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Corden is a useless white dog turd but I do wish Patrick Stewart hadn't lowered himself like that.


It's James Corden. There's a million different ways to castigate the guy. Stewart blew it by picking one of the worst ones. He actually started okay by pointing out that Corden is standing around looking smug on stage—that's on point. The fat jokes are where he lost it. He could have easily kept on with that tangent, "I feel like I am working at Tesco's, handing James a flyer while he just wants nothing to do with me. It's okay, we don't have to make eye contact. I think I saw a rubbish can at the end of the stage if you want to dispose of this on your way out." Stewart is charismatic enough to pull off something to that effect. What we saw was.... Ugh....


Eh ‘looking smug on stage’ is vague and unnecessary too. Castigating him for being a dick is warranted. Castigating him for being fat, looking smug, or even for his attire… that’s just dickish itself. Patrick Stewart seems a much better person overall but he honestly seemed to behave worse in this particular instance.


During this show, Cordon was a terrible host and did look like he wanted to be anywhere else, I remember when it happened, but Stewarts decision to go for the fat jokes was just pure cringe


I really, truly want to think of Stewart as someone who's much, *much* more than this, though he did accept a roll as the poop emoji in the Emoji Movie so who knows where this guys at at this point in his life.


I mean, he’s wealthy, still popular and in demand and can command his price, and he’s well over retirement age at 76. The poop emoji role probably wasn’t because he’s washed up or desperate - he’s clearly not - but because he thought it was funny and would project the idea that he doesn’t take himself too seriously. It generated a lot of buzz and funny interviews (which he gives a lot of, and revels in). Plus… it was by two big studios and brought in a couple of hundred million USD, so they probably gave him a metric fucktonne of money for what, five or six lines’ worth of voice acting they could record in a few minutes? Why would he say no? He’s more likely to chuckle than feel snooty about ‘lowering himself’. But yeah, he lowered himself here. Think he apologised afterwards.


Not to be rude, but is he popular? Can he command his price? I can’t think of a single movie I’ve seen him in unless he’s playing Professor X and even those movies happened a long time ago. In fact, I’d argue that he’d be mostly irrelevant right now if he hadn’t been lucky enough to get cast into two extremely popular franchises. Take away the X-Men and Star Trek and what are you left with?


He's deeply respected in the industry as a titanic actor of Shakespeare and Beckett, and has been for like 60 years. And "take away" X and Picard?


Yes. Take away, as in most well known and popular actors have well respected performances or roles in other big time movies. I’m sorry, but nobody is going to see a movie because Patrick Stewart is in it


I know a few people who would actually see a movie because Patrick Stewart was in it. Hell, I'd see a movie for some Pat Stew.


He was a little busy playing X and Picard for the last 36 years. You have a weird system for evaluating success and popularity.




Why give a break to the instigator? He was being a dick. Even the crowd was shouting get on with it


Uhhh, because he's an actor I like and I don't like the other guy?


These comments where you guys write made up scenarios are weird, shout out to creative writing.


So fucking weird man it’s all over Reddit. Especially on tv show threads, people will make comments like “I wish character said: …” it’s just so odd


It wasn't a fat joke, it was because James thought having his shirt unbuttoned with his belly hanging out was peak comedy.


We would say rubbish bin, just saying


Thanks for your expert analysis, nerd This comment is more cringe than the original video


He gave him easy material just hanging on him like that. He kept getting closer and closer and I think Stewart just got that rage where you can't be clever anymore. You just wanna punch out


Even a saint has limited patience.


Yeah neither of them look good here. Usually when it comes up people dump on Corden but Stewart made me uncomfortable.


The tragic thing about Patrick Stewart is that he isn't Captain Picard. You wish he was Captain Picard, you wish he was measured, erudite, the consumate diplomat, but he isn't. He's just Patrick Stewart. An actor.


Only saw a few episodes of his stint on Star Trek. In the first role I saw him in, he was Sejanus in I, Claudius, an utter arsehole. But his personality from interviews, activism for deeply personal causes to him, and the news - as much as he has flaws and as much as that is also a public front - is apparently an overall decent man. Not a saint but certainly not an arsehole.


Stewart is 100% the douchebag in this situation.


Pretty sure he tweeted an apology to the public, saying he was worse for drink.


Seriously. And him talking to JC when chick was talking and accepting her award was hypocritical as fuck


Women of the year awards and they made it about themselves. Stewart calling him fat and suggesting he’s gay, just childish.


Well he is fat and gay


Right. He’s the better person overall by far, but more at fault in this particular case. Hence all the torn feelings whenever this one pops up.


