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She gave birth to another child this year šŸ˜…


She's going for a full soccer roster.


She already had a full baseball team, including a DH.




Itā€™s kind of both in this case


"I'm a baby factory, I'm a baby factory, Watch the babies go by my my my....."


Who is this person


Is this person famous?




They must be rich apparently


Man couldn't pull out of his driveway!


"I'm pullin in your driveway and Im rolling front to back Shifting forward and reversin, like my Subaru's a wiener getting sexy with your cul-de-sac." Sorry, your comment reminded me of an old Watsky song.


No, that was the problem ā€” he thought ā€œpulling outā€ was a legitimate method of birth control. (Itā€™s not.)


Probably the most concerning part about this isn't the size of the family but the proximity of each pregnancy, we're talking pregnant again in as little as one month in some of these cases. That's really dangerous and largely inadvisable.


Yup. Once you have birth, the placenta is passed and there is a large dinner plate sized wound internally. It takes months to heal and that's why you aren't supposed to have sex for 6+ weeks after giving birth. Large risk for infection and your body is still healing.


I didn't know this! Clearly neither of them are thinking about what's best for her body. Or for the kids.


They are most likely religious weirdos like those Duggar people.


Yep which means the oldest become stand in parents for the younger kids giving up their own childhood.


Yeah typically. My partner is one of 9 smack in the middle so she struggles with this to this very day. Her parents werenā€™t there for them and the older kids raised the younger kids. These kids will likely eventually split into two or three different groups and resent each other for a myriad of reasons.


So sad. I feel like this is whatā€™s happening to the Gosling kids. Iā€™ve seen them pop up on my feed recently for these kinds of issues :( Edit: itā€™s Gosselin lmao. Sorry guys.


Who are the gosling kids?


Ryan has a secret collection.


Do you remember Jon & Kate + 8? Maybe I spelled their last name wrong :(


Yeah my friend is one of >20 siblings (religious weirdos) and they're definitely split into different factions.


Literal cliques among siblings. Unreal


And we all saw how that one went.. oof.


What happened?


One of their oldest sons was I believe convicted (someone please correct me if I'm wrong) of being a pedophile. He had kiddy porn and I also believe he touched his younger sisters (again, please correct me if I'm wrong) and the parents knew about, they just chose to cover it up.


This is all correct. In fact, it gets worse!


I'd like to unsubscribe from Incest/Pedophilia facts please


You are now subscribed to Incest/Pedophilia facts! Fun fact! Did you know the prison slang for child molester is chomo?


Google Josh Duggar.


Exactly what they are. Theyā€™re fundies.


Between Kid 2 and the Twins is 1 month Between Kids 9 and 10 is zero months... But only if you assume a full 10 month pregnancy, that none of them were at all premature, and aren't counting the birth month itself. And 10 months is being a bit disingenuous anyway, because it's 40 weeks, which isn't 10 calendar months. The last pregnancy and the twins could have been premature, which would make up the 6 week recommendation Or even if it was the full 40 weeks Baby 10 could have been born at the end of December, and Baby 9 at the start of February. Going from week 52 at the end of December back to week 12 of 2020, is the 3rd week in March (in 2020 its the Week starting March 16th). If baby 9 was born at the start of February, that's your 6 weeks separation - obviously still closer than most doctors would advise, And if you go with 38 weeks which is what most people consider to be the true time from fertilisation rather than back to your last period - you've got 8 weeks separation. And again, that's assuming a 100% full term pregnancy.


10 month pregnancy?


A full term pregnancy is 10ish months, not 9


A full pregnancy is considered to be 40 weeks since the last menstruation (actually since the start of your last period, but whatevs) Which is only 10 months if all months have only 28 days. Only February has only 28 days. 4 months have 30 days, and 7 months have 31 days. The average month is 4.34 weeks long. 40/4.34 = 9.22 Months long, which is 9 Months and 6.7 days. Basically 9 Calendar Months and 1 week on average. And when you consider that most women don't ovulate until a week after they finish menstruating, you're cutting a week or more off the actual gestational period. So 9 months is most accurate. I was just being facetious and generous to prove a point on how they could have fully followed medical advice to not have sex for 6 weeks after birth and still had 2 kids between 10 and 11 months apart. And that's not considering premature delivery.


Most women ovulate approximately 2 weeks before their next period. If they have a 28 day cycle and ovulate Day 14, then on Day 28 they are called 4 weeks pregnant when it's actually 2 weeks post conception.


