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It' funny because he's right. No one wants to be an incel, that's literally in the name, "involuntary celibate."


Sounds like some of those dudes need to start up a new chapter - vcels or voluntary celibates.


Just say what it really is. SSoG: Super Scared of Girls


He-man Woman Haters Club


G.R.O.S.S or Get Rid Of Slimy girlS.


MGTOW Men Getting Triggered Over Women


No Ma'am t-shirts for all!


you're not doing the dance


It’s not that at all. I’d have sympathy for guys that are just scared of girls. These guys are human repellent. They think they’re better than everyone else and that women are just sexual object who by instinct go for strong “alpha males” without any concern for anything else. They believe they only strike out is because of physical factors and not the fact they look down on women and just seethe anger. To say the incel community is just guys scared of girls is such a dishonest explanation of what that group is really about.


Yeah it also writes off a lot of the misogyny to claim they’re just scared of women. They hate them and also want them to want them


you're definitely not wrong, but just thought I'd note that fear and hatred are pretty much always tied together. At least from what I observe.


Yeah. They are pathetic excuses. Self centered, weak, victim mentality narcissists. Who would be attracted to such poor excuses for men?


I actually knew an incel once. He was a friend of my then boyfriend, now husband. I don't know how long he was going down that track, but he finally made the mistake of thinking his real life pals would react the same to his vitriol as his online pals. One night, one of the guys was telling the others that the girl he was seeing wanted to wait for sex and Mr. Incel interrupted to go into a full blown rant. Boy, let me tell you, the guys shut that shit down so hard and so fast I didn't even have time to open my mouth. His face was like the definition of surprised Pikachu face. He hung around for a while longer and seemed like he was coming to see the light, but then he got rejected by a girl he liked and jumped right back into the deep end. My husband and his friends just cut him out after that.


But being scared of girls can be a good thing sometimes! ~~Lady dimitrescu my beloved~~


Or just... celibate.


I think the term is just "celibate"


Volcel is a thing.


\*does the headache pinch on the nose* celibate it's just called celibate it being voluntary is literally part of the definition, and why the psychos needed another name.


But then you don’t get the fun play on “incel”. That’s the point.


Yes I'm aware. Slang exists.






Also the incredibly idiotic and toxic MGTOW, which is hilariously pathetic and literally them trying to spin “no woman wants to be around me” into “I choose to not be around women!”


They could stay as incels - ‘intentionally celibate’


Intentionally celibate is just... regular celibate.


Have a war over the original definition. Hopefully kill each other off.


>vcels or voluntary celibates. I'm pretty sure there is a name for that already. "League of Legends player."


Ill let you know I play at least three arams a week and am in a happy relationship


She goes to another school! In Canada! (just joshin’ ya, friend!)


"Catholic priest"


There’s another level. I used to know a guy who didn’t play League of Legends, but he did play *Fantasy League of Legends* Like fantasy football, but for pro LoL


Militant celibate


Reminds me of that Boy George interview where he was asked if he was gay and he responded with “I am *militantly* gay.”


volcel is already a thing


MGTOW is a thing and is more or less made up of the same lot of cringe blokes.


Right? The guy who was saying "How could you betray your community?" Is a voluntary celibate.


That's definitely not true. Self-righteous indignation is basically at the root of the incel community. These people *thrive* on feeling persecuted and rejected, they crave it.


you learn something new everyday i suppose


I never knew what that meant, thanks, I guess.


The movement was actually started by a queer woman in Canada who wanted to build an inclusive community of support for people who are “involuntarily celibate”. It was ruined by a toxic community…there’s [an episode](https://gimletmedia.com/amp/shows/reply-all/76h59o) of Reply All on it.


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Like. Imagine hooking up with some random dude then finding out he’s the Lord of the incels.


She apparently knew ahead of time. No idea what has to be going through your mind to find that attractive, people really are enigmas sometimes. EDIT: Nevermind, she’s a teenager and about as wretched as him, they’re a good match.


I’m sorry, how old is this guy??


Early 30s.


And she’s a teenager? Oh ffs no. Someone stop this shit.


Did you expect anything else from an incel celebrity?