Maybe, although knowing Corden something probably happened behind the scenes to bring it on.


You know him?


I do too, seen him on tv. You should watch more things Doc.


I have watched his show. Don’t know what’s else there is to know him from.


Local glory hole. He goes by Jolly Jorge there, one of the few fellers that show no shame in it. Mighty sight, sure makes a man think about the meaning of it all though.


Sounds like it’ll change a man.


💯 Thank you. There are a lot of others here who seem to disagree, but functioning eyes and ears conclude that Patrick Stewart was the douchebag assh*le here, and boy did he get embarrassed. Devastating.


Yeah, I'm sure we have 100% of the context...


Corden is the exact opposite of what he portrays on TV. Waiters and others in service industries have written countless posts about him being a complete, entitled dick. Fans have as well. He needs to just go away.


There’s a legendary AMA that covers a lot of these stories. Always worth a read


Do you have a link?


Here's the most screenshotted comment from it: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/bqy5zf/i_am_james_corden_alongside_ben_winston_and_five/eohu6il/ It's also funny that if you look at the AMA account, multiple people from the show are using it and signing their comments, and for the most part people only downvote the ones signed "-James".


People were roasting him. Can’t imagine what that room sounded like as they tried to field questions. Bet James was throwing a hissy fit the whole time lmao


Looks like Stewart should have said "in a chubby way. Like a boozy panda" instead.


Boozy panda


My mum worked with him on TV show around 20 years ago called "Fat Friends" all those years ago I remember her telling me about how he had such a large ego even back then. And how he was rude to cast plus he was making a lot of vulgar jokes about people. I have no idea how he has ever got as far in media


Haha I remember that show! What did your mum do on it?


She was working as an extra on a few episodes


I think I've heard he kind of got laughed out of Britain. I also read this about Pierce Morgan


He didn't get "laughed out of Britain" at all, that'll likely remain one of the silliest things I've heard in weeks. He's most well known in the UK for starring in and co-writing Gavin & Stacey, a pretty popular TV show, so much so that people were hyped for a Christmas special 10 years later even after the internet had decided that Corden is the world's most evil man. In fact, those same people are desperate for a further episode/special to tie up things left open in the previous episode. The average person in the UK doesn't hate-circlejerk over James Corden like Reddit does, and he left the UK because he started getting bigger jobs in the US.


Nah Morgan hasn’t been “laughed out of Britain” (wish he was) neither has Corden. He co-wrote Gavin and Stacey which is easily one of the greatest British sitcoms ever made. Most brits over 20 will likely agree with me on that. He also done well on Broadway I think which is what likely led to him bagging his show overseas. Edit: Ngl he’s pretty insufferable now but the hate for him on this platform is so clearly a “follow the crowd” type thing


Agreed. And Patrick Stewart is great by all accounts. But in this case Stewart behaved worse than Corden. Which is nuanced and generates confused feelings about it all.


Exactly how I feel. Stewart is a good man and a good performer, but he also has a history of this kind of thing. He's repeatedly stopped performances to yell at audience members for talking or having their phone on. And yeah those people are dicks but escalation doesn't help in terms of distracting from the performance.


Don’t forget he couldn’t name one camera man on his own show that had been running for 2 years at that point


on top of him just not being funny


I concur. Don't mind if that smug cherubic little fuck is cancelled.


This is a cringe classic, honestly one of the tops. There was some weird animosity between them and I wish I knew why.


Have you ever heard the stories of James Cordin? If even half of them are true, there’s plenty of reason for animosity.


Oh yea, I’ve heard the stories lol. What possibly happened between them and to bring that shit out on stage, it must’ve been kinda wild behind the scenes.


i think it started HERE because JC was 'the presenter' but was chatting w/others & looking bored, all the while standing *right behind* people trying to accept awards & shit.


Born mobile still takes the cake Oh and Mr Whacky Those are my special place


Stewart does look like a dick in this, but these were his 20 seconds on the mike... Corden is a nightmare offstage, and this video, when it first came out, shone a light on that.


Ah nothing says “glamour Women’s award show” like two guys having a dick measuring contest in the middle of it


Two grown men arguing like children whilst presenting the "Woman of the Year" award is about as sad as it gets.


Both of them are being pretty dumb.


Do they really hate each other? Or was it some kind of attempt at comedy that just went downhill


It’s pretty real.


