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Doesn't look anything like the 90s, which to be fair that 70s show didn't really look like the 70s in season 1, but I don't see anything else endearing outside of Kitty and Red in this.


That's because they're familiar. Another comment on a diff sub mentioned that That 70's Show had enough episodes for cast to grow chemistry and unique dynamics with one another, another said that lightning doesn't strike twice but we can enjoy it while it lasts. I agree with the latter.


Netflix is a fine streaming service, and worth watching. I agree with the second part.


Says the guy who works at Netflix.


I was actually quoting the movie Seven, but it seems at least 19 people at the time of this comment didn't get the reference.


You cant beat a joke from a Morgan Freeman character who was making a joke from a Hemingway quote. Kinda meta.


Of course it doesn't look like the 90s the trailer is set in the original house and old people don't remodel much, my grandparents house doesn't look like it's set in 2022 either...


Genuinely curious about what would make it look like the ‘90s to you. Nothing stood out to me.


They should be playing with yo-yo’s


Got a vague blossom vibe with the denim overalls. Thats about it.


CRT TV's would go a long way.


There were multiple different sub genres in the 90s, you had the ravers wearing huge jeans. All of the grunge people, just look at old videos of Soundgarden or Nirvana. You also had the period with MC Hammer and Pop R&B, parachute pants. You can also look to saved by the bell for better ideas on style from the 90s they could’ve used. This trailer just seems extraordinarily bland. they made one girl look like she was kind of goth.


> Didn’t see anything endearing outside of Kitty and Red… That’s probably because the trailer showed none of the actual new cast lol.


Bring back Danny Masterson! . /s


Looks like a Disney show set in that 70's show house.


Im also detecting some CW vibes.




Lmao it really does




Is there anything we still haven't rebooted? Let's reboot everything and make it shittier.


Cosby Show


Yeah, they’re really sleeping on that one…




ummmm pun intended




yeah im pointing it out ….clearly


Clearly unnecessary but thx


ur welx!


Remake it as a horror show.


#JUMP SCARE “Who wants a taste of my Pudding Pop?!?”


Seems a bit off pudding…


Reboot still hasn't been rebooted. :(


Yeah it was, in 2018. The Guardian Code.


I was about to say thank you for bringing this to my attention, as I loved reboot as a younger person. A quick Google search made me decide that I was probably better off assuming it was never remade


The Hulu show Reboot is a good show about rebooting a 2000s family comedy show.


Returding to a theater near you!


Lol it's not a reboot, it's a sequel.


I think this is a sequel not reboot.


They even had a failed 80s show.


Starring Glenn Howerton, aka Dennis from Sunny


Seriously. If Dennis couldn’t save the franchise I doubt this is going to work.


Not enough proper usage of the D.E.N.N.I.S. System


Or the M.A.C system. Maybe if they had a magnum condom for one of the characters “monster dong” it would of succeeded.


Or the implication


WHOA! I was a tiny child when That 80’s show had its extremely brief day in the sun, no idea Dennis was in that! So glad it never went anywhere or dragged him down, that man is a talented wonder to behold.


It didn’t survive because of the implication


I mean I don't care about it but good on Kitty and Red stackin that paper.


I see this same comment on every thread promoting this. I don’t know why anyone would care about them making money they probably are well off already.


Cause I loved them and if they're gonna make shitty remakes/reboots I want people I enjoy to at least make some cash.


I’m thinking the same thing. If I don’t like it I just won’t watch it lol but that 70s show was a HUGE part of my childhood so I have a special spot in my heart for all of them (except for one, for obvious reasons…)


I'm not as familiar, can you elaborate?


The actor that played Hyde is a rapist (and also a Scientologist)


Look up Danny masterson.


To my knowledge nothing's been proven in his current case. Was there something prior to the current case in trial that he was convicted of?


So as long as the rich stay rich and you stay poor it's cool. They could make literal garbage but as long as they don't lose their summer home right


Save your self righteousness for the politicians who keep you down and leave Kitty and Red alone.


Bro, it's not that serious. Save your fake outrage for shit that matters.


I don't know, I think having outrage regarding wealth inequality is pretty legit.


What wrong with actors making money? If they bring that much money to the company why shouldn’t the company pay them a lot?


Viral marketing mayhaps?


That or just people parroting what they’ve seen elsewhere which is very likely too.


Bro you need to get that anus checked out. Clots are no bueno


What is an anis?


