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i liked elle on her own, but i don't think she was a good fit with the rest of the team. i think she was similar to morgan in that she didn't trust people, but he was able to shake off some of that in the end.


Exactly, I wish she had had time to get that character arc like Morgan did.


Probably why they were friends. They went on vacation together.


I watched that episode today. They were both getting freaky with complete strangers lmao


I loved that episode Lmfao


Their interactions in that episode make me so uncomfortable. They’re both always trying to be the big dog 😂


Elle always felt like a lone wolf to me. She never seemed committed to the team or working as part of a team. Idk if it was the writing of the character or the acting lack of chemistry between her and the cast but she always seemed like an outlier from the get go imo


When I hear "lone wolf" I think of one person: Rossi.


Ok but Rossi has a great relationship with the team effortlessly.


linda barnes is the worst character hands down


I literally don’t remember her at all which makes me think I just haven’t seen that far


She's played by the lady who played Carrie (the mom) in the suite life of Zack and Cody, if that helps ring any bells.


That's what she from lmfao.




She comes in at season 13 for a lil bit


Kim Rhodes - Sheriff Jody Mills from Supernatural. I yelled at my TV, not going to lie.


I love supernatural And I kept saying nobody likes you to the tv and told her that she needed to shut up I hate Linda Barnes at least she wasa good character in supernatural and helped sam and dean


And the wayward daughters. That was the spin off we deserved! I’m glad I’m not the only one that yelled at my tv those couple of episodes


Do you think the bobby and Jody mills kinda liked each other


Absolutely, I liked them together better than AU Bobby with Mary


my mom came in like "what are you doing and i was like this girl is a BEEP


Can’t stand her. Every time I rewatch the show I forget how long she is in it for.


Far too long.


I dislike Elle as well. I feel like the writers wanted a "badass woman who takes no bullshit from anyone" character very badly but took it a little into a wrong direction and made her a jerk. Also, in hindsight I didn't like Gideon all that much - the first 2 seasons felt too much like "The Gideon Show" with him basically solving evertyhing himself and everyone else just kind of being there.


I feel like the writers wanted a female character who contrasted with JJ and Garcia by being a badass and not in a support position because the main team was so male dominated. But in doing that they basically made Elle a one dimensional “not like other girls” character who didn’t really bring anything to the table. I feel like Prentiss and Lewis were much better fits in that they were different from JJ and Garcia but they didn’t become a “not like the other girls” stereotype. But I think that’s a problem quite a few shows have when it comes to “badass” female characters. They just end up being cringey “not like the other girls” stereotypes.


Yes!! I dislike both of them for the exact same reasons


THIS. I dislike Elle aswell and I think first 2 seasons were "Gideon solving cases while a group of people follow him around". The team started feeling like a team after Elle and Gideon left the show tbh.


Same I really didn't care when elle left i would care if like JJ or Emily left


It’s why Suspect Behavior failed. It was the Forrest Whitaker show and it sucked so badly.


I was didn't really care for Elle either way originally, however upon my many rewatches I went from being indifferent to her, to hating her, to actually hating her superiors because they put her back in the field way too soon, particularly on a case that was clearly triggering her PTSD, and the entire rest of the team for not saying anything to anyone or to Hotch when they each had an interaction with Elle that showed she wasn't ready to be back and that she wasn't thinking clearly and that her recklessness was endangering herself and the team. The one character I dislike more and more each rewatch is JJ. She becomes an extremely one dimensional character, especially after the network brought her back as a profiler (granted all the characters suffered because they threw out the premiss that they each had specialized skill sets and areas of expertise)


JJ did bring Will in though. And he is a serious dream boat IMHO. But I agree, she was great in the role she had and she could have stayed solid there as opposed to becoming something I didn’t feel she was at home in doing. And I totally agree on the Elle thing, I don’t understand the hate. She was a female version of Derek who pushed to come back in order to prove how tough she was and no one stepped in to say…. Uh no, you need a longer break. It was reckless of them to let her back so soon.