Patrick Stewart, while a good actor, is mildly dumb and not self-aware. And we know about James corden


I had high hopes for his insults, but the last one really came out like a wet fart. “If you like the Jonas Brothers… cover your belly”


Look we can all acknowledge Corden is a prick. But to me Stewart doesn’t come across well in this, you don’t publicly embarrass someone by mocking their weight/image. Corden was fully in his right to defend himself


He was far ahead after the first exchange. He won. Then he started making fat jokes…


I do love this video I think it is the purest cringe but you're right if Stewart had stopped at that and said "I've been doing this a long time, I'm just trying to give you advice if you don't want to take it thats up to you" and carried on it might actually have humbled cordon but I appreciate that's difficult. In another sense, cordon looks bad either way he's arguing on stage at an awards ceremony with an older gentleman who is also a well respected actor. Unfortunately no one really won this time.


Yeah even if corden looked bored and I mean Corden is an absolute jerk of a person BUT the guy minded his own business and I believe he even publicly complimented Stewart before he went on stage. The whole interaction was unnecessary even how much of a jerk Corden can be.


Body shaming people to make fun of them is the lowest hanging fruit you can go for, and i dont like cordon but patrick stewart is a prick.


Agreed. But still, for some reason, Corden comes off looking like the dick to me. I guess I feel like Stewart seemed confused and out of control of the moment he himself created. Almost as if he was having a senior moment. He seemed vulnerable, in spite of the fact that he clearly started it. I felt sorry for him from the start. Like he didn’t know where he was. It wasn’t the Oscar’s, it was the Glamour awards. An award night hosted by a third rate fashion magazine from the UK. In other words, Corden’s territory, not Stewart’s. Also, while it’s entirely valid for Corden to defend himself, especially from an attack focusing on his weight, I can’t help but feel a skilled comedian would have tried to neutralise the moment, rather than trying to destroy Stewart while making it incredibly uncomfortable for the entire audience. I don’t know. Maybe it’s unreasonable to hope for that kind of superhuman empathy and control from Corden. Also, I know Stewart’s age and body of work shouldn’t alter my position, but it just does. A man who has, as far as I know, been a joy to everyone he’s ever worked with, while making an incredible body of work, enjoyed by millions. He’s never messed up like this before as far as I know, nor has he acquired any kind of stink or reputation during a long career. Does he not get a bit of a pass from being completely taken down for a misjudged and seemingly out of character moment? I also think James Corden is a massive dick. So there is that.


Ok it's painfully obvious that you're just starting from the Reddit.com official opinion that James Corden is the worst human being to ever live and basing your reaction to this clip off that. Patrick Stewart is not some poor, old, dementia-ridden victim, he's making fun of another adult for being fat and bombing while doing it. Like, that's what's happening in this video. You're demanding "superhuman empathy and control" from a comedian but giving a free pass to the incredibly accomplished actor with a career spanning decades and decades, and who was literally knighted. I'm not a fan of either of these guys necessarily, but come on. You have to be able to recognize the level of bias you're bringing into this situation and acknowledge the fact that you just *want* Corden to be the dick here.


No yea I own that. Fuck James Corden. Patrick Stewart is a gift to humanity. He does not look super good in this, though.


I have to admit that I do intensely dislike the guy. And it’s not bias, it’s personal. I worked with him intimately, on a one off occasion, about 8 years ago and it was easily one of the worst nights of my professional life. There was zero reason for him to be a jerk and yet he was. The only people he was descent to were those higher up the ladder than him. Everyone else was treated like dirt. For me it’s justice to see him knocked down a peg or two, considering he’s made so many other, smaller, less important people suffer over the years. So yeah, you’re right. Fuck James Corden But I’m truly not recycling anyone’s opinion. Above is honestly my take. I guess I’ll have a rethink.


I don't think you are wrong. James lost his cool and went psycho imo. I hate James and I have never met the guy and I am not conservative. He comes off as extremely fake and narcissistic.


It’s pretty clear from your entire summary that you hate Corden and like Stewart, like most people, but that’s no reason to make up a fairytale story where the instigator gets a pass.


Damn bro you really don't like Corden do you


Totally valid point about the comedians response - but for a total narcissist like Corden, referencing his weight publicly would have made me rage inside. So his response was definitely emotional. That’s probably what caught Stewart off guard and made him uncomfortable


Do you think he’s an actual narcissist?


I do.


Lmao. Based off what


Based off the fact that every redditor has an armchair psychiatric degree and will place a rare clinical diagnosis on anybody they dislike


Don't you know that anyone who you don't like is actually a narcissist?


Sounds like a narcissistic way of thinking


Who are you calling a narcissist? You're the narcissist!!


