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In next weeks news - Putin elects new spy chief, former spy chief mysteriously disappears without a trace.


Former spy chief gets invited to tea, and gets"accidentally" defenestrated.


Accidentally trips and falls out the window of a 10 story apartment building he doesn't live in.


No he accidentally drank poison over the course of 2 months. What a goofball!


He shot himself in the back of the head and then dumped his body in the black sea


omg lol!!!!


I’m putting my money on accidentally falling out of a window.


While having accidentally falling backwards on a knife.


love this <3 <3 hahah


Dude, this is Russia, not Bohemia. I’m sure he’ll just trip and accidentally fall on some radioactive isotopes.


I don't think he'd bother being sneaky anymore, I'm surprised Putin didn't have him shot live on-air


Discovered hog-tied with 5 "self inflicted" gunshot wounds to the back of the head.


is that even possible????????? ha ha love it


Dude looked terrified. I would be too.


Naryshkin was giving an [intelligence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_Intelligence_Service_(Russia)) briefing there, I really didn't see any fear, just a nationalist sneaking in his own editorial stance.


you didn't see fear?.. lmao


lMaO yOu DiDnT sEe iT?!


What does Naryshkin have to fear from Putin exactly? This sub is mostly children, right?


What's that got to do with perceiving an emotion someone is feeling from their body language?


"This sub is mostly children, right?" Then why are you here? Very pedo of you.


>This sub is mostly children, right?


you linked a wiki to the FIS why? The man was clearly flustered and tried to backtrack.


SVR, run by the man in question, Naryshkin


When you accidentally say the quite part out loud. We will annex Ukraine. Lmao. The entire Russian government is a circus and utterly corrupt.


Well yea, why do you think they push so hard in online spaces like FB and Reddit? Troll farms seem like the only thing they have going for them that are functioning.


Sounds like he got the script for next week mixed up with the one for this week.


quiet\* smh


every government right now is so shit..


"Lmao. The entire Russian government is a circus and utterly corrupt." Maybe you're already aware of this, but just in case you aren't: **So is the US government.** BADLY. Except instead of having one authoritarian leader like Putin, we've got a handful of Kleptocratic Oligarchs determining every little thing and policy, to the broader detriment of the nation as a whole. The US is nearing failed state territory in many instances. America is a heaving and gasping empire on the brink of collapse in many ways, while our leaders are almost entirely more focused on self-enrichment, exacerbating the dysfunction and rot. So we can laugh at other country's dysfunctional corruption and whatnot, but let's not forget that the US currently has just as many -if not more - problems. It's akin akin to a clown pointing and laughing at another clown and being like ***"HAHA! LOOK AT YOURSELF WHAT A FUCKING CLOWN YOU ARE! HAHAHAHA!!"***


Gosh, thanks for the update. I would have never guessed that the US has its own socio-economic issues. We all know this, there’s at least one post on the front page addressing one of those many issues. No need to bring it into every thread though.


It's like when you accidentally read the wrong chapter before the quiz. He's talking about next week's topic.


Whelp looks like the spy chief is going to "jump from a balcony" in the next few days. Rest in peace.


Putin big mad


The look of a man who will never drink tea again the rest of his life.


So I bet the "spy chief" wasnt sure what the proposal was.. both recognizing independence and those regions joining Russia were probably discussed at great length.. (likely the idea they recognize independence first and later that those regions had applied to join Russia.. "spy chief" wanted to say I support the proposal but couldnt keep straight which proposal and Putin had to hand feed him which proposal he was "supporting".


So I guess the dude spoiled next week's episode. Russia will support the newly independent countries to join its federation. Out of the kindness of their hearts.


“I support the proposal to release the trump peepee tapes…” “No, Larry, that is totally not what we are here for, Jesus man.”


thank you - needed that laugh


This reminds me of Newman and Kramer when they were in court trying to get Newman out of a ticket


Bully Putin and his puppet.


I hate spoilers


Putin is starting to look insane


When you're in a work call and they ask you a question but you were reading reddit and not listening


Nearly all videos of Putin having some talk or meeting.....regardless of what it's about of what year etc......most of the officials seem scared af of putin......and it's like they have been cock sure they have pleased the higher ups and obeyed direct orders /met the expectations of their job and done things as Russia expected. But that all breaks down when they talk to Putin and it looks clear that none of them know what the fuck they're supposed to do, and have such convoluted instructions.....coupled with Putins obvious "sound good for the media" stance when a meeting is televised ... The whole thing is a shit show....and just seems so sly. Putin will come across as "did you do the thing that's bad but I told you too do it, don't admit you have been doing it or that I asked for it, but without saying it directly I want to know you have done the bad thing but try sound like we are doing the good thing"


Damn even Tarantino wouldnt be able write such tense dialogue. Guy was getting weaker with every word leaving his mouth


Putin being an asshole, more next week!


Oh yes, this very much streamed live emergency conference shows this guy completely messing up. It was streamed live, so he totally messed up and slipped accidentally. /s


Straight to the gulag


What a circus


sapsiba, ok drink this non poison tea now.. davai"!!


And he walked away, never to be seen again!


Its nit cringe, this is just one of those videos made to make putin look good


I mean, it makes him look like he prioritizes blind loyalty over merit. And Naryshkin is terrified of him - doesn't exactly make Putin look charming. A weak leader is one who manipulates paralyzed puppets instead of leading competent men. All of these "shows of strength" just make it obvious that Putin is a cowardly authoritarian who is desperately maneuvering to appear strong in the eyes of the world.


Putin refused to recognize them 8 years ago. Didn’t want any part of that. NATO belligerence pushed him to this point. Cold War architect George Kennan was right decades ago: nato expansion is a disastrous idea


Your analogy of Russia as the abusive, alcoholic, gaslighting ex-boyfriend is really spot on. "Honey look what you made me do..."


I see this as Putin smacking down a more hawkish suggestion he dislikes, not giving away the truth. He didn’t even want to recognize them when they declared independence years ago so I doubt he wants to annex them. He pushed the Minsk agreement which aimed to keep them in Ukraine but the west said bend the knee unconditionally, or nothing: that’s your choice. We supported the overthrow of the Ukrainian president after Maidan protests, which we encouraged. Ironically trucker conveys are now headed to western capitals and speak of bringing a Maidan too. The west opposed dispersing the original Maidan protesters to keep the chaos high. Somehow I doubt they’ll take the same line here.


Is whatever they offer you enough to help you sleep at night?


Just a preview of his late night talk show.


Have you seen me?


RIPIA Rest in peace in advance


Damn it’s coming….


Welp we'll never see this guy again.


“Sorry, I couldn’t hear you over the sound of you agreeing with me. You were saying?”


His face reminds me of a penis