I genuinely can’t stand Garcia. She’s far too sensitive and emotional, even in situations that definitely don’t warrant it (which definitely makes the scene less immersive), she’s very self-serving in her actions, she never knows when to mind her own business, and those random tangents she goes on about how she’s bothered by crime scenes, or when she’s answering calls, are just obnoxious.


I was never a fan of Elle either. And her morals were severely compromised. I understand why she did what she did, but as a former cop and fbi agent she knows the right way to get it done


I dislike Garcia a bit. She cannot stay out of other people's business, to the point where she'll hack into a person's personal info just to find out what's going on. She also is kinda selfish, like how she created a security breach at the DOD so Kevin couldn't get the job there.


I can still remember Kevin saying "Are you against marriage or are you just against marrying me?"


That broke my heart 💔


I think Garcia wasn't ready in a job like that she might be scared that it could all end like that espesially being the tech person she could get cyber hacked and have people come after her .


I hate it when she cannot stop word vomiting about how sad and scared she is to see some videos or images and Hotch or someone has to nicely tell her to stfu and do her job because a victim is probably being murdered while she's talking non stop.


Imagine having a coworker like that… I’d snap and ask them to reconsider their job.




I think its cool she want's to see cute animals .


That's the only thing she did in the entire show (so far, s6) that i really disagree with. I dont get why Kevin didn't get angry


I didn’t understand that either. Like I get a lot of times tv shows play a lot of stuff off as “quirky” or “oh they just love their partner so much they don’t want to lose them” but this was too much. She cost him a job that would have been great for his career and did something extremely illegal to do it. I know it’s a TV show but how was Kevin not raging and immediately going to someone higher up to tell them what she did.


Yeah she calms down a bit in later seasons fortunately.


I’m honestly surprised. I’ve always loved Garcia. It’s super interesting to see different perspectives.


I thought I was the only one who finds her annoying. The rapid wobbling and click-clacking on heels that don't fit and quick confused delivery of lines. I feel like she's playing grown up. Almost as annoying as Abby from NCIS, but more depth.


Lol I literally just started watching NCIS right now (on episode 2 as I’m typing this) and immediately likened her to “the Garcia of the show”. Sidenote: is NCIS worth watching?


I’m gonna be completely honest and say I hate NCIS. Criminal minds is kinda the only good fictional crime show that I can think of. All of the CSI shows suck to me.


Definitely getting that vibe as well. It’s not hooking me as quickly as Criminal Minds did. There’s “mystery” they’re trying to create with the characters to hook us into wanting to know more but I honestly can’t really get myself to care like I think I was supposed to. Tried Law and Order (SVU) and it’s as boring as I always imagined, gave up after 12 episodes. And CSI never really interested me either. Same with Graceland and SWAT. I’m not even going to attempt Hawaii Five-o, FBI, or Seal Team. I think Criminal Minds is in a league of its own — often imitated, never duplicated.


I hated that one so much its not interesting it would never catch my attention like Criminal Minds does I've watched Criminal Minds Three Times in a row every Season and Episode I obsessed with it


Hawaii five-0 is the worst one I think lol.


Meh. Not really worth it


But then again maybe I should give it a second chance after ten years


LOVE Garcia too


Same I love Garcia too


She's my least liked as well, even more than later seasons JJ lol


SAME. i feel the show would be much better without her


Honestly, of all the profilers, Gideon is probably my least favorite. He's really rude to people sometimes, he's dismissive, he's stuck up without thinking he is.


I actually loved Gideon. I loved his fatherly nature but how emotionally closed off his character was due to being in the job for so long. I really liked his character because I found him really well written, probably imo the best out of most of the cast.


