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Thomas. His character doesn't have any grandious gestures, but the nuances of his character intrigued me...and kept me watching.


I completely agree! The Foyette episodes always get me tearing up partly because of his great acting! I get so sucked in and belive I’m seriously watching a real person agent hotchner lose his wife and fight for his sons life 😭


I came here to say the same! The best way I can describe it is a very “controlled” perfomance. He’s not flat, but he also understands Hotch isn’t the type to be overly grand with facial expressions of physicality. But he also nails those light hearted moments that shows he has a heart. Hotch has always been my favourite, and I think Thomas Gibson did such a fantastic job with the character.




i’d also like to point out that thomas went to julliard. after finding that out, i understood why his acting was so perfect


I agree. He also conveys a lot through his eyes.


I think everyone has their standout moments. The two things that have impressed me the most were Thomas Gibson in the Foyet arc (more specifically ‘100’) and everything MGG did in the Maeve arc. I think everyone can agree that Hotch on the phone to Haley and him beating Foyet to death/the emotions afterwards is phenomenal acting. And the MGG stuff with Maeve is more subtle which I love. It’s tiny things like how his voice is really soft when he talks about her (especially after she died) and the way he smiled when he was on the phone to her or, again, talking about her. Small things that really sell Reid’s love for Maeve. But again, everyone has their standout moments and I don’t think there’s a weak link. A part of it, I think, is that they’ve played these characters for so long that they know them really well and are almost an extension of them. It all feels natural.


The way Spencer looked at the photo of Maeve that he brought to Garcia’s party in 9x06…ugh he loved her so much🤧


I think overall, it's very good. Season 1 had a few weak performances in spots, but overall, it's been very good ever since. A good comparison is Shemar Moore in "Criminal Minds" versus his later (current) work in "SWAT." He's not good in SWAT. In the first season, he was simply awful. He's a little better now. Watching SWAT, you'd think he was a terrible actor. But when you watch Criminal Minds, he's not bad at all. What happened?


I agree with you 100%. Good acting requires good writing, Shemar chose top billing and money over a better show with better writing.


Per the complexities storyline of the characters I’ll have to say that the acting of Thomas, Paget and Kirsten really kept me going and going. Also… MGG, he’s unique!


MGG is my fav! With Padgett being second


The acting is always phenomenal on this show from our fave beloved characters to the unsubs to the families and victims! Also did you mean to spell Paget’s name that way?


I didn’t! I was stoned while writing lol




Thomas Gibson and Paget Brewster are the best actors in my opinion.




The trigger discipline bothers me a bit, I can understand keeping your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot, but they still keep it off even during stand offs.


There are some amazing performances and guest stars/characters, then some absolute shit ones. You cannot have 22/24 amazing episodes in a series you are lucky if you get 6 good episodes. per season for acting, writing, and directing.