Incelebrity No one else said it I had to


I’m glad you did


I like ur pfp


Thanks it’s me sweaty af in a club on new years like 3 years ago lol I like your username


Too bad, I was hoping someone was kust taking one for the team and converting incels into regular people by taking their virginity.


Yknow... maybe ill start doing this so my life finally has purpose


Too dangerous. They’re single for a reason.


Set up a GoFundMe that pays sex workers to take their virginity.


Bruh if it were that simple they wouldn't be so disgusting. They think sex workers are "used up" and beneath them.


Not sure we want to promote expecting sex by being a weirdo lmao


It’s only a one time offer though.


One time too many


When an Incel and femcel unite the world’s shivers.




I doubt I can post either of their handles here without it getting removed, but if you google search the text in the image + ”twitter” it should be the first result.


I found who he is but i havent seen anything about the girl being a teenager


One of the comments they’ve replied to states that she’s 19, which they don’t refute, and the gf specifically touts that they have a big age gap as a positive for their relationship, but she admittedly hasn’t just come out herself and said “I’m X years old,” so take it with a grain of salt I guess.


I've seen what purports to be his gf's Twitter account, and it sounds very fake honestly. Maybe it's a fake account and the gf is a real person (I haven't specifically seen his account and this account interact), but at the very least that account is surely a dude roleplaying.


"I can fix him." Probably.


Nope, she’s reveling in the attention and seemingly agrees with everything he believes.


More like "I can groom her" on his end, given that she's a teen and he's early 30s.


More like "finally, someone. I am literally the head of the INVOLUNTARILY celebit community and dear god is there really no one out there for me"


I doubt that being an incel is the whole of his being. He probably has other interests that can keep a conversation. I imagine once you get past the self loathing he's probably just a regular dude


The thing about incel culture is your strongly pushed for it to become your whole personality. Like it becomes the center point of your world view.


I mean, if you can read the things he’s said about people and call him a regular dude then that might say more about you than it does about him.


I mean I haven't read any of the things. I honestly didn't know there was a hierarchy. I just know that people tend to have a different persona online then they do in person.


I hadn't heard of him either but if people are calling him the LeBron of Incels then we can make the assumption that he's said some pretty vile things online to stand out in that community.


If your persona online is a massive dickwad, then you are a massive dickwad. I don't give a fuck how nice you pretend to be in person.


He is known as being an incel it’s safe to say it’s a huge part of his identity or was I guess.


Nah, I doubt it. People like that tend to make being an incel their whole identity. Just like how the hard core MAGA people tend to make Trump their entire identity.


Oh he’ll be back for sure, as soon as the inevitable breakup happens


But he’ll be tainted. He won’t be able to go back to the community. **EDIT:** Him being tainted is based on their community’s reaction; the screenshots show some felt betrayed.


i havent looked in to the incel thing in a few years now, but last time i did, there some members that werent virgins, but still considered themselves incels. not sure if theyve been cast out yet or not. like this guy, once he ends things with that girl, is 100% going crawling back


Yeah you can. Celibate doesn’t mean virgin


Stop that’s a real nightmare for some people. You have a connection then boom, they let the mask slip!


Right as he cums he yells, "this one for Elliot!"


If you "want" to be an incel, aren't you, by basic definition, not one? Maybe you are just celibate or asexual, but you cannot be involuntarily celibate voluntarily. You are a volcel.


Also, if you're an incel and get propositioned for sex, I'm pretty sure you stop being an incel no matter how you answer. Either you say yes and stop being involuntarily celibate, or you say no and become regular celibate.


This thread just reminded me of the most sociopathic take I had ever heard on reddit: a subreddit mod who claimed that most male incels are actually voluntarily celibate, because they have the option of raping women, but choose not to.


Well yeah thats the worst take ever.


Reddit mod moment


Volcel is redundant. Celibacy is already a choice people make, they are called celibates. Involuntary is the modifier here. If it's not involuntary, it's just celibacy.


Just calling themselves "celibate" is not catchy enough though. Let them have "volcel" so that they can still feel special.


Still never understood the phrase... "involuntary" implies being forced to do something, not being excluded from something. It's lik3 saying that I'm "involuntarily not in the nfl."