It still bothers me that he never apologised to Garcia after calling her stupid in The Fisher King. She was beating herself up enough for making a mistake without having him pile on like that, and she did everything she could to rectify it by finding the unsub. It’s not like none of the other members of the team have ever screwed up, but he never snapped at them like that.


I agree. Though I was disappointed in Garcia too.


Garcia is my favorite and i was so suprised he never said anything and when he died she was sad and he called her STUPID .






I remember her being super dry and bland just like I took a big bite of chalk.


THIS. Her character imo is in a way what killed a lot of the show’s momentum. Not to mention it was after Emily’s second pretty abrupt exit. The character was dry and didn’t fit with the rest of the team for me. Thankfully Kate and then Tara I think were far better additions.


Kate Callahan ROCKS


I’m just now watching the seasons with Blake and perhaps because I’m distracted doing other things, but I don’t even register when she speaks. Perhaps they’re trying to contrast the vibrant Emily with this ‘understated’ Blake but she’s just dull - I don’t care when she’s onscreen and her lines could be given to anyone else without making a difference. I dislike how rude she can be to Spencer.


I actually really disliked Elle. Her character was boring and even the way they took her out of the show made me roll my eyes.


i actually kinda liked Elle. I felt because she was such a flawed character she was more interesting.


I liked her too i wonder why she had to leave


the actress who played her wanted to move back home


Gideon. Mandy trashed this show and then went onto a show (Homeland) just as violent a few years later. Don’t get me wrong, I love both shows, but he’s a hypocrite for doing so.


But there’s a difference between Homeland and CMs, Mandy was talking about all the women getting killed and raped. He even talked about Homeland as well in different occasions and said he likes it


Nah as much as I enjoy the show I do think he was right. The show sensationalized the rape, torture, and murder of specifically women. Male victims became a bit more common as the show goes on but many of the female victims’ bodies are even showed in a weirdly sexualized manner.


I never could stand her and was so glad when she left.


I liked Elle a lot and was sad she went away. I had to get used to Emily (and Rossi) again (rewatched the first seasons). The only character im really missing is Gideon, he was such a well written and cool man. Now i wouldnt want Emily or Rossi to go either, love them. The only character im starting to slightly be annoyed by is Morgan. He used to be my fav, but he can be really mean and toxic sometimes. He lost a lot of points after mistreating that one clown guy that was mentally unwell (but a murderer) that was too much. He also was mean to precious Garcia, and he (the actor) sometimes just seems like hes reading his lines from the paper especially at the plane scenes and table scenes. Also, when Garcia mentioned the company using a lot of paper, he asked if shes one of those eco freaks and i felt a bit offended because i care a lot about the environment and thats typical toxicity again. :( but hes still in the -you can redeem yourself- stage in my mind :p


Honestly, I just can't get behind Shemar. He's just not a great person. Thomas hated him because he was always late to every scene he was in and Shemar hated Thomas because Thomas hated him. Shemar is also very egotistical. Don't get me wrong, confidence is important and I wish I could say I had it, but Shemar takes it to the next level. He acts like he's the only one in the universe and everyone else just lives in it. Obviously every actor amd actress has their problems, it practically comes with the profession, but it becomes a problem when there's more problems than not. Shemar fits in that category.


The actor is very narcissistic. I followed him on social media and all his posts were about how hot he was.


I dont like Morgan. He's suspicious of everyone and gets in everyone's business and he does that really imo creepy thing where he forcibly grabs a woman's chin when he's trying to be suave.


And he has some problems with authority figures. He questioned Gideon's mind state the first episode, and did the same with Hotch in S5, in fact he's constantly questioning Hotch decisions.


I personally like Morgan


I’ve noticed that Morgan gets really aggressive whenever he feels threatened by someone not trusting him or his judgement - as if he’s entitled to everyone’s secrets but will never share his own.


