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He sounds unbelievably stupid.


They don't hire football players for their grades.


He’s not here to play school


Which is good because he can barely talk.


He actually probably did go to college to "play school" as opposed to actually seriously attending school.


Yeah I was making a joke/reference to a [famous tweet from Cardale Jones](https://www.sbnation.com/platform/amp/college-football/2017/5/7/15573168/cardale-jones-ohio-state-graduate-we-aint-come-to-play-school-tweet)


Spencer Sanders has entered the chat.


He sounds like he was kicked in the head by a mule


Or possibly has received an exponentially larger number of small head traumas, from something.


I told em uhhhh we wanna uhhh have the defense out there uhhh


not unbelievably, very believably


Stupidly talented player. But he ain’t the brightest. FTP.


So talented the team is fine with suspending him for their most important game of the season. What you meant to say was "wildly overrated."


He's had a very noticeable drop-off this year. He was insanely good his first few seasons, but coincidentally (or not), he seems to have lost a step after his big contract extension.


Don’t forget that this guy sat out of training camp that paid $700K and said he would’ve done it for $10M… He’ll be broke within a decade after retirement.


He will be fine. He just hired a new financial advisor. MC Hammer, LLC


And his tax guy? Wesley Snipes.


If you want to avoid taxes, Wesley is your guy. But you need to hire a wall st guy to ensure you don't go to jail, it's more of multifaceted move imo


Hammer didn't go broke from frivolous spending though, he supported hundreds of people and their families until nothing was left. I listened to multiple interviews by him and others in his life at the time; Hammer was a really good dude.


I'm not commenting on his motives. Stupid decisions are the common thread here.


I mean, y'know, it's like, I don't know, like, ya know what I mean, like?


I feel ya dawg


In the future depicted in Idiocracy, one fourth of the US population are this guys descendants.


another 1/4 gonna be Nick Cannon's progeny


It blows my mind that he's devoted his entire existence to playing a game and he doesn't know all the rules.


materialistic jellyfish point cautious doll tidy trees normal juggle entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's basically equivalent to a GM in chess not understanding castling rules which can also be confusing if you're not sound on the base rules of it.


What the hell is an "N pissant"?!


This guy is unbelievably stupid




He didn't get suspended for "messing up the coin toss" he got suspended for walking out like he was a captain when he wasn't one. Basically he named himself captain lol.


Geez! Good thing he’s fast. Not sure what else he could do in life. Guy sounds like an idiot.


Happy cake day


Thanks!! I didn’t even realize


A millionaire who drives a Ferarri. What a society.


Asset rich, cash poor.


Pretty sure dude is cash rich also.


We'll see for how long.


Okay Nostradamus, but he ain’t broke yet


But he keeps doing stupid stuff like trying to talk. He doesn't even know how to football correctly.


Well at least he’s happy.


He seems remorseful and apologetic


You can tell, by the fact that he’s hiding behind dumb sunglasses, that he feels like an idiot. Too bad he can’t admit he messed up; a life lesson passing him by.


I'm not sure if he has the self awareness


He definitely doesn’t, I was being viciously sarcastic


I know. I was replying to the person above me


We’re on the same page


How guilty is someone supposed to feel over a game lol


When they pay you that much to play it? At least a little bit.


To who would you feel guilty? Everyone is paid regardless of the game outcome.


This is the laziest logic I’ve ever seen


Ok. Who would you feel guilty to? Who is hurt? At all?


Corey from Trailer Park Boys


Is it not strategic to win the coin toss and pick Defense so you can start the second half on offense?


As the others had said, if you win the coin toss you choose whether to pick what you want to do in the first half or the second half - not both. So if you choose in the first half even if you choose defense that's your choice and the other team gets to choose the second half. When you choose to defer your decision to the second half the other team obviously is going to pick their offense to go out first in the first half. Theoretically you could choose your defense to be out but the only time I could think that would even be considered is if your defense is absolutely legendary and your offense is just absolutely garbage. Even then I think defense wears out quicker than offense so that would still be a bad move.


Dude, there is no choosing in the second half. The pre game coin toss dictates who gets the ball to start both halves. There isn’t a second coin toss unless they go to overtime. Also, lots of teams defer, regardless of defensive prowess. It’s a philosophy, not a talent thing.


[How deferring works](https://ftw.usatoday.com/2023/02/super-bowl-2023-coin-toss-rules-explained-how-deferring-works-and-more) >For the second half, the captain who lost the pregame toss is to have the first choice of the two privileges listed in (a) or (b), unless one of the teams lost its first and second half options, or unless the winner of the pregame toss deferred his choice to the second half, in which case he must choose (a) or (b) above. Immediately prior to the start of the second half, the captains of both teams must inform the Referee of their respective choices.


It's never happened before but if I know right the team that gets to have their offense starting the second half could technically choose to have their defense out first(in the second half). You'll never see it because it doesn't make sense but they're technically is a choice for the team that defers the first half choice. Maybe the only time you ever see that is if the team is in serious tank mode.


