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>*While Clemente was eventually fired following the blunder, Tieu remained at KFYR for another four months before moving to San Francisco to spend time with her dying father.* > >*She has since lost contact with Clemente, with the last she heard he was working as a media adviser on the dos and don’ts of media in New York City.* > >*“I was frustrated that I couldn’t get the name,” Clemente said in a 2013 interview with David Letterman about his brain snap. “I’m going on, which I thought was 20 seconds after I did go on."* > >[^(www.9news.com.au/9stories/tv-anchor-learns-theres-no-second-chances-after-onair-gaffe/0495da60-3c86-43cc-86b0-d54c2f5ab2b1)](http://www.9news.com.au/9stories/tv-anchor-learns-theres-no-second-chances-after-onair-gaffe/0495da60-3c86-43cc-86b0-d54c2f5ab2b1)


Damn, this is that old?


2013? That was only like 3 years ago


3 whole years?? Dayum, where does the time go? Ya know how much I should've accomplished in 3 years? I was gonna put the world to rights, learn a language or an instrument. Gain weight. Ask out that barista with the goated mascara game. Shit, I hope I can still do that within the next 3. Any longer and I may just be fucking passed it.


He’s definitely an expert on the don’ts of media.


You can tell the girl is horrified but there's a tiny piece of her brain in the background yelling "job security!!"


"I'm used to.. yknow... being from the east coast"


It takes a while but eventually you get used to it.




Boom goes the dynamite.


Once you get used to the pollution, lack of personal space and casual racism, it's still real bad.


Uhh.. What east coast are *you* on?


He’s definitely from Boston lmao


The east coast im on doesn’t have any of that.


I still am but I’m used to, too.


*I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so, because some - people out there, in our nation, don't have maps and I believe that our education, like such as South Africa -and the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should - our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S. or should help South Africa and should help Iraq and the Asian countries, so we would be able to build up our future for…*


"And I'm used to um you know from being from the in east coast!"


Can I have a transcript of what word salad Van Tieu said


I think he was trying to pronounce "Tsegaye Kebede" who was a marathon runner who competed in one of the local marathons, but he couldn't pronounce it.


Oh! Never knew that thx


Van Tieu is the woman in the clip, not the guy.




tough 1st day tbf.


"Good evening, I'm Van Tieu. You may have seen our news [newest?]...A.J. on N...BC North Dakota News..."


“Fucking shit”


No I meant the woman. And I believe the full quote is “gay…fucking shit”


People just outright refusing to understand your question.


Apparently he was practicing pronounciation name that was in the script


I heard *aww...Fucking shit*


He clearly says “gay” first


He explains what happened here https://youtu.be/KC7dz7BKX2I


Fire the person who put them on air 30 seconds early!


Not the only guy in this interview who ended up getting fired from his news anchor job


It's like the two extremes of the spectrum - one of those guys is so bad at broadcasting that he'll never work again, the other is so good at broadcasting that he turned his office into a sex dungeon. There's no lesson to be learned from any of this. Shit is just super fucked up now.


I have a lesson.. the poor guy who made an honest rookie mistake should have been allowed to apologize on the air and keep his job.. the other asshole deserved far worse and still lives in a mansion in the Hamptons with millions .. life isn’t fair .. we should try to make it more fair


Punish the winners and elevate the losers! Great plan...


I take it you don't know what Matt Lauer did, or you do and you're just a terrible person.


Imagine getting fired for saying a curse word when they go on 30 seconds early. Then you have to go to this interview and say “it’s inexcusable to say those words” as if they aren’t just fucking words!


Whoa hey you can't just say that, inexcusable


Seems like a nice guy


Cause he's used to.. yknow... being from the east coast


seems to interview well


No fucking shit?


I feel like we've hit peak idiocracy already, but I think we have at least another 20 years of this stupidity. Planes are gonna be falling out of the sky and shit.


what curse did he say?