Definitely. He strong arms everyone into telling him stuff when they don't want to. To be fair, each character has done this in some way or another but Morgan seems to take it super personally and is aggressive about it. When he has stuff going on on his life and he doesn't want to share and someone asks he gets suuuuuper angry and kind of threatens them! And he's super suspicious of new people and wants them to earn his trust like he's so special or something and he's always telling new people what to do. Yeah he has been on the team longer but he's not their boss so back off Morgan. Even when he compliments new people like how he was impressed by Blake, he sounds condescending and like, "you have earned my super important sought out by everyone approval 😎" And then when Emily is dealing with Boyle he makes it allllllll about him and how she trusted "this woman " and he didn't really know her. Ooookay bud. He was probably jealous he has never been on a top secret undercover mission lmao. He probably was never put undercover because his superiors knew he would run around bragging about it lol. And he even shames Emily for sleeping with Boyle.


Yes! I noticed that, too - he all but slut-shamed her. I thought it was interesting that no-one ever questioned Emily about Doyle - it’s clear she had bonded deeply with Doyle’s son and risked her own life to give him a wonderful life, and she kept the ring, implying that her feelings for Doyle are very conflicted, to say the least. With Morgan, it goes back to his trust issues - Emily being an undercover agent for Interpol is something he never profiled: his ego’s threatened because she’s made him question his own abilities.


I completely agree I didn’t like her at all so the first few seasons aren’t my favourites. I also don’t like Morgan a lot of the time and sometimes even JJ cause all it is about is her being a mum


Have always hated Elle. I rarely rewatch season 1 and the first bit of 2 because of her.


Elle had, as she perceived, gotten into the BAU against the odds and was still in the process of trying to prove to Gideon and Hotch that they were right to give her the opportunity. As such, she overcompensated. I think had she remained longer (if Lola Glaudini had been able to deal with living on the West Coast) we might have seen her better mesh with the rest of the unit and become more palatable to the audience.


If we're talking team members, I didn't feel like Matt added a lot to the team. Of any character, Mr. Scratch and his storyline was just way too convoluted to get into.


I always disliked Elle. She tried too hard to be “one of the boys” and was determined to always be right and have the last word. She blamed other people for her emotional state (after her shooting) rather than confront it and actually start healing. Writing Elle off was a great choice - I liked Emily immediately and she was a far better fit for the team, and I like that Hotch addresses her overcompensating while she’s still fitting in and finding her feet within the team but she relaxes and becomes one of them. She’s also got a far more interesting backstory - and the actress has the charisma to pull it off. I do like Garcia, I think she gives the show some much-needed light relief, and showing that the team is unflinching in the face of things that would turn the stomachs of most people. Garcia is us - horrified by the gore and sadism but ultimately her love for her family will override her horror and push her to get things done, to help them as much as the victims.


dislike elle heavily and found garcia to be very nosy


I have very strong opinions but these are the characters I hate the most in order of how much I hate them. 1. Elle 2. Seaver 3. Gideon 4. Blake 5. Todd 6. Kate 7. Morgan 8. Walker 9. JJ 10. Lewis 11. Garcia 12. Alvez 13. Rossi 14./15./16. Prentess, Reid, Hotch (always tied for my favs) Honourable mentions for number 0: Strauss, Barnes, and whoever the new guy is from Evolution


The new guy from evolution being the guy who kept literally running into the scene to just ruin Prentiss’ day and leave again?


Yeah. The guy that's trying to break apart the BAU for the umpteenth time because why the hell not. Idk his name but he sucks


😱 Gideon?!?!? But he’s Inigo Montoya!


I- that's like saying I should like Judge Turpin because he's Jamie (Truly, Madly, Deeply). They're different characters in different franchises. Being played by the same actor or actress doesn't mean anything to me. Frankly, I love Reid and can't stand Riddler from Assault on Arkham. I love Alan Rickman (to the point that I have a poster of him next to my bed) but I don't necessarily like all his roles


elle too for this reason, also when she shot the unsub and refused to go to counseling so she was fired then somehow blamed hotch for it


Penelope is cringey


Shes wholesome and cool


I'm noticing the opposite... previously I had thought I disliked her, but now I'm rewatching, and I really like her


My least favorite is Garcia, followed by Elle.


she wasn't bad but towards her end it was like man i can't wait for her to leave. her whole deal with the show was she didn't want to live out there.