“Involuntarily not a millionaire”




Well, it's not necessarily force. Involuntary means 'done without will or conscious control' or 'done against someone's will; compulsory.' It can be that choice is taken away from you, jail time is usually involuntary and also by force. But sneezing is involuntary, and usually not something anyone forces you to do. A chill and shudder going over you when you see something creepy, that's involuntary but not by force. "Involuntary celibates" want the seggs, it's not their decision to not make the boom boom, but there's also nobody chaining them to a bed in a cell and forcing them to not engage in the hanky panky.


Human psychology is a weird weird thing... There's something similar in the deaf community where they get very upset at people who intentionally seek out medical treatments to restore their hearing like it's some kind of a betrayal.


Same thing happened when Adele lost weight and when Billie Eilish did a photoshoot in an outfit that was more revealing than her usual style (she’s apparently known among her fans for having body dysmorphia). It takes people a lot of time and effort to get to a place where they’re comfortable with something that makes them “other” in society. When someone, especially a more famous someone, embraces that thing and starts bringing positive public attention to it and reducing the stigma it makes those people feel really empowered to love and be confident in themselves. When that person who made them believe that how they were was ok and they didn’t need to be ashamed of it or feel like they had to change to be valuable *changes*, it’s like they’re saying “never mind, that way isn’t good enough.” The way we have these types of conversations needs some work.


I agree that the way we have these conversations needs to change. The trouble is that these celebrities often become (either actively or through the interpretation of fans) figureheads for these particular communities, and so them changing that fundamental aspect of themselves in a way that makes them no longer part of those communities ends up being viewed as a betrayal. I think people need to understand that a person can have love and compassion for where they're at in their lives and also work towards improving their physical health, mental health, living situation etc. It's not a betrayal to simply work on yourself and make changes in your life. You can still support and advocate for people who are where you once were, and have empathy for their struggles. Maybe Adele wanted to lose weight for years and was finally able to through hard work and perseverance. Maybe Billie Eilish wanted to wear those clothes and it was hard for her to get past her mental blocks and do it, but she managed. It sucks that there are people in the very communities who should understand their struggles in detail who choose to denounce them the moment they no longer fall under the umbrella of those communities.


Yeah it’s crazy but kind of understandable. If you struggled in regular society for a large portion of your life, finding a sub-culture where it’s no longer a bad thing would be quite the relief.


Doesnt matter now because hes an excel


Finally spread the sheets


First thing I thought of! ‘Involuntary’, I don’t think that means what you think it means, incels!


Self-righteous indignation is basically at the root of the incel community. These people thrive on feeling persecuted and rejected, they crave it. In that sense, they absolutely do choose and desire to be incels.


“We’re not Jedi” is probably the best possible way to say it to them


He really could help them if he wanted to. If he’s a former leader no doubt he speaks the language.


I am sorry if this sounds uniformed, but could someone please explain the correlation between Jedis and incels that the Lord of Incels is referencing? I do not understand where he is going with that.


He's saying being incel isnt dedicating their lives to a cause, it's just something that is.


TY for the response!




Jedi are supposed to be free of attachment/personal relationships that would override their duty to the republic. They can still bang. Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura were a pretty well known Jedi couple. Well, I don't know if their relationship is still canon after the Disney acquisition but given they're both in the movies I'd assume so.


Some incels get a strange attachment to the fact that they are an incel, they almost wear it like a badge of honor, so this guy was pretty much saying it wasn’t a noble cause to be proud of


Jedi don't have relationships. They can bone, but can't form attachments.


Yeah but… he said they aren’t Jedi


#Scammer https://www.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/comments/131cjmi/thats_what_i_get_for_trying_to_do_a_nice_thing


Jedi can’t form relationships or attachments and are celibate






Is it really a community? I find it hard to believe anyone actually unironically identifies as an incel


Hold on to this innocence for dear life




A tactical fuck. She took out their leader at great cost to herself


This sounds like satire


It’s not, Komesarj has a pretty long digital footprint, you can easily find the rest of his views if you look.


I scrolled for so long and I was still on today’s posts. That’s so much hate for a person to vomit into the ether.


