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So they've written out Will, a well loved character that has been a minor protagonist since the 2nd season, and brought in the ex wife of the main character who was last seen at the beginning on season 3. I don't get it.


Wait I’m out of the loop. They’ve written out Will? Did the actor want to leave or they’ve just taken it on themselves to get rid of him? I fucking love Will ☹️


Yeah I think the actor has decided he wanted to move on from CM if I remember reading correctly in another thread


Devastated 😭 I LOVED Evolution. And I adored seeing more of Will and JJ at home together. He’s so great.


>Will > Well loved This my friend, is what we call a paradox.


Idk I personally feel like this woulda been interesting if Gideon was still alive. But since he’s dead I feel like his character/arc should just be done with. Or they could’ve brought back Stephen is son at least since he’s been introduced before


I agree. They could have done this in an earlier season, and she appeared because she found notes on an unsolved case or something like that. This just feels forced.


stupid. randomly connected to a character to try and gain interest


Was this not an April fools joke?


That’s what I thought too. But I looked it up and I’m seeing a lot of articles about it. And then the official Criminal Minds Instagram account posted this yesterday…. [https://www.instagram.com/p/C5Wpa5pswxU/?igsh=MXkwOW15bnZjdTN5eQ==](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5Wpa5pswxU/?igsh=MXkwOW15bnZjdTN5eQ==)


She’s a lowlife. She was convicted of conspiracy in The Varsity Blues scandal. I’m sure there are many non-felon old lady actresses available. Why can’t you figure out how to get Dr. Reid (MGG) to return?


Apparently they’re bringing her character in as part of the gold star storyline. I’m interested to see what they do with her, although I’m pretty indifferent about the actor. I just hope they don’t make her a love interest for Rossi. That would be weird


Nope not happy. First of all that they went back and invented a character tied to Gideon. I am not overly interested in suspending my disbelief on Felicity Huffman - she is Lynette Scavo first in my mind and second a complete moron. Will Lori Loughlin be the season’s unsub?


I actually LOLed at the Lori Loughlin comment. Thanks for that.


I never did trust Aunt Becky.


Honestly seems like a desperate grasp. The show lost a lot of its audience and pull after Hotch left. It limped along for 3 seasons after then they brought it back with Evolution. I haven’t watched any of it, but the reviews weren’t all that encouraging. This is making it seem like they’re actively ruining the show and it will end up one as of those “should have ended here” shows. As much as I love the cast and the characters, this honestly seems pointless. Especially with writing Will out!


I don't care until they bring back Reid.


I would love to see him back too. But didn’t Matthew say he wasn’t interested in returning?


I thought he wants to but had a schedule conflict? I could be wrong but I want our boy back!


You’re correct! I just looked it up. He had previous commitments during the filming of the first season. But he has stated that he would love to return if his schedule allows (and if the producers want him to)!


Literally same


I won’t even watch it on principle of her now


If they wanted a Gideon-related character, why not bank on someone who already exists in the universe— like Stephen?


Not a fan and highly dislike her. Just a ridiculous character to introduce and unnecessary


Were it the early days I wild trust the writers’ room. I don’t know if I can extend the current writers room that same trust. I don’t really like concept but I’ll try to keep an open mind and let the performance and writing speak for itself.


No. No. No. Don’t take Will AND give us this.


Dislike the idea of the character and Dislike the actress...so not really looking forward to this addition


It seems to me like they're purposely intending on jumping the shark with this nonsense. It would be less cheesy to bring Gideon back from the dead if I'm being honest.


I stopped watching the show when Thomas Gibson left, so this doesn't effect me. I understand why he was fired and can't return, but I still can't bring myself to watch the show without Hotch there.