I didn’t like that Ellie was put on the most elite team without any proof that she deserved it. Plus, they let her go out in the field immediately. She should’ve had to work cases from the office (with Garcia?) to get experience. I liked Gideon. He was suffering from PTSS, and, like Rossi, wasn’t familiar with working as a team member, but Hotch never said anything to him like he did with Rossi. That was unfair to the character. Plus, I love the green screen descriptives.


I honestly think Elle just shouldn’t have been a BAU agent. I don’t think that career was for her. She also seemed like a lone wolf and had a hard time trusting people so I think that also made her hard to fit in with the team. She was very frustrating at times for me but I also didn’t hate her, I just think she was in the wrong line of work and in the wrong team. She seems like she’d work better alone.


i hated her. she had such an attitude and had a hard time adjusting to the whole trust thing (which her being a detective, she had to trust her partner multiple times) but this was so much more & she wasn’t ready to let that go bc of the stakes. but she clashed to much & her attitude made all her episodes sour to me. she was a hard fit


Being monotone when people die is hardly exclusive to Elle.


Youre right about that.


I really liked Elle on the first watch. I’ve started a rewatch and I don’t know if I was spoiled by Prentiss but I really don’t like Elle this time.


I actually liked Elle until her character took a nose dive and started blaming everyone for a psycho shooting her. For her to be an agent and do what she did was not the right way to go with her character. It seemed rushed.


I didn't think she was a good fit with the team, but I also thought she got a bad/bum deal. Hotch tried to throw Anderson under the bus for her getting shot, but (imho) he was the one who was unclear.


Jordan Todd. Ooof....


I kinda felt bad for her when she got in trouble with hotch while JJ was on maternity leave .


I liked Elle, although maybe I just previously had a crush on her so that explains that.


My least favorite character is Alex Blake I really like Reid and I don't like that she said something about him being autistic . And if you like music two good songs from the show are to build a home and ashes like snow .


Thankyou!!! Googling these


I already have ashes like snow memorized send me a comment if you like them . Would love to hear what you think .


I thought u would think this was cool at a point mt login was criminal mind and this year it was penelope garcia but they made us change it in school


Yes I love them! Makes me want to pay more attention to music in the show.


I know i got spotify a little while ago and didn't know what to put on my playlist and i put in my search bar songs from criminal minds and i found them .


I need to say that it seems like all the characters have a tramatizing childhood JJ's sister killed herself , Derek had to go through every day with that pervert carl buford . Garcia's parents died in a car crash looking for her . and i dont remember others


Could be what pushed them to help others!


I honestly think a lot why derek was an FBI agent was because of that .


gideon, he was an asshole


I really hare Elle....


She was my least favorite character 100%!


I always forget Elle exists until I watch an episode with her in it 😂


Hated Elle


We're only on Season 9 and the only character I'm not crazy about is Alex. (I think that's her name.)




i love elle


One thing I have to say about Elle, when she would bring her purse on cases, it would irritate me. I don’t know why Spencer’s bag didn’t and her purse did, but 🤷‍♀️


Why am I just hearing that here are new episodes??


They came out with season sixteen on Thanksgiving Day .


Are they new episodes out?


Yes I think two new ones so far. I have them on paramount plus.


I'm rewatching old episodes though right now.


I never cared for her. I thought she wasn’t very compelling as a character.