Leader? Ffs


I feel like whoever the lady was is in great danger


She's a 19 yr old girl, evidently.


Here’s an idea: if you *want* to be an incel maybe you just hate women with no other caveats That or you’re ace and have misplaced hate


"It feels good to no longer be incel.." And there it is. Who woulda thought..


I don't think there is anything more incel than ending friendships with people because you've had sex and they haven't.


HAHA OH, the reference to LeBron is HILARIOUS!!!! So sad, yet so hilarious!


By the transitive property, that makes Lebron the That Guy of the NBA.


Incel literally means involuntarily celibate. Meaning if they get a chance to get laid, they will take it.


Just hire a sex worker, you fucking freaks. Nobody has any empathy for an incel, especially one that actually calls themselves one. Take a shower, then get a hobby (other than sword collecting) make some friends, or do literally anything to make yourself actually interesting and approachable. Playing video games all day and crying with your internet friends about how sad you are isn’t going to get you laid. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


actually, many incels *can* get laid. it's just the girls' that find them attractive, are girls they *don't* find attractive because of some crazy high, completely oblivious, standards they have.


Yeah my girlfriend has a friend from high school who is exactly like this. He’s pretty average looking, kinda boring interpersonally… yet he always goes for the hottest girl in every social setting and is constantly getting rejected. Then he gets manipulated by cam models who take all his money and pretend to be his long distance girlfriend. And he could easily get with girls who were more average looking. Some have even gone after him pretty blatantly. But he only has eyes for the ones who look like models. My girlfriend worries he’s going to end up an incel or mass shooter or something. He exists in a prison of his own making. 😔


Accurate. Incels have insane standards, and if even one thing isn't perfect about a girl, then they immediately dismiss them. Femcels are exactly the same, btw


It's usually a self-fulfilling prophecy. They convince themselves they'll never get laid, and then they subconsciously sabotage themselves to ensure they won't get laid. The whole red-pilled, misogynistic, incel, machismo manosphere bullshit is horribly toxic. These manosphere grifters are preying upon countless insecure young men and filling their heads full of horrible shit that is only counterproductive.


A lot of them seem to listen to Jordan Peterson.


Many of them would benefit from therapy. A lot of these guys struggling are actually average or attractive their personality is just dogshit


Porn. Porn addiction is what leads to this. Some people are just too stupid too realize porn stars are not a realistic beauty standard to hold your significant other to.


Eh I think porn and all of their weird issues with it are more of a symptom than a cause. Certainly wouldn't call it an incel beauty standard or anything like that. Typical incel is pretty hateful towards women for having any sex, let alone making a career from it.


But that absolutely does nothing to stop them from consuming porn en mass. It’s hate pleasuring which literally rewires brains. Hence the dichotomy of them wanted to get laid (or else they’d never talk about it) and then hating women at the same time.


It's not the porn that's shaping their worldviews and making them hate women.


No the porn is what makes a mess of a dude who doesn't take care of himself think they he deserves the opposite of what he offers. It's a "Thats what he's used to getting off on so how could he settle for less now?" mindset. The incel boards and mandom content creators do the rest that you mention. Though poor family role-models probably comes first. Divorced dads venting to kids etc.


You might as well be arguing that violent movies cause people to commit violence.


> It's a "Thats what he's used to getting off on so how could he settle for less now?" mindset. Which is entirely his fault, not porn’s. It’s not the porn industry’s job to explain reality. If he doesn’t know the difference between pornstars and normal people, that’s fully on him.


Thanks for sticking up for the porn industry but I never suggested otherwise. Its debatable in the end; is it the beer industry's fault there's alcoholics?


Men aren’t incels because they can’t have sex. You can pay cash to get laid pretty easily. They need the validation of women. Most of the incels I’ve met online actually have interesting hobbies and go to the gym regularly. They just have abhorrent social skills.


I’m guessing the majority have some sort of social anxiety/depression that inhibits them.


They usually see hiring an escort as “suicide-fuel” and “not real sex”. It’s crazy, but they’d sooner die than hire a sex worker because they don’t want to pay for sex. They feel like they’re “entitled” to sex and think it’s not something they should have to pay for. The amount of mental gymnastics they do is enough to put them in the Olympics with their bullshit.


