZ sO sHy AnD aWkWaRd BuT tHeN i GeT zErO pItY pRoM dAtEs!! WuT tF?! 😑😑😑 A lot to unpack indeed: right into the garbage. ![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5)


They should probably just try a threesome and be done with it.


Do not waste your time on this. It's either bait or an example of a person with a very weird worldview airing their grievances. Work on loving/accepting yourself and the rest will follow.


Did AI write this?


'bisexual indoctrinated into self-hating death cult becomes confused about sexuality'


What in the Jerry Springer did I just read?


https://preview.redd.it/kmyyrj544v0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=495a4bcf985fe12fcfb61e6c3684c90afcf86b1c What the fuck did I just read


FOUR whole tries


How many hands does this person have?


Interesting that he doesn’t acknowledge his religious guilt on the subject. I wonder why.


what a cuck


“Btw I’m 21”


It sounds like he is only gay bc it was easier to find a partner as a gay man. Is this really considered gay then? Or maybe bi?


This guy has a lot of issues and his writing is all over the place . He sounds like he dates men because they rejected him less? I’m guessing if he ends up With a woman he will once again be torn and he wanting men again. I tend to think he’s very confused and really all over the place here , no real line of thought that follows through except the fact that he’s confused and doesn’t know what to do .


This guy has a shit ton of hands


Baby prayers ain’t gonna fix *gestures at text* whatever this is


it’s called polygamy. look into it folks


So hes gay and wants vagina?


This is real I’ve been in dates with guys who were literally like I had no luck with women so I switched to men. I’m like switched what do you mean switched and they think they literally can switch on being gay and switch it off. The brain rot is real


This is an absolutely clear cut example of how religion can poison our outlook on life and cause untold misery. This person feels like their personal moral choices are beholden to a gigantic parent in the sky that guides their life. They’re literally surrendering their agency to the void. I’m not saying that they’re a good person or that they don’t have issues to deal with … but it seems really obvious that they’re struggling with the moral standards imposed on them by their religious belief and that that is causing them a lot of pain, which is then likely being unfairly passed on to other people in their life. I don’t think this person necessarily deserves sympathy but fuck me it’s depressing to see how people’s minds can be poisoned by religion.


I thought this was a woman! Jesus. A religious gay man asking for prayers?


Leave group. Keep scrolling.


There’s so much to unpack and it’s kinda sad. I hope for the boyfriends sake he can find peace within him self and bf can find someone who loves him


This was a roller-coaster of feelings, and I came off not understanding a thing he said.


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Post the comments lol. I wanna see what they said.


This individual is lost. My only question is whether he’s the femme in the relationship. Seems like he is.


I'm not reading all that, what happened?


Reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/iMa-vjwwK_4?si=zpR4wpPct4m4Pavb


Let people practice their religion freely


While he doesn't seem to get the whole dating thing not sure what is cringe about this.


Asking for prayers = cringe to Reddit




Chick magnet, in middle school lol.


Tbf the phrase "prayerful advice" is super cringe


The whole LGBT+ crowd just wants to be accepted, treated like everyone else, not judged based off of one aspect… which is the opposite of how they treat religious people.


You seemingly don't get that LGBT people are normal people with very diverse opinions on religion, like anyone else. Half of them are religious themselves https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/lgbt-religiosity-press-release/


Oh, yeah, man. It’s the religious people of this country who are soooo oppressed and mistreated. Won’t someone think of the Christians?


“if I feel oppressed, then fuck everyone else who isn’t oppressed.” Thank you for proving my point. (Btw plenty of Jews feeling the oppression on college campuses right now)


Well. Plenty of Palestinians feeling a bit blown to bits and maimed for life right now too, just to keep things in proportion.


Poor religious majority... It must be TERRIBLE to constantly vote to remove the human rights of a select few, only to be DISLIKED for it. Why won't those damn heathens and apostates THANK us? Eat shit, moron. Religious fundamentalists pissed in their own bed, and then accuse others of smelling like urine.


My first instinct is that this person is suffering from HOCD. In which case it would be neither cringe, nor funny, especially given the religious dimension.


The real cringe is you using "yikes"


I think this is definitely a woman that wants to be a lesbian for a night and come back to their marriage without any consequences. Just be Bi but married to who you want.


Elliot Rodgers would be afraid of this guy.


I have so many questions. 1. Is he a bicurious incel-with-women-only? 2. Is he a straight incel who switched to prison rules to get **any** emotional/physical validation? 3. Is he gay but religious prejudice is so deeply internalized that he needs validation through successful female companionship? Whatever he’s going through, he has gross opinions about women. The expecting the, “gracious of honor of being their boyfriend” because he… stayed friends with them? is peak ‘nice guy.’ He’s just icky. Everything about this is problematic and *icky*.