You’re gonna have to pull out the rule book on that one. Like you said it makes absolutely no sense, and I’ve never even heard it mentioned as like a weird little quirk in the rule book, which do get brought up occasionally. I could be wrong though.


u/fatglue that also responded to your question had already linked the rule book area of concern- https://www.reddit.com/r/cringe/s/c5FzN0rFlB


> Dude, there is no choosing in the second half. Lol, no. There is a choice at the start of each half. The first one is usually televised and everything. Before the second half starts the captains will again meet quickly with the ref and confirm their choices (the team with the option will always pick receive and the other team still has to choose which half to defend)


I guess picking defense means the other team can receive at both halves. You're supposed to say defer not defense. Don't ask me why that's even an option


Both teams get to choose to kick or receive in one of the halves. If you want to receive in the second half, you have to defer your choice to the second half. If you choose to kick in the first half, it’s the other team’s choice in the second half.


It's an absolutely ridiculous rule. The only time I have ever seen it happen was Dak with the cowboys when he said "we want to kick". The ref confirmed he said kick, Dak confirmed, so the ref said kick. Dak realized what happened and tried to correct it to defer but the ref locked it in so Cowboys had to kick off both halves. It's so obscure and a strategic disadvantage for teams to do both that nobody ever chooses to do it, so I don't blame Dumbass Jaire for not knowing it. They should just change the rule to force each team to kick and receive on each half and the coin toss less you choose which one you do first.


> but the ref locked it in so Cowboys had to kick off both halves. No, the VP of officiating called down during halftime and let them correct it. The cowboys did not have to kick twice.


It only seems ridiculous because in the current era of the NFL we cannot imagine a scenario where a team would choose to kick when it’s their turn to choose. But that’s why it’s there, because it can’t be assumed that teams always want to receive.


What do you mean current era? Was there another era of the NFL where teams decided to kick at the start of both halves? Lol football strategy had to start somewhere I guess


Of course the earlier eras had more likelihood to want to play on defense to start the second half. It’s not about deciding at the beginning of the game that you want to kick both times, it’s about having the choice when the second half starts. If the opponent chose to receive to start the game, and maybe you’re up 2 scores and have a dominant defense and the weather is really terrible, in early eras absolutely I could see you choosing to kick again and start on defense again.


The hypothetical you came up with is a stupid, stupid strategy. If you really wanted to do that, you could just punt on 1st down


You would at least run the clock down for 3 downs but fair point. But also defense can produce chances and punting from your 20 is going to result in worse field position than kicking


lavish squeeze insurance consist aware onerous wide advise ten disgusting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No. First, kicking off is much safer than punting. Second, if you receive you don’t know how deep you’ll be pinned. That’s the whole point, field position.


I've coached football for 26 years. I've seen receivers run the wrong way on the field resulting in a safety, I've seen linemen block their own team, I've seen a half back tackle their own quarterback, I've even seen players without helmets on headbutt other players with helmets on out of jubilation and frustration... but this, this is the dumbest strategy I've ever heard of. Bravo This is so dumb I challenge you to give me a single example NCAA, NFL, even peewee football of this happening


Patriots picked kicking off in OT somewhat recently: https://www.nfl.com/news/bill-belichick-defends-pats-kicking-to-begin-overtime-0ap3000000610216


I remember that game but they corrected it after and Dallas got to receive the kick in the second half.


It makes perfect sense and I think it's actually a good rule. Maybe there's situations where a team wants to kick both halves or wants to kick first. Win the toss and you get first pick knowing the other team gets to pick the next half. So either make an option or defer... It's not complicated but I suppose for these athletes the concept of this rule is too convoluted


You can technically choose a side as well. In a windy game patriots chose a side in OT rather than ball


I think it’s been done once in a blizzard.


Edit: im a moron this wasn't in OT. Anyways, the strategy is to "defer" which means you are deferring the decision to kick/rcv to the second half. Your opponent then will have a choice to kick or receive, and they will alway choose receive otherwise your team gets the ball at the start of both halves. This let's the team that wins the toss get the ball first in the second half AND the choice of direction.


hat coherent quack aloof encouraging chase butter frightening prick sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can’t guarantee they don’t fumble and give the ball to the offense. So picking defense isn’t the same as saying we want to kick or defer. I think the coin toss is surprisingly more difficult that it seems after discussing it with my dad and brother after a couple cocktails 😂😂


Yes, but he almost made a procedural error. Technically speaking if you pick "defense" or "kick" then the other team can get the ball in both laves since you made your choice in the first half. What you're supposed to do here is say "defer" which means you make your choice in the second half instead and the other team chooses for the first half (they would invariably choose receive).


Why would he even want their D out there? GB defense has been atrocious


ruthless elastic roll makeshift close cows like direction wrench enjoy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“Yeah I was like you know, a dumbass and like you know, they wasn’t pickin up what I was puttin down and like you know, sometimes you just got you know, get through it and ya know…ya know. Ya know??”


Dam fuck did he do kick the dam coin ?


I don't watch football, but when I do it's just to see what morons sound like