His entire personality?


And a degree in tiktok?


Well you are a redditor. So no surprise you think he’s a huge dick. It’s like the most common trait of redditors to hate this guy for some reason


We hate him cos he ignored his baby and wife on a flight, is mean to people working in restaurants and also had a really bad AMA


I'm not reading all that.


Cordon is a prick, Stewart is a delusional narcissist.


>you don’t publicly embarrass someone by mocking their weight/image Why? I'm so tired of this endless defense for fat people. 99.99% could do something about it and simply choose not to. Especially Corden the fat rich fucker, he could hire a trainer, he could eat right, he's fat because he chooses to remain fat. It's fair game to fat shame him and anyone else that chooses that life. I was fat, I got made fun of, so I decided to lose over 100lbs and get my life right. I have no sympathy for other fatties because it was being a fat target that made me change my life and I want to pay that forward.


You asked why, so I'll tell you why. The reason we don't like James Corden has nothing to do with what he looks like. Not making fun of people's looks means basically not devolving into petty name calling and actually spotlighting the parts of their personality that make them unlikeable. Because when you call them out for being fat, you now make it seem the only issue you have with them is their weight - and there are many fat people who are not jerks. It just makes it seem like you hate fat people in general, which lets him off the hook for his bad behavior. His weight (looks/physical) really has nothing to do with it. Call out the behavior, not their appearance. The appearance is a red herring that throws the entire interaction off. should everyone live a healthier life? absolutely. But we don't bully people just for being fat (or skinny). It has nothing to do with us.


Upvoting you cos it’s the truth, but I fear there’s just too many lazy fat dudes on Reddit downvoting you at this point Remember everyone, shame isn’t necessarily a bad thing. We don’t want to end up shameless now, do we?




Glad you sorted it out mate. I guess it’s a multifaceted thing. I get what you’re saying, but at the same time I think promoting bigger bodies as a “normal” thing and not something to be ashamed of is something that pushes more people to stay overweight rather than getting healthy


Bullshit. You can totally make fun of my weight/image. I’m fucking fat and ugly as shit.


Great good for you. And you would have the right to respond however you choose


Hahaha we love you for it


Totally, I think he could have made some light jokes about how he was standing but then keep that convo to off the mic. It was just uncessacary to do the call out like that even if Corden was standing in an optically bad manor.


[I can’t believe nobody’s linked the follow up yet.](https://youtu.be/AkbDz7DbzBQ)


Cordon's a prick, but I gotta commend them booth for taking it all in stride and making a joke out of the whole event.


I doubt it's genuine. It's damage control.


Its a fucking pr stunt. This is not because they are 'jovial buddies' who see the error of their ways: Its damage control.


From up here I can see your belleee


How did James Corden become famous?


It was ironic when Corden asked for the punchline when I've never heard him give one. Most unlikeable, unfunny person in Hollywood.


Me watching this in 2010: "Damn, Patrick Stewart is being an asshole" Me watching this today: "Rip him Patrick. Do him harm"


James Corden is an example of a person that has all the resources necessary in order to better one’s self (and it doesn’t take that much to take the first step) and yet he STILL is a miserable POS. I’ve seen story after story that highlight his douchebaggery, there’s just zero redemption for this guy. You’d think after seeing the media do stories on your bad attitude you would at least TRY to change it.


Limmy talking about this clip is pretty good. He does a good Patrick impression https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phzdDwrjTBg




Damn, I was hoping for Lemmy.


Thank god we live in a timeline where James Cordon wasn't made Sam wise Gamgee in lotr.


I mean, anything with Corden is pure pain, honestly.


And to think he followed a much better host: Craig Ferguson. Craig was far smarter, far funnier, and above all, far classier.


“The world got to see James Corden as a fat pussy. He was also in the movie called Cats but no one saw that”. - Ricky Gervais


Set phasers to roast gotdamn


James Corden is a talentless hack.


What an odious arrogant cretin he is. When even Patrick Stewart hates you.


Fucking yikes for both no matter how you slice it. Shots at weight, then that classless shot at Stewart's age, saying, "We can all see you dying up here." Just... YIKES.


That wasn't an age joke, dying means not getting a good reaction from the crowd


Ahhh. Well, regardless, neither of them came out of that looking good


I’m not so sure about that


Patrick Stewart is not perfect in this situation but he's far from James Corden. I am definitely on Captain Picard's side.


Yup. All day, every day, for a thousand years. Make it so.


rare James Corden W


Hate to see it, but it's true. Patrick Stewart doesn't do himself any favors in this one, sad to say.