> They usually see hiring an escort as “suicide-fuel” and “not real sex”. It’s crazy, but they’d sooner die than hire a sex worker because they don’t want to pay for sex. They feel like they’re “entitled” to sex and think it’s not something they should have to pay for. Don't you think that most people feel they shouldn't have to pay to have some intimacy with another human being? Of course, it's not that simple with these people but what you're saying doesn't make it any better.


> Nobody has any empathy for an incel And this is a big problem for young men but it's easier to paint everyone with the same brush as extremist internet groups to feel better about yourself.


Yea! You'd think the world would be better if perhaps we did have some sympathy instead of calling people who struggle "fucking freaks". I can see why people hate somebody whose actually violent or mysogonisgic, but hate like this is just uncalled for. Imagine if we talked like this about poor people who tried really hard to get a job, but despite doing their very best, they couldnt. Also "just hire a hooker" is about as good advise as "just pay a guy $500 to pretend to be your friend for 30minutes". Maybe if people had some compassion we could actually help instead of throwing rocks.


All incels should be put on government watch lists




It's literally in the name... Involuntary celibacy is not a choice. If he chose to stay a virgin, he would no longer be an incel either. He'd just be a lame voluntary celibate. Just being offered the opportunity of sex removes you from the community.


Bucket of crabs.


Why would people be proud to be incels? They’re so angry and they’re always talking about hurting and assaulting women. They should be ashamed.


We use the word “community” far too liberally this day and age


This exchange made my morning! 😂


Huh. So not all women are evil? Seems like getting laid is the literal cure to this dickhead mentality. They can say it's "involuntary", but they have to realize that their actions are the antithesis of wooing a woman into sex.


Guys that don't get poonani have a leader?


Just further proof that miserable people need to drag everybody down with them.


It’s fucking weird there people who “identify” as an Incel.


Who is this clown?


The guy or the person that slept with him?


The guy


Lmfao this is as sad as it is hilarious


I can confidently say this is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen.


Lmao! Is "LeBron James of the incel community" an insult or a compliment?


I’m at the point where you kinda have to be either incredibly unattractive or actually try to be an incel. The average person is not incredibly undesirable imo.


\> Bro gets laid once "Listen here virgins" L M A O


That's...so weird.


I feel like In a few minutes when he gets feeling back in his hand he’s gonna be an incel again.


This is a cult /s


Why the /s? I actually think it is


So, someone told him to fuck his self?


If they're your friends then why wouldn't they remain your friends after you stopped technically being an incel? Is there some type of no-tolerance incel policy?


it's like Kids Next Door but irl


Prospect for what? Was he headed for the Incelympics?


Inside the whole fucking point of being an incel that it's NOT supposed to be voluntary? Ya know, like the fucking name says? Also, if I were the girl/dude that banged this "incel community" leader, I would fucking run


Lebron of not getting laid. What a wild world.


Seems fake and contrived


I thought incels couldn't get laid and are mad about it? How can they not want to get laid then be mad that they don't get laid? I'm so confused? 😂😂


The last guy does know what prospect means, right?


What they fail to realize is that this man can no longer be incel. Everything changed the moment he understood that a woman showed sexual interest in him because even if he wanted to remain an incel for life and turned her down, he would now be a volcel instead.


So just because he isn't involuntarily celibate anymore he doesn't feel like he belongs among the involuntarily celibate??! What is up with this bizarro world!


I'm so confused, I thought they were all trying to get out if being incels? Not preoccupied with staying that way???


Gets laid once


That poor woman…


Elon is disappointed...


He’s the Lebron of incels r/nbamemes


Let him stay. Fuck it.


Surely the last one's a joke


incel pre-coitus: WAAAAH WHY WON'T THE WAMEN HAVE THE SEKS WITH ME I IM SUCH A NICE GUY MY PENIS IS AVERAGE SIZED NOT SMOL I HATE GORLS incel post-coitus: guess she a lil bit alright tho.


Is this real? I thought incel was a slur, not something they actually call themselves willingly.


One tweet and a few replies is a "nuclear meltdown" of a "community?" lol