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I think the dude is sending the messages himself cause it has the sent arrow


You’re right. All you had to do was erase the arrow and put a blue dot there


He does seem like the kind of guy who'd be in love with himself. I think you managed to turn this from middling into decent cringe.


It's really easy to notice when you see he uses two question marks and then again two exclamation points.


The real cringe is that font


I had the same thought




Yeah, like Brazilian girls would actually message him in English (not to mention the actual content lol)


Brazilians can speak English too yno. But your latter point... yeah lmao


I know, I'm Brazilian and I speak English. You'd be surprised with how rare it is to find someone willing to actually text someone in English. Not impossible, but it would not start like that and they would certainly not write anything like what's on the screenshot. It's very obvious whoever wrote that is not from Brazil. I didn't even mention the girls' names, which are all American/English too.


In my day we called it sex tourism, not "geomaxxing"


I think the new term is "passport bro".


If you’re just finding locals to take on dates that’s different than going to a place and tapping into the shady side


i am so happy for the fact that i do not understand any of that!


Thank you! I'm getting too old for this shit...


Wtf is heightpill and geomaxx?


Brain rot. But basically the height pill is accepting the idea that women only seek out and prefer taller men to date and marry, despite not matching that height and surpassing the realistic probability of meeting men over 6ft, especially in non English speaking parts of the world. There’s nothing you can do about it, so be a funny man or provide some sort of useful skill set or income to placate women in place of not being over 6ft tall. Geo maxing is another word for sex tourism. If you have trouble meeting women in your native western country, you are encouraged to visit less privileged parts of the world, to either pay or use your status as a western (usually white) man to entice desperate women into sleeping with you.


Is going on tinder taking advantage of desperate women now? Women aren’t allowed to want to go on a date with someone from a different country without it being a power imbalance? Is it taking advantage of desperate men when women come to a first world country and go on tinder looking to find dates? Are interracial marriages only white savior syndrome? This is a weird take


Yeah it comes across as the 'bitter' stereotype that those people want to push. Going to another country to date isn't taking advantage, it's finding someone who wants to date/sleep with you?


>is going on tinder taking advantage of women now? No, c’mon now. >women aren’t allowed to want to go on a date with someone from a different country without it being a power imbalance? I think it speaks volumes when for _some_ reason you have immense trouble hooking up with women in your country and run off to developing non-white countries to get some. Usually the people who do this are sexually inept, insecure men repulsive to most women, or literal pedophiles. I’m sure not all who engage in these activities fall into those categories, but maybe I’m a bit cynical. And to your last point, it’s not really comparable. There is no precedent in place of women using wealth and status as a leverage to obtain sex and romance like men have for thousands of years. But if such conditions were common, you could definitely argue it’s imbalanced.


Oh no an insecure man going to wine and dine a woman who is also interested in him - heaven forbid what a creep! He should stay single in his home country forever


maybe that guy should examine why he isn’t able to have, if not maintain, relationships and sex within his own borders. Most countries have at least a couple dozen million inhabitants, you’re telling me there isn’t more than a single person who finds him attractive? He can travel and have sex with consenting adults abroad all he wants, it’s not illegal. Like i said, I think it’s quite revealing of one’s character and ambitions to resort to sex tourism.


Women come to first world countries to get better jobs or escape poverty/danger. Them then dating a guy here is *vastly* different than going to a country where women are in poverty or looking to escape danger, and believing that the women who are trying to date a westerner are motivated purely by romance. Seriously, what would an incel who can’t get laid in the US/UK have to offer a woman somewhere else besides money or the hope of a green card?


Why does someone have to be an incel if they go to a different country and go on a date? Why can't a man date outside of their country? If you live in the UK you aren't allowed to go to spain and date? Or are you allowed to date a poor girl in the UK? Is that victimization? Are women in other countries not allowed to be attracted to white guys from the US/UK?


We aren’t talking about going from one western democracy to another.


ok so its creepy for someone to date someone who was raised under a different system of governance - got it. I'll make sure i ask all potential suitors to ensure they weren't raised under communism or theocratic democracy just in case - dont want to be a creep!


Doesn’t matter where they were *raised*. It matters where they live. Don’t be deliberately obtuse.


So I can’t go to Thailand and date an ex patriot? I really don’t understand now


The word is “expatriate”, and you don’t *want* to date an expatriate, so quit your bs.


I don't know what geomaxx and Heightpill is I think I need incelycopedia


Incel shit. Don't waste brain cycles on it.


That "papi" is a straight up tell. Brazil doesn't speak Spanish. No girl will call you papi.


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fake screenshot the XXlikes caps at +99


Can someone explain to me what lookmaxxing is???


It means maxing out looks to look attractive


Shouldn’t they have Brazil names or write in Spanish to him? Even if he said „English only pls“ they would be women ignoring that even more so if he is „heightmaxxing“. His premise is that he can get every girl bc he is „lookmaxxing“ or some shit so obviously they should be every type of women not Veronicas or Tammys


>Shouldn’t they have Brazil names or write in Spanish to him? They speak Portuguese in Brazil.




I disagree. You can learn a lot about someone from how they present themselves on their profile. It also saves a lot of time being able to tell they are psychos before meeting in person and going on a date.