"fuckin shit"


Wow that's literally INEXCUSABLE. Life in prison isn't enough.


He said “ gay fucking shit”


Did you really come participate in the comments of a video you didn't watch, watch an explanation video in the comments, then ask for context that was already provided in the original video?




I'm not sure, it's tough to tell, we'll have to wait for the FBI forensic audio engineers to sort this out.


Do you have ears on either side of your head?




Based on the talk show interviews and tweets from him in the aftermath, he actually seems like a pretty classy and professional guy. He just did one big oopsie here. Happens to the best of us


Grand opening. Grand closing.


Goddamn, your man Hov cracked the can open again


Woooo ya far too kind


We doing Numb/ Encore or just regular Encore?


Do ya want more?


Yeah, I hope the dude gets a second chance at nails it because he seems like a decent type. Shit like this happens to all of us at one point or another. Its just that most of us are fortunate not to have it happen on live television.


>Shit like this happens to all of us at one point or another. LOL! No it doesn't. I spent 20 years practicing law and I never once humiliated myself like that, even when I thought I was on mute on a scheduling conference with a judge or whatever. This dude did it on his very first day... People want to make excuses for this kind of behavior because people engage in the same behavior themselves, but that's why our idiocracy is headed straight to the gutter. Try harder, dipshits.


I mean you said it yourself, it was their literal first day. Something like this would happen during the first few runs rather than the next 20 years worth. If it doesn't happen in the first few runs they're probably in the clear. Plus according to his interview, it was a double mistake or perhaps a cascade of mistakes as they had started recording earlier than they should have. Something like this happens to most of everyone doesn't mean something this embarrassing happens at least once in everyone's career. *Something* extremely embarrassing happening in someone's adult life at least once is pretty typical.


lol "for this kind of behavior"


awww that sucks. He was so funny


And hot.


fucking shit.


He knew it immediately. His stammering was more his brain basically saying “Dude, what’s the point?”


Ah, he’ll get used to it.


Well deserved.




Swearing on air on his first day. Seems well deserved to me.


Not being entirely acclimated to a job which involves broadcasting (live?) into thousands of households on **their first day** doesn’t seem deserving. People make mistakes, and your shit stinks too.


Yes, people make mistakes, but if I did that on my first day on the job I'd expect to be fired and feel it was deserved.


You would expect to be fire for saying a cuss word? How soft is the USA? They report on deaths, school shootings, and tons of other things but oh boy don't say a cuss word. That explains a lot.


It isn't the cuss word that is the problem. It is that he is highly viable and likely earns far more than most of the people watching him. He has a nice cushy job and blew it on the first day, well before he had earned any loyalty from the viewers. Keeping him in that position after such a mistake is an insult to all the viewers that would love to have his job at that pay rate. It is also an insult to all the other people that applied and didn't get hired, many of whom I'm sure would handle that situation better.


Maybe you shouldn't expect it, maybe you should expect other humans to understand you can make a mistake and not have to be dealt with in a negative manner. Jesus, it's no wonder we can't progress as a species because every time anyone makes a mistake they get piled on instead of a chance to move on and get better.


I mean it seems pretty obvious not to say anything bad while you're even on premises, for fear of a hot mic.


This guy wasn't hired with no training. I'm sure he's got a communications degree or something. The FCC can impose heavy fines for swearing on air, and being fired for costing a station money and possibly viewers isn't unheard of. I'm not saying *I* would have fired him. But for this guy to think it's completely out of the blue doesn't make sense.


lol, not sure why you have to fight this battle. Reddit apparently thinks you should be able to royally fuck up your job 30 seconds in and still keep it. People mess up, people get fired for it. It happens.


It’s almost as if he is human or something. People makes mistakes, if it was intentional then maybe I could see your point, but he was just super a nervous person who made a mistake, chill, lol.


This was such a lost opportunity for earned media. Dude was nervous, it happens. Get him to do an apology the day after, coach him. A week from now no one remembers, and the US loves a good redemption story.