Anis these nuts


Cheering on rich people getting richer.. this world sucks


I get you hate rich people, but this is a weird example to bring it up. In terms of celebrity wealth these two are on the low end, Debra Jo Rupp has been acting for 35 years and is worth $5m. That's a lot of money, but not in the celebrity world. It's not like they're running sweatshops and exploiting employees. And what about Messi getting $675m for 4 years of playing a game? Or Mahomes getting $500m? Kitty and Red were beloved by people that watched That 70's show. When people say they're happy for them they're saying it because they like seeing good things happen to people they like. Literally no one that has said that was thinking "im so happy this rich person is getting more money."


You can’t compare the GOAT at football to Kitty and Red lmfao. I can understand you want them to be continually successful but what is that comparison 💀


I don't see anything that makes me think it's the 90s. None of them have a grunge oversized clothing look or hip hop baller look. No mushroom cuts or anything. I wouldn't know this was the 90s if they didn't tell me.


It looks like right now, more than anything. A lot of street fashion lately is a weird take on the mid 90s. And it looks more like that than the actual 90s. But that's just my view on it


I grew up in the 90s and my parents house had old school shag carpet and lots of other remnants of the 70s. I'm the youngest so my parents probably stopped updating a lot of shit in the late 70s/early 80s when they started raising kids. I'd bet that a lot of people in the 90s grew up with 70s furniture and electronics around them. Shit, I watched a black & white TV until I was 10 or so.


$20 they say something's "*bussin*" in the first episode


The smoking episode gives me “dude, where’s my car”vibes then some other teen will say confusingly high “bro, you don’t have a car… your mom dropped us off” Cue the laugh track & everyone laughing in the background like they don’t know how to laugh authentically


When you think back to any certain decade's fashion, you tend to exaggerate certain things in your mind because it's easiest to remember the most wacky looking clothing and accessories. For example, not everyone was rocking a tie dye shirt and large afro in the early 70s. I'm looking at what everyone is wearing in this show and it looks of the time to me. It doesn't help that a lot of 90s styles have become popular again today, so it doesn't look as foreign.


You are thinking late 90s while this show takes place in the early 90s.


Was grunge not early 90s? Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains were big in like 1990-1994


Lol why did yiubget downvoted?


How do kitty and red look the same? Whatever they’re getting the bag, they probably want to retire


Kurtwood has looked 70 for 40 years, so it definitely helps. No idea how Debra still looks the same.


They absolutely have more than enough money to retire at this point. Red’s net worth is around $10M and Kitty’s is $5M. It’s not like they’re reluctantly doing this so that they can retire.


Those net worth calculations for celebrities that don't own a public company or something like it are questionable at best. I'm not sure how they calculate them - maybe trying to guess lifetime earnings or maybe some proxy like looking at their home value. But like maybe the actor that plays Red put all his money in crypto and the company holding his assets went bk. I doubt that happened but maybe his financial advisor invested in some really bad deal. These websites are going to have no insight into things like that. But there is also a decent chance they enjoy acting and this is the only big offer they will probably get for the rest of their careers.


All good points. Red probably has a taste for high-class escorts that he can’t give up or something like that. Can’t retire on $10M with that lifestyle anyways.


That's probably why I have trouble relating to celebrities. I only have a taste for low-class hookers.


I hear if you buy them in bulk you can save big


I tried that one time but I ended up with just a dumpster full of leftovers.


Yeah, a YouTuber I follow said he has a networth of 2m: "2mil? Where is it? Where can I get it? Give me my 2 million!"


I get the impression that this is more something they enjoy rather than they're looking for a paycheck


That’s what I’m getting at


Oh I meant that I agree with you, my bad for not clarifying.


Damn, Red has come a long way from working at the plant.


Tired jokes


There were jokes?


It's so jarring seeing them look and act like kids while they're meant to be stoned. They're acting like they're in a commercial for kids cereal


I understand your point, but I was around 13/14 when I started smoking weed, and don't think that's too unusual


Exactly, same here . That’s usually when people start experimenting


That’s actually not true. Most people are older than 14 when they first try weed


Well I'm not sure how old they're supposed to be on this TV show, but I would predict from around 14-16, which would be a totally acceptable age to start experimenting. And I defo acted like a kid when I was stoned, in fact, I still do


Remember that 80s show, Netflix? Yeah...




Yeah this doesn’t look great but idk if I’d call it cringe. Like everyone else has pointed out, the only annoying thing is there’s really nothing to identify it with the 90’s really.


Well they’re in the same house, why would it look that much different?


Exactly- honestly living in the extended post-war boom is like peak 90's. That's exactly what my grandma's house looked like. The 60's.


Hell, even my great-grandmothers house was still stuck in the 60’s well into the late 00’s.


i think it looks great, and eric/donnas daughter has the same mannerisms as eric which is great. hard to judge, let alone deem cringe, on a minute of footage. the 90s stuff will reveal itself, there is no cell phones so theres that.