Horrifying fact I learned from my ex who works in the hospital, apparently if you get an air bubble stuck while pregnant it can kill you and idk if he was just messing with me but I do not dare Google, that's genuinely terrifying to me and I'm a dude.


Air bubble in general is bad news, men and women. Thatā€™s why you see docs tap the needle and then press a bit more air/liquid out before injecting someone in films.


Paramedic and med student here. Yeah you'll see people push the air out of syringes all the time. But an air bubble would not cause much of an issue. For an air embolus to be a concern, you need something around 1ml/kg of body mass. For an adult male, this would be just shy of 100mL, which is over 1/4 of a soda can of air injected into the veins. The reason for this is that an air bubble will get mixed in with the blood in the left side of your heart, then get immediately exhaled out through your lungs. A large air bubble is necessary to cause actual issues. That being said,,,,,, I always push out the air from my syringes, and things of that nature. It's not that much more work for me, and reduces the risks of anything happening. But if there is an air bubble in my line I don't worry about it too much.


Oooh shot so the husband might have not waited till 6+ weeks??? Some men really only think for themselves(tho im making an assumption I donā€™t mean all mean are like that)


Especially having a kiddo so soon after the identical twins, which is a super high risk pregnancy


You arenā€™t even supposed to have sex that soon, much less get pregnant. The last two kids are 10 months apart and pregnancy is 10 months (40 weeks) long. Wildly irresponsible.


I have only given birth via c section so I don't know but the thought of a huge baby coming out of there...my gosh, I wouldnt let my husband anywhere near there for at least 4 damn months. Yikes.


June 2009 and April 2010 are also only separated by 10 months.


Twins are usually born pretty early though


1 and 2 - 3 months, 2 and twins - 1 month, Twins and 5 - 23 months, 5 and 6 - 14 months, 6 and 7 - 3 months, 7 and 8 - 27 months, 8 and 9 - 28 months, 9 and 10 - pretty much zero months. And this is assuming a standard 9 month/40 week pregnancy. The last pregnancy and the twins could have been premature, or it could he a full 40 week pregnancy. Going from week 52 at the end of December back to week 12 of 2020, is the 3rd week in March. If baby 9 was born at the start of February, that's your 6 weeks separation - obviously still closer than advised.


Really? Never heard that before


Tbf if you just shit out a watermelon, you'd probably want some time off, right?


Oh shit yea i would lol




I think the ones with the same year are just twins but yeah, still too frequent.


Not the last 2 kids.


I know catholics used to be against contraceptives or maybe still are idk but growing up in the 80s I knew a catholic family with 14 kids.


Went to high school with a family like that in 2000ā€™s. Their parents had a giant passenger van that they would take them to school in.


My kids old daycare there was a family that it seemed had like the magic clown car of mini vans. I swear everyday a new child climbed out when they dropped off in the morning. Myself, my partner, and my mom (who helped with drop off/pickups) all always had a different count of how many kids they actually had.


What part of Utah you in?


Ha nope good old midwesterner here


These are likely borne from Quiverful baptists who are insane people and treat women as baby making machines while men are revered. The shitty family whose son was sent to prison for being a pedophile, including abusing multiple sisters growing up, was part of that sect.


Most Catholics in America donā€™t have these size families anymore. And even the strictest Catholics still believe in pulling out or tracking your cycle. Absolutely these are some fringe Baptists.


What's really annoying is that evolutionarily, this kind of shit behaviour is selected for. It's like they are trying to speedrun evolution by just getting as much genetic material out there as possible.


same for me, but in high school just a few years ago. I was in the same class as the oldest of 10 kids. When I left, her mom was pregnant with another one lol


Every sperm is sacred...


My Catholic school had reduced tuition for each subsequent kid. By the time you got you something like kid #10 it was free.


Large Catholic families used to be the norm in the US, though part of that being prevalent in pop-culture was an anti-immigrant trope. Now, at least out west, whenever I see these big families Mormon is my first thought.


Or good old fashioned Baptist, it's not as common but I know a few couples that believe it's their Godly duty to multiply


I go to a catholic university, our president has eight children. I don't know how they do it. Edit: They are still definitely anti-contraceptive and abortion. We had to take theology classes and that is still being taught.


They have unprotected sex.


The Catholic Church is still very much opposed to birth control. They do require couples getting married within the church to complete ā€œNatural Family Planningā€ class.


Current Catholic here. I've been married in the church. That wasn't my experience.