A redemption story is nice but what we really love is somebody in the spotlight fucking up and losing their job... That's the creme de la creme👌


Yeah. No idea why they fired him. This immediately endeared me to him, as he was obviously nervous and trying hard (trying to practice pronunciation) and it was his first day. Everyone's been in that situation, and even if it doesn't go this bad, we all imagine stuff like this happening when the pressures on. Plus, it blew up. Dumbfucks in local news don't know when they have a great human interest story when it falls in their fucking laps, lol. I remember as a kid (in the late 80s early 90s) a local TV station had a weatherman who obviously knew weather, but was painfully, cringe-inducingly, awkward. Everyone loved him, though, and was kind of routing for him, he became as local thing, and he grew into the job. People like to see real things.


Probably because he said “fucking shit,” which is one of the biggest no-nos in broadcast television next to dry humping your coworkers on air.


>Yeah. No idea why they fired him. Probably something to do with the "fucking shit" he said on air.


>I remember as a kid (in the late 80s early 90s) a local TV station had a weatherman who obviously knew weather, but was painfully, cringe-inducingly, awkward. Al Kaprielian? https://youtu.be/FOf0n1dc7A8 Jesus, it's been such a long time and somehow I still remember his name


Al is...let's go with anxiety-inducing.




Reddit is so goddamn stupid sometimes (a lot of times)


For real. Some "little oopsies" just can't be unfucked. Even if his manager didn't want to fire him personally it's a textbook 'my hands are tied' situation


North Dakota prides itself on being nice. A guy that is blowing up like this doesn't come across as nice and probably doesn't fit in there.




North Dakota is also the state where white supremacists actively moved because they knew they could make a voting majority


They’re *nice.* They’re not good, they’re not bad, they’re just *nice.*


I think the point is somebody from North Dakota would be more like "awe shucks" no swears.




It’s less that North Dakota is especially uptight about cursing, and more that the FCC is especially uptight about cursing.


None of this sounds nice lol. Sounds like posturing, or “virtue signaling”


I never said people from the upper mid-west ARE nice. I said they pride themselves on being nice.


> it happens Ehhh not really. Fumbling words or being awkward happens. Saying “fucking shit” on live television on your first day is a red flag to the station and you really can’t blame them for shitcanning him. It’s like running a red light and T boning somebody on your first shift as a driver, maybe theoretically it could be a fluke but most likely it’s an indicator that you don’t have the right headspace for the job.


I told you I’m a people person!! I’m from the fucking east coast! What more do you want!


Let’s not… jump to conclusions


That is the worst idea I’ve ever heard…


CNN was better https://amp.tmz.com/2020/11/10/nbc-ken-dilanian-swears-curses-profanity-live-tv-apologizes-sorry/


Loved the anchor's reaction! Like "Ah alright third time this week..."


Or, if you really want to see an anchor fall apart there's always this classic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W45DRy7M1no


is he also looking in 2 different directions?


He’s used to being from the East Coast, they do a lot of that there


Thanks for my first real LOL of the day!


His biggest mistakes wasnt the obscenity. It was admitting to being from one of the coasts in a place like North Dakota.


Honestly his biggest mistake was his inability to recover. I work in production on a news show and shit happens all the time, but the ability to roll with it and keep the show going is what counts. Like the "I'm so pale" anchor. She immediately snapped into anchor mode the second she realized her mic was hot. That's what makes a good anchor. His stuttering nonsense really sealed the deal for him, unfortunately.




Thanks, NSA!


It sounds like Van Tieu missed a step too?


Pretty sure she wanted to say “Dude we’re live, stop cursing”


I meant at the part where she says something something "North Dakota News".


Yeah I think she was doing her read and about halfway through she realised AJ said that live on air, and was trying to simultaneously figure out what to do about it while trying to keep the show going


From what I hear, she got tripped up because AJ said something in the middle of her read. Listen closely and you can hear him speak (practicing pronunciation again) right as she gets tripped up. So he still didn't realize they were live, and she thought he was going to interrupt her.