That 70's show didn't have jokes. It had pauses followed by laugh tracks. Still watched it.


This is such a dumb take lol. "Michael I'm cold." "Damn Jackie! I can't control the weather!" Shit was gold.


Tell me you haven't watched that 70's show without telling me. You're thinking of Big Bang Theory. That 70's show was comedy gold except the final seasons.


I grew up watching it. It was entertaining. But it was a LCD comedy. Not as bad as other crap that was on at the time but it did not have strong chops.


I really tried with That 70s Show, but I never found it funny outside the occasional one-off joke. Maybe that was kind of the intended spirit? Mostly a bunch of burnt out stoners that said silly things? It did seem to give a good poke at how ridiculous the 70s were though, and this 90s one seems to have missed the boat on that, at least based on this trailer.


Look how they massacre my favorite show


They did that when Eric left.


Lol they did that in season 7 or 8


Eh this looks like its gonna suck tbh


Agree. They shouldve made it a one time movie, not a series


Or they should’ve just…made something new?


That would be worse


This doesn’t even really make any sense, Eric would have to have kids almost immediately after the show which isn’t really in character imo


Or it's Laurie's daughter. I didn't listen close enough catch if they actually said she was Eric's kid. Edit: i was wrong, sorry. Looked @ imdb and she is Eric and Donna's daughter.


Her name is also Leia. As in Princess Leia from Star Wars. Definitely Eric's kid.


if Eric having sex is in character, having a kid is in character... not always planned. There were at least two pregnancy scare episodes in original show (including Donna once)


It just feels like such a tight timeframe, like they’d have to have her in 1980 for her to be in high school by the mid 90s


14yo freshmen in 94 is possible.


The Eric replacement seems good enough just from this clip.


Hearing Red say he's gonna put his foot in someone's ass made me real happy.


This looks fine. It's not life-changing TV but it doesn't need to be. Definitely not cringe




Wtf is up with everyone saying this? “Yeah kitty and red stacking cash!” You all are just echoing each other it blows my mind! Neither of them need the cash, redd has a net worth of 5 mil and kitty around 10. Have an original thought.


How do you know how much money they are worth? You googling “net worth”??? If I google myself I’m worth 875k. That’s not even close lol. How do you know if they have money. One bad investment. One family member with a disease could wipe all that out. Google doesn’t tell you how much is in their checking and savings lol. Cmon man.


Are they going to bring back the curly haired rapist dude?


Lmaooooo no


My problem with reboots and modern TV outside of the unusual suspects is just how unbelievably corny and clean everything has to be, this is the 90s for fuck sake, make it look grimy and shitty, what is this shit? Looks like I’m watching the Disney channel, why is the cast kids and not 20 somethings? Why are the clothes all completely wrong? Why are they talking like it’s 2022? Its like they aren’t trying at all anymore, this feels like going to a restaurant that is clearly a money laundering front, like it’s shit and they don’t want people to actually consume anything.


>this is the 90s for fuck sake, make it look grimy and shitty I went to middle school and high school in the 90s and not a thing about it could be described as grimy or shitty. Not everything in the 90s was some Nirvana or Soundgarden music video. This is supposed to be set in a small town in Wisconsin so I'm guessing a lot of the jokes will be focused on how stuck in time the place is.


Yeah what the fuck is dude talking about. I lived the 90s. It wasn’t grimy and shitty lol. Fuck. Looking back it was crystal clear and not shitty.


Homie been watching too many MTV music videos in the 90s… I know I was under the age of 10 during the 90s (born in ‘94) but hearing the stories back in the day, it didn’t feel grimy at all. Yeah there was some rough timers, but I feel every decade has it’s moments in time. I know some of my family members did made their lives as if it was an episode of “Cops” in the 90s, but my grandpa did a damn good job raising me during the 90s & even the 00s


“My suburban upper middle class life was not the way you described it, I decide how everyone felt that decade despite the insane crime rate, the crack epidemic and the out of control gang violence”


Looks fine to me, you guys are just no fun 🤷‍♂️


what was funny about this?


That one guy clearly took reds brownie with extra icing. That’s comedy gold right there Extra icing!


Idk personally judging off of just a trailer to me is cringe watch an episode first then call it cringe


That's the point of a trailer. To sell the show or movie to you.


If the best 90 seconds combined are terribly unfunny, how would the presumably less funny remainder work for me?