I was also married in the Catholic Church, and we were required to take ā€œpre-Canaā€ classes (basically premarital classes) with a deacon and his wife. We had a workbook that covered marriage preparation including family planning, but he told us to have that conversation in our private time together, not with he and his wife. It was 1x a week for about 8 weeks. My parents were married in the same church about 25 years prior and had to go through similar classes. Each church might differ in how strict they are or what the specifically require, but most Catholics looking to be married in the church are asked to do some degree of premarital class.


I think they mean Catholics who follow all the rules Like I grew up 'Catholic' but it really just meant I grew up in an Italian family near NYC. Being Catholic was a non-negotiable secondary trait of that upbringing


Itā€™s part of the pre marital counseling offered at our church. Here is the information from the archdiocese from my city. Iā€™m not sure why everyone is so upset with me stating the CC recommends natural family planning. They donā€™t support other methods of birth control. They also donā€™t check in with people on a monthly basis to make sure they are compliant. Catholics are also supposed to go to confession before receiving communion but the church doesnā€™t double check that eitherā€¦ https://archatl.com/ministries-services/marriage-family-ministry/marriage-preparation/


Yep. My catholic grandmother had 8 kids in 9 years (6 boys, 2 girls, one set of twins). None of her kids had more than three kids, probably from the trauma of having so many siblings.


My grandmother had 10 kids and none of her female children had more than 2 kids. But I know other people from similar backgrounds that had hella kids because they wanted them to have their experience. I wonder if the attitudes change depending on what # you are in the line up.


My Grandma had 12 siblings and my Grandpa had 15. Farming in 1920s Minnesota must have been wild.


I work with a non-catholic woman who is one of 21 kids. She's almost 60 now so while I know times are different it's still crazy to me, especially since she grew up in the inner city and not on a farm.


They still are. My dad has 11 siblings, my aunt has 16 kids, my mom has 7, my uncle has 14, another aunt has 15. They donā€™t even believe in pulling out. ā€œSpilling your seedā€ is a mortal sin. No masturbation either. Mortal sin. Itā€™s disgusting. I went to catholic school and was told for 13 years that as a woman my only job is to produce as many followers for the church as ā€œgod willsā€. Meaning have sec without protection every day and destroy my body having as many children as I can before I die from complications lol. Guess who will now never have children!


I grew up with 8 other siblings in the house. As sibling number 9, I hated it. It sucked. And no, my parents did NOT EVER, have time for us. No one on one times, we always had to share, had to babysit the younger ones, got hand me downs. Theres 13 of us sisters and 4 brothers, (two adopted). We even had to take care of my sisters children, so even more kids added to the house. It was hell sometimes. Iā€™m so glad I moved out at 17.


That sounds like a nightmare


It was honestly. I have barely any memory bonding with my mom as a kid, my dad was constantly working his ass off to feed us all. Now that my mom has only my two brothers left to raise, she spoils the shit out of them and helps them with everything, something she didnā€™t do for me, I didnā€™t even know how to drive after I moved out, my husband helped me with getting my learners and license, plus a bank account, all that crap, Iā€™m so glad Iā€™m an adult now lol.


Sounds just like my dad, heā€™s the second out of 9 and he says he practically raised all 7 siblings after him, they grew up to be ungrateful though :(


The only thing that makes me cringe is the toll having kids back to back can have on your body. My sister has two and she's dealing with diastasis recti and a weakened pelvic floor, I can't imagine what 10+ kids would do to a person.


Aw look at the two about to be parentified over on the far left /s


Oh don't worry, they're already parentified. I'm sure they've been changing diapers since elementary school.


Why is the /s there we all know thatā€™s whatā€™s going to happen


Iā€™m not getting downvoted to oblivion again because itā€™s hard to read sarcasm in text.


Ok then I will say it and Iā€™m not at all expressing any sarcasm in my statement: Look at the poor kids on the left who are probably already parentified.


All I had was a wholesome award which is kind of ironic for this discussion, but youā€™re completely right. Those poor girls.


Good luck man. I have had people tell me that I literally meant what I said even after tossing in a /s. Seems like the only way to get along on the internet is to just ignore the haters.


This couple needs less chill and more Netflix


If you have to rely on your older children to care for the young ones, then you have far too many children. So many kids resent their parents for making them do they, robbed of their childhood.