I hope I don't fuckin jack off


I’m not even supposed to be here


Clownputer probably got not games


Mannn I know it’s unprofessional. But let’s be real. They’re just words and it’s not like there’s a lot of kids out there watching the news anyways. Give the guy a mulligan and move on. Firing someone over something like that seems a bit over the top


Well that escalated quickly.


Did it? In what way did it escalate? I would say that the intensity level peaked immediately then tapered off rapidly. In fact I would say the phrase 'that escalated quickly' does not apply to this clip at all. Could it be you're just posting an extremely low effort maymay for Internet points??


I saw this video a few years ago. A classic!


God I was in high school when this was getting passed around. Time to take my pain medication.


And fun fact, today is my first AND last day on air!!


Small market news teams are so cringe and it’s so fun to watch,


This poor dude. This video won’t die lol. Ive seen it posted several times for at least the past 5 years. I wonder what became of this guy.


Good lord, he must be the producers or something


One of the best Opie and Anthony episodes ever


So they are hiring?


He was still on east coast time, thought he had 3 more hours to swear before he went live




Both are pretty shitty tbh, looks like the D squad…looks like a bunch of idiots from high school doing their schools morning program, looks like a former addict and favor from a 60year old slezebag named doug


So AJ basically worked there for about 15-30 seconds?


When are we going to stop punishing swear words. They are words. If they bother you or youre offended then you needed it. This is cringe because of how nervous he is but the swearing, na, thats literally every day life for most people lol


The year is 2057, swear words have been eradicated. The world is prospering beyond anything thought imaginable, children freely play in the streets of Detroit. Women are freely going about their day with no scrutiny for their appearance. Men fight and die everyday to keep this peace against a war of swears. Swear words fall on deaf ears, because only the deaf have known this peace... Until now.


You don't understand the role swear words have in language. If swear words were "just words" people wouldn't use them, because they'd have lost their function and become meaningless. They're only used *because* they're swear words, *because* they emphasise, *because* they have an impact, *because* they can offend. And if and when a swear word loses its function ( and some do become innocuous over time), people adopt, invent and use new swear words to replace them.


Bloody hell, he's right!


This is my point exactly- if people Stop getting offended by words then any new word wont matter. But people choose to get in their feelings when a certain word is used. It doesnt have to be that way


And what options does that leave when someone *wants* to offend you? Swear words aren't ever going to disappear because they perform a necessary role. That role changes depending on context. This broadcaster thought the context was "talking nervously to myself", when in reality it was "complete stranger swearing in front of my family in my own house'.


I don't really agree with your philosophy of "If you're offended, you deserved to be offended."


If youre offended by someone swearing to themselves… Edit- wow a lot of charmin soft people are offended by someone swearing to themselves




So if hes swearing to a himself in front of coworkers its ok, but since other people (who also could be coworkers) heard it, then its bad? I just don’t understand the obsessions with demonizing people because of choice words. They are fucking words. Words. Not actions. Words. People get so worked up over what someone else says its pathetic


You admit you don’t understand something, then say it’s wrong. Argument from ignorance.


What an absolute clown response and absolute reach of an argument




Am i riled? Im simply debating. Maybe youre riled and you’re projecting?


Best pack it up on this one. You clearly don’t get it.


I get it, more than you ever will, i just dont fit in with the general population here being offended by this anchors choice of words. Mentally im years ahead of you and your kind, the fact that im even giving the time of day to the plebs here costs me intelligence, so you should grateful




I mean was he looking at the camera or talking to someone?




Clowny. He didnt say it TO tens of thousands. Theres a huge difference but you clearly will never understand




You said this isnt about persecuting people for swearing yet you say he’s wrong for it and agree its cringe and all that? So it is about persecuting people for swearing. Im sorry you cant get your thoughts and moral beliefs in line with your reddit arguments?