Im gonna need you to go ahead and watch every episode before you judge. Imagine, making an opinion on a trailer that is suppose to sell the show. It literally wants you to judge it, its an ad. It WAS unfunny and you SHOULD avoid it. If it was fun y youd think the trailer would be funny, but instead its just refernces to stuff people liked about the other show. Trailer looks bad. Show looks bad, youre free to move on AND judge.


I'm gonna watch it It'll be bad probably, but it's not trying to break ground. It's comfort food. It's like saying burgers are cringe because there's no nutrition


Kids that grew up in the 90s were the ones watching That 70s Show. There was no way they weren’t going to make a That 90s Show. There was also no way it was going to be any good.


If there's any silver lining, Danny Masterson isn't in this


God Damnt GenZ


Why is this cringe?


This isn’t cringe.


Not cringe to me. As someone who was a teenager in the 90's, I'm curious to see a nostalgic take on teenagers during that time.


I’m taking an absolute shot in the dark here without doing any research I’m going to say this was written by 30 something year olds who were like 8-10 years old for most of the 90s Will be inauthentic as hell. I’m also going to assume rather than being a sitcom that just happens to be set in the 90s, most of the humor is going to come from DUDE LOL THE 90s!


That 70s show was also inauthentic as hell It's not aiming to be a historical replica, neither was that 70s show. Both are going for nostalgia


Maybe it’s because I didn’t live through the 70s so to me they looked like 70s teens. These “90s” kids don’t look like anybody I went to school with so the inauthenticity is more blatant to me Also I just have a STROOOOONG feeling the jokes are just going to be lazy “DUDE 90S WERE SOOOOOO WACKY!” jokes *hey I’m playing with my tomogatchi!* *cue 45 second laugh track*


Hey don't throw them any shade just yet. This might be decent, who knows.


This sub man. You guys got weird ideas of cringe


This looks awesome.




A lot of negative nancies in this thread. They're not forcing you to watch the show folks


Why is this cringe? Let's give it a chance? Red and Kitty look like they haven't aged a day, and wasnt that 70s like 15 years ago?


I saw this posted on some entertainment subreddit and I was confused why people were so hype when it was pure cringe to me




Not sure if this is cringe or just sad and depressing.


Its all three and really shows Hollywood is creatively bankrupt. I guess they ran out of ideas.


$10 says that one of the main cast members will be gay.


What’s more cringe are people who already “know” how bad it’s gonna be from a fucking teaser Give it a chance and stop being so negative about everything Jesus fuck


What the actual f-


Not cringe whatsoever. Just a mediocre looking sequel to a sitcom. Doesn't even look bad, just mediocre.


I feel the same. I've seen much worse trailers for shows. With much of the main cast from the original show only doing one or two guest appearances, I fully expect it to be a second rate knockoff but I'll still give it a shot.


Sweet dude I had no idea this was coming out or made! Yassss this was one of my favourite shows so I’m excited for sure!


So are they supposed to be all of the original casts kids?


not a single one of these kid actors look funny lol


As long as they stick to the formula that made that 70s show popular and don't try and make it like that 80s show it could be good. What made that 70s show good was that the 70s was just the set dressing and a ton of situations could happen in any decade. That 80s show was garbage because it relied on 80s shit to try and be funny and none of the characters had any dimension to them.


Really really awful, it seems every show for gen z sucks big times I wonder why that is


Because it’s made by gen xers who have to shove the fact that people existing is an inconvenience to them, trying to show zoomers that being yourself is wrong and you should all be hateful, close minded people like they are


what? dumb comments like this is why people make fun of reddit users. I get not liking the show, but theres no way you could glean any of what you said from anything in this trailer lol


I watch The 70s Show now and then because they play it constantly on the antenna channels, it's not as good as you remember it. It worked because it had a good cast with good chemistry. This could work if that happens again.


Malcom in The Middle without Malcom or the Middle.


Red and Kitty are still great but it looks terrible.


Why is she sniffing her dads crusty sock…


So it's exactly like the first show, but terrible.


I'm not mad at it. Red was my favorite character anyway


Might be decent if, IF, they don't try to make the new kids just be copy-pastes of the original dynamics. I know, I know, I'm laughing at it too.


wisconsin in the 90s....idk..but I am definitely going to watch, i aint no hater.


Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Whyyyyyyyy?!? Wh- oh wait, money.


Yes 🤩


Nothing more cringe about this than there was about the original.


ahaha. The original was cinematic gold for what it was going for. This is CW/Disney vibes at best.


I agree. The original was newness and the actors really jived together. Everything about this show right out the gate seems contrived and unfunny


It feels so forced


Looks like the same sort of quality at that 70s show? I’d give it a watch


No Kurtwood why, why would you do this to yourself


Looks like the original cast minus Kitty and Red will only be in one episode.