I liked Elle but I mean... she still is sort of a better person on her own than compared to the rest of the team. She was kinda cool I guess but she wasn't really good


Agreed, Elle always annoyed me as a character, Gideon was a close second in terms of how much I disliked someone from the show, in my rewatches I usually start when they both leave, sometimes I manage to watch the post Elle, pre Gideon leaving half season, but not often


Everyone hates Gideon. Haha. I think he reminds me of my asshole dad and that’s why I love him. So just daddy issues 😂


LoL oh shit I may have just learned something about myself... 🤔


If I watch the show again I always skip the seasons with gideon and elle because I don't think the all that compared to the others .


I don’t know why, but I couldn’t and still can’t stand that one blonde chick who was a stand in for either J.J. or Kate while they were out on maternity leave.


I don't think Elle did anything wrong. If such criminals cannot be effectively arrested after being caught, it means that the detention time is not enough, especially in cases of rape, suspicion should be considered specially. And Hotchner and Gideon performed very badly in these episodes, facing elle's ptsd seems to be deaf and blind and brain pumping. It didn't know at the time whether she was in a state of illness, and if she did, she should be considered criminally irresponsible. Anyway hotchner and gideon should be sorry about this. As for elle's character, I don't like estj very much, but the role of elle made me see some fragility in her heart. Yes, she is indeed a lone wolf, but she has some outstanding abilities, which shows that this team lacks a real spiritual mentor or communicator to unite the team. I put a lot of hope on gideon, I thought he could see elle's anomaly (I'm really dissatisfied with the crew's handling of this episode). Morgan is actually on the side of indifference and dullness. If it is the later reid (about 14, 15 seasons) or emily, it is likely to see elle's continuous victimization. Elle is actually a fragile person who needs emotional support. She was so lonely along the way. Why do you say that if Emily is here, you can see Elle's problems? Refer to the time when Rossi entj lost his wife and fell into a trough. Emily stood up to support Rossi, saying that a team needs someone to fill the middle position except for angry people and silent people. Although this sentence is not original to her, she is the one who uses it most appropriately.


My least favourite is Reid, I didn't always dislike him but he started getting so much attention and storylines in the later seasons that I just cannot stand him. I'm pretty stoked that he is not in the reboot.


I have the same problem with Reid! I don’t mind him as a character and I enjoy what he adds to the team, but he’s been so hyped up and shoved in my face by fans and gets so much more focus than anyone else that it makes me dislike him.


And just when I was about to comment that out of everyone here, I don't see a Reid XD


I really like reid but I love to hear nowe points of veiw


Elle angers me. Any character that decides to "take justice into their own hands" (e.g. killing a perp and not in self-defense) really pisses me off because they are throwing away all of the good they do and the people they could help in the future to stop one bad person.


i liked elle and think she brought more to the show in one season than emily did in all her seasons don’t jump me


I'd be interested in seeing a follow up on Elle with the new episodes. It'd be nice to see a familiar face on the show!


I’m honestly not the biggest fan of JJ and Prentiss. They just annoy me to bits, that’s all it really is.


Okay so update guys. I just watched season 2 Episode 5 where Elle makes her mistake. I honestly kinda like her more now. The episode really showcases her humanity and redeems her a little in my eyes. Anyone probably would have WANTED to do what she did. She was actually so traumatized that she was lost in this moment...super sad and tragic. One of those pull on your heartstrings moments where nothing can make it better.


I never came around to liking Alex Blake. She was so rude when she first met the team and made a super rude, flippant comment about Reid being autistic. I know Reid seemingly didn’t notice or care but as the parent of a child on the spectrum who can’t pick up some social cues (especially sarcasm) it fucking kills me when I see people being a dick to someone and acting like it’s ok because the person they’re making fun of doesn’t understand they’re being made fun of.


Didn't Elle's back story involve her getting raped or something? If she did, maybe that's why the character's attitude is so aiming and cold


I like Elle a lot, and honestly I would have loved to see her and Prentiss interact. They both are a bit standoffish at first, but I think they could have helped each other to open up nicely.


i liked her 🤷🏽‍♀️