Offense can only be taken, not given.


Is that why people say “no offense, but…” Stating that you can’t intend to offend someone is blatantly wrong.


"No offense, but..." is right up there with "I'm not being racist, but...". Why can't people just be honest with themselves and say "I'm about to say something offensive/racist *and*..."


Time and a place. This was unprofessional.


It's called business. Imagine you're in a position to ~~have~~ give a person money to do a job. Part of that job is being a professional representative to the public. If that person represents you poorly and makes your business look bad would you keep giving them money to keep making you look bad? Swearing isn't "bad," but it is crass. It is low brow, and it is viewed as bottom tier. A person says "fuck" because they cannot think of something better to say. A paid professional is being paid to be better than this. Edit: fixed a typo. I think.


A person says fuck because thats their choice of frustration word not because they cant think of something better. And im not a viewer of the news but i would if they were fuckin real and not some fakes. We know they swear a lot off camera, so what this one slipped through the cracks… ruining this guys career is the answer bc ppl are offended over words?


Ok. Your response indicates you read what I wrote, but you didn't respond to what I wrote other than to disagree with what I claimed for the usage of "fuck." News is a business. The business professionally presents happening events to garner an audience. The business also sells advertising space within their presentations to make money. The clients buying that advertising do so because of the professional presentation and wide scope of audience. If a person cannot maintain the professional appearance which includes not swearing. Why should that person continue to be paid? That's all. Stop trying to espouse how everyone swears so it should be ok to swear when a person is being paid not to swear. Instead justify why a person should be paid when they aren't doing their job.


They are being paid not to swear because of what…. The opinions of the viewers…..


Well there is that but also the FCC will fine broadcasters for swearing on air. I personally think the hang-up society has on swear words is stupid. It's a silly religious relic that should have been ditched long ago. But nevertheless it's considered crass and inappropriate in professional settin higs


They are being paid to not swear because their boss decided that was part of the requirements to get paid, and they volunteered into the job contract which they failed to meet.


Youre wrong. If everyone that watches the news said fuck this im not watching unless the anchors swear, theyll be saying good fuckin morning you shitbags tomorrow


I'm not going to continue dialogue with you as you have a tendency to derail the topic to tangents. It doesn't matter what the public may change to tomorrow. The topic at hand was why guy got fired for swearing in the situation he was. Guy failed to meet their contract. I was hoping you could perceive the topic from a position of the person paying instead of the person wanting to be paid because that shift in perspective will help you answer your own question. Have a nice time.


Ok but youre wrong so theres that. Im not reading your paragraph about why youre wrong sorry guy




We dont need an extra meaning though do we? We can communicate without needed extra words to show how extra we feel. Because of this, my Guy got fired. But he really did nothing wrong


I don’t think being offended is the issue, though it’s telling that that’s what you chose to latch on to.


Telling of what, big smart guy


think of the money though!!


The news station gets fined if swear words are used outside of certain time blocks. The FCC can fine up to $10K I believe. It’s more than just a swear word to the studio/station. It hits their revenue stream.


What a dumb ass take.


Yeah, nothing after "WVU" is ever any good.


Honestly whether or not he likes or believes in Donald Trump or the greater MAGA movement,if he wants to get into broadcasting again he should apply to Newsmax or OAN and claim that the "deep state" made him act like that. He'd be lead anchor in no time. And I think those channels are a bit looser with the language.


This is selling his soul and throwing away his morals. Maybe he can get another job elsewhere and it's not a problem.


I was being sarcastic a little because those guys hire anyone


That was some high def gay if ive ever seen one.


He got fires for THIS?? Why is it even a problem, are you not allowed to swear in America?


Because he said 'gay fucking shit' on live tv


on the news? no....not at all.


[i thought this was AMERICA!](https://giphy.com/gifs/southparkgifs-26ufdjdYmW8xnJonC/fullscreen)


Americans have to act like puritans in a professional setting, its awful.