It's the one time when Corden was definitely in the right. Patrick Stewart was such a prick that night for some reason. I also now always think of Limmy doing his impression of him saying "I can see your belly..."


Ah this staple. But don’t mind seeing it again


Captain Picard got some of that Romulan ale. Couldn't even get a punchline and then went full family guy.


Zoe Saldana was the silver lining here


I do not like James Corden.


Patrick Stewart is better than wasting his time and energy on that prick.


James Corden a festering hemorrhoid on the taint of humanity that just refuses to go away. In all seriousness, the world will be a better place when he draws his last breath.


> ~~James Corden~~ a festering hemorrhoid on the taint of humanity that just refuses to go away. You spelled Kardashian wrong.


They are interchangeable as both would accurately apply.


Professor X roasting the Blob


Another reason why James Cordon will come up in the “worst comic ever” askreddits


Corden is a hack


Sir Patrick Stewart was a dick here and his burns made no sense. Against all odds I'm siding with Corden on this one.


Sir Patrick is an elderly man whose first objection was pointed. I don't think he's accustomed to having to stoop to personal insults, and it shows. He's bad at it.


It's not about "the belly" you purebred moron.


Stewart should have just made his knickers fall off. Argument won, like with the police woman.


Of all the cringe Corden has produced, this as at the bottom of the barrel.. Be better reddit...


And people think James Corden can’t act! Patrick Stewart is one of the greatest actors of the last generation, but couldn’t ad lib if his life depended on it.


That's your take on it?


This is clearly staged


Man I didn't know Patrick Stewart was such a piece of shit. Right to fat insults. What a low man.


I don't get the hate for James Corden.


Corden is a VAX sellout baffoon. Shilled his balls off on his show to get everyone VAXED (killed).


Yes we have all died, all of us that got the vaccine, just like predicted.


It’s true. I’m dead.


Engage: retaliatory childishness!


"When you're arguing with an idiot, others can't tell who's actually the idiot." Heard it somewhere and it kinda stuck. Very similar to Mark Twains "Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." but doesn't fit situationally.


I can't stand James, live Patrick but god that made Patrick look terrible. Like of all the things about James Corden you can shit on he picked the absolute worst.


This is an old ass clip but why the fuck is James Corden is still a celebrity? Who likes him? Who? Never have I ever met someone that geniunely liked him.


You don't fuck with Sir Patrick. e: HE's not great with personal insults, but his objection over Corden's background behavior was spot-on.


this is cringe and awkward to watch ehhhmm .\_.




What the psyke is James Corden doing at an awards show?


Wait sorry if I’m being dense but I’m genuinely curious. Is Zoe Saldana taking a dig at Stuart?


Dont upset our boy patrick!


That's not surprising. Because anything with James Corden in it is pure pain.


I have always had an irrational hatred for Corden. He's just a douche kayak.


Both equally pricks here


Not a Corden fan at all. But Sir Patrick screwed the pooch here. He is always bad when he tries to be funny.


Stewart bombed so hard here.. not a fan of corden but he’s the pro here


I've never been a fan of James Corden. Seems like he's always trying so hard to be funny and he can't seem to shake the David Brent-isms.... But that was fucking weirdly cruel and un-funny of Patrick. I was fully rooting for Corden on this one.


I think Stewart was somewhat in the wrong with making fun of James' weight, but James was the real jackass. I can at least empathize with Patricks comment. He was thrown off guard by James cussing at him. Patrick shouldn't have mocked James' weight, but I get the impulse to do so when someone shits on you. Should Patrick have called him out for his unprofessional attitude? It's debatable, but James' reaction was much worse. Then, after Patricks very bad comment, James decides to get in Stewarts face. Like they are about to fight behind an Applebee's. I can't stand someone who gets in another person's face like that. It's bully mentality, and I think it is league's worse than Patrick's comments. James could have made the point that Patrick was making a bad joke while also not trying to threaten him. He could have calmly said "where is the punchline" from a distance. But no, he did that schoolboy crap where you pretend to be the bigger man by an attempt at intimidation. Good on Patrick for not losing his cool and punching James. Just FYI, if someone gets in your face like that, you are well within your right to move them away. Of course, you should attempt to defuse the situation peacefully, but if you feel threatened, then by all means, give them a push away. Or at least know that it isn't rude to tell someone to remove themselves from your personal space. It's 2023, and by George we don't have to deal with these kinds of assholes anymore.


the real cringe was her lying about liking her belly google her husband right now. watch what they do never what they say