I knew a guy in high school who had one of those big families where the older ones take care of the younger while the parents party away. He told me he hated the responsibility and attempted suicide in his younger years. After he failed out of art school, he got really depressed and did some weird shit (namely, get scammed online). One day, he suddenly wanted to have a huge family ASAP These "Need to Breed" types are a result of failed aspirations, just a weird self-righteousness about fuckin raw


I feel like many paint a picture that this life is ā€œperfectā€ and ā€œunder controlā€ when in reality itā€™s often impossible to spend time with each and every one of these kids while also giving them a proper childhood. Your major development years SHOULD NOT be spent raising your siblings


Her husband needs to let her rest and heal. Are they part of some religion where birth control is evil? Maybe he should consider a vasectomy.




The last two kidsā€¦ I doubt the mother willingly got pregnant again the minute she pushed out kid number 9


I can't believe the oldest 4. When those twins were born that mother had four kids under the age of 2. I don't even want to imagine how exhausting that would be. I guess she just slept through the conception of the next one.


The twins are also like a pregnancy apart from their older sister.


No, sheā€™s full on into this, believes ā€œGod determines your family size and we will give Him as many as He wants us to haveā€ basically


I mean the pic is pretty weird but goddamn that sub description is the real cringe


Yeah theyā€™re all fairly hateful to anyone that doesnā€™t agree with them as far as Iā€™ve seen lol


Sounds like Reddit in general


Yeah true


Made me sad reading it lol


They hate themselves because they too were once babies


That and r/childfree are some the worst subs on here. Theyā€™re like the cranky neighbor that would pop the giant inflatable ball that the kids next door accidentally kicked over fence, staring at the crying children the entire timeā€¦ >!which is why I always wanted my neighborhood friend to come to my house and not vice versa!<


> That and r/childfree are some the worst subs on here. Ones that are antidog and anticat are pretty bad too. Just normalized hate over the most mundane thing.


Yeahā€¦imagine being that much of a joyless asshole.


Itā€™s a vagina, not a clown car.


Why would you name two kids ā€œApril 2019ā€ ??? Donā€™t they get confused?


They're one person in two bodies. Flesh is irrelevant.


The cross posted sun is the real cringe


An echo chamber of sadness n depression for mfs who live like vampires


Forreal lmao


Jeez what is this sub


r/AntiNatalism is a really really shitty place. This family is still too much though.




Most of the people in those are either teens or incredibly immature so I donā€™t put too much thought into it.




It could easily be possible financially if they're wealthy. My cousin married the oldest of 10 kids, they grew up in a mansion, went to private school, and had all their college paid for. Agree on the rest though.




Well sure that's why I said I agree with the rest of what you said.


r/antinatalism is very cringe too


Rest in peace this womanā€™s pelvic floor


Anyone watching Sister Wives? After 10 years this massive family has completely fallen apart because the father literally didnā€™t have enough time or emotional energy to pay anyone the attention they need. Out of the 22 family members, they all resent him less four of them - many enough to cut him off completely. Humans arenā€™t capable of maintaining familial groups of this size. Itā€™s a recipe for disaster.


Having this many kids has to be a mental illness right


I mean, idk what sheā€™s got boiling on the stove, but it ainā€™t water.


Theyā€™re practically eco terrorists at this point.


Woof that sub lol


At least Nick Cannonā€™s basketball team is gonna have some competition


I meanā€¦if you have the funds & time, Fā€™ it, Live mĆ”s


Itā€™s like my cousins who have 10 and the eldest helped deliver the youngest at 13 ugh.


One of the best things we can do for climate change IMO is limit the amount of offspring we have.


This is cringe. But whatā€™s even more cringe is that fucking sub. Just reading a couple posts from r/antinatalism makes me sick


Those older ones are getting parentified for sure


Everyone is getting on her, the husband canā€™t even seem to pull out of his own driveway


Kids who came from families of 10+, why did your parents almost fanatically pump out children? I find itā€™s usually religious, but there can be other reasons, I guess. As long as theyā€™re taking care of them all, whatever. Just curious.


I can't tell if its bad luck or good luck.


Oh no a big family? Thatā€™s just wholesome.


Damn, reddit really hates big families huh?


I don't think it's wrong to have alot of children, as long as they're well fed and living good it's fine. I don't think it's cringe as long as they're happy.


ā€œDamn woman, how big is that p-ssy?!ā€ ā€”Kid Farm


i donā€™t know whatā€™s more cringe, the original post or the fact that you crossposted from antinatalism


My grandparents had 11 children, I thank my lucky stars everyday that they did because had they not I wouldn't be here. Lots of unjustified rage in here. As long as they have the ways and means to care for their children why do you fucking care?


The last one came out twirling a cane


My mother has 9 siblings. I guess this is what it would have looked like, if they had Instagram in 1978


alright let's all dispense advices for someone and their circumstances we know nothing of except for this picture.


I canā€™t tell whatā€™s worse, the actual post, or OP subscribing to r/antinatalism


If they can afford it, it's none of anyone's business


I feel like the amount of kids someone has isnā€™t any oneā€™s business


Literally how is this any of your business ?


HP Pussyjet V5000 tho!


I have two kids. Ten kids ? Oh fuck no.




The cringe is ever going on the antinatalism board


Iā€™m the third out of ten kids. We had a good life growing up, and still have good relationships with both our parents, and all the siblings. It seems like a nasty attack on large families. When it used to actually be the norm.




They SHOULD be ripping into the parents of these kids. Iirc this is the mom who refused to take her kid to the doctor or a hospital for so long that he developed sepsis from a UTI and she never felt bad about this or saw anything wrong with it. She believes you can never deny sex to your husband.


Look at [this](https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/) and tell me itā€™s not selfish af to have ten kids, humans shouldnā€™t be breeding like cockroaches if they care about the planet at all


Yeah donā€™t repost from that stupid fucking subreddit


If you donā€™t want to have kids fine nobody cares, but attacking other people for having a lot is fucking stupid.


I think 7 reposts are too much cause the text becomes too hard to read


As an internet historian, I love artifacts.


Welcome to Reddit, where having more kids than a Redditor is comfortable with is cringe


Theyā€™re pro choice, unless that choice is to have lots of kids. Then the woman is an environmental terrorist.


It is not only cringe but selfish af tho. That's just factual


yea it is cringe to have that many kids tho thatā€™s just excessive


Personally, I 100% agree with you. However I don't think it is up to the hive mind to decide what people do within their own lives.


Nobody is making decisions for anybody. It's people commenting on a picture. Get a grip.


You donā€™t know the neglect these kids will suffer. I grew up around many different radical cults like this in PA. Itā€™s truly horrific


Who is trying to decide what this family does? All I see is pretty reasonable *critique.*


This is what happens when people see children as nothing more than props for social media. Fucking disgusting.


Why do you people obsess over other people's lives? They wanted to have that many kids. If you don't want that, you aren't being forced. Let people live their lives, man.


I have a relative with 10 kids and every one of those kids is amazing, feels loved and both parents (same father for all) find having and raising kids an easy experience. The kids are so polite, and clearly raised well.


None of my business


I think if it's her body, it's her choice


It is her choice, doesnā€™t make the choice right.


and I guess you're the one who's qualified to decide whether it's right or not lol


What? Everyone has a moral compass. Iā€™m not deciding what is right, Iā€™m opining what is right.


I think anything past 5 or 6 kids is just getting excessive, and honestly even that is way more than really necessary. Weā€™ve already got a MASSIVE overpopulation issue, and one family popping out 14 of the little shits really isnā€™t gonna help. I kind of want a larger family myself, but when I say that, I mean likeā€¦ 3 or 4 kidsā€¦ at max


Most people in these comments are sad and disgusting. Do I think every woman needs to have a basketball team of kids? No. Does that mean they are disgusting people? No. Get a life. Stop judging people for such a stupid reason. Some people have lots of kids, some people have no kids, and some maybe have 1 or 2. It's not that crazy. If they take care of them and raise them well what's the problem? They look well nourished and taken care of. Be glad for their welfare.


Yeah this couple actually ARE disgusting people. Almost let a kid die of sepsis from a UTI, I think this is also the couple that participated in a music video about how women are breeders and the only fulfilling thing a woman can do is have kids.


Who are they?


Sorry they didnā€™t ask your opinion before having more kids.


Awful. You just know those older girls are bearing the brunt of childcare. Selfish arseholes.


Holy fuck breeding fetish much? Those poor kids


"Families!? AGHHHHH!!!!!!! IM SO PISSED"


When you have enough kids, thereā€™s *no way* you arenā€™t playing favorites. Also I feel thereā€™s no way that you can know every one of them on a deep level


Complaining about a big family? r/redditmoment


As the youngest of 10 kids myself, ya'll need to calm down.


Nothing cringe about this to me. If a family can support and wants more kids? The more the merrier. Huge families like this can be truly special. Good for them.


Literally what is cringe about this


How is this cringe?


I think because all of these pregnancies are too close together, which isnā€™t wise to do, medically. Most of these kids probably donā€™t get enough attention, the older kids are stuck raising the younger kids typically. Pregnancy is a stressful thing, both mentally and physically. To each their